mei xuan. twenty-five. roswellian. tripp's trailer park. wishing for better. marvelous mei's cakes & bakes
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Anton gestures at himself with an easy nod, “same, same.”
“I actually saw this real spooky one the other day, yeah. It was about this, like, cult? That was frontin’ as a strict-ass boarding school for, like, ‘troubled teens’, so they’d sorta trick the parents into sending they kids there. Wild shit. It was all back in the seventies.”
Mei’s expression became thoughtful at his words. Definitely a case of down the rabbit hole. “Why am I not surprised about that?” she said with a shake of her head. “You watch enough true crime shows and it gets to a point where you realise humans are capable of absolutely anything... Doesn’t matter how creepy or gruesome it is, someone out there’s done it at some point.”
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ender could sit in a clothing store all day . if she had it her way they would be visiting somewhere a little more up market , however beggars couldn’t be choosers — until she was living up in the floridian heights , sipping champagne with kylie jenner and comparing each other’s lipstick shades , she was shackled to finding emerging trends draped from the hangers of the thrift store . at the sight of mei , the woman’s jaw collapsed from the roof of her mouth in an expression of awe . “ darling !! you look incredible . i feel like a proud momma . how do you feel ?? “
It wasn’t quite the reaction that Mei had been expecting, although she definitely appreciated it —- almost craved it in that moment. At the question posed towards her, though, she frowned and turn to the mirror. Awkwardly she toyed with the hem of the dress and let a breath go with a heavy puff of air. “I feel... not like me,” she chuckled and shook her head. “Which has got to be a good thing.”
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nora knew that this wasn’t a big deal but she still felt bad, she’d gone to mei for dating advice because she felt like she could trust her. she’d thought about asking some of the girls at work but they’d all been married for years, they wouldn’t be much help, “good. let me know if something does come up though”. another sigh leaves her lips, “i know. you’re right, it really isn’t. i guess i’m just going have to be confident”.
“Oh, sure.” Mei doubted for a second she’d have anything to tell her sister, it felt as though her life was on hold, like someone out there had decided all she got to do was work and look after her mom. Nothing good ever happened and especially nothing worth sharing. “You are. It’s only a message a friendly message, you can’t screw that up.”
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Kid’s funny, Anton notes. He finds that eager, innocent grin coaxing a chuckle out of him, and he shrugs a shoulder as he hands the sneaker back to its rightful owner. “Hey, I ain’t no snitch, so.”
“Yeah… Ion’ know about that. I mean, you know, you look one tiny thing up on there and suddenly you’re down some whack-ass rabbit hole.” Anton has plenty of experiences with those— He’s had to cap his before-bed screen time lest he end up deep into the late-night AM hours, scouring forums for myths and crackly, shoddy footage of who-knows-what, when the root search of it all had been something as simple as “how to organically clean wooden floorboards.”
"Well, what a relief,” came Mei’s response, her smile bright as she took the missing shoe from his outstretched hand. As he spoke, she could relate completely and found herself laughing. “You’ve no idea quite how often that happens to me. It’s definitely dangerous.” She’d certainly found herself fall down a YouTube rabbit hole at least once a week, watch one video and suddenly you’re ten down and it’s three in the morning —- amazing how easy that was. @colorbops
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“And cake is always better than pictures,” they offered in joke. Suraj tried to convince themselves to lower their expectations, but they were fairly certain they looked giddy despite it. “Would you ever want to do something with photography? Wait, do you have an instagram for the store?” they asked. The one app they had on their phone, though they rarely used it.
"Cake is always better than pictures. I should know.” Mei chuckled softly and nodded her head. At Suraj’s question, her nose wrinkled a little —- never a thought that had crossed her mind, to be honest. “Only if it helps my work,” she answered them. “So yeah, got an insta for the shop.” She pulled her phone from her pocket to show them the page.
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Rollo laughed. “It would be an option, I’m not sure how easy it would be to glue it back on,” he said with a laugh. They tried again, worming their way into Mei’s house as they pushed and pulled the desk to a better position. “Palm beach? That’s a fancy neighbourhood then? I would love to just be in the sun all day.”
Mei’s gaze moved to said roof and she frowned thoughtfully. “Yeah... well I’ll deal with that when to comes to it,” she said. Even though it obviously wouldn’t ever. She huffed out a breath, moving to help Rollo with the desk, not wanting to leave them to deal with it all alone. “Very fancy. Probably too fancy for me. But a girl can dream, right?” She dreamt a lot. “Would you move elsewhere again do you think?”
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for: @enderbaptista location: better off duds
“Okay, how’s this?” Mei appeared from behind the curtain for what must have been the tenth time that afternoon, sporting a sixties style dress —- black and white, knee length. She spent much too much time there, that much was true, and it wasn’t unusual to drag one of her other friends along for her bargain hunting. Today, for once, she was actually looking for herself.
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“I mean,” Kaya teases, chin leaning on the heel of one hand as the other reaches out to bounce once, twice off the tip of Mei’s nose. She smirks, mischief laced into every word as she says, “I could totally give you the whole Gemini spiel, if you want.”
