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I’ve moved to Texas Feb 2024, bought a house all in the same year! I have been so high on life that nothing is breaking my shine.
I have been happy reading my books, seeing my daughter progress in school. My baby boy is growing up and finally progressing in speech.
I’ve made no friends living here in Texas, because I pick my peace over drama.
I just turned 41 and I’m feeling great!

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Well, TODAY was a official. I started a book club with good people
We made a list to pick out of a hat! This is our thing. Instead of toxic gossip and drama. We can talk about the books we have read, loving the new and improved me.
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Today is Oct 4th, 2021
I have been dealing with postpartum depression for quite sometime now, but I have it under control with working out. Anyway.
Being here in Virginia has been rough. I met a great friend name Stacey and our bond is awesome and I can’t complain. I really do miss her a lot and it kills me how far apart we are.
So… there are some bully ass bitches name Julianna S and Amanda V and long there new minions. Have posted some lies on this confession page here at fort lee. A lot of it is hate speech…. No I am not playing victim I am not that type of person. Anyway. These girl’s are mad Bc I refuse to be there friends and let them continue to bash my children along with bashing other’s. I don’t condone those things. Me being open minded to life and people I don’t judged. I have slates stated my OPINION on ppl who I feel are but my vibe, I’m sure plenty of people have felt the same way. So back to these so called girls. From day one when I met these girls they have always been fighting with one another and they always wanted me to pick a side… I don’t do that. I am a mutual person where I feel peoples rights and battles aren’t my problem. I will simply walk away. As I have from day one. But someone they would always involve me and bring my name into there battles… so please explain where I am being a bully and harassing women?? I didn’t know by me walking away and not wanting to be part of the drama was a problem. These BITCHES should have respected me not wanting to be apart of the chaos.
Anyway. I had blocked these girl for quite some time. But yet after 3 years they feel the need to post on a confession page anonymously (like it’s obvious) it’s them. I just don’t understand why they are so invested in tracking my best friend Stacey friends that she associates her self with in Colorado and her husband and make up lies?? I just don’t understand. Why candy they just grow the fuck up and leave us the fuck alone just like we have for the past 3 years? It just comes to show how childish people’s mentally are.
I really needed to vent, this is my first time ever. Thank you
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Dear Lover,
I wish I had the courage to tell you how I feel. I wish I was able to hold you close and whisper all the reasons on why I fell in love with you. I wish that you loved me as much I love you, I know I’m not easy to love. But I wish that you would give me the time to build myself up, because I am broken. But even though I’m broken does not mean I’m not capeble of loving. You just won’t let me take care of you, because you are just as broken as I am. We might both be broken, but maybe we can be eachothers reason to not give up. We can be broken together. I wish so deeply that you would believe me when I say I love you, and when I say that I think you are the most intelligent and the most beautiful person I could ever imagine. How I could spend a decade looking into your eyes and never be bored. I want to lay down with you and listen to your heartbeat just to make sure you are real, because to me you seem too good to be true. Maybe even too good for me. I’m scared to tell you about how you make me feel. How broken you make me feel and how in the next second I feel like the happiest person alive. Dear lover, I wish that you would believe me, when I say I love you. Because I love you, more than life itself.
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You’re not any less witchy than another witch if:
🌙 You do not preform a ritual or spell this year for Samhain
🌙 You don’t have a special altar for Samhain
🌙 You don’t have a coven this year or you don’t want a coven
🌙 This is your first Samhain as a witch
🌙 You have little knowledge on what Samhain truly is
🌙 You’re a baby witch just starting out and you have absolutely nothing prepared
You are just as witchy as the next witch. Each journey for every witch is different. Don’t sweat it. Blessed be.
