I went to have a slice of cake, my favorite kind and one that my dad only makes around the holidays.
And my mother called me a pig.
I know I shouldn't care what she thinks but holy fuck did that hurt. Now all I can think of is starving myself until I've lost all the weight I've gained.
CW: 175 lbs
GW for Jan: 165 lbs
UGW for 2022: 120 lbs
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College girl thinspø
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Doing this for the next thirty days
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my 2020 rules
- at least 6 glasses of water (lemon or cucumber) a day
- exercise at least 6 hours a week (50 ish minutes a day)
- take a walk once a day. if you can't walk, use the elliptical.
- go on a diet once a month for a week (russian gymnast, military, taco)
- drink one glass of green tea in the morning and one glass of slique tea in the evening.
- always drink/eat the lower calorie option
- have one low cal snack after school
- fast once a week or after binging. (0 cal liquids don't count)
- go for a run tuesdays and thursdays (along with the walk)
- try to stay under 700, if you go over 1100, fast the next day
- lots!! of! water!!
- no eating before 0700 and no rating after 1900💜
- NEVER eat out of boredom
- NEVER miss a workout day
- one acv drink in the morning
- always take your supplements
- 100 before feb 14
- idk 80 before memorial day
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ik this is all over tumblr right now but she has the perfect body
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~☆not me or mine ☆~
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new 2020 diet plan!
okay fellas new diet plan for 2020 that is FOOLPROOF (and im in college so this may not be the same for everyone but you’ll get the gist):
stay busy.
yup.  that’s it.
why eat when you can drink coffee and study?  why eat when you could go for a run or go to work, write a novel, learn to paint, learn to sew or embroider, see a friend, go hiking, binge a new tv show, come up with a real or fake vacation plan (one of my favs), take a three hour long shower and take care of every inch of yourself, go shopping and imagine all the clothes you could wear.
why not do something like that?  why not focus on getting money and good grades instead of eating?  because, lets face it, eating takes time and time is money.  don’t waste that money, don’t eat.  logic.  boom.
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Do squats!! 🤭
Everytime you go to the bathroom, do 10 squats
Every time you're going to shower, do 10 squats
Do 10 more when you're done (if you can)
Gonna put on deodorant? Squats
Brushing your teeth? Squats
Your muscles will hurt pretty badly when you start doing this, but I promise you'll see results soon. Squats work on your thigh muscles, stomach, arms (if you hold them in front of you) and probably more.
If you have nosy parents and still live with them, they won't even notice you're excercicing when you do this! ✨
Stay safe!! 💞💞
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imagineee o.0
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Here's how I lost 11 lbs in a month
Get over those cravings! Whenever I feel like I want to binge or eat something not healthy, I get as far away from that food as possible. Get your mind off of it, and if you need to, choose something healthy and v low cal.
I eat a max of 700 calories a day, usually closer to 500. I eat 2 meals a day, lunch and dinner.
Intermittent fasting from 8:30pm to 12:30am. This is a game changer and helps me to reach my water goal.
You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water a day.
Choose a handful of foods and only eat those. I have basically the same foods everyday so I don't have to think as much about calories since I already know where I am going to be with them.
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I won’t glorify or romanticize heartbreak. For me, it was a kind of death and I was forced to keep living.
~ Warsan Shire
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Linkin Park - Numb
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