melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
-bites down on her bottom lip and arches her back, pressing into his touch more firmly. Mel runs the tip of her nose along his cheek, her breath shallow and warm as it fans across his skin. Her own hands are occupied with the task of running up and down his chest and biceps in slowly, barely there, lazy circles and she pulls her shoulders back as his thumbs caress the dip in her skin, her breasts rising from the movement-
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/pauses for a moment, the expression on his face mostly unreadable but definitely not hesitance as he remembers the times of closeness he’d shared with the doppelganger of the girl before him and as he forces himself to remember that this is Mel, not Jac, and allows his fingertips to travel higher on her skin and his thumbs to brush over her navel/
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
-smiles gently, a soft noise somewhere between a scoff and a murmur of appreciation sounding somewhere low in her throat. Is tempted to brush her fingers against the scar again but chooses not too, dropping them lower as she angles her face up, brushing their noses more firmly this time-
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/is most definitely encouraged, but freezes up again when the tip of her thumb traces over scar tissue; attempting to shake the feeling as she tugs him closer, he tightens his fingers around her hips and leans in closer to her, his nose barely brushing hers/
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
-twists her hips minutely, attempting to encourage him, and continues to map her way across his chest with one hand. Hooks the thumb of her other hand in his belt loop, effectively drawing him closer and causing his pants to fall a little lower on his hips-
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/is a bit on edge, half expecting Jacqueline to rip them apart from each other at any moment despite knowing that she’s gone and lifts his other hand to touch her other side, his fingers ghosting over the skin just below them hem of her shirt/
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
-doesn't bother to hide her smirk at the feel of his hand on her side, instead stepping even closer and dragging nails higher up his chest, brushing the flat of her thumb across his abs-
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/inhales sharply as whatever confidence he had in the situation crumbles, but doesn’t quite show outwardly as he struggles to keep his expression straight and one of his hands finally reaches out and grabs her hip/
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
He was interested. Interested, yet far more wary than any of the other men she'd encountered in the past when engaging in such liaisons, and Mel knew she had to proceed with caution. There was an intelligence that shone in the man's eyes, an acute awareness, and that could be just as dangerous as the barrel of a gun. The brunette wasn't being subtle by any standards and she was certain that he could see right through her façade. Yet beneath the undeniable attraction, made obvious by the way his gaze rested on the swell of her breasts for a moment too long and how his cheeks were stained red, there was a weakness far larger to exploit. Mel met his eyes and she could see it there; thick, pungent, turning his light gaze heavy. The man was lonely, and the company of anyone - let alone an attractive female - would have been desperately welcome. She kept her smile in place and their sides touching as he made no move to pull away. Mel paused at his question, taking a moment to come up with a viable answer. He still had yet to give her his name, and perhaps that was some sort of way of him protecting himself. Not that she cared either way - soon enough the bag of supplies by his left knee would be hers, regardless of if he was Tom, Dick or Harry. She chewed her bottom lip and looked up at him, a crestfallen expression painted onto her pretty features. It greatly contrasted the buoyant smile she'd delivered a moment before, and the brunette tried her hardest to will tears to her eyes, "I was in a group. We were... attacked..." She trailed off, rubbing her forearm, "I ran and ran, until I'd escaped them all. But I don't know where any of the others are and I'm so scared..." She turned her head from him and pretended to wipe a tear from her eye, sniffling.
Tricks of the Trade | Victor
Victor eyed the newcomer, cautious and careful as he mumbled his name in response to her greeting. Sure, she looked innocent enough, but the façade wasn’t enough for him. She looked just a little too healthy to him. Perhaps he was being paranoid, it was likely that she was as bad-off as she was and Victor was just looking into things with too much detail, but since the end of the world, he could never be too sure — things never used to be what they didn’t seem. Now… well, now things were everything that they didn’t seem to be and nothing at all at the same time. It angered and confused the man, because if there was one thing Victor didn’t like, it was not knowing, and he’d already had enough of that to last him three lifetimes, so he thought.
Extending his hand, he shook the brunettes, looking her over. Her chest rose and fell with heavy heartbeats and he undoubtedly let his eyes linger on the exposed skin for just a moment before moving his gaze to her facial features. Light eyes, a very pretty blue, and they held the sparkle that most of the living’s eyes didn’t these days. As she sat next to him, Victor felt the old jump in his chest that he hadn’t felt for months. Yikes, had it really been that long? Well… he was only human, right? He felt his blood heat under his skin at her touches, which she made no effort to stop. Oh yes, she was definitely doing this on purpose, and he felt rather flustered about it. “What’re you doing out here all alone?” Victor asked her, raising an eyebrow. Surely a girl like her would have some form of protector. Victor found himself waiting for a big, burly man to pop out of the bushes nearby and skin him before making off with his supplies. He frowned at the thought.
