Just a blog for rp memes
79 posts
I can't access the old account 😔
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memeapple2 · 2 days ago
Send me IC AITA questions, and my muse will judge if your muse was the asshole in that situation!
(For those who don't know AITA stands for Am I The Asshole ) Because IC AITA situations are hilarious! Put it in any context you want and keep it strictly IC! Do not use this as a way to vauge post about other muns, ect. This is in good fun only. DON'T USE THIS AS AN EXSCUSE TO BE ACTUALLY SHITTY TWOARDS SOMEONE!
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memeapple2 · 19 days ago
Hi everyone, important update. Like some of you may know, things are kind of awful for LGBT and disabled people at the moment in the US.
I am trying to get my husband out of there to join me in France but we need to get the money for it.
Him being LGBT and disabled and with DEI gone, the chance for him to get a job are really low. I, myself, am a student and I cannot afford to help him.
So I made a GoFundMe page to get the money in order to get the plane ticket for him and his cats, but also to get the kitties their rabies shot and passport so that they are allowed to travel, and the rest will be used to help him move a few of his things that he's emotionally attached to.
If you cannot donate, sharing would help a lot, and so would following me on my tiktok so that I can reach the 10 000 followers and start earning from my videos. (I post about political views but also about homesteading and witchcraft if you're into that)
Thank you so much for your help
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memeapple2 · 29 days ago
I'm tired of all the unpopular opinion memes, so send 😎 for me to talk about a popular opinion I have!
People deserve a chance to talk about things they like don't they? So here's your chance!
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memeapple2 · 2 months ago
Send 🧓 and I'll tell you my muses boomer traits
Example: My muse hates tiktok, ect
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memeapple2 · 2 months ago
Metalocalypse starters
"They're trying to tell you that the guy got his face smashed into the hovercraft, that's what they're trying to tell you."
"I would rather have my brain scooped out with a melon-baller than to miss the opportunity to deliver the various cheese snacks to my beloved _____."
"We are here to make coffee metal. We will make everything metal. Blacker than the blackest black times infinity."
"This is, I believes, called food libraries."
"It's called a grocery store, ya douchebags! I'm sorry about douchebags. I got... got low blood sugar."
"Alright, here's the deal: we have to do our own shopping so we can make our own dinner like regular jack-offs do. Now you're all in charge of putting together one dish. AND DON'T JUST BUY BOOZE! That ain't food!"
"What do you mean, "booze ain't food?" I'd rather chop off my ding-dong than admit that!"
"You'd rather chop off your ding-dong than not drink?"
"2 cups of rice." [pours rice into measuring cup, then through the shopping cart] "Brutal."
"Okay hold on now, so you're telling me that you put these little guys in boiling water and they shrink, and they turn red, and they die? That is the most metal thing I ever heard in my whole life. High five!"
"Guess what, you are a GMILF. That is a grandmother that I would like to -"
"Lemme guess - not "heavy" enough, not "tuned low" enough, not "brutal" enough?"
"Oh, right. That dude that you headbutted? The guy was a Danish Prince. Can you believe that?"
"Friends, we're... we're not used to the whole apologizing thing. We're not professional apologizers. We're... musicians. So, we wrote a song for you, a new national anthem. We took the lyrics straight from your Finnish folklore book of necronomic spells."
"Oh, I hate Finland. I need a hundred beers. I need a hundred beers. Exactly... exactly one hundred. Thank you."
"Hey I ain't no therapist, but I hate your mustache."
"I realize I don't even know the name of my father. I'm proud. I proud to know that I don't know that."
"It's a nice night for riding around in a cube!"
"Black out more. So you don't have to remember. The life. That you haaave... There."
"All right, all right, popscockles we cans haves."
I have a dad! I fucking love my dad!"
"There isn't anything I wouldn't do to hang with Mickey Mouse!"
"We got you your favorite thing! Disappointment!"
"Yeah, but we such screw-ups that he would be sewn back together wrong."
