mendesblogs · 7 years
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a man.
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mendesblogs · 7 years
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mendesblogs · 8 years
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headers based on michael’s dumb ass polls.
like/reblog if you use.
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mendesblogs · 8 years
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mendesblogs · 8 years
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-The Jonathan Ross Show
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mendesblogs · 8 years
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mendesblogs · 8 years
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endlessly in love with you.
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mendesblogs · 8 years
- b&b -
- requested: you’re sick & Shawn takes care of you -
My throat burns and scratches as I cough into my fisted hand. I quickly remove the covers from my body and run barefoot out of bed down the hall of the hotel room to the bathroom. Lifting up the seat, I throw up into the toilet for a minute.
“Baby, you okay?” Shawn’s gentle voice asks as he comes to the doorway.
“Stop,” I hold my hand up. “It’s stinks in here.”
Shawn walks into the bathroom and holds my hair. His large hand rubs up and down my back as I puke into the toilet bowl again. I cough out what was in my mouth and flush the toilet. He lets go of my hair to grab some toilet paper before he wipes my mouth and then tosses it into the trash can.
“You’re gonna get sick,” I tell him as I wipe away my teary eyes; they always got watery whenever I threw up and I hated it completely.
“That’s fine. I don’t have another show until two weeks. That’s enough time for me to get better.” Shawn replies. “Here, lets get you up.” He grabs me from under my arms and helps me stand up. He kisses the top of my head and carries me in his arms out the bathroom and back to the bedroom. Shawn sets me down on the bed and I get under the covers.
“So much for getting to experience Spain, huh?” I ask him. “Take a lot of pictures for me, please.”
“I’m not going out.” He says.
“Why not?”
“Because you’re sick. I’m staying in and taking care of you today.”
“Shawn,” I groan, “I’m fine.” As much as I wanted to convince him that I was okay being with myself, I go into another cough fit.
“You really are a terrible actress, you know that?” He replies.
“Your fans are looking forward to meeting up with you today. I don’t want you to disappoint them. Please, go out and meet them.” I plead.
“Is that what you want?” He asks me.
“More than anything.” I smile.
“Alright, fine.” Shawn playfully rolls his eyes. He leans down and kisses my forehead before grabbing his jacket and putting his shoes on. “Call the front desk if you need anything.”
“I will.” I reply.
“I love you!” Shawn calls out to me as he walks out. “I love you, too!” I reply, followed by a weak cough.
I reach over to the bedside table and grab my phone. I check my notifications and reply to a few texts I had for about ten minutes.
The front door opens and I sit up in bed. Shawn walks back in the room with a brown paper bag held carefully in his hands.
“I told you to go hang with your fans!” I say through my raspy voice.
“I did!” Shawn replies as he walks over. “I hung out with them to and from the little cafe across the street. I took pictures, signed some stuff, and came back.”
“You sneaky son of a… You found a loophole, didn’t you?” I smile.
Shawn gives me a small, yet cute and innocent smile. He walks on over and sets the paper bag on the bedside table besides me. “Scoot over,” he says. I scoot over on the other side and he sits down on the spot where I was previously.
He unravels the bag and takes out a styrofoam bowl, a packet of crackers, and a plastic spoon. “I bought you soup.”
“If I weren’t so sick and didn’t have vomit breath, I would kiss you so much right now,” I say.
Shawn smiles and I wrap my arms around him torso as burry my head in the side of his arm. “I love you so much right now!”
“Come on, eat it before it gets cold. You’ll feel better after you eat something.” He tells me. I let go of him and sit up as he dips the spoon into the hot soup. He brings the spoon up to my mouth and feeds me.
“I wouldn’t want to enjoy Spain without you,” Shawn says as I chew. “So I’m only leaving this room to bring you food.”
“So is this like my own personal bed and breakfast?” I ask after swallowing the food.
“Yeah,” he smiles. “I’m your personal butler for the time being.”
“Put your maid outfit on. That’ll be hot,” I joke, laughing before going into another coughing fit.
“Less jokes, more eating,” Shawn says to me as he brings another spoonful of soup to my mouth.
Shawn continued to feed me until I finished the whole bowl of soup. After I ate, he called to the front desk for some tea.
“Are you wearing socks?” Shawn asks me. “No,” I reply.
