melia-an2fa · 1 hour
I have a new theory which has resulted from me writing porn on my phone which im certain is old hat to everyone but is new to me
it kinda goes like this
basically, as a person or community writes a kinky story for longer, they will kind of inevitably move up a chain of 'paradigms of justification' required to make the kink continue to make sense.
the pace will vary depending on the kink, but motion is inevitable.
so say you decide to write some rope bondage kink. as you continue to write, you are likely to progress through the stages as follows:
Stage 0 - Baseline: i am writing A tying up B, because i want to, A wants to, and B is into it (or isn't, depending on what kinda freak you are). Regular fic goes here.
Stage 1 - Psychological: Why is does A like tying up B? Why does B like being tied up? Normal character stuff. Not yet weird. You're still normal. If you mom found out you were writing this, she'd probably still love you.
Stage 2 - Logistical: How does A afford all those rope? Why hasn't B's hands fallen off from lack of circulation? Getting odd you'd write about this, but fair enough, real kinksters deal with this. You just like to pay attention to details.
Stage 3 - Sociological: You have written the kink long enough that you need it to be normalized in-universe in order to push the envelope. You need a Federal Department of Kinky Shit Why has nobody called the cops when B goes missing for three days due to the suspension bondage setup you researched for two hours last night? Did you just invent a law so its okay for A to tie up the pizza delivery guy? Why is it not a violation of the labour code that B spends all her time literally tied to her desk? This is where the descent into madness begins. You have total freedom now to introduce new characters, but they will probably end up being A-like and B-like because that's your kink and why you started writing in the first place. People laugh when they see the premise, but keep reading.
Stage 4 - Biological: Oh, now you fucked up. See, eventually, you're going to start wondering why the world is filled with people like A and B. You're going to need to answer definitively why B didn't fucking die when you accidentally wrote a poorly conceived stress position in chapter 2. You gotta answer why there's only like 1 A for every 10 Bs. You realize with horror you accidentally implied that shibari harnesses is literally a biological requirement for human reproduction. It's over for you. This is ABO with extra steps. Get thee to a nunnery.
Stage 5 - Synthesis: "Oh fuck, it all makes sense now." Terminal brain stoppage. Death would be a mercy. ---
The thing is, once you have progressed through these stages, you are going to skip ahead in future stories because, let's face it, its incredibly convenient to have these structures laid out for you. If you've gotten to Stage 3 in a previous fic and then start a new one, well, you could fuck around justifying what's going on, or you could simply bring back the Federal Department of Kinky Shit and jump straight to the silk cord. It's efficient and we're all busy people.
I ended up following this trajectory with my first set of Porn On Phone stories pretty closely:
Hot lady am sexy kidnaps!
But why am hot lady sexy kidnap?
How am hot lady afford lavish lifestyle for sexy kidnapee?
Why am nobody arrest hot lady for sexy kidnap?
am reason related to why am no men in stories?
characters am now exclaim 'judith christ!' when stub toe.
Terminal. Put me down like the dog I am.
But the dark realization I had, right about now, is that all the normie fics out there, all the boring straight stuff?
... yeah they're already at Stage 5. The straights are living at stage 5, patriarchy is their Federal Department of Kinky Shit, they believe in alphas and omegas already.
So, put that way, it's actually totally normal and okay to do this progression, right? Like, it's subversive. This is feminist! This is feminist! I scream, as I'm dragged into the van and driven down to the river to be drowned like an unwanted kitten. I'm the normal one! You're all mad!
anyway i started writing a star trek porn parody in an attempt to write 'normal' porn again, hit stage five within 3000 words, had a mental breakdown, and came here to write this.
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melia-an2fa · 2 hours
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melia-an2fa · 2 hours
Please don't scroll past this. My friend Mohammed reached out to me to ask for help. His family is in urgent need of assistance--his 5 year old daughter, Mona, is suffering from severe eye cysts due to their living conditions following their displacement. He asked for my help directly and we have talked back and forth today about his situation. Please don't ignore this because there are so many people asking for help. Begging for money online is humiliating, and this family deserves a chance. Please help.