"Can you please give me the laser pointer? It does not belong to you."
"My video was banned from music television, cause you could see my junk... through my jumpsuit."
"Hey Dogface, why don't you go and... eat some dog food, and eat your own throw-up, 'cause you're a dog... face."
"That's what families is, peoples you hates."
Hey, did you know that Norway has the lowest murder rate in the whole world? The lowest in the world?
Wait a minute, you mean that the murder rate in Canada is higher than Norway? Oh my god this place is lame! Lame place!
The fact that my parents had sex in order to create me makes me want to be buried alive.
"I'd rather die than go to heaven."
"Well, uh, I will tell you this, that's a good problem to have. That's a problem you want to have. It's a good one."
“How do you value your what you contribute of to at the workforce and second part, at which can you most can’t the least?"
“Bleach is mostly water, and we’re mostly water. Therefore, we are bleach.”
"Candy, tastes like chicken if chicken was a candy."
"I smell burning plastic. You do know.. that burning plastic isn't a snack right? You do know?"
"Yeah it's scream activated lighting. You walk into a room 'wheres my keys?' AAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!! There they are!"
“Use your fancy degrees assholes!”
"You mean astronaut camp is a lie? I’ve been telling everyone you’re going to be an astronaut! Now you’re making me look like an asshole!"
"What're those wooden things... chairs?"
“We’ll give you half……OF NOTHING!"
“Hey! Who peed my pants!” “I think you might be the culprit in this particular… mystery” “How the hell could I pee my pants when I’m standing right here!?”
"What's that burning smell? Did I leaves the lunchables in the microwaves again?"
"No, we're not-that's not even a repsonse to what I was saying. We're arguing two different things here."
"Don't say die SAY HAMBURGER TIME! Please say hamburger time when speaking to us."
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memeapple2 · 3 months ago
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I'm not going to leave this unmentioned as the news isn't doing enough to warn people. The short of it is, the bill which disguises itself as a means to make the web safer was written by The Heritage Foundation to give the FTC full authority on what's deemed safe on the web. Under the new administration, it will be used to censor LGBT content. We know this was the point, as its proponents have shared this exact plan. It can still be beaten if called and emailed their senators, making it clear what harm the bill will do I'll link pages that can give you a line to your lawmakers, a way to write to them, and also a petition to sign.. The former only takes two minutes, and the latter has a pre-written script if you need it. This is more than important enough for your time. Even if you're in a red state, some conservatives oppose this bill beleive it will silence conservative voices too, so if you think that line of reasoning would work better on them, go for it!
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memeapple2 · 3 months ago
Dr. Phil out of context rp starters
"Come outside or I will throw rocks through your window, you dumb whore."
"May you burn in eternal hell!... don’t call the cops to show up at my house!!!"
"Walking into a grocery store really does just make me want to cry."
"You're ugly, you're disgusting, I'm gonna kill you, give me 500$."
"When I smile it actually feels uncomfortable."
"Come back stalker! I need you in my life!"
"I don’t talk to my family because they don’t have followers."
"I don’t have a point anymore."
"Get out! You get away! You get away!!"
"Here's how much money you have!" -makes a zero hand sign-
"Nobody wants a basic bitch."
"I want the money! I'll raise enough hell until you give it to me!"
"I hate you! I want you to die bitch!"
"You called the cops on a six year old?"
"I know how big words are!!"
"Hello, how's it going?! I just wanted to remind you that you're a bitch! A rotten little bitch!"
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memeapple2 · 3 months ago
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As a heads up there's some loser reblogging stuff that isn't meant to be reblogged 😔 they reblogged one of my old promos. Just block them, they aren't worth the time of day.
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memeapple2 · 4 months ago
Ordinary sausage starters
"The best way to start is with a dirty pan."
-calmly takes a peice of cake- "I'm actually saving this peice for later." "YEAAAAAA!" -fuckin aggressively puts both hands into cake, without any fear of god-
"Hey everybody it's Mr. Potato sausage!"
