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BSU Convocation

On February 19 I went to the Bowie State University Spring Convocation. Before the event officially started I loved the collage slide presentation that highlighted black people in different careers and jobs over the years such as law, construction, business, sports, and music. However, a part that stood out to me during the slide presentation was the highlighting of the cultural labor of enslaved Africans and the civil rights movement where black people had to do sit-ins and protests and go on strikes to get better job opportunities. Also, throughout the event, I liked the performances from the university choir.
They sang spiritual medleys such as “City Called Heaven”/“Lord, I Know I’ve Been Changed”, the Alma Master, and traditional songs such as “Lift Every Voice and Sing” and “The Star-Spangled Banner”. Out of all the songs, my favorite was “Lord, I Know I’ve Been Changed”. The woman's voice was beautiful, and I felt like it brought emotion to the song. I also love the build-up when the song becomes quicker and more upbeat. However, my favorite part was when the director started playing on the piano and encouraged the audience to clap along with them as they sang the song's second part. I love songs that involve movement and encourage the crowd to participate. The band also performed “A Quiet Journey Home,” which felt magical and like an actual journey. Overall, the event was nice, and it did an excellent job of highlighting the careers and jobs black people had over the years, along with amazing music.
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Adobe Photoshop Classroom Ch 5: Quick Fixes

Review Questions
What is red eye, and how do you correct it in Photoshop?
Red eye occurs when a camera flash is reflected in the retinas of a subject’s eyes. To correct red eye in Photoshop, zoom in to the subject’s eyes, select the Red Eye tool, and then click or drag around each eye.
2. Why might some parts of the Photoshop workspace become inaccessible or hidden, such as the Color and Layers panels? And how do you return to the normal workspace?
If standard panels can’t be opened, you're probably working in a dedicated workspace that provides options only for a specific task, such as applying Liquify or Blur Gallery effects. Many menu commands and panels aren’t available in a dedicated workspace. To exit a dedicated workspace and keep the edits you made in it, look for an OK button and click it. (When not in a dedicated workspace, panels can be opened and hidden using the Window menu or by a preset on the Window > Workspace menu.)
3. How can you create a panorama from multiple images?
To blend multiple images into a panorama, choose File > Automate > Photomerge, select the files you want to combine, and click OK.
4. Which common camera lens flaws can the Lens Correction filter fix?
The Lens Correction filter can fix common camera lens flaws such as barrel and pincushion distortion, in which straight lines bow out toward the edges of the image (barrel) or bend inward (pincushion); chromatic aberration, where a color fringe appears along the edges of image objects; and vignetting at the edges of an image, especially corners, that are darker than the center.
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Adobe Photoshop Classroom Ch4: Layer Basics

Review Questions
What is the advantage of using layers?
Layers let you move and edit different parts of an image as discrete objects. You can also hide individual layers as you work on other layers.
2. When you create a new layer, where does it appear in the Layers panel stack?
In the Layers panel, a new layer always appears immediately above the selected layer. If no layer is selected, a new layer appears at the top of the layer list.
3. How can you make artwork on one layer appear in front of artwork on another layer?
You can make artwork on one layer appear in front of artwork on another layer by dragging layers up or down the stacking order in the Layers panel or by using the Layer > Arrange commands—Bring To Front, Bring Forward, Send Backward, and Send To Back. However, you can’t change the layer position of a background layer unless you convert it to a regular layer (unlock it or double-click to rename it).
4. How can you apply a layer style?
To apply a layer style, select the layer, and then click the Add A Layer Style button in the Layers panel, or choose Layer > Layer Style > [style].
5. To edit a Gradient Fill layer by dragging on-canvas controls, what two things should you make sure to do?
You have to make sure the Gradient Fill layer is selected, and if you also make sure the Gradient tool is selected, the on-canvas gradient editor appears.
6. Where can you see detailed options for editing a Gradient Fill layer?
Detailed options for a Gradient Fill layer are displayed in the Gradient Controls section of the Properties panel when a Gradient Fill layer is selected.
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Adobe Photoshop Classroom Ch 3: Working With Selections

Review Questions
Once you’ve made a selection, what area of the image can be edited?
When a selection is active, edits apply only within that selection.
2. How do you add to and subtract from a selection when using a tool such as the Quick Selection or Lasso tool?
To add to a selection, click the Add To Selection button in the options bar, and then click the area you want to add. To subtract from a selection, click the Subtract From Selection button in the options bar, and then click the area you want to subtract. You can also add to a selection by pressing Shift as you drag or click; to subtract, press Alt (Windows) or Option (macOS) as you drag or click.
3. How can you move a selection while you’re creating it?
To reposition a selection as you’re creating it, keep holding down the mouse button as you also hold down the spacebar and drag.
4. What is the difference between the Quick Selection tool and the Object Selection tool?
The Quick Selection tool attempts to detect content edges, while the Object Selection tool attempts to recognize subjects (such as people) and objects in the image.
5. How does the Magic Wand tool determine which areas of an image to select? What is tolerance, and how does it affect a selection?
The Magic Wand tool selects adjacent pixels based on their similarity in color. The Tolerance value determines how many color tones the Magic Wand tool will select. The higher the tolerance setting, the more tones are selected.
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Adobe Photoshop Classroom Ch 2: Basic Photo Corrections

Review Questions
What does resolution mean?
For media such as print, the term resolution refers to the number of pixels per unit of physical width or height in an image, such as pixels per inch (ppi). Printer resolution may be expressed in dots per inch (dpi), because device dots do not always correspond to image pixels. For media measured in pixels, such as web and video, resolution typically refers to pixel dimensions (height and width), not pixels per inch.
2. What are some ways to use the Crop tool to improve an image?
You can use the Crop tool to trim, straighten, resize, and change the resolution of an image.
3. How can you adjust the tone and color of an image in Photoshop?
You can adjust the tone and color of an image in Photoshop using the Curves and Levels adjustment layers.
4. How can you instantly create a precise selection of an irregularly shaped object?
The Object Selection Tool recognizes objects in an image. You can click a highlighted object you want to select or drag around it, and the resulting selection will follow the outline of the object.
5. What tools can you use to remove blemishes in an image?
You can use the Remove tool, Generative Fill, and other healing/cloning/patching tools that are in Photoshop.
6. What are some ways Generative Fill can help retouch an image?
Generative Fill can be effective at convincingly filling large deleted areas, either by matching the background or generating new objects. It also generates variations so that you can choose from alternative solutions.
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Adobe Photoshop Classroom Ch 1: Getting to Know The Work Area
Review Questions
Describe at least two types of images you can open or add to a document.
The images you can use to open or add to a document are a photograph from a digital camera, images downloaded from the internet such as photography from Adobe Stock, or images uploaded to your Cloud Documents.
2. How do you select tools in Photoshop?
You can select a tool in Photoshop by clicking its icon in the Tools panel, or pressing the tool’s keyboard shortcut.
3. Describe two ways to zoom in to or out from an image.
A way you can zoom in or out is by choosing commands from the View menu to zoom in on or out from an image or to fit it onscreen. Another way you can zoom in or out is by using the zoom tools and clicking or dragging over an image to enlarge or reduce the view. You can also use keyboard shortcuts or the Navigator panel to control the display of an image.
4. How would you reverse the most recent change you made?
To reverse a change you can click Choose Edit > Undo or Edit > Toggle Last State, or press its keyboard shortcut. You can also choose an earlier document in the History panel.
5. What are some ways to make panels use less space on your screen?
You can use any combination of grouping and docking panels together, collapsing them, or hiding them.
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