melsdisneyland · 2 years
valentine’s inbox memes   ♡   a series of action prompts to celebrate the valentine’s holiday.  feel free to change anything as needed.  happy writing!
my muse  =  the receiver’s muse, your muse  =  the asker’s muse
[ be my valentine ]  to ask my muse to be your muse’s valentine
[ ring in a box ]  to propose to my muse
[ box of chocolates ]  to give my muse a box of chocolates
[ romantic song ]  to serenade my muse with a romantic song
[ flowers ]  to hand my muse a bouquet of their favourite flowers
[ smooches ]  to kiss my muse on the lips
[ cheek kiss ]  to kiss my muse on the cheek
[ lingerie ]  to gift my muse sexy lingerie
[ dinner ]  to ask my muse out to a fancy dinner
[ breakfast ]  to surprise my muse with breakfast in bed
[ confession ]  to confess romantic feelings to my muse
[ love letter ]  to give my muse a love letter
[ chefs kiss ]  to cook my muse their favourite meal
[ oversized teddy ]  to gift my muse a giant teddy bear
[ cheesy ]  to tell my muse a cheesy pickup line (bonus if you include the line)   
[ chocolate strawberries ]  to gift my muse chocolate covered strawberries
[ rom com ]  to have a rom com movie marathon with my muse
[ jealousy ]  to get jealous that my muse has a different valentine
[ bake off ]  to challenge my muse to a heart-shaped cake bake off
[ slow dance ]  to slow dance with my muse
[ bubble bath ]  to soak in a warm bubble bath with my muse
[ rose petals ]  to throw a handful of rose petals over my muse
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melsdisneyland · 2 years
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Oh sweet, sweet Sienna. Behind her happiness, though most of it is genuine, there’s an odd feeling of deep sorrow that she’s been trying to hide. It’s loneliness, severe loneliness, but she pushes it down because she’s always been the one taking care of others, and doesn’t want to burden them with taking care of her. 
She chalks it up to not having anyone “with her” before she arrived in Evermore, but it goes much deeper than that. She doesn’t know this, at least not yet, but she never truly had a family. In her “past life,” Her birth mother passed away just as Sienna could form memories of her, and her father was hooked on her stepmother, leaving very little, if any, time for Sienna. 
Still, aside from the private moments where her memory loss bothers her, she’s trying to make the most of her future.
Sienna loves to bake! She especially loves to make fruit pies—it’s just one of those things that came naturally to her, so she kept doing it. One of her “past feelings” is being surrounded by warmth, the aroma of apples and cinnamon wafting through the air. 
 Sienna is pretty hopeless with technology and modern pop culture references. She tries, she really does, but she’s an old soul.
Sienna loves love, in all forms. She loves the wild animals that help maintain the gardens, she loves the hotel staff, and she definitely loves the idea of someone, anyone, turning her house into a home one day. She’s a little afraid of falling in love because she’d probably rush into things, but she’ll never know until she tries.
She’ll never admit this to anyone, but she struggles a lot with insomnia, emetophobia (fear of illness) and spectrophobia (fear of mirrors). Of these, her emetophobia is probably the worst of the bunch; she turns into a completely different person when sick. Given that she’s a very private person who doesn’t tend to wander away from the inn, she doesn’t get sick often, but when it hits, it hits hard. Full on delirium, with her mentally turning into a clingy 15 year old all over again. She doesn’t know it yet, but when she was 15, she suffered a life-threatening infection.
 She’s a bit of a workaholic. There’s this inner voice of hers that scolds her if she doesn’t clean or if she dares to speak up for her needs. So far she’s trying to convince herself to be strong and work through the pain. Long story short, Sienna needs therapy.
Though Garrett is her favorite of the hotel staff, I’d imagine she also has a particularly close relationship with “Doc.” He seems so concerned and protective over her, something that would almost be nice if she just let her guard down.
I would love a thread or multiple threads where people who can remember Sienna’s past life try to jog her memory. Why? For the angst of course! I would imagine these would probably be some of the Dwarves and or Prince Florian, but of course it’s up to the mods on what they want to do with those characters! I just thought I’d offer my two cents~
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