menobjectifier · 4 years
yeahhh i’m probably gonna remake and i’m only gonna follow back a select few ppl. if i don’t follow u again it’s not bc i don’t like u, it’s just cause i’m trying to move on from the friend groups on here i used to be in bc of bad memories. 💖my mental health has been struggling lately so. i think it’s best if i start over
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menobjectifier · 4 years
I fully expected tumblr to just not turn back on
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menobjectifier · 4 years
anyway, panphobe jokes aside, you can go through my bi tag to read more about why pansexuality is biphobic and transphobic (as well as why a lot of your bi and pan headcanons are racist and colorist, but I can talk about that another time).
also here are some p good posts/sources:
bi vs pan
biphobia as a result of pansexuality
also this really good post that I always send to people
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menobjectifier · 4 years
like i just wanna like. form a new friend group n stop going back to friends i made on here that i associate w a shitty time in my life y’know
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menobjectifier · 4 years
might remake and assume a new identity. just delusional things
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menobjectifier · 4 years
I am full of love and bisexualism and rice
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menobjectifier · 4 years
transfem mutuals and followers ily this will always be a safe space for you here’s the carrd with mental health resources and there’s other stuff that might be useful here on my ref blog
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menobjectifier · 4 years
Like I hate to be this person, but why aren’t we taught that slavery was genocide? why aren’t we taught that colonialization was genocide. There are whole tribes and cultures that do not exist anymore because of slavery and colonization. 24 MILLION INDIGENOUS PEOPLE DIED DURING THE SPANISH CONQUEST! 60 MILLION BLACK PEOPLE DIED DURING THE SLAVE TRADE (that isn’t even counting the black people of African diaspora during slavery and even after). Millions of black/brown people died and no one even understands it. That shit IS genocide, and the fact that we’re not taught that it is, the fact that things like colonization ARE praised in classes just appalls me. Slavery and colonization done to black/brown people IS genocide. And the fact that no one is telling us that what happened to our ancestors is genocide and expecting us to forget it, speaks volumes abt how white societies view the complete eradication of brown/black people. Our genocides don’t matter to them.
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menobjectifier · 4 years
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menobjectifier · 4 years
Hey girl im consuming a new media
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menobjectifier · 4 years
this is me looking at my favorite characters
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menobjectifier · 4 years
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so BA is back and afaik they're still brushing everything that happened under the rug rather than fixing the problem. here's a reminder to not give them your money by watching their videos and instead support sohla and all the other chefs and editors of color who left BA video due to unfair wages and racist treatment.
sohla's instagram + stump sohla
priya's instagram + indian-ish
rick's instagram
gaby's instagram
hawa's instagram + in bibi's kitchen
if i forgot anyone, or if you guys know other ways to direct your support towards them, feel free to add on!
edit: removed carla (she's white, my bad), added hawa (did not know that she left BA)
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menobjectifier · 4 years
i don’t have anything to say that hasn’t been said before and better but all the supportive posts i see rn should not stop in a few hours when this all dies down, or tomorrow, or a few days from now. tmes should always be supporting transfems, boosting our voices, and standing up for us. you, tme people reading this, have a responsibility to check yourselves and your friends for transmisogynistic rhetoric. you outnumber transfems on this site by at least 10 to 1, and it’s because of that that it’s so scary when once a week some tme will go full terf and we’re left wondering if it’s gonna be one of our mutuals next. 
reblogging warning posts, blocking terfs, not engaging with terfs, and checking your followers to make sure you don’t have transmisogynists in your notes is a good start but you need to do better. learn the dogwhistles. boost our donation posts. come to your transfem mutuals’ aid when they’re getting harassed. stop engaging with terfs. 
and again, stop reblogging terf posts even if you’re making fun of them or arguing with them. all you’re doing is spreading their rhetoric and exposing your vulnerable followers to their views. 
tme people don’t argue with me on this
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menobjectifier · 4 years
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menobjectifier · 4 years
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menobjectifier · 4 years
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i got bored and made one of these <3
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menobjectifier · 4 years
i think callouts should just. not be able to be made abt ppl like 14 and under. like what do you think that is going to accomplish. we r literal children. not just minors, but children!! hello... obvs 14+under should still be held accountable for our actions but like.... a callout is not the way to do that:.. just imagine someone made a callout for u for something u did when u were 14. how fucking ridiculous does that sound.
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