He gets out of the bed and walks on over to his suitcase. I watch as he pulls out a big and cozy sweater and a pair of his socks before sitting down at my side of the bed.
“Put this on,” he tells me. “You should probably sweat this thing out.”
I pull back the covers as I sit up. He hands me the sweater and I put it on over my shirt as he puts the socks onto my feet. Shawn pinches at my toes before walking out the room. He comes back moments later with an extra blanket and I tie my hair back into a sloppy bun.
“Get up,” Shawn says. “For what?” I cough. “Get up, you’ll see.”
I get out of the bed and Shawn removes the covers before lying down the duvet, then the bed sheet, and then the blanket.
“Lie down. I’m rolling you into a burrito.”
I lie down on the side of the bed and Shawn grabs the end of the covers and places them over my waist. He then begins to softly roll my body over and over until I’m snug into a burrito of warmth. My feet stick out of the burrito and I shift my body inside so that I can breath and my feet get warm, too.
“Wait, what if you get cold?” I ask him.
Shawn shrugs his shoulders while his hands are at his hips. “I get cold.” He walks over to me and sits down at the bed. “As of now, you are checked into Shawn’s Bed and Breakfast. Enjoy your stay.”
I weakly laugh as he leans in and places a kiss at my forehead.
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mendesblogs · 8 years
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Reasons why Shawn would be an amazing boyfriend pt. 1
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mendesblogs · 8 years
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mendesblogs · 8 years
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mendesblogs · 8 years
Shawn looks cute in this dubsmash video, i just cant 😍😂
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mendesblogs · 8 years
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mendesblogs · 8 years
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mendesblogs · 8 years
Sick at Shawn’s Concert
Requested: Can you do a shawn imagine where you get really sick at a concert and nearly pass out back stage and shawn sees it and freaks?
You haven’t been feeling very well all evening, but Shawn has a concert tonight, and you came out especially to be here to support him. He knew you weren’t feeling very well so he offered to have someone take you back to the hotel, but you refused. You came here to see his concert and that’s exactly what you intend to do, even if you don’t feel very well.
Shawn takes the stage, and you find your favorite spot right off to the side. Where you have a perfect view of him, and if he looks to his right, he can see you’re there. He’s almost halfway through his show when you really start to feel bad. You’re standing up and singing along, but you have to stop for a minute. You start to feel like you’re going to pass out, so you sit down on the ground. Then you decide to lie down, even though the floor is dirty, you know your choices right now are either lie down, or actually pass out. So you lie down. Your eyes are closed, but you hear Shawn stop singing mid-song. The band stops playing, probably on cue from Shawn. You’re confused and you’re trying to focus on what is going on onstage, even though you can’t see anything, its keeping you from passing out and that’s what you need right now. “I’m sorry guys, can you give me just one second.” Shawn says into the mic.
You hear footsteps, and Shawn is sitting on the ground and leaning over you. “(Y/n), baby, what’s wrong?” He asks.
“I’m fine.” You mumble.
By now some people that work backstage have come over, obviously, because Shawn stopped the show and they need to know why.
“You’re not. Did you pass out?”
“I don’t think so. I just lay down because I thought I was going to.” Shawn feels your forehead then strokes your cheek. “Should I call an ambulance?”
“No, Shawn, I’m fine. I just felt light headed. I think I’m a little dehydrated. I’m fine.” You insist. “Go finish your show.”
“Go lie down, okay? I’ll be there as soon as I’m done.” He says. Then he looks up at one of the members of his crew that he trusts. “Can you take her back to my dressing room? And get her some water and make sure she’s okay?”
“Of course,” He replies. “You gotta go back on stage, Shawn.” He says sternly, afraid Shawn might not listen.
“I know.” Shawn replies, taking a deep breath. He looks down at you again. “I love you baby, go rest, and I’ll be there in a little bit.”
“I love you. Sorry for messing up your show.”
“Don’t be. You didn’t mess it up. Drink water, and try to rest. Think you can do that?”
“Yeah, go play your show.”
“Alright,” He looks back to his crewmember, “Take care of her, okay?” He says before grabbing his guitar and running back on the stage to finish the show he stopped for you.
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mendesblogs · 8 years
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patience lyrics // SHAWN MENDES // repost or like u want these locks👌🏼💗
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mendesblogs · 8 years
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I'm a mess but you make me feel sane.
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