melody-howard · 3 months
Hans Gunsche 2 NSFW
I could smell her, from the room over. Her sent of pine trees and sawdust was intoxicating… but there was nothing I could do about it. There was no way I could ever express how I felt to her. The need I had… It always got so bad around the full moon. It was like she had gone into heat. Our relationship had always danced on a thin line. Her Major was very anti-working relationships. Though Melody had tried. Since the rest of the crew knew her secret, she wasn't hiding it any more. Her ears and tail were out constantly. I often sat by and watched as those vampire scum pulled on her tail. I was filled with a sudden rage… I wanted to kill them all.
POV change
My gut hurt… not for normal the normal reasons. In fact I didn't know why. I hadn't eaten anything I shouldn't have. There was also no way in hell it was shark week, had that taken care of by birth control. There was no way in hell I was going to see that crazy doctor. At least the smell coming from next door was nice, it smelled of home. I relaxed and took a deep breath in threw my nose… the pain in my stomach got worse after doing so. What the hell was going on. I rolled onto my side and thought back to a happier time. I always went back to memories with Hans, for some reason. Every storm that rolled threw he was always there with me, making sure I wasn't scared… then it hit me. The smell I'm smelling now…
'For the first time since I met him I had gotten a good smell of him. He smelt of apple wood smoke, fresh bread, and a hint of wet dog.'
The smell of home that was coming through the vent that linked our rooms; that was him. He smelled wonderful, I unwillingly took another deep breath. Pain… immediate pain. I sat up, deciding that I wasn't going to be sleeping anytime soon… I wonder if Hans is up.
POV change
Five loud knocks came to my door. My heart began to race… It was Melody. "Hans, I can't sleep. Are you up?" Before I could stop myself I had the door open. There she was, in a pair of short shorts and a tank top. She slipped her way in holding her stomach. She climbed into my bed and buried herself in my covers. I closed the door and locked it. She had come to me… I wasn't going to let Dok intervene this time. I glanced to my old record player. She liked music, I often heard all sorts of music threw the vent that connected to her room. I wiped dust off of it and thumbed through the few records I owned. I settled on a big band era one with a slow tempo. I cranked the record player up and set the needle down on the record.
POV change
This was a bad idea. My stomach was hurting worse now. Why did I even come in here? I knew it was his smell causing the pain… but still I came. Soft music greeted my ears. I had actually never been in Hans' room before. I sat up and looked at him. He was standing by an old Victrola. To be honest I was quite jealous. He slowly made his way back to the bed, and I let out a whine. He froze for a moment before continuing on. He climbed into the bed with me very carefully. I looked at him with sad eyes and he pulled me into a hug… I wish he wouldn't have. A soft kiss was placed on my head before he turned and grabbed the notebook that I gave him. Slowly he began to write.
POV change
I don't think she knew what was going on. She looked so sad and confused, she must have been in a lot of pain. It must be getting worse and the months go by. She kept whining, it was pitiful to see someone so strong be reduced to this. I placed a kiss on her head and grabbed the notebook she gave me and began to write, thinking hard on the words I would be choosing. 'You're in heat, if I'm not mistaken…' I tapped the pen to my chin then wrote some more. 'That's most likely the reason you were drawn here and instead to the Doctors.' I showed her the book. She was shocked. "What? How? I… Is that why my stomach hurts." I nodded and began to write again. 'You have three choices. Learn to ignore the pain, use your magic around the full moon,  or mate.' I showed her the book again. She seemed to read it over and over, her cheeks getting redder every time. "How the hell could I be in heat! I'm on birth control! My hormone levels should be stable…" She began to blabber gibberish that only Dok could understand. She soon tired herself out and just stared at me eyes wide mouth agape. I just shrugged to her. I didn't know why or how it happened I just knew it did… and it was driving me mad.
POV change
Heat? Only animals go into heat… then again I did have my fair share of animal characteristics. Why was this just starting? Sure it had been going on for months… Ever since I removed my cloaking magic. I began to sob. It took Hans a second to embrace me. The t-shirt he wore reeked of him. He began writing in the notebook while I was clinging to him. I pulled back and read what he wrote. 'Which option are you going to chouse?' I sat there sobbing dumbfounded. He set the notebook aside and brought his hands up to my cheeks. He wiped away my tears with his thumbs. I leaned into his touch.
