melancoliefatale · 14 hours
loss and lost … sentence starters
tw’s for death, discussions of death, grief change pronouns/wording as needed
“It’s okay to say you miss them.”
“They can’t be gone. they can’t.”
“I never even got to say goodbye.”
“Do you think they know I miss them?”
“I’m sure they’re smiling down on you.”
“I tried… I tried to save them. I couldn’t.”
“Do you think they’d be proud of me, now?”
“I never even got the chance to mourn them.”
“I’m trying to honor their memory… I’m trying.”
“You never even got to grieve them, did you?”
“Mourning someone doesn’t have a time-limit.”
“I just… thought I’d have more time with them.”
“You won’t… you won’t leave me, too, will you?”
“You did all you could. You can’t save everyone.”
“I thought I’d be happy they’re gone, but I’m… not.”
“I lost them so long ago… so, why does it still hurt?”
“Please, don’t die. I can’t.. I can’t lose anyone else.”
“I visit them whenever I can. I leave them flowers…”
“I hope they can see me. Somehow. I hope they’re proud.”
“You’ve lost someone. I can tell. It’s in the eyes, the grief.”
“It’s okay to have conflicted feelings. Grief is complicated.”
“Sometimes, I think I can see them when I look at the stars.”
“There’s no right or wrong way to mourn. Do what helps you.”
“Everyone keeps dying. Everyone keeps going where I can’t follow.”
“I wish I’d been there. Maybe if I’d been there… I could have saved them.”
“I just don’t understand… how can they just be gone? They were here. And then they weren’t.”
“I know it hurts to face it, but you can’t keep pretending. They’re gone. You’ll have to face it someday.”
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melancoliefatale · 20 hours
Your character finds mine collapsed over in so much pain they can't even speak or move. What does your character do?
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melancoliefatale · 1 day
send 🛌 [bed] to tuck my muse(s) into bed. add ↩️ [reverse] for my muse(s) to tuck yours in.
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melancoliefatale · 3 days
Injured RP Starters
Remember to specify a muse for multi muse blogs!
From the Injured
A-Ah!! Don’t touch it, please—
How—how bad is it? It hurts a lot, ah!
My head feels fuzzy…
Oh God, that’s—that’s a lot more blood than I was expecting…
Please just-just be gentle.
No—no, I’m okay, I—aah!
C-Crap, I think it’s broken…!
I’ll be OK, I’ve been through much worse.
Keep your hands off of me—gah!
Walking? I-I don’t know if I can…
I’m so dizzy, please just—let me close my eyes for a bit.
D-Don’t faint, you’re supposed to be helping me!
Wait—wait! Before you start—please, please—hold my hand.
I don’t need your help! I can handle it myself—ah, damn it…!
I-I’m sorry for crying! It hurts so much!
I’ll try not to cry… just please hurry!
D-Do you think your magic can help with something like this?!
Well isn’t this just lovely…!
What—What happened? Where am I?
From the Helper
I-I know, I know it hurts. I’m so sorry.
I have to look at it. Can you let me do that?
Don’t move! Stay still, I’m calling an ambulance!
I-It’s not bad. It’s okay, you’re OK. / It-It’s bad. It’s bad. But I’m going to try my best to help you!
No, no—(Name), hang on, please! Hang on a little while longer!
Oh my God, you’re bleeding, a lot! That’s a lot of blood!!
I’ll try to be as careful as I can, OK? Just breathe!
You’re not okay! You need help, please just let me help you!
But you’re—you’re hurt! How can you wave it off like it’s nothing?
I’m sorry, but I can’t just stand by and let you stay like this.
Here, here—lean on me like this! Easy does it, I’ll get you somewhere safe.
Don’t you dare close your eyes, (Name)! I’m almost done, keep focusing on me, my voice!!
A-Ah, I don’t do well with blood, I… there’s so much of it…
OK, OK. Here’s my hand, OK? We can do this together.
Cry all you need to! You’re doing great.
OK, all right. Are you ready? This might hurt, but I need you to be strong.
Just try to relax and I’ll heal you.
This is what being reckless does. Now hold still!
