Reblog if you've formed a meaningful relationship with someone you met online.
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mentally-incontinent · 10 years
YouTube Announcement
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mentally-incontinent · 10 years
*sleigh bells jingle ominously in the distance*
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mentally-incontinent · 10 years
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Does anyone out there in tumblr land know what this dude is?
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mentally-incontinent · 10 years
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Anybody else remember this guy from the old He-Man cartoon?
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mentally-incontinent · 10 years
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The gators aren't the only reptiles in Gainesville. These little guys are like, literally everywhere down here. 
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mentally-incontinent · 10 years
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Since I got my dog back, this is on topic.
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mentally-incontinent · 10 years
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65K notes · View notes
mentally-incontinent · 10 years
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mentally-incontinent · 10 years
Remember the thing I said about rediscovering a song and loving it again? Well yeah, that.
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mentally-incontinent · 10 years
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I tried to take a picture of this lovely bird with my camera phone, but my attempts sucked. A scissor-tailed flycatcher was following me today on my walk. 
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mentally-incontinent · 10 years
Ever put your music on random, and then rediscover a song that makes you fall in love with it all over again? Here you go.
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mentally-incontinent · 10 years
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Sup tumblr. This is me. I'm a fatass. I'm 28 years old, I'll be 29 in a week.
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Objects in the mirror may be larger or smaller than they appear.
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As you can see, I am currently struggling with my weight.
Here is me nine months ago.
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The other handsome gentleman in the picture is my half-brother. He's a good kid.
I was in the hospital, because halloween night, I had a heart attack in my "Widowmaker" artery, on the front left of my heart. Cardiologists call it that because it's the artery wherein if you have a heart attack, you are most likely to die. Somehow, I survived - and not only that, functioned for a week afterwards before the congestive heart failure put me in the hospital. They also diagnosed me with diabetes. Overall, not a fun week. 
So I was put on a strict diet and exercise regimen. I could barely move, with the heart failure. Sleep was hard. Moving was harder. Slowly, I worked myself back to function. In a few months, my heart ejection fraction had grown to 40% - pretty good, everything considered (normal is 50-70%). 
However, I left off. I stopped exercising. I stopped my diet. Even though I'd dropped down to below 300 pounds, I ballooned back up, to what you see now. When I got weight on Wednesday (four days ago or so), I was back up to 340. I was deeply ashamed, and decided I was changing my ways, hopefully for good this time. I have decided I am no longer satisfied with being disgusted with myself in the mirror. To be a turn-off to myself. 
So one thing I decided to do was to start this daily blog. I'm going to post some musings, and a picture of something that was important to me, in some way, that day. Today is this:
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This is the acceptance letter I got from the University of Florida. I'm still trying to make sure that I get in-state tuition, but it looks like this is my next step. 
Another thing I'll be posting daily is a song that was important to me that day, for some reason. I'll post it in the next post.
Thanks for reading, Tumblr. I'll see you tomorrow.
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