POV change
She was very shocked. She must have never been around another like her, much less a male. Granted we were both different species of supernatural creatures, we had our similarities. I was a wolf she was part dog. Those spells that that crazy girl had casted on her must have affected much more than she thought. It was a wake-up call for her. She was less demonic being than she thought. She had always claimed to only be twenty-five percent pure German Sheppard… it was looking like it was more than that. She had now stopped crying and was nuzzling my hand. I needed an answer from her, I wasn't going to do anything otherwise. A soft growl came from her and she nipped at the skin on my hand. Was she saying yes? She turned her head from my hand and she looked me in the eyes. They were glazed over and I could read them clearly. She wanted me.
POV change
I gave up trying to understand what was happening and began to give in. It made my stomach hurt less. I nipped at the skin on his hand, hoping he would get the message. I turned from his hand to look him in the eyes. I watched as he studied them, he soon gave me a nod and leaned in to kiss me. I took his lips needily. They tasted of beer and raw venison, his typical diet. I most likely tasted of shitty overly sweet e-juice. He didn't seem to mind seeing as the second I parted my lips our tongues were inter twined. His hands reached out and grabbed my blanket covered hips. I eagerly slipped my hands under his shirt. How I missed the feeling of his heart beat. We parted and Hans removed his shirt and I took the blanket off of me. His mouth found my mostly bare shoulder. He kissed and nipped with reckless abandonment. My shirt was soon discarded.
POV change
Here she was giving herself to me. I could taste the bees wax chap stick she used, along with that sweet nicotine stuff she smoked. Her hands shot up my shirt, one explored my chest, the other came to rest over my heart. I had a good grip on her hips to keep her from moving. If she was going to cum it was going to be my doing. She parted her lips and her tongue quickly met mine in a sweet embrace. I could taste her last meal on it, curry chicken, with carrots and broccoli. I pulled back and removed my shirt. Some saliva dripped from her agape mouth as she took my blanket off of her body. My hands went back to her hips and my mouth to her shoulders. Her skin was soft and tasted of salt. I kissed and nipped around as her hands went to my hair. I couldn't find what I was looking for so I pulled her shirt off. I leaned back and took in the view. I knew she was beautiful, I had seen her shirtless before, but never bra-less.
POV change
He was staring at me. I cleaned my lips of saliva with my tongue as he removed one hand from my hip. I opened my eyes the instantly met his; they were filled with longing like he had been waiting for this moment since he discover that I was part dog. The hand he removed came to rest on my shoulder. I got the sudden feeling that he was going to take his time and enjoy me, I didn't mind though… I had been waiting for this too. He leaned forward and latched his mouth onto one of my breasts. I let out a soft moan and started to buck my hips. This was soon stopped by Hans, as his hand on my shoulder came back to rest on my hip. He was holding me in place and he nipped and sucked on my nipple. Moans and whines escaped my mouth, the lack of friction was infuriating. He seemed to smirk whenever I moaned. He began to suck and nip his way over to my other nipple, marks were left in his wake. I continued to moan and fight against his hands. Dear god I wanted friction, the more I squirmed the tighter he held me. I soon gave up and just let out moans.
POV change
I had placed my hand on her shoulder to support me better. I soon went down and took a nipple in my teeth. She let out a breathy moan, sweet music to my ears. I was going to do this to her all night. I held her still the best I could with one hand, but she was fighting. So I had to pin her to the wall next to my bed and put my hand back onto her other hip to hold her still. I felt her head come to rest on top of mine. That's when I stated to hear the whines she was letting out. They were like the ones she made when I started to approach her after I put the record on. I now knew the sound she would make whenever she wanted me. I began to nip and suck my way across her collar bones and chest, taking note of all the spots that gave the loudest moans. As I nipped and sucked on the other nipple she fought against my hands more. She did soon give up and leaned into the wall letting out breathy moans, and occasionally my name.
POV change
He released my nipple and licked his way back up to my mouth. He caught me in a passionate kiss, one I won't ever forget. His thumbs rubbed my hips as he loosened his grip on them. He broke the kiss and watched me, admiring his work. The smirk on his face told me that he was enjoying every second of it. With one quick gentle motion I was in his lap and he was leaning on the head board. He looked down on me and took another kiss. I moaned and whined into it. His hands left my hips and made their way to my chest. He gripped each breast and I began to grind on him as he kneaded them. It seemed that this time he wasn't going to stop me. I ran my hands up his chest and gripped onto his shoulders. He broke the kiss and went for my collar bone, immediately finding the spot. I moaned out his name and in response he bucked his hips. I clawed my nails down his chest and he grunted in response.
POV change
I let her nipple go satisfied that it would be left bruised. I licked my way back up to her mouth. She garishly took my lips and moaned into the kiss. I loosened my grip on her hips and rubbed soft circled on them, they were most likely bruised too. I leaned back and looked at her. She was a panting mess, all bruised up from my bites. A loud whine escaped her and I quickly changed our position. I pulled her into my lap, she stayed still, good girl. I brought my lips to hers again and slid my hands over her body to her chest. I gripped each breast with enough force to get her to moan and begin to grind on me. I took to kneading her breasts and went searching for one of the spots I had marked earlier. I found one and dived straight to it. She moaned out my name and I bucked in approval. Which caused her to drag her nails down my chest.