His fundraiser has been vetted by @90-ghost here.
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melia-an2fa · 2 hours
I don't disagree with criticisms that a lot of the goopy eroticism-of-the-machine stuff the Tumblr Armored Core VI fandom likes to represent as universal giant robot tropes is actually pretty specific to the Armored Core franchise (and is often heavily extrapolated from what's actually present in the text of the games, at that), but when I think about it, that's actually weird to me. Why isn't giant robot media where the giant robot and its pilot are clearly fucking more well established in the genre? It feels like a tolerably obvious direction to take it, and it's not like giant robot media has ever shied away from sex in general.
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melia-an2fa · 2 hours
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good morning America let's get this money
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melia-an2fa · 2 hours
I don't disagree with criticisms that a lot of the goopy eroticism-of-the-machine stuff the Tumblr Armored Core VI fandom likes to represent as universal giant robot tropes is actually pretty specific to the Armored Core franchise (and is often heavily extrapolated from what's actually present in the text of the games, at that), but when I think about it, that's actually weird to me. Why isn't giant robot media where the giant robot and its pilot are clearly fucking more well established in the genre? It feels like a tolerably obvious direction to take it, and it's not like giant robot media has ever shied away from sex in general.
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melia-an2fa · 2 hours
lamentation of zanmu
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melia-an2fa · 2 hours
i know this isnt the hottest take in the world but man do i hate anime and games and stuff that are chock full of fun interesting women with cool visual designs and excellent voice acting, but they all orbit a boring male protagonist who exists on a scale from annoying horndog to insufferable douchebag
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melia-an2fa · 2 hours
woagh i didnt notice but my shirts are on sale
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i have a threadless store and the shirts are like 13 bucks until 9/27 5PM CDT
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you can get designs like these lovely covers of some albums idk who made them but you can get them for 13 bucks until 9/27 5PM CDT
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ouuuughhg cmon just get one for 13 bucks but you can only do that until 9/27 5PM CDT
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melia-an2fa · 2 hours
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Mathematician Henry Segerman demonstrating how a linear third dimensional plane is only a projection of the curved fourth dimensional space time.
via 10/10
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melia-an2fa · 2 hours
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melia-an2fa · 2 hours
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melia-an2fa · 2 hours
Kanzi the hyena gets a watermelon 🍉
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melia-an2fa · 6 hours
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oh my god. worst thing i have ever seen in my life holy fuck
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melia-an2fa · 7 hours
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I love you QUEEN Dizzy you look GORGEOUS!!!!!
I fucking hate the modern age maaaaannn I fucking HAAAAAATE how ongoing video game series can give their male characters new designs no problem but the minute a female character has a new design just like everybody the fuck else suddenly five million gamer men with six-digit Twitter followings spawn out of the aether to bitch and moan about how this is supposedly "censorship"
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melia-an2fa · 7 hours
Fundraiser Spotlight: please help Ahmed restart his campaign!!!!!
Ahmed ( @ahmedalnabeh) recently contacted me through tumblr messaging and his situation is incredibly dire right now. His mother is extremely ill and his family lacks access to basic necessities. Furthermore, he currently lives in a tent that leaks and is unsuitable for daily life after being displaced by this brutal war.
His previous account, @/ahmedalnabeeh11, was verified (#218 on the primary vetted account spreadsheet) but deleted by tumblr. Additionally, his previous gofundme campaign was closed due to some complications; the first campaign organizer DID NOT SEND MUCH OF THE MONEY FROM THE PREVIOUS ACCOUNT TO AHMED. Apparently, this organizer was stealing money from the fundraiser. Thus, he was forced to completely remake his campaign from square one with a new and more reliable organizer. As a result, he is extremely far from his fundraising goal.
This is his new fundraiser. So far, Ahmed has only raised $84 of $15,000.
Please consider donating to Ahmed's campaign. I can't imagine what it must feel like to have your single chance a stable, healthy, and dignified life snatched away by a greedy interloper. Let's help him rebuild!
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melia-an2fa · 7 hours
i think people who complain about paragraphs being too long should just read/write screenplays instead. some of us actually enjoy reading
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