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☕ TEAS ☕
🔹 Chamomile (helps combat insomnia, a common symptom of depression) 🔹 Green (contains an amino acid known as theanine which is known to fight depression) 🔹 St John’s Wort (contains compounds known as hypericin and hyperforin, which may affect activity of the brain’s serotonin system) 🔹 Lemon Balm (works as a mild sedative and can ease anxiety and depression) 🔹 Ginger Root (helps to increase important neurotransmitters than can regulate your mood) 🔹 Lavender (research shows that lavender can help combat depression, and has been said to rival antidepressants) 🔹 Peppermint (the menthol in peppermint leaves helps calm mood and aides sleep)
🔹 Smoky Quartz (helps elevate moods, overcome negative emotions, and relieves depression) 🔹 Rose Quartz (is a known healer and can help replace negative feelings with love and compassion) 🔹 Amethyst (combats stress and releases a relaxed energy) 🔹 Citrine (emits a sunny, optimistic energy which can aide in combating depression and anxiety) 🔹 Angel Aura Quartz (is known to help with mental illness, and it’s energy can help process emotional disturbances, grief, or trauma)
🔹 Lavender (reduces stress physically and mentally, and promotes deep sleep) 🔹 Jasmine (helps with alertness, evokes an uplifting energy, and is believed to ease symptoms of depression) 🔹 Ylang Ylang (has a calming affect that elevates mood and is known to help with physical and mental symptoms of anxiety and depression) 🔹 Lemongrass (promotes emotional balance, and uplifts emotional weight) 🔹 Sandalwood (encourages calmness, serenity, and feelings of well being)
🔹 Daily Ritual To Ease Depression 🔹 Encourage Positivity Spell 🔹 Self Care Sachet! 🔹 Inner Peace Sigil 🔹 A Charm To Dispel A State Of Melancholy 🔹 Body, Mind, And Soul Purifying Spell 🔹 Motivation Charm Bag 🔹 I Am Free From Negative Energies Sigil 🔹 Bathe Me The Fuck Better Bath Spell 🔹 De-Stress, Self-Love Sugar Scrub 🔹 Insomnia Sigil 🔹 Depression Bottle Charm And Ritual 🔹 Icarus’s Self Love Powder 🔹 Soft Skin, Soft Soul Bath Ritual 🔹 Candle Spell To Help Combat Depression 🔹 Quiet Mind Sachet 🔹 Be At Peace Spell 🔹 Feel A Little Better Bath Spell 🔹 To The Sun Spell Jar
💙 TIPS 💙
🔹 Spend time in the sun, and in nature. Even if you only go and sit in your backyard, it will help, and make you feel a bit better 🔹 Drink water! LOTS OF WATER! Want an extra boost? Make a bunch of sun water and drink it on exceptionally low days to help with your energy and mood levels. 🔹 Ground yourself every night before bed to rid yourself of negative energies 🔹 Turn your sadness into creativity! Work on pages of your grimoire or book of shadows. Do some witchy DIY’s! Set up a new altar! Make some sigils! Being productive and creative are so helpful when you’re feeling melancholic. 🔹 Have some spoonie witch tips for low energy days! 🔹 Garden. Spending time in nature and creating something within the earth is not only rewarding, but gardening is actually a de-stressing activity and can soothe your mood. PLUS think of all the herbs you could grow to help with your craft! 🔹 Talk to someone. Other witches. Friends. A professional. A hotline. Anyone who is willing to listen. Put that energy out there and it will make a world of difference, I promise. 🔹 Let yourself have at least ONE self-care day a week. It doesn’t matter what it entails, as long as you’re taking that time for YOURSELF, magickal or not.
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Some things you can keep track of as a witch:
🌙 Your moon cycle (also known as your period). If you’re into the self-love side of witchcraft and want to focus more on your body and it’s wants and needs, you might want to think about keeping track of your period. You can then create spells, rituals and meditations that correspond with the moon phase and day(s) that you’re menstruating. <— this is obviously for those that are menstruating.
🌻 Your garden. If you have a garden (even if it’s just 3 little baby herb plants in your window, hey a garden is a garden) keep track of how well your plants or herbs are doing. Write down when you water them, how much sunlight (and moonlight, if that’s your thing) they got. You could even write down any emotional vibes you’re getting from your garden.
🔮 Your spells and rituals. Keeping track of your spells doesn’t just help you remember when you did what spell and what it was for, but it also allows you to go back and write in how well that spell worked out for you. And if it worked out well, because you kept track of it, you’ll know how to use it again in the future.
💰 Witchy buys. This is important if, like me, you tend to do a little bit of overspending on all the witchy supplies. But since I started to keep track of what I’m buying, using and not using, I’ve saved a ton of money on unnecessary things.
🙏 Gratitude. Keep a growing list of all the things you’re grateful for. It’s great to look back on in the future and it helps you keep perspective of your own life and spiritual journey.
🍵 Your tea. Okay, this is just something I do but I love to keep track of all the different teas I try. I think tea is considered a very witchy drink and therefore some of us are a little more serious about our tea drinking lol. But I just love taping in the little packaging, that my tea came in, into my journal and writing a little bit about it and how it made me feel and what it made me think about.
🌦️ The weather. This is important, to me, because I believe the weather can affect us and how we feel, think and behave. I like to have a record of what the weather was like when I casted a spell, did a ritual or did a reading so I can go back later and see if I feel that might have affected the outcomes.
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When people feel the need to tell you they unfollowed you:
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You need a private talk? Just message me !:)
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