"Shouldn't it be Mr. Sausage head?"
"Mr. potato sausage. 🎵 BADADADA TEQUILA!!!🎵"
"Oh you British bastards."
"This is your sausage. You can do what you want with it, but sometimes you don't need to dress them up. All you just gotta do is suck them up!" -Horrible vienna sausage sucking sounds-
"It doesn't smell yet! It doesn't smell yet."
"They love me. They just don't wanna say it on camera."
"It doesn't smell expired. But it does taste expired however!"
"Now the first thing you need for sangria is fruit that's about to go bad! Everybody loves sangria. Especially if you're a woman in her forties!"
"I was up all night thinking about this. Can you shoot mashed potatoes out of a super soaker!?"
"Listen buddy I'm not looking for any trouble." -Shoots at you with a horrible super soaker filled with fucking mashed potatoes-
"It might not all be bad news. Ah, it's all bad news."
"Sausage skull! Sausage skull! Sausage skull!"
"I better think of something good or else I'm back to boiling things in pickel juice."
"It's not bad. But it also tastes like a rolled up tortilla."
"But what does the hot diet coke pasta water taste like? That's what I think everyone wants to know."
"Ahhh, the finer things! It may look like you have blood in your urine, but it tastes like hot chocolate!"
"There was probably a better way to do this besides hitting it with a wrench."
"Are you naked under that sausage costume? Yes!"
"Of course I'm not a scientist. I'm a sausagetist."
"🎵 Feeeed me hash browns! Feeeed me all night loooooong.~🎵"
" 'Waaaaa they cracked the noodles so they're more easy and convenient to cook with. Waaaaaa!' That what YOU SOUND LIKE!"
"Ya know if you like black licorice there's something wrong with you!"
" 'It's the wrong kinda baked beans innit!?' AS IF THAT WAS THE THING THAT WAS HOLDING BACK!!"
"But you forgot the salt and pepper. No I didn't! This sausage is authentically bland! It's called a crisp innit!?"
"One cup of rice, two cups of water with half of it going on the side, AND A HALF A BAG OF SKITTLES!"
"This rice tastes like skittles."
"I'm no longer on board with this spaghetti."
"That looks like it won't kill me."
"Safe to eat raw? Me too, cookie dough!"
"Who do you think is right? Me the guy who's been making sausages for years. Or my mom, the person who calls tiktok clockclock!"
"That's the sausage water.."
"That's what I call an issue I'll have to deal with later!"
"Checking in on the stain. Looks like it's soaking in the table cloth pretty good!"
🎵"A total egg-llipse of the heaaart.~"🎵
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memeapple2 · 4 months ago
on anon badly describe any relationship my muse is in and I'll try to guess which one it is :^)
Any kind of relationship can apply
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memeapple2 · 4 months ago
Aqua teen hunger force starters :^)
"You look at them and tell me there's a god!"
"I'm an adult and I deserve an adult glass"
"You don't own space, so stop actin like you do!"
"Okay have a crappy weekend I hope your house burns down."
"It don't matter. None of this matters."
"I'm just sayin' that if you continue rippin' off my idea, my unique graphics, someone's face is gonna get ripped off. And that ain't a threat, that's a guarantee."
"I am 30 or 40 years old I do not need this!"
"Its a groovy time for a movie time!"
"Hell, no, I pay no bills. I pay you no mind!"
"That says the bibble."
"Well, I'm just glad you finally learned some responsibility. In the most ass way possible."
"Are you the guy who keeps telling me to "Beware"? 'Cause I'll tell you where to be! Outta my sight!"
"God has allowed me to live another day and I'm gonna make it everyone's problem."
“I’m gonna start dropping F-bombs. Listen to this: Fart you, fart head.”
“I don’t have any real dolls, I prefer to use my infinite imagination… cause I ain’t got no damn money.”
“We do whatever we want, to whomever we want, at all times.”