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
-slides her hand down his side, momentarily resting it on his hip. Gently pushes up his shirt to expose a thin strip of skin and rakes her nails across it-
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-continues to touch him with a quiet confidence, sliding her palm down the length of his arm and then across his chest-
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
-continues to touch him with a quiet confidence, sliding her palm down the length of his arm and then across his chest-
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-pulls a face and shakes her head, stepping even closer- I’d much prefer to attend to you right now, Hunter… -smirks, smoothing a hand along his shoulder-
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
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-pulls a face and shakes her head, stepping even closer- I'd much prefer to attend to you right now, Hunter... -smirks, smoothing a hand along his shoulder-
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/stands a bit taller whilst simultaneously leaning closer to her, quirking one brow/ Don’t you have a group you need to attend to?
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
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-steps a little closer, very much in his personal space- Like I said, you're... cute.
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Can you? /forces back a wider smile/
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
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I can see why -grins rather flirtatiously-
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It was just me that she didn’t like to share. /shrugs/
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
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Ah. My doppleganger didn't like to share her toys?
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It wasn’t easy… not when I had Jac to take care of and she’d slaughter anyone who tried to get too close to me.
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
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-notices the subtle change in his demeanour, her own smile fading slightly too- Sore spot?
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/loses most of the vividness in his expression and shakes his head/ Not exactly.
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melmikhailov-blog · 12 years
As Mel closed the distance between herself and the stranger she found she could not wipe the grin from her face. Upon closer inspection she took in his appearance, cataloguing each detail as her gaze roamed his form. He was tall and thin, with pale skin and stubbled cheeks. Attractive, yes, but most pleasing of all was the sight of the backpack by his side and the fact he appeared to be decidedly alone. Her eyes flickered briefly back to the supplies he carried and then again to his features. The man appeared curious, lifting his hand in greeting, and Mel waved back eagerly. She composed her features into something softer, more pleasant and innocent, hoping to come across as a lost straggler perhaps. She came to a halt several paces before him, attempting to appear a little breathless. Her chest heaved from the forced effort and she hoped he'd notice. "Hi," She ran a hand through her hair as she offered a small, shy smile, tilting her head to the side. In her years living in the city, Mel had found that the easiest way to survive was to leech off of others. It was almost disgustingly easy too; it seemed that men caved under even a single note of a siren's call, or a lingering gaze that she sent their way. Before all this had happened she wouldn't have ever dreamed of becoming an actress, but in her moments of dark humour she supposed that she'd been pretty well trained since the zombies had attacked, "I'm Mel..." The brunette offered him her hand to shake, holding his hand for a beat too long. She ducked her head, still smiling, "Do you mind if I sit with you?" She didn't wait for him to respond; instead the girl took a seat next to him, making sure to brush up against him and remain so close that their sides were pressed together.
Tricks of the Trade | Victor
 In all of his twenty years of life, Victor Christensen hadn’t felt as lonely as he did at this moment. Wondering around the seemingly deserted streets, he held nothing but a knife. His throat was dry and he wanted to be home, home with his favourite book, home with his music and his dog and the girlfriend that he probably wouldn’t have had, even if the zombies hadn’t decided to make their grand entrance. Sighing, he swung his arm back and forth, humming to himself. Oddly enough, he didn’t care about the flesh-chewers anymore. It wasn’t like he had anything to live for, anyway – he would always defend himself, but he didn’t expect himself or anyone else in the group to whinge and cry if he got bitten. He just felt… alone. Sure, he had been alone before the apocalypse, but so had everyone else. No one wanted to nibble his arm … or various other pieces of his anatomy.
Victor sighed again, ran a hand through his hair and wandered off to the side of the deserted road, seating himself on the grass that had grown quite a bit in the few months since the zombies had hit. He placed his hands behind his head and leant back, staring up at the cloudless sky and letting his mind wander back to the older days, the days where he wasn’t constantly running for his life and feeling as insecure as a bug on the pavement.
It was a while before Victor noticed the girl a small distance away. He felt another presence… the feeling that someone was watching him. And that she was, he soon figured upon sitting up. The man stared for a short while, unsure of what to do. How did one approach a stranger that could possibly slaughter them? He hummed in thought, then decided to go for a short wave. 
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