POV change
I continued to grind on him letting out breathy moans. Every time his name passed my lips, he bucked. It felt wonderful… I removed my hands from his chest and began to claw at the sweat pants he was wearing. He got my point and flipped me over onto my back. He stared down at me for a moment before slipping his hands into my shorts. He slipped a finger between my folds and I moaned out his name. He smiled in approval. "Please… Hans…" He shook his head, making it clear to me that I was not in charge or going to get what I wanted any time soon. I let out a moan as he slipped his finger into me. He pumped it in and out at a slow steady pace. I whined and bucked my hips. His free hand only came to make me be still. Another finger was added and slowly he picked up his pace. I moaned and arched my back wanting more. He just gave me a cocky smile and pushed on my g-spot. His name passed my lips, this time clear. He brought his thumb over and rubbed my clit. I gripped the sheets with one hand and clawed at his arm with the other. He was clearly enjoying watching me struggle under him. I was too needy to care so I begged.
POV change
I let her grind on me, I was pretty confident that she wouldn't cum this way. My name kept flowing threw her lips like honey, and every time I rewarded her with a buck from my hips. Her nails had dug into my skin, there was no doubt that I would be covered is scratched in the morning. She released her nails from my chest and began to claw at my pants. So, she finally wanted more? In a swift motion I had her pinned under me. We made eye contact for a moment while I decided what to do. I gave a quick smirk and slipped my hands into her shorts. She wasn't wearing underwear, so I glided my finger between her slick folds. She moaned out my name, and I gave her a nod of approval. "Please… Hans…" She was begging, how delightful, I wanted to keep it that way. So I teased her. I slid a finger into her and moved at the tempo of the music, not that she noticed. She let out a loud whine and bucked her hips. I used my free hand to pin her down. She was cuming on my terms, and my terms alone. I slipped another finger in to her and picked up my pace some, since the song had changed. She let out a loud long moan and arched her back. I pushed on her g-spot and she said my name in a begging tone. I rewarded her by rubbing her clit with my thumb. She began to squirm under me, gripping the sheets and clawing at my arm… And she continued to beg.
POV change
"Fuck… Hans… Please…" I looked to him a large cocky smile planted on his face. He stopped and brought the hand that was holding my hip down to his chin as to think for a moment. "Please… take me…" His cocky grin came back and he rubbed slow circles on my clit. I let out a loud moan. "Hans… I want you…" He stopped and removed his hand. Cold air greeted me. He licked each of his fingers clean at a deliberately show pace. I let out a whine and sat up. I lid my hands into his sweatpants then boxers. He stopped licking his fingers and watched me. I slid is sweatpants and boxers off, with a simple lick of my lips he was giving his cocky smirk again. He released his grip on me. I scrambled to the floor as he sat down on the bed. I climbed onto my knees and he ran his hand threw my hair before gently grabbing a handful. I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and licked it.
POV change
Her words were music to my ears. My smile rarely left my face, no matter how much it hurt. Urgency didn't strike me until the words, 'Please take me' left her lips. I rubbed slow steady circles on her clit. "Hans… I want you…" I removed my hand from her and started to lick my fingers slowly contemplating my options. Continue my assault on her with my mouth, oh how lovely she tasted. Or… see where she takes this. I lightened my hold on her hip and she began to sit up. She slid her hands down my chest and into my boxers. I stopped what I was doing and watched. She slipped my pants and boxers off and licked her lips. I completely let go of her and she scrambled to the floor I sat down on the bed as she got up on her knees, tail wagging. I gently caressed her hair before grabbing a bit of it. She smiled and leaned into my touch before taking the head of my cock into her mouth. Her licks and sucks were delightful. I let out shaky breaths to let her know she was doing a good job. I tried my best to keep my hips still… It was so damn hard. I was quickly approaching my climax… I'd be damned if I came first. So I pulled her off.
