Will 🐱
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Pfp by natotally 💯 he and him ‼️ Idk how this app works so. Go easy on me
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meowzierzz · 19 days ago
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meowzierzz · 25 days ago
New TikTok art challenge wooo
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meowzierzz · 25 days ago
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moving on
getting into dronpa and naruto lately..nonono
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meowzierzz · 28 days ago
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meowzierzz · 1 month ago
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their beef was so unserious
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meowzierzz · 1 month ago
I love ishimodo because they're literally just the two dudes in your class that are so close to each other that everyone jokes about them being gay and one day several years later their wedding photos just appear on your Facebook feed or something
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meowzierzz · 1 month ago
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meowzierzz · 2 months ago
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Oh tumblr... I just can't quit yew .....
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meowzierzz · 2 months ago
Anyone mind sparring any lovely head cannons about mondo and taka. Like this two are borderline obsessed with each other and it's awesome I'm begging ppl for any head cannons they have! Like both of them are so similar they just choose different paths. Personally I think taka comes off like he's more crazy about mondo but it's pretty clear once you spend a while with them Mondo's the same way. Their class is absolutely done with mondo constantly yapping about taka and all the things he wants to do with him like take him places or what movie they will watch later. Class is equally done with taka going on rambles about how caring and how much mondo has improved. Like they love eachother so much
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meowzierzz · 2 months ago
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hinadam week 2025 DAY TWO - sunny morning/winter night
you can see as the comic moves along how i got slightly more comfortable with laying out the panels lmao
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meowzierzz · 2 months ago
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meowzierzz · 2 months ago
i know that everyone loves to make the “they had sex haha” joke about what happened that night between mondo and kiyotaka. but man. what if they just talked??
i know that the manga exists. and i know they exchanged words and had a heart to heart in the sauna then took a bath together after. but then what happened after that??
i like to think that they just hung out in taka’s room and stayed up for most of the night talking to each other. i have the image of them lying down next to each other on taka’s bed and getting increasingly more delirious and lighthearted the more sleep deprived they get. but they love it.
they get to the point that taka’s laughing at everything mondo says and mondo just can’t stop smiling because he feels so light and so happy it’s not even funny.
do they at one point stop talking and just enjoy each other’s presence?? does taka just stare a mondo thinking about how this is the best night of his life and it’s all thanks to him?? does mondo stare at taka and think about how he’s never been this open and authentic with anyone in forever and how great that feels?? does he for a split second think that he could tell taka anything and it’ll turn out okay??
i’m just thinking. how did the one night that taka was willing to give up his life for look like??
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meowzierzz · 2 months ago
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Triple baka but it’s my current faves 🫡 they're all friends in my mind and also all very alive
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meowzierzz · 2 months ago
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what happened in trigger happy havoc
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meowzierzz · 2 months ago
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Rest In Peice, Mondo’s Mo-ussy, you served us well
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meowzierzz · 2 months ago
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meowzierzz · 3 months ago
Part 2 of my FTWD rant:
Okay, now onto the character that I love from FTWD that everyone else absolutely despises: Chris Manawa
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Now, If any of y'all truly know me and actually pay attention to my blog, then y'all know how much I love Chris and hate how he was treated the whole time that he was even a character. I've already made a rant before on how Chris had plenty of potential, but It was wasted just to make the haters happy In my eyes. For the very few of you who actually liked Chris, let's get Into It:
From the start, everyone could see that Chris came from a sort of broken home. His parents were divorced and he was clearly resentful towards his Dad, which was reasonable since he was the one who chose to leave him and his Mom and decided to find a new girlfriend with even more problematic kids, and this clearly pissed him off. But once the apocalypse had started, Chris became mentally unstable, which was also reasonable as his mother had just fucking DIED and she was the main one who cared about him and understood him since she was, you know, his fucking MOTHER. Hell, he even blamed himself more for her death than his Dad, who was the one who shot her after she was bitten, all because he thought that he could have said or done something different to save her life
Now, here's when we go Into the shit In the latter parts of season two of when Chris starts killing as well as when he starts to take a turn for the worse: Chris Is obviously unhinged at this point and no one seems to give a shit. Now, before y'all start bringing up Travis In the comments, I'm already getting to him. I think Travis only cared about helping Chris up to a certain point, before he completely gave up hope on his own goddamn son. Once Chris ran off from the hotel, Travis tried to actually be a good father and go after Chris to help him, only to find Chris pointing a gun at him with a child by his side. After Chris literally says that he's seen the way the others had looked at him as If he was a monster, Travis tries, but completely fails, to defuse the situation by saying that he's not a monster at all, and Chris doesn't believe him. Chris then lets the kid go before he runs out and Travis chases him, and once they're both done fighting each other, Chris looks at his Dad and says “Look at me, I'm no good”
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Now, I personally think that this Is the first Instance of when Travis starts to give up on helping Chris, because after this happens and they try to get back on to road, Chris and Travis meet these completely sketchy guys named Brandon and Derek. Instead of Immediately ditching them, Travis decides to let them stick around, which was mistake number one with these guys. If It were me, I would have kicked them to the curb after realizing that fact that they had fucking followed me after I met them and parted ways with them literally a few minutes later after scavenging for food
Now, here's Instance number two of Travis giving up on Chris: The barn scene. Brandon and Derek clearly have an emotionally manipulative grip on Chris at this point. They're making Chris think that they're his friends and are making him think and act of their own fucked up ways and mind you, Chris Is literally 16 YEARS OLD. But once Chris kills the owner of the farm and Brandon and Derek trick him Into helping them kill their Injured friend, Travis Is completely turning In the other direction and this was clearly seen after Chris reaches out his hand to help him up and Travis can barely even look at him
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Now, onto Instance number three, which Is the final part of Travis giving up before Chris Is officially killed off and the one that still completely pisses me off the most: TRAVIS LETS HIM LEAVE
Okay, so Chris decides that It would be better If he left with Brandon and Derek just so that Travis can go find Madison and Alicia and so that he can adapt to the new world better, right? Well, Travis decides to completely let his 16 YEAR OLD SON fucking leave with the guys that Travis didn't trust from the get-go, who are most likely GROWN-ASS MEN, and could easily do something to him. Travis lets him leave and also decides that the potential last words that he wants his son to hear before he leaves Is “Goddamn you, Chris!”
And, also mind you, Travis doesn't even go after him or even try to go after him whether It was on foot or by finding another vehicle. Nope, he just goes onto find the hotel and reunites with Madison and Alicia, before finding out that the guys that he had never trusted had, big shocker, killed his son a few hours after they had left. Chris died hurt, bleeding, and scared all by the hands of the two guys that he thought were his friends, and Travis just got to kill them as If he deserved to do so and deserved to get that closure when he was the one who decided to let his son leave to begin with. So, If I'm being honest, I didn't fucking like Travis either and Chris deserved better than what he got
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