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Thinking about soulless beings.
Bonus comic:
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I don’t think they’d get along really well, except maybe on that point.
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mentally-ill-inkling · 19 hours
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and they were both autistic (omg they were both autistic)
Ink!Sans+art used belongs to @/Comyet
Error!Sans+art used belongs to @/loverofpiggies
(sorry for using his Lucidia design btw but honestly, it looks cooler)
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Hc that Cross cries when irritated or angry
And just get emotional easily
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I think it's a little bit funny that Nightmare probably thinks every so often that it's good he and Dream are so old that nobody else was really around for their childhood and no pictures exist. Only they remember each other being so small and innocent and cute, things that would be detrimental to the evil menacing reputation Nightmare has worked hard to build up. Only Dream knows and if he tried to tell anyone there's no way they would believe him on his word alone, so at least Nightmare doesn't have that to worry about.
And then Dream befriends the One Guy in the multiverse who can hear a story and draw an exact perfect picture of it.
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I WORKED ON THIS ALL THE WAY UP TO 3 AM AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT POSSESSED ME. Anyways, this was probably the most fun I've ever had finishing a drawing that I was half asleep for, so yeah ^^
Ink sans was made by Comyet
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day 31!!!!!! a whole ass month!!!!! woah!!!!!
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you make a loop-de-loop and pull
Dust/Murder - Ask-DustTale Killer - Rahawabas Horror - Soul-Apple-Studios Nightmare - Jokublog
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Ever since I saw your post this morning describing Cross's shirt rip as a boob window I've been haunted by this idea so I just need to get it out of my brain
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i audibly laughed omg,, it is a boob window though i am not wrong. it’s his stupid fucking boob window. god killer just. face right next to it. staring intently. love that for him
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i care btw. i care abt the song ur listening to or the bug u saw or how u just got outta the shower or how you're happily hanging out w ur friends or how ur kinda sad or how good was the meal u just had or ur fav character from an indie game nobody knows or if u chugged down some water. i always will
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i love ‘academically stupid’ cross. i love it when he’s slow with reading and shakes when he grabs a pencil and can’t do math problems for shit and science? forget about it. i love it when he hates himself for being dumb when he’s surrounded by people who are so much smarter than him at all times. dust, horror, and killer were all scientists at some point, xgaster and alphys were all geniuses, but cross? he feels he’s just. dumb.
and he hates it. he hates that he mixes up his b’s and d’s when he’s a grown ass man, how he fumbles through words and takes twice as long to write up a report to nightmare than anyone else. he hates that he’s given extra time to read things, how even killer can skim over a math question and answer it effortlessly when he needs to sit down and think for a while about two-digit multiplication.
he thinks he’s the stupidest person he knows. he’s a guard, he was never meant to be smart. the smartest thing about him is his affinity for puzzles that he never figured out the root of (cough he’s a swap sans cough), but you can’t impress people with a rubix cube. and left with nothing to prove, in his eyes, about his intelligence, he feels utterly stupid.
anyway he and 2-p would get along
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i finally finished half the organizing and i have work soon, am shaking due to unknown body signals
Organizing my tumblr and jfc I reblog SO MUCH, I didn't even notice how much I reblog, this account isn't even my first account which is the funnier thing, I've been on tumblr since 2015/2016 and I've had 4 accounts in that time due to the fact I just keep forgetting my account passwords
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Organizing my tumblr and jfc I reblog SO MUCH, I didn't even notice how much I reblog, this account isn't even my first account which is the funnier thing, I've been on tumblr since 2015/2016 and I've had 4 accounts in that time due to the fact I just keep forgetting my account passwords
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Updated [2024/06/30]
Hello !!!
My name is icarus, I'm 17, im canadian and bipoc, my pronouns are it/he, I'm agender and aroace
I like color coded things to make it easier to read and have a mini sheet on which color belong to which characters, i use green on myself bc that's my favorite color! I will abuse using the purple and green color bc they look nice together, i think-
I often do get anxious when interacting with people (irl and online) so it takes awhile for me to respond i do apologize for that and am working on it
I'm autistic & my special interest has been ut/utmv since undertale came out ! (I've been here for the horrors.)
Im multifandom (utmv, bleach, the sunbearer trials, bsd, doctor who, genshin impact, i mostly just play it i never interact with the fandom tho-) but I mostly am interacting with the utmv fandom at the moment !
I write and draw whenever I can !! Im not good at etheir despite doing it for years, I do it for fun tho !!
The only thing i ask is you be respectful and kind !!
I have decided to have tags for certain things to keep it in order for my liking and for people to find what they're looking for better
Tags !!