POV change
Hans pulled me off of him and I looked up. He leaned forward and smoothed my hair down before cupping my cheeks. How was he so fucking sweet. He gently guided me up off of the floor and into a kiss; it was sweet and caring. He let go of my cheeks and grabbed my butt. I was pulled forward, my only option was to sit in his lap. I sat down resting on his thighs. He pulled me into another kiss as he slid his hands under my ass. I was gently lifted up and pulled forward. I could feel the heat radiating off of his cock onto my thighs. He gave me a soft smile before removing one of his hands from my legs. A deep blush crept onto my face, it was so unusual for someone to just change sides like that; from teasing and demanding to sweet and caring. It was a nice change. I gave him a long kiss as I began to lower myself down. I let out a loud long moan as he entered me fully. I could already feel my walls clenching around him. I waited till the small tremor stopped before coming back up slowly. I moaned out his name and his hands returned to my ass. They gave a soft squeeze before they allowed me to drop back down again. A growl left Hans' chest, it shook my whole body. I slowly lifted myself back up and Hans's head came to rest in the crook of my neck. I was immediately brought back down by him, a slap echoed through the room. I dug my nails into him as he raised me up again. I was dropped back down and let out a moan that echoed with the loud slap. I slowly increased the speed, Hans kept his hands placed firmly on my thighs. Between the slaps and my moans, I could hear Hans. He was growling and grunting. I opened my glazed over eyes to see if I could steal a passionate kiss from him, but to my left I could see white fur appearing on his face. I leaned back away from him, which made him look at me. I took my chance and stole that passionate kiss. He was taken off guard by this and I was dropped fast, which made me let out a moan in to the kiss. Keeping with that rhythm I began bouncing on my own, very quickly now coming to my climax. Hans could feel it so he returned his hands to my hips, steadying me as I went. I let out a loud scream, that had to have woken our neighbors, and came. I fell forwards on to Hans, as he continued to help me ride him. Not soon after a loud deep growl left Hans and a set of teeth dug deep into my shoulder. I let out another scream, not of pain but pleasure. Hans slowed us to a stop. My thighs were sticky with cum, and so was his lap. I gave a blissful smile and opened my eyes. White tuffs of fur were still gracing his face. He leaned forward and nuzzled me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands drifted from my hips to under my thigh. He proceeded to lift me and himself off of the bed. I heard a door creak open, the shower in the room, how thoughtful. The water was turned on and the stopper put in place. Hans set me down in the luke warm water. "What about you hum? Not exactly room for both of us…" He hummed in response and fetched a clean wash rag from the cabinet. I opened my eyes to see him sitting on the side of the tub. He reached out and scratched behind my ears. When the water got high enough I reached out to turn it off, I was too tired to do so, so Hans did it for me.  "You're a doll, you know that?" I took the wash cloth from him and cleaned up. My shoulder was bleeding, that wasn't a surprise though. It did take a mouth full of werewolf teeth. I let the water out and stood on wobbly legs, Hans steadied me and gave me a towel. I dried off and stumbled my way back to the bed. Luckily I had just enough strength to pull myself into the bed. As soon as I was comfortable I was out like a sack of potatoes.
POV change
After Melody washed up I climbed into the shower to do the same. When I arrived out of the shower soft mumbling could be heard from her. I smiled and dried off. She hadn't even put her pajamas back on. She was just passed out on my bed holding a pillow. I knew after seeing how worn out that spider plushie was that she was; I knew she was a closet cuddlier, how cute. The bite I left on her shoulder oozed blood lightly. Dok would kill her for not coming to him to get it tended. I suppose her being too tired is a good reason. I grabbed my shirt off of the floor and set it on the bed. I went to the record player to put up the record that I had put on at the beginning of the night. I set it back in its place on the shelf and went to put my shirt on Melody, who was nothing but a rag doll at this point. She would probably strip it from herself by morning, that was ok though. I'd be able to admire my work. I unlocked the door, there was no reason for it to be locked anymore. I took one more good look at Melody, she had already latched a hold of the pillow I took from her again. I pried it from her grip and laid down next to her, she immediately latched onto me.
POV change
The two Captains were missing from this morning's meeting. Very unlike the Captain… Melody not so much. She would often miss them and have me or the Captain fill her in on the important stuff. I stopped in front of her door and banged as loud as I could. She didn't answer so I opened the door slowly. I waited a moment before I peered in. "Hum… empty." Her rags of a plushie was sitting on her bed. Her laptop had died hours ago, so had her phone. Where was she? I closed the door and knocked on the Captains door. It was opened; I was fixing to scold him but he put his finger to his mouth to tell me to be quiet. I heard mumbles and the bed move, the Captain closed the door on me. I raised my fist and knocked again. Three loud bangs rang off of the door. "Fuck off!" A voice?... The Captain's mute… Mein Gott… that was Melody. I cracked the door to peer in. Two sets of clothes littered the floor, one set far too small to be the Captains. I heard a growl and watched Melody sit up from the other side of the Captain. "What part of fuck off did you not understand!" Her eyes met mine, the shirt she was wearing, obviously the Captains exposed a bitten shoulder. I blushed realizing what had happened that night. I quickly closed the door and walked away.