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melancoliefatale · 4 days
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Concerned Sentences, Vol. 8
(Concerned sentences from various sources. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"I don't think you can go back to the way it was before."
"You look like you could use some company?"
"Are you sure you don't want to see a doctor?"
"I still think this is deeply irresponsible - and believe me, I would know!"
"Maybe you should tell me what's bothering you?"
"Research shows that it's easier to open up when relaxed. It allows you to talk about what's really bothering you."
"If I know you at all, this isn't the only reason you're here."
"You're acting like you've lost your mind!"
"I think you've had enough to drink."
"You've forgotten what it's like to feel emotions!"
"I've never seen much good come from looking to the past."
"Sometimes an emotional injury doesn't show itself right away."
"This may be something of an understatement, but you are not doing well."
"What secrets are darkening your brow?"
"Grief can drive people to extraordinary lengths."
"You're self-medicating with homemade drugs?"
"Shouldn't you be resting?"
"You do look stressed! Would you like some ginger tea? Or maybe just some gin?"
"If there's one thing I've learnt, it's you can't run away from your own life."
"Don't torture yourself with hypotheticals."
"I know this is serious, but you can still smile. You're allowed to enjoy things."
"I know you want to help me, but I don't think you can this time."
"You've always blamed yourself for things that weren't your fault."
"You can keep on telling yourself that you're fine, but you're not fine!"
"Don't worry about me. I don't want it, I don't need it. Just don't do it."
"If you keep going down this path, something really bad is going to happen."
"I know I don't know you well enough to say this, but you haven't seemed yourself lately."
"You haven't left the house in over a week! You can't just stay inside watching old movies all the time!"
"Does anyone know how sick you are?"
"I have experience with this - this sort of pain - and you can't escape it by building walls around your heart."
"You seem uncomfortable."
"When was the last time that you had a hug?"
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melancoliefatale · 5 days
Face Touches Stabby’s RP Meme
Options: send with Reverse to reverse the sender/receiver send with Unwanted Touch or Wanted Touch (if relevant) specify Drabble or Starter add dialogue if u like
🗞️ [ paper ] sender tucks paper under receiver’s chin to tip their head up 🫴 [ cup ] sender cups receiver’s chin gently in their hand 😶 [ rough ] sender grabs receiver’s chin harshly and forces them to look 🤗 [ squish ] sender squishes receiver’s cheeks in their hands 💕 [ hold ] sender gently holds receiver’s cheeks in their hands 🥵 [ thumb ] sender presses their thumb on receiver’s bottom lip ☝️ [ finger ] sender presses a single finger under receiver’s chin to tip their head up 🤏 [ tweak ] sender pinches the tip of receiver’s nose 👃 [ boop ] sender boops receiver’s nose 🫵 [ push ] sender pushes a finger into receiver’s forehead 🔪 [ knife ] sender tucks a pointy object under receiver’s chin to tip their head up 🔫 [ gun ] sender tucks the barrel of a pistol up under receiver’s chin 👊 [ punch ] sender punches receiver’s face
inspired by this post Reblog at will for RP/Writing
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melancoliefatale · 5 days
Send me a 🗡(or "dagger") and my muse will discuss what kind of weaponry they think yours uses (or would use) in a fight.
Be warned, they may also discuss how effective - or ineffective - they feel your muse may be with that weapon as well.
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melancoliefatale · 6 days
Deeply Exhausted Starters
"You can barely stand, you need to lie down."
"When's the last time you slept?"
"You're not fooling me, I can see the bags under your eyes."
"Rest is not optional!"
"You promised you wouldn't stay up all night reading."
"I'm just - exhausted - I'm sorry -"
"I can't remember the last time I slept."
"I just want to rest for a bit."
"I'm so tired, I can't think."
"I'm trying, I am, I just... I just wanna lay down..."
"No, I'm not tired. Leave me alone."
"It doesn't matter, I can't sleep anyway."
"Leave me alone, I'm an adult, I choose when I go to bed."
"Oh, like you're any better?"
"I'm not even that.. that tired, I'm... mm, I'm fine."