#inkling rants - for when I rant about certain characters I like and my veiw on certain characters/things in fandom spaces
#inkling reblogs [fandom/character] - for my reblogs
#inkling draws [fandom/character] - for when I do draw fanart, it will speficy which character/fandom it's from depending on context
#inkling draws - same as the fanart one but for original art
#inkling writes [fandom] - for any fanfics i write, it will be posted here and other writing sites i use
#inkling writes - same as the fanfic one but for original works
#inkling vented - this will be used for anything like vent art to general vents, block this tag if you wish to not see it
#inkling yaps - for any yapping that isn't specific to any one group
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i struggled for like 20 minutes trying to post it all togther and it wouldnt let me grggr
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trigger warning bc it gets kinda dark i think? suicidal ideation and thoughts in the last paragraph
He does get pissed off!! Finally, after blue joins the team something in dream snaps. He just finished fighting nightmare in that au, blue, ink and dream are helping the people in that au fix their homes, his body hurts and he just wants to go back to their lil home in the omega timeline and rest. The village had a nostalgic vibe to it, it was on the surface (like his au) it has a nice and big Village (like his au) it was old (like his au) and most important! The Village was kept saying how he couldve done better (like his au)- He fucking snaps at that, he doesnt remember what he says, but he knows he yelled at them, frustrated and in pain, blue had came in between him and the villager he snapped at, and he told ink to take dream somewhere where he could blow off some steam. Dream feels guilty for snapping at the guy, but he also doesn't, because he's so fucking tired and they were just in the middle of helping another au and its like everyone everywhere is relying on them to get the job done and put a end to this and oh God he's supposed to be happy and positive he's the guardian of positivity and oh fuck he jus got angry at that villager. And now he's remebering too many things, it's just like when his brother wasn't.... this thing, how he'd go around helping people, coming back tired but trying to help patch his brother up because those villagers were just so cruel and couldn't see his brother as the amazing guy he is and instead opted to beat the shit out of nightmare while dream did all he could to help them, to lessen the beatens, to try to lessen the hurt of his brother (it seemed to never work why didnt it work). And right now dream thinks what he needs is to go back home and sleep, ink and blue can deal with helping them, ink can portal them both back, dream just needs to go home and sleep and ignore these memories. I think certain enviorments and aus would be hard on dream mentally, he would probably have to go home after helping and just stare at his ceiling, trying to forget those memories because his brother is dead that monster of sludge and guck can't be his brother... it just can't be. night terrors keeping him up, images of his the corruption overtaking his brother play on repeat in his head, hes gripping the blanket like it would help. his eyes wide and his breathing shallow. But he still puts up with it because he has to help, he hasnt snapped at anyone that wasn't part of his inner circle since snapping at that villager, and even then, he barely snaps at ink, blue and cross, when he does he apologizes and tries giving gifts to make up for it, hes feels guilt eat at him because this isnt how hes supposed to be, hes supposed to happy and not snappy. He mostly snaps at himself, sometimes itll be after most of the team gets hurts, other times its because he messed up at making his food... again (he has since been banned from the kitchen, blue cooks while ink and dream are banned from the kitchen, cross helps blue) or his casual clothes got hooked on a doorknob or he dropped something and it broke He's happy most of the time tho he has to be because he's the guardian of positivity, it's normal to stare off into the distance when you're alone in your room and think about bashing your skull into the wall! its normal to stare off the that cliff and think about how easy it would be to just rid your guilt by jumping off it!
Would you guys like to see the rant that i did about dream while completely out of it?
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dream rant yipee!! its being split in two parts this is part 1 context; me and my friend were talking about ages for all the sans aus and i went on a rant about mostly dream at like, 3 am, very sorry if it isnt coherent or if canon info isnt correct, or if seems dont line up- So nightmare can shapeshift his height but naturally due to aging and having grown into a adult 'male' he is naturally 6'6. He didn't really feel growing pains during this period or if he did he doesn't remeber bc he fully grew at like 30 years old (I hc that at 30-40 skeletons are fully grown in height by then). However bc dream was stuck in stone for 500 years (remeber the apple incident happened when they were 8, jus lil guys) he was still quite short when he got out bc he was still a kid. Imma say like, 4'5, inks height. So after like 2 years of being out of stone, his body's like 'its been like 500 years yiu should not be this short' and he gets a growth spurt. He gets 2 actually, first time was 12 inches, which hurt alot his tibia were in pain all the time, his fifth lumbar vertebrae felt like someone punched it, and he just felt like laying down all the time. But he couldn't bc he has to stop his brother and he has to help this au and that au and he has to check on the omega timeline and he has to run around all the time and he's jus soo fucking tired and in pain. After he's grown the 12 inches and is 5'5 ink walks into the picture, and he.... isn't helpful, he is but isn't He helps check in on aus (ink helps with checking in on them bc hey man, someones messing with the script? I'll take a look with ya sure why not) he can sometimes (alot of times) forget he's even helping dream, but he does his best! And dreams thankful. The next growth spurt hits and boy does it hit hard. He grows 7 inches and yes it's less then last time it was more painful for some reason (im projecting my growing pain onto him). It felt like someone had beaten up his spine, kicked his shins and now his feet hurt to walk on, hopefully after the growing he'll be able to walk as long as before the growth spurts! Well you better stop hoping dream your feet will hurt after walking around for about 30 minutes, and you're also fighting your brother and that skeleton with a bullseye for a soul so your feet and tibia are going to be in constant pain! Mind you he may by all means be 500+ at this time, a adult, but in his brain he's 10-13, in pain from growing pains, trauma from the apple incident and now is having to fight his brother. So he'd get a lil pissed off, he'd be a lil snappy.. right? Right?
Would you guys like to see the rant that i did about dream while completely out of it?
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