0 notes
melody-howard · 3 months
Hans Gunsche 1
Loud claps of thunder could be heard outside. The Zeppelin wasn't exactly sound proof. I was held up under my bed with my laptop, watching the storm roll across the radar at a painfully slow speed. The amazon wasn't the best place to be stationed for an astraphobe. Rain was a daily thing… as was thunder. I spent these times away from the others under my bed. No one seemed to notice my disappearances, thankfully. I clutched my worn out spider plushie and hunkered down for a few hours…
POV change
The tiny Captain on loan from the WL went missing again. I doubt that she had forgotten her rounds… though come to think of it she did go missing every time it rained. From the way that the pilots talked this was a relatively bad storm. Hopefully she wasn't out for a walk during this. I sniffed the air to see if I could find where she had gone to. After all the Major had promised her safety to the others in her unit. I got a faint smell of her in the air, she was often in the mess hall talking with the others, so it was possibly a lingering sent. Her rounds, also had a faint lingering sent. The men on the rout made a path for me, often asking each other where the girl was. I passed them and made my way outside. I few quick sniffs of the air proved useless. It was far too wet to find her out here. I could only hope, for the Major's sake that she was inside safe.
POV change
My lack of understanding Portuguese was biting me in the ass. There were no English captions and the internet page was half translated. Form the bits and pieces that a caught it seemed that the storm was a hurricane that had hit shore a day ago. We were inland enough to not get the damaging effects of the hurricane… but the storm was going to last a day or two. I did not have enough food and water to last that long. Not to mention the bull shit meetings I had to go to once a day. I was defiantly going to miss them. Whelp…
POV change
I traced the halls of the Desus Ex Machada. Her sent was the strongest outside her room, that was to be expected though. I knocked on the door just to check if she was in there. I got no response so I went in. It was decorated in here… much less sparse than my room… 'If I'm going to be living here with you lot, I'd at least like to be comfortable…' I chuckled remembering her response to Dok scolding her for decorating the room with her stuff. She was quite outspoken, a good change from all the others around here. Her room light was on, though from what I've heard it's always on… something about not being able to sleep when it's dark. The small window in here room was covered in black out curtains. I peered through them to see that the window had a x made from tape on it… How weird. The art on her wall was strange… Jan liked them, something about how cool black light posters were, whatever black lights were. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her phone flash. She was here in the Desus Ex Machada somewhere.
POV change.
My phone went off and scared the shit out of me. I reached my hand out from under the bed to grab it. Maybe it was a weather alert that I could actually understand… With my luck it was a message from a friend or some stupid game. I quickly snatched it and looked… It was one of the vampires asking how to fix something. I ignored it, I have bigger problems at the moment. I set my phone aside and looked back at the radar.
POV change
I dainty hand shot out from under the bed and grabbed the phone… Why was she under her bed? I bent down to look. She was clutching a large stuffed spider and staring at her laptop. I could see in the reflection of her glasses that it was a storm radar. I got down onto the floor and watched her stare at the screen, her eyes were wide… then the smell hit me, she was scared… that's why she didn't answer me, she was too scared to notice that I had knocked on the door. She would usually tell me to come in with her loud voice. She had enough voice for the both of us. It was always nice to see Dok's face when she would yell at him for something… In fact I think the entire crew of the Desus Ex Machada could hear her. She's quite fearless, if I was her Dok would have ripped my vocal cords out.
POV change
I was so absorbed in watching the storm move at a slow pace across the area that it took me awhile to notice the red eyes staring at me. It was the Captain… We stared at each other, eyes locked before he tilted his head to me in a questioning manor. "W-what?" My voice barely came out, he heard me though. He motioned for me to come out from under the bed. "No…" I thought he was reaching out to grab me, instead he was joining me under the bed. He pointed to my computer screen. "It's the storm…" He shook his head and I pulled up a word document. "You know…" Before I could even finish my sentence he turned my laptop and began typing. I watched as he typed out the sentence; 'Are you scared of storms?' All I could do was nod as a loud clap of thunder happened. I clutched my spider. Captain tapped my arm and pointed to the screen. He had apparently typed something else out while I was having a mini panic attack. 'Why?' I shook my head. "It's a long story…" He shook his head and I sighed.
POV change
The girl sighed. "I grew up in Texas, storms like this were common… I actually survived a tornado. I remember walking down the street looking at the path of destruction that it left… Entire houses were gone, mine included. The only reason I lived was the shelter we had built a year earlier. Most of the people on my street were dead or wounded… buried under rubble." She stopped talking and watched me type; 'That can't happen here.' She scoffed; "Yeah, I know that… I just can't help but be scared that every storm will turn deadly. I never said I had a good fear… After all when Dok asked me if I feared anything I responded with 'the stupidest thing in the world.' He thought it was death or public speaking… but no it's fucking storms." I chuckled, though no sound came out. She looked at me with a little pout of anger. 'Faruline, that's a valid fear.' She shook her head. "Being scared of every storm, having fear run through you every time that the wind blows hard… fearing rain, how is that not stupid." I reached up and patted her head. "Don't do that!" Her hair felt soft, and she was hiding something from the rest of us… another set of ears perched on top of her head. I went back to typing; 'It is valid because it is a natural ingrained fear. Like spiders and snakes. Rain and storms would have killed your ancestors, caused bad hunting and floods.' She stared at what I wrote for a hard minuet before I began to type again. 'Death is normal and unavoidable, so is public speaking. Being scared of those is worthless. Being scared of storms is useful. You are able to find safety and prepare.' I grabbed the jar of peanut butter from her side and showed it to her. She sighed and shook her head. "I guess you're right…" I set the jar down. "…it's a sound fear."
POV change
I watched Captain set my half eaten jar of peanut butter down. He then began to type again; 'Would you like me to stay here with you?' My eyes went wider than they already were. I was shocked, I figure he would just leave and go back to standing by the Major after realizing that I was safe. He cocked his head to me. "I… I would like that." He proceeded to crawl out from under my bed. I followed him after a loud clap of thunder, pushing my laptop and dragging my spider plushie. My laptop was picked up by gloved hands and set aside. I finished crawling out and climbed onto the bed. My plushie was pulled from my arms and set aside with my laptop. Captain easily sat down on my bed, must have been the right height for him. He settled in right next to me and turned the tv on. A large clap of thunder shook the zeppelin. I jumped and latched on to the Captain, who only looked at me for a brief second before going back to find something to watch.
POV change
She was clinging to me… She didn't notice the slight blush that came to my face. I tried to ignore it and looked for an English show to watch. If I had to I could embarrass myself with video games I could. Of the few channels we got only one seemed to be in English. It seemed to be a soap opera… the Major and Dok both enjoyed watching those, so maybe she would too. I watched her face to gage her reaction. "This trash is still on tv? It's been running since the sixties." I glanced back to the show. If it's been running this long then it must be good. She snuggled into my arm, I saw a small blush come to her face… I suppose she's never actually seen me without my coat on. A small smile crossed my lips. Before I knew it she snatched the remote from my hand. "I cannot stand another second of this desperate house wife shit." She proceeded to flip through the stations again; I reached out and grabbed her laptop to type something.
POV change
This was the only English channel? Are you shitting me? Soaps… in English playing in Brazil? Jesus fucking Christ, how were these trashy shows popular. Captain poked my arm. 'That's your only option.' I shook my head and snatched my laptop from him. "Lies!" I jumped out of the bead and hooked my laptop up to the tv. I loaded up Netflix and dipped back under my bed for my mouse. I grabbed it and pulled myself back into the bed. "Sorry I took your only form of communication… wait…"
POV change
She was distracted from the storm now. The only responses that she gave were little involuntary jumps, even to the thunder that her human ears couldn't pick up. I watched as she rummaged through the desk that her tv was placed on. She pulled out a pen and stuck it into her hair. She slammed the drawer shut, making the tv wobble on its stand and yanked open another drawer. She pulled something out and tucked it under her arm. "Here." She tossed it at me. It was a nice note book, it had Vincent Van Gogh's Sunflowers on it. "You can keep that one, I have like three others at home." She climbed her way back into the bed and sat down next to me. "I had a pen…" I reached back and pulled it out of her ponytail. Her head turned to me quickly. "Oh… you wouldn't believe how many pens I loose in my hair." She smiled to me and just me… my cheeks heated up. I don't think she noticed as she turned back to watch something. "Let me know if something interests you, or you'd rather watch something in German." I tilted my head to the side, though she didn't see. She had thought of what I wanted to watch… how unusual. My opinion was never wanted from anyone… until now.
POV change
I flipped through my recommended stuff, nothing seemed to interest me. I was still jumping at the thunder, thou I had calmed down a lot. I was able to think about stuff other than the storm. My tail began to wag. It was stopped by a hand… Shit. I looked to Captain. He was staring at me with his head cocked. I turned red and swallowed hard. I think he's learned my secret. "Long story…" He let go of my tail and reached out for my head. I laid my ears down so he didn't accidentally put a finger into them. He gave me a few scratched behind my left ear and my tail went to wagging again. I pulled away from him after a moment and looked back to him. He had a soft smile on his lips… I was flabbergasted. He actually smiled, I returned it. I turned back to the tv and picked a nature documentary that I hadn't yet watched and settled back down next to Captain. He wrapped an arm around me.
POV change
She had ears and a tail, not that I could see them at the moment. Must have been covering them with magic. I knew she wasn't like me one-hundred percent, I did however know that she wasn't human. From the first time I smelled her back in London. I knew she was abnormally strong; she had to be to be picking fights with vampires… the ears and tail were a shock. She snuggled into me and I tightened my grip on her. She didn't purr, so she wasn't a cat, and her tail wagged as I petted her behind the ears… She was a dog? I must have jumped at the realization cause she looked to me. "You ok?" I opened the book to a blank page, it had sketches in it. Some of me, Dok, Schrodinger and Rip. 'What are you?' She looked to what I wrote. "It's kinda funny. This Russian dude fell in love with me, his sister was in love with him. So to get me out of the picture she turned me in to a dog… more than once. Some of the affects will never wear off." She snapped her fingers. Two brown dog ears appeared on her head and a brown tail on her back. She gave out a bit of a laugh. "So yeah, that's why I'm flinching at thunder I shouldn't be able to hear." I stared at her for a moment. I knew that wasn't the whole story. I had seen her win countless arm wrestling matched against vampires. She snuggled back into me. "I guess the Major left out my other universely origins?" I wasn't surprised by that. Seeing as she smelt human… though now with her magic off she smelt different. Like pine trees and saw dust… with a touch of wet dog. It reminded me of home, back in the Black Forest. I held her the best I could and rested my head onto hers.
POV change
Captain held me tight, it was comforting though. I had completely stopped jumping at the thunder and was focusing on the tv. Something I could have never done with MJ or Daniel staying with me. I felt him place his head on mine. He was so much bigger than me. I felt him take a deep breath threw his nose. He seemed relaxed for once. He always looks so tense. He began to lean on me and wrapped his arms around me, his hand came to rest on my stomach. A deep blush rushed through my cheeks. A sigh of contentment came through his nose. His grip tightened, as though he was trying to test his limits on my body and his other hand came and rested on my thigh; my blush grew. "Uh… Captain?" He hummed in response; I didn't know he could even make sound. "What are you doing?"
POV change
I was caught off guard by her question… What was I doing? Was I comforting her? I opened my eyes and lifted my head from her. I looked down; her cheeks were bright red. She was blushing… how cute. I leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to her forehead. She leaned into the kiss. "Why are you being nice to me?" That was a very good question, I thought on it for a moment…
"Ah, yes, Frauline…" The girl rolled her eyes. "It's Melody you tubby little major!" She glared at the Major. "…Yes, of course, I am now your commanding officer…" She snapped back at him without a beat. "You! Ha! I don't take orders from deranged lunatics!" Major Anders chimed in. "Captain! Mind your manners. All of his orders will be cleared by me. So yes, you do take orders from him." I could see it in her eyes, she wasn't defeated, she just knew when to give up.
…It had to be then. She was unbreakable, even under my iron grip she was holding strong. Her deep green eyes stared at me as if waiting for me to speak. I just shrugged to her.
POV change
We stared at each other for a while after he kissed my forehead. He just shrugged. "What? There has to be a reason." He just shrugged again and pulled me into his lap. Oh god… What was I going to do… other than become stiff which is what I did…
"I don't know what his problem is, dude." I glared to the two brothers coming down the hall. "Every time I open my mouth during a meeting he hit me in the back of the head." Luke rolled his eyes to his brother. "Probably because most of what comes out of your mouth is stupid." I shook my head and continued on my rounds. I heard a door open and shut as I turned the corner. "Oh, hey hot mama!" I rolled my eyes to Jan. "Not going to smile for me baby?" I glared at him. "A smile…" Before he could finish what he was saying he was cut off by a gunshot. Further down the hall stood the Captain with his gun drawn. "Thanks, it's nice to know someone around here respects women." He nodded to me and continued on down the hall.
I couldn't take a casual flirty way with him like I did others. I was too nervous… This man, by anyone else's standards would be a brute was holding me gently in his lap. I dwarfed him by a foot in height, I was tiny compared to him. As my brain stopped working instincts kicked in. Before I could stop myself I was burring my way into his coat for  warmth… and holy shit was he warm… and ripped… though I already knew that. I pulled the giant coat around me and cuddled in to sleep… Sleep there's a storm going on. I shot up and his grip tightened on me. I sighed and relaxed a bit. He looked at me with his head cocked to the side… I couldn't speak, his expression was so fucking cute. I smiled to him and went to cuddle back into his chest, then I noticed it, a dog tag.
POV change
Cold finger tips brushed against my chest as the girl began to wiggle her way under my coat. In fact most of her was cold. She wiggled her way in completely. I felt her lay her on my chest, before she quickly startled. I looked down to her with a concerned face. She shook her head and went to lay on me again. Instead of doing that she grabbed my dog tag. "Hans Gunsche, Werewolf solider…" My name… I hadn't heard it in years. "Well, it's nice to know that there's something other than Captain that I can call you." She ran her thumb over the metal. She was going to call me by my name? I wasn't going to be just 'Captain' to her anymore… and come to think of it do I even remember her name?... 'It's Melody, you tubby little major!'… Melody… Melody B. Howard… she set my dog tag back down on my chest and snuggled in to me. She closed her eyes and I heard a sigh of relief. "At least I'm going to sleep tonight." She was going to go to sleep… Then maybe I should get some rest too.
POV change
I woke up warm, what a change, this place was usually freezing. My hair was moving… a loud clap of thunder, and I jumped. An arm gripped me tightly… Oh, that's right, I fell asleep on Captain, Hans… I fell asleep with him! I shot up at full force, I'm sure my eyes tinted themselves with my sudden fright. A hand came up and rubbed my arm. I looked back to him. His coat and gloves were discarded. I felt a deep blush cover my entire face. I had discarded my shirt in my sleep and was only left in my bra… here I am, with Hans, taking me in… or so I thought. His eyes were locked to mine, such a gentleman. I shook my head and went to get up when a earth shaking thunder clap shook everything. I began to panic. I went to dive onto the floor so I could crawl under my bed, but a warm set of hands stopped me. I was pulled back to the bed. My blanket was thrown back over me in a swift moment and I was being held to a very firm very warm chest. "Hans?" His grip tightened as I said his name. "Why are you still here?" He sat up and grabbed the notebook I gave him last night and began to write. 'I didn't want to leave you alone.' I was so confused. Hans, the Major's body guard was here with me and not him? Well I suppose that he's safe right now, it's not like we're in enemy territory. I sighed and shook my head. "You're confusing." I closed my eyes for a brief moment and before I knew it his lips were on mine. It was a gentle sweet kiss, and before I could even realize what I was doing my hands were in his hair. For the first time since I met him I had gotten a good smell of him. He smelt of apple wood smoke, fresh bread, and a hint of wet dog.
POV change
What I thought would just have been a kiss soon turned in to something more. Her hands were in my hair and my hands landed on her hips. They were still warm from my body heat. When we parted I noticed that she had moved herself under me. Our chests were touching, her bra was silk. Her legs were wrapped around my torso. It was an intimate moment, something I hadn't experienced in years. Her lips reached up and recaptured mine, in a passionate kiss. She drug her nails down my shoulder and up my neck. Had it not been for the footsteps approaching the room this would have gone further. I pulled myself from her and she let out a whine, it pained me. A knock came to the door. "Captain Howard! Are you in there?" It was Dok. "The Captain is missing." She froze, which didn't help. The door soon cracked open. "Faru Howard?" Dok stuck his head into the room. "Ack! I am sorry!" He quickly left and closed the door. I felt Melody give a quiet laugh. "Oops." We would probably get scolded by our majors later… but it was nice to be so close to someone, who cared about me.
POV change
"What the hell were you two thinking!" Frau Melody gave a nervous smile. "Shit happens?" Herr Major laughed and Major Anders went back to scolding the two. "Emotional attachment can ruin a mission…" Frau Melody quickly snapped back. "Hey! Don't pick favorites! You let Lillian and MJ work together!" I was having a hard time holding back my laughter, it was funny watching her rip others apart during an argument… It's nice to be watching instead of being the one she's ripping apart. "This is different Captain Howard." She got a cocky smile. "How so? You planning on wiping them out after we're done with Hellsing?" Major Anders choked on his words. "Then it is no different! There is no excuse for you to play favorites!" Frau Melody did an about face and walked away. She was the only one in our Last Battalion that could do that. Herr Major dismissed the Captain. When Major Anders hung up I busted into laughter. "They are a cute couple, right Avondale?" I lifted my glasses and wiped tears from my eyes. "Ah, yes they are. The brains and the brawn… Though, I wonder why her." Herr Major gave a chuckle. "I guess you never noticed dear Doctor… her hearing is exceptional, I have been whacked by what I can only presume is a tail." I thought about it for a moment. "Ah, she must be part dog, like Warrant Officer Schrodinger is part cat." A smile graced my features. "Wonderful, isn't it Doctor."
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