melmoros · 4 days
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there's still time!!! your heart is still beating!!!
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melmoros · 7 days
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i think i was born wanting more
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melmoros · 15 days
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i'm on a 24/7 axel & avira lockdown
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melmoros · 1 month
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i'll find a new place to be from
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melmoros · 1 month
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avira the bard for @chthonicmoons ♡
id in alt / closeup + bonus sleepy girl doodle below the cut :3
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melmoros · 2 months
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goddess of the hunt (image ID in alt) ♡
"you drew her outfit wrong" sorry for wanting to see women's backs. as if it's my fault
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melmoros · 4 months
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mixed inheritances
(my durge + tempest domain cleric)
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oh selûne, we're really in it now... here are some details! her name is moonglade btw :)
image IDs in alt, click for higher quality <3
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melmoros · 5 months
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"grief is an amputation, but hope is incurable hemophilia: you bleed and bleed and bleed." - david mitchell, slade house
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melmoros · 7 months
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wrong universe
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melmoros · 7 months
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this was in response to my partner's tav getting a dialogue option to withers which was "shadowheart? gods, i wish she was my bosom-companion." this is just what i think would happen the next morning.
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melmoros · 8 months
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shadowheart and my partner's warlock cassius!
click for higher quality / id in alt text :)
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melmoros · 10 months
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doodles of my lil rogue aletheia (hey. hey. you should look up what her name means. totally unrelated but im romancing shadowheart) and my partner's PC cassius!
IDs below cut and detailed IDs in alt text :)
Begin ID. Three images of digital drawings from Baldur's Gate 3.
Image one is drawn from the neck up, a pencil drawing of a wood elf named Aletheia. She has shoulder length, choppy purple hair. She also has freckles and markings around her eyes and on her forehead. Her irises are purple, but one of her eyes has black corners, and the other has white corners.
Image two is also drawn from the neck up, a pencil drawing of a half elf named Cassius. He has shoulder length hair that is pulled back from his face, but is wavy near the ends. He has a scar across his nose and cheek, and a kind expression.
Image three is the same drawing of Aletheia, but coloured in. Her skin is a warm brown, and the purples show more vibrantly on her face. Her hair is coloured in a very bright purple, and the markings around her eyes are white.
End image IDs.
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melmoros · 1 year
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... there's a first time for everything, right?
all i want is for them to spiderman kiss, but with gwen upside down 🌻 image ID below, detailed ID in alt :)
Begin Image ID, done by artist. A digital drawing of Miles and Gwen from Across The Spiderverse. They are both drawn from the waist up and in side profile, wearing their spider suits, but without the masks. Miles is on the left, standing with his hands in his pockets. He has warm brown skin, and a dark brown afro with flat sides. His suit is black, with a red spider on the front in graffiti style. He is making eye contact with Gwen, who is hanging from the top of the drawing on the right side. Gwen has light skin and blonde hair, which is tied in a small ponytail that hangs down; she also has an undercut. Her suit is black and white, with a white hood that hangs down and hugs the back of her head. Her arms are pulled forward in front of her, as if holding onto web to hang from. The sleeves of her suit and inside of her hood are bright pink, with blue web designs. Gwen looks at Miles with a flirtatious smirk and raised eyebrow, and Miles smiles back at her softly in return. They are both blushing slightly. The background is bright yellow and blue, with different-styled sunflowers drawn behind each of them. End ID.
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melmoros · 1 year
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i'm getting better!! the only advice i can give you is that in order to be good at drawing hands, first you have to be quite bad at drawing hands.
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melmoros · 1 year
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“Like a fire, it takes stoking from within. But when you burn, Taako… it illuminates the universe.”
aabria gave such a beautiful monologue of the embers swirling around him that i just Had to draw it!!! i can’t believe my fav DM ever did a balance mini-arc, talk about a dream come true <3 (click for higher quality / reblogs > likes)
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melmoros · 1 year
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one of my most beloved dnd characters, andi :) (short for andraste) 🌙💕
Image ID below cut, longer ID in alt text
Begin ID. A digital drawing of an original DND character. She is drawn on a pink background, where the words "Andi" and "Moon Elf Ranger" are written. Andi is tall and slender, with light blue skin and long pointed ears. She is missing her left eye, half of her left ear, and has heavy scarring on her left side. She has a long white braid flowing down from the right side of her head, and the left side of her hair looks shaved. She wears brown pants, a silver shirt, brown boots, and a long, lopsided green coat. She has a few silver accessories, and she is holding an arrow notched in a crescent-moon shaped bow. She is smiling faintly. End ID
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melmoros · 1 year
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@ataleofcrowns is so good that i finally learned to draw hands to make this. go play it rn 🌞
image ID below the cut, with a more detailed ID in alt text
Begin image ID. A digital drawing of a fan character, Niyaz, from the IF "A Tale of Crowns." They have golden brown skin, and dark brown hair that falls unevenly to their shoulders. They are wearing yellow and red Kurdish shalvar, with dangling sun earrings. There are two indigo-coloured panels of Niyaz on a black background, and the panels are cropped, so they are only drawn from their nose down to their chest. In each panel, they are holding the wrist of Lord Rêzan, who has deep brown skin. He is also wearing several silver and indigo rings. In the first panel, Niyaz kisses Rêzan's wrist, and a speech bubble from him says "More...". In the second panel, the speech bubble from Rêzan says "...please," which is underlined, and he has spread out his hand, with his palm facing the viewer. Niyaz's mouth is opened in surprise, and they are blushing. End Image ID.
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