Mei’s expression changed to one of amusement at Kaya’s words and she nodded her head, eyes rolling skyward. “If I want? Not sure I want, but I have a feeling you’ll do it anyway,” she responded, a laugh escaping as she reached for her coffee. @kayahq
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in front of roswell daily record ( open for — @roswellstarters )
"Do you think these cats and dogs are ever found? It’s like every other pet is lost.” Standing in front of the tree that was literally dying due to the amount of lost pets posters, Edie was staring at them trying to at least recognize one. “And they all look the same. Like look at this one,” she pointed out at the black cat named Homer, “it’s literally the same as this one,” her index finger pointed at the black cat named Rodrigo.
“I hope so.” Mei heaved a soft sigh, her fingers dancing across the text on a ‘lost cat’ poster. Some of them did look the same, sure, so perhaps a similar poster to the same pet had been put up a couple of times, but maybe it was just a coincidence? “Did you have to put such a depressing thought into my mind?” She paused a moment, chewed idly on her lower lip, worrying at the flesh. “What if they are the same cat? What if someone’s trying to pull some kind of weird kidnapping scheme?” A pause. “I don’t know how that would work. But yeah, weird.”
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location: sanders’ autobody, late evening ! availability: open, @roswellstarters
the sounds of loud metal music echo throughout the empty auto shop as a shirtless seven finishes up his last vehicle of the day. most lights were out, most doors already shut, and all he wanted was to wrap up on the motorcycle he was working on before the owner came to pick it up in the morning after. a foreign sound comes from somewhere in the shop and he’s quick to grab the nearest tool to defend himself, when a familiar face comes into view. he sighs, shaking his head. “could’ve announced yourself, couldn’t ya? nearly gave me a heart attack.” he huffs, standing up and grabbing his shirt, throwing it onto his shoulder. “listen, unless it’s an emergency—and i’m talkin’ life or death situation—, you can come back tomorrow. we’re already closed.”
“Yeah, I know you’re closed...” Mei huffed, not believing for a second that she’d actually almost given him a heart attack, there was nothing remotely scary about her... or surprising, even if she did appear out of nowhere. “I was hoping someone was still here and might take pity on me,” she continued. “My tire blew on the way home and I need to take my mom to hospital tomorrow outta town. So kinda is.” For a moment her gaze hovered on his state on undress, but then she turned her eyes away again, looked down at her nails where she began to pick anxiously.
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lanacondor: 🌷J’adore j’adore @dior 🌼
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“… and that is why Leos absolutely suck ass.”
How they’ve ended up dissecting zodiac signs is anyone’s guess, though one might be safe in betting on Kaya’s natural-born talent for derailing a conversation, only to steer it into well-known territory. She loves astrology, it’s no secret; she also tends to talk, and talk, and talk until someone— be it the rest of the conversation’s participants or somebody within earshot —ends up if but a little offended.
Which is why Kaya pauses now, and wonders if who she’s speaking to is, in fact, a Leo.
“What… sign were you again?”
“Gemini... just. So you’re safe.” Had Mei gone off a little into her own world as the other had been talking? Maybe so, but that was nothing unusual really. Just as it was nothing usual for Kaya to keep on talking. They made an interesting pair considering both of those facts.
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Suraj shrugged. “You made them, so I am sure I will love them, after all, it’s the maker that makes it important, as in… you’ll have given some meaning to it that I might not be able to see at first glance, and it’s your window into the world, you know, not mine, it will be different from my experience,” they suggested.
Mei’s nose wrinkled and she was very quick to shake her head. “You couldn’t be more wrong,” she argued, although not too much. “I definitely wouldn’t look at it that way, but you’re the film maker, so I’m going to take your word for it. All I know is cake.” She chuckled softly, casting a glance to them as they made their way to the trailer park.
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Mei tilted her head, casting Astra a bemused glance once they were both safely through the fence. She playfully pondered the question for a moment or two, chewing idly on her lower lip, worrying at the flesh there a little. “Your date? Best offer I’ve had all year, honestly…” And it was, she wished that wasn’t actually the truth, all it did was prove how sad her life had become.
“oh, stop trying to flatter me.” the comment is said through a grin, and as astra moved to her friend and looped her arm through hers, she couldn’t help but lean against her. “though, if we’re being honest here, this is my first date in a while and i know it’ll be the best.” there was only a small pause before she gave mei a gentle tug, clearly delighted. “let’s go have some fun.”
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The high-pitched whistle of synth and snare drums crackles around the other’s headphones in sparks of hot pink and mint blue, making Anton blink for a second. He hoists his gaze up to meet Mei’s. She looks a little sheepish; Anton’s quick to assure her with an easy shrug.
“S’ all good, s’all good. I’unno how chill the folks who run the place are gonna be if they find shoes in their machines, though.” He wears a small, warm smile as he hands the sneaker back over, still dangling from its laces in his light grip, “I heard they can break ‘em. Possibly— I’m not a-hundred percent certain.”
Mei’s expression is thoughtful for a moment, considering what he had to say on the matter of using these machines for her shoes. “What they don’t know can’t kill them, right?” she mused, head tilting to the left. “The internet always tells you to wash your sneakers in a machine, but what do I know? Sadly I don’t have my own to test that theory...” If she did, she’d one hundred percent be there instead trying it out.
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