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melancoliefatale · 6 days
Sinday deserves a smooch! Send 👄 to kiss my muse
romantically or platonically on the cheek
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melancoliefatale · 8 days
Send 👌 if you would like to explore a PLATONIC relationship between our muses!
Send 😎 if you would like to explore a FAMILIAL relationship between our muses!
Send ❤️ if you would like to explore a ROMANTIC relationship between our muses!
Send 💋 if you would like to explore a SEXUAL relationship between our muses!
Send 💥 if you would like to explore a ANTAGONISTIC relationship between our muses!
Send ❓ for a different dynamic - and tell me more about it!
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melancoliefatale · 8 days
“these characters should be mentally healthy before they get together 😌” ummm no I actually think we should smash their mental illnesses together like clumps of play-doh and see what colors it makes
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melancoliefatale · 9 days
Eepy sleeby
"And when's the last time you slept?"
"Nightmares again?"
"I saw you yawning."
"Let me grab a blanket."
"You have to rest."
"I know, I know, it's hard. Just ... lay down, close your eyes. Please?"
"Did you fall asleep at work again?"
"I just want a nap."
"It's cold, and I don't want to get up."
"Noooo the blanket is waaaarm."
"I'm up, I'm up... okay, I'm not up."
"mmnhooo im .. mm"
"Knock it off, you're drooling on me."
"I'm just ... so tired..."
"I'm comfy, I'm cozy, I'm not getting up and you can't make me!"
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melancoliefatale · 10 days
Send "You don't look so good!" for receiver to collapse into sender's arms!
Send "I feel weird..." for sender to collapse into receiver's.
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melancoliefatale · 10 days
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Flirting Sentences, Vol. 3
(Sentences for flirting muses, with varying levels of brashness. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Can I walk you home?"
"Brooding. Good look. Do you practice in the mirror?"
"I think we're supposed to kiss now..."
"If you're trying to impress me, it's working!"
"Why don't you ask me on a proper date?"
"I used to try to get you to look at my legs."
"You know, if you ask a girl out for coffee, you should have something to say."
"You know, I used to have a huge crush on you."
"Have dinner with me? Just the two of us?"
"You're in over your head. You're not fully committed to this task, and because of that, you will fail."
"You have beautiful eyes."
"I'm into you because you're hot. And smart. In that order, but both are needed."
"There's this Italian restaurant I managed to book a table at, if you're still keen on going on a proper date."
"Do you have any idea how much I missed watching you get dressed in the morning?"
"This is the wrong time to be strong and silent and so... Attractive."
"You want to kiss me, don't you?"
"Do you know what I'd like? Really like?"
"Kiss me like you hate me."
"I knew you didn't stay in town for the lovely weather."
"You are the most perfect and beautiful thing I've ever seen."
"You just can't stay away, can you?"
"I love your lipstick."
"Suits you, flustered. It's a good look."
"You look very beautiful tonight. Has anyone ever told you that?"
"Say, why don't we carry on this delightful conversation over a cocktail?"
"Well, I must say, you are anything but dull!"
"I was just wondering if, um- If you might like to come out for a drink with me sometime?"
"I must say, you're much prettier than your predecessor."
"May I have this dance?"
"Well, that is an interesting way to say hello!"
"I've seen your picture in the newspaper. You're way hotter in person."
"Oh, and here I thought you were getting all kinky with me!"
"Are you like this with all your women?"
"Are you saying you want to date me?"
"Has anyone ever told you that you have lovely hands?"
"What are you going to do? Spank me?"
"So, have you got a boyfriend, or...?"
"Are you growing a beard? I've always had rather a soft spot for bearded men."
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melancoliefatale · 11 days
— sender grazes the receiver's hair with their fingertips. [01]
Antoine as he was walking in the town, perhaps for a walking or for more was surprised meeting Faust, his colleague in medecine and followed with that demon and yet…didn’t seem to want harm and was more melancholic. But the man seemed better than the last time he saw him and so they walked together towards Faust home while discussing into various topics such as medecine, science and even some philosophy.
and the discussion must have been pleasant enough for Antoine to stay and be "at ease" as they were now sitting on the chairs of the living room sharing knowledge and working before feeling a hand approach his hair, oh was it a trap isn’t-
he didn’t have the time to flinch away, to bare for the pain he envision having his hair pulled, being hurt but…those thoughts fade away once he felt the tender touch against his hair, it felt nice, gentle as Antoine didn’t move this time, didn’t get away from the touch…it was difficult to not lean into it.
Antoine take one soft exhale, feeling his heart warm like before, in a regretted time….at least it was perhaps nice to feel that again. One last time.
and before he could stop, Faust could hear the purring coming from Antoine as the concerned eyes widen before finally having the strength to move his head, regretting it immediately wanting to feel more of this sensation, to feel a beating heart against his ear while closing his eyes-
No it was bad thought, shouldn’t have it, he needed to take a hold of himself. The man would thought of that as disgusting surely, Antoine could feel his face heat up from embarrassment hiding his face from the man, trying to form a sentence to save himself, luckily that vampire wasn’t there to see this or else Antoine would surely die from shame.
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melancoliefatale · 11 days
"I don't believe you." but in sign (to Antoine)
Antoine eyes raised to see those of the vampire who was there…perhaps wanted it to end him ? Wouldn’t be the first time, as he struggled to get up from the bank of the river, what saved him tonight from those hunter, after he strike the place and burned it to the ground. How messy it was, but it was well according to his own plans before he was forced to jump through a river to make them lose his track before ending up here.
but those hunters were ferocious and left Antoine in the end with broken ribs, being violently hit on the head with a heavy weapons and even shot to the shoulder and stabbed through the thighs, if they were lucky they would had hit an artery. but alive…for now. smelling like blood and completely wet , his breathing was hoarse, each exhale would hurt his ribs painfully so, he couldn’t breathe completely.
now he tried to move, feeling how his body was heavy, the pain numb by the hemorrhage and cold. It was not the time to be weak, not in front of a vampire. He could simply take advantage of that, and so he tried to get up again pressing his lips together in a iron grip to not express the pain before ending up on the ground again. His body was leaving him. Oh frustrating body. « don’t…don’t care… » he managed to say, speaking hurt and after a moment « just…go…don’t approach…me » Antoine ended it on a much weaker note before watching the vampire, ready for his movement. Ready for the outcomes, for his last stand for his physical integrity.
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melancoliefatale · 12 days
Send in a number to see how my muse reacts to your muse interacting with their hair.
[ add on "+ reverse" to switch their roles ]
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— sender grazes the receiver's hair with their fingertips. [01] — sender tucks the receiver's hair behind their ear. [02] — sender slides their fingers through the receiver's hair. [03] — sender slides their fingers through the receiver's hair and snags a knot. [04] — sender attempts and fails at being discreet as they sniff the receiver's hair. [05] — sender does not attempt to be discreet at all as they sniff the receiver's hair. [06] — sender gently brushes / combs the receiver's hair. [07] — sender roughly brushes / combs the receiver's hair. [08] — sender presses a kiss to the receiver's hair. [09] — sender nudges their nose into the receiver's hair. [10] — sender rubs their face in the receiver's hair. [11] — sender accidentally gets a mouthful of the receiver's hair. [12] — sender chews on a lock of the receiver's hair. [13] — sender rolls over onto the receiver's hair. [14] — sender braids the receiver's hair. [15] — sender wraps the receiver's hair around their fist. [16] — sender aids in bleaching / coloring the receiver's hair. [17] — sender expertly trims / cuts / shaves / styles the receiver's hair. [18] — sender abysmally trims / cuts / shaves / styles the receiver's hair. [19] — sender lovingly fists the receiver's hair. [20] — sender violently fists the receiver's hair. [21] — sender shampoos / conditions the receiver's hair. [22] — sender accidentally sets the receiver's hair on fire. [23] — sender playfully tugs on the receiver's hair. [24] — sender tauntingly flicks the receiver's hair. [25] — sender smacks the receiver in the face with their hair. [26] — sender rubs the receiver's shaved / bald head. [27] — sender pats the receiver's shaved / bald head. [28] — sender presses a kiss to the receiver's shaved / bald head. [29] — sender fits the receiver's shaved / bald head with a wig / hairpiece. [30]
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