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In the middle of a global crisis and a level of fear and uncertainty that I had never experienced in my life, a single sunset with 7 of my favorite people in the world gave me the calm that I needed so much.
Perhaps it was not the smartest and most conscientious thing, considering that when we made the decision to take a weekend trip to the beach, the situation due to the pandemic was critical. Still, we agreed to take the risk that came with it in exchange for perhaps getting some peace.
After just over 6 hours by car, we reached our destination about half an hour before sunset and without wasting time we left our luggage and headed to the seashore.
But that place was not only a little piece of beach, it meant more than just that.
There is something in particular about the moment we experienced together in Cuyutlan, Colima that felt simply magical.
In the middle of so much uncertainty and fear, being on that beach gave me the peace that I haven't been able to experience again in a long time.
The weather felt warm but the sea breeze and the evening wind were dropping the temperature a bit as night approached. The characteristic smell of salty ocean water and a bit of fish and seaweed completely erased from me the scent of the city that I am used to. Feeling the warm water on my feet and the cold sand all over my body cooled me a bit from the heat it was doing.
But without a doubt, the best thing about that moment was sitting on the seashore with my family watching the sunset and talking about many different things that were not related to the virus.The last few months in quarantine had been very difficult for everyone and being there with them made me feel that everything would be fine if we have each other, it made my heart feel full of hope and love. I felt like the luckiest person in the world.
When we talk about happy places, many times we don’t talk about the place itself ... What made us happy there wasn’t the place, it’s actually the memory of a special moment that we lived there. And thanks to this, today I can remember through tears all that emotion and mixed feelings.
The people we are with and the feelings we have in places make them become special or important and makes us more receptive to all the elements that make it up.
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My favorite food:
In my opinion, the best food that has been created in all of human history is sushi. Eating it feels like you're teleporting to a cool and quiet place, like the beach or some relaxing garden.
The smooth texture of the rice and seafood combined with the crunchiness of the vegetables makes an interesting contrast to taste. In addition, the combination of the flavors of terrestrial elements such as vegetables and rice with elements of the sea such as marine ones, make this meal a feast of flavors.
Although it could be a dry bite, the salty taste of soy sauce allows us to moisten it to our preference.
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Grandmothers are often accomplices, friends and protectors ... They are the only person who will genuinely love and care for us as much as our own mother, who with a delicious homemade meal make us feel loved. With they anecdotes you can realize the wisdom and experience that the years have given them. I wish grandmothers were eternal. Hopefully life gives me more June 24 to celebrate with mine. Thank you for loving me so much and that our bond is stronger than the blood, our bond is from the heart.
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Sometimes when we have complicated situations we forget that that is what life is about ... That without complications or obstacles, everything would be very boring and monotonous. We forget that the bad time passes and that the sun always shines again, that sometimes all we need is to eat a delicious elotito with ✨chilito del que no pica✨ to remember how lucky we are.
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Mondays always feel like coming back to reality after you've been dreaming. They feel like a dive in ice water ... School and work have had me exhausted lately and today was no exception ... Working and being a student at the same time feels like surviving all week, sleeping two days and returning to the fight one week more. I feel very tired but very satisfied, because I know that today's effort will be worth it with tomorrow's result.
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Fatherhood has been an increasingly open topic for debate. Today, on Father's Day, all I have to do is thank my dad for the great job he has done with me. It seems that I will always be in debt, and this makes a simple afternoon together full of laughter and joy, my heart feels the happiest and luckiest in the world.
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Today turned out to be quite an interesting day despite being very normal. The cold weather usually motivates us to stay at home resting, however today I faced a great workday as a babysitter. It is incredible to see how that little person that I met 8 months ago who was not even able to walk, is gaining more independence, autonomy and communication skills, and the best of all is that I have been part of this process.
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Who I am?
To be a little precise about the least precise person in the world, let me tell you a little bit about me. Aime has 4 letters, 4 just like seasons of the year, being spring my favorite.  Creativity, energy and sacrcasm are the three words that describe me perfectly.  I like music and singing when I think no one else is listening to me. I'm a romantic in love with life  waiting for my chance to make a mark on the lives of my future students.
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