“It’s not Dracula, it’s just a damn school bus!”
“Hey, which one of y’all left the door open? And tore it off the hinges, and threw it in the yard?”
“You better run, boy! And bring back some chocolate syrup, too. Or your fate is sealed.”
"Where you should have a brain there's just a cavity that keeps you afloat. Isn't THAT something to be really proud of."
"Oh no, so what you're saying is this is a mystery and we have to go solve it, right? I scheduled this day off over two weeks ago. I made a memo."
"You're about to not have a mouth! And I mean it! I'LL RIP IT OFF!"
"You think you're gonna live forever, but you won't. Someone'll kill ya. Someone'll kill ya with a knife."
"Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them."
"He needs his brain or else he's just going to float around saying 'do what now.'"
"Well, that was fun. I'm gonna take a nap now, and then I think I'm gonna call, uh, some hospitals."
"It is the Broodwich, forged in darkness from wheat harvested in Hell's half-acre, baked by Beelzebub, slathered with mayonnaise beaten from the evil eggs of dark chicken forced into sauce by the hands of a one-eyed madman, cheese boiled from the rancid teat of a fanged cow, layered with six-hundred and sixty-six separate meats from an animal which has maggots for blood!"
"I must say... bacon aside, this is the best damn sandwich I've ever had in my life."
"Hell no! That sumbitch had an axe!"
"Why do you disappoint me?? Second by second, you waste my time."
"The only reason God doesn't erase you from the face of the earth is beacuse you amuse him somehow!"
"This cord was plugged into my house and your house was glowing like the freaking sun! So I put two and two together there... and decided that you're pissing me off!"
"Now, I am not a violent person. But I would kill somebody, in front of they own grandmother, for a ten-speed."
"The blood bank is an evil pyramid scheme perpetrated by Dracula and his night slaves."
"Only us adults can say hell, damn, bitch, and ass. So get your helling, damn ass over to that bitching, damn room dammit!"
"This will only hurt for a second... but damn will it hurt."
"Well I'm in business. Business of kicking your ass, and let me tell ya, business is booming. I'm open for business, business of giving you the business... up your butt. Business is good."
"People like me. Because I force them to. With violence."
"you can't tell me im drunk, thats between me and god"
"Yeah, I keep the blinds closed, so it's kinda disorienting. But you know, I don't want the government in my business."
"Now why don't you go back to the time before Christ, AKA next door."
"You are the gayest monster since gay came to gaytown."
"You're lucky I'm thoughtful enough to throw my anger at the media, and not your buttocks!"
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memeapple2 · 4 months ago
Let my muse know what your muse's favorite thing about them is!
You can do this on anon too as long as you leave hints on who your muse is.
Send 🫵 for my muse to tell yours what their favorite quality about your muse is
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memeapple2 · 4 months ago
Just send 🐱 to pet my muse! Do it coward!
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memeapple2 · 5 months ago
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You're so special how did the world come up with you
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memeapple2 · 5 months ago
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I hate to make a post like this beacuse this is so fucking stupid. But if you see the rpcvent blog please block it, and if you're name gets dropped there please report it.
This is much worse then your bog standard confession blog, beacuse this can absolutely lead to other RPers getting dragged through the mud over stupid bullshit. Beacuse SOME PEOPLE ON THIS HELLSITE DON'T KNOW HOW TO BLOCK AND MOVE ON LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE! SO THEY MAKE IT EVERYONE'S PROBLEM!! The last thing we need is another blog for gulit tripping and for other rpers getting drug through the mud.
If someone is doing something actually harmful, then by all means adress it! But even then, this ain't how you fucking do it. 😭😭😭
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memeapple2 · 5 months ago
The love was there. It didnt change anything. It didnt save anyone. There were just too many forces against it. But it still matters that the love was there
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memeapple2 · 5 months ago
send 👁👅👁 and I'll make a shitpost mood board about our muses relationship
Any kind of relationship can be used for this!
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