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mehjaiye · 3 years ago
The business of being born
Did the film change your perspective on the process of childbirth in the United States?
The film did change my perspective on child virtues in the US. I feel as though the hospitals are focused on getting there jobs done and doing what’s going to make the process faster. Where as home births they do what’s more comfortable for the moms and what will allow the mom to enjoy her experience with giving birth. The Midwives let moms be on control. The film gave me a thought that the hospitals are manipulating in a way because they say they doing what’s best for the baby when the mothers end up being drugged up just so that they are out the hospital so the doctor can prepare for the next birth.
What are salient cultural points raised by the film?
The most important cultural points made by the film is that. Woman are being taken away from the natural birth feeling. In previous years child birth for women was close to torture they were being strapped down and blindfolded and drugged up during labor. Midwives we’re facing discrimination for some time and people stop using them because hospitals were portrayed as more fit and safe for babies. Eventually More C-sections begin taking place in hospitals because of how fast they happen. Women have this debate of weather they want to be in a hospital being told what’s “best” for them and doctors and nurses make decisions about there labor. Or being home having a midwife take care of them and let them know step by step what’s happening and what’s really best they and the baby.
Are there any salient biological points?
Drug used to induce labor is takes about a lot. Drugs such as Pitocin get used to make contractions come quicker then it causes pain and there is a domino effect where more drugs are needed. Also they pint out that OBGYN professionals are trained surgeons and aren’t even really well practiced in vaginal labor delivering so they avoid doing them. The answer for the hospitals is to use medicine to speed up the process from long hours to less time so that business can keep moving expeditiously in the hospitals.
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mehjaiye · 3 years ago
Who Are Today's Migrants?
Today I will be telling an interesting story of an immigrant who would like to remain anonymous so we will call him Jax Brown. Jax immigrated to the U.S from Guatemala with his family in 2016. In July of 2019 he says his family’s application for residency in the U.S was rejected. Jax says his life was beautiful when he was a baby as he grew he watched his father work everyday to provide for their family. That was the norm until one day “some people came to our town looking for gold” while looking the people had destroyed the town and food no longer grew as normal. Jax mentioned that his people tried fighting for their land but the government took them in as criminals. At that time Jax was about 7 or 8, he learned about corruption and further could no longer live there. His family decided that they would change their lives and migrate. Jax family spoke highly of the U.S.A calling it “a second heaven”. His family even told him and his brother that they would have beautiful lives here. Their family begin to travel first they visited a man known as Coyote who guided them on their way to the “second heaven”. Jax believed that crossing a Spanish speaking country would be fun unfortunately it wasn’t. He goes on to say that Mexico was a beautiful country however he had the bad luck of meeting bad people. When Jax and his family were about to enter the US the Coyote left them with no directions on where to go. They slept in a house of a woman who gave them Posada. In 2019 his family made it to Oregon where they began appealing their case. Jax then had a moment and asked not to continue. He is now 20 years old attends college in Oregon where he and his family live.
The pull factors that brought Jax and his family to the US was how highly they thought of it and a new start. Pull factors was land being destroyed and food no longer growing. Jax and his family did experience some barrier because their guidance had left them with no information or what to do or where to go. Jax was very young when this happened which was another factor that’s important because he had to face such trauma at a little age. He even mentions that this is the age he learned what corruption was. His story touched me personally because I can’t imagine how hard it was on him and I have several younger siblings and I don’t know how I would feel if my family was in this situation and being taken by the government as criminals.
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mehjaiye · 3 years ago
The Biography of a Chocolate Bar
I will be doing and Biography about my favorite chocolate bar Twix.
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The ingredients used are MILK CHOCOLATE (SUGAR, COCOA BUTTER, CHOCOLATE, SKIM MILK, LACTOSE, MILKFAT, SOY LECITHIN, PGPR, ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS), ENRICHED WHEAT FLOUR (WHEAT FLOUR, NIACIN, REDUCED IRON, THIAMINE MONONITRATE, RIBOFLAVIN, FOLIC ACID), SUGAR, PALM OIL, CORN SYRUP, SKIM MILK, DEXTROSE, LESS THAN 2% - SALT, COCOA POWDER, SOY LECITHIN, MODIFIED CORN STARCH, BAKING SODA, ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR. The milk chocolate used comes from Switzerland the cocoa is made in west Africa the sugar comes from sugar beets in the zones of the Northern Hemisphere.The working conditions for people who produce cocoa were dangerous children were exposed to dangerous tools, dust, flames or smoke, chemicals, and/or physically demanding labor such as carrying heavy loads or spending many hours in the sun. cocoa beans are then fermented, dried, cleaned and packed. When the beans are packed into cocoa sacks, the farmers are ready to sell the product. The Hershey chocolate company controls majority of the US chocolate market. The chocolate trade is regulated by the FDA. Over years chocolate has been marketed differently some make a nice image for their product , others show customers their price computing scales. I purchased my Twix bar from 7/11 the store owners usually profit 55-75% off of the candy bars. Yes there are hidden cost fees. The price of child labor is one of the few hidden cost fees.
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mehjaiye · 3 years ago
How Does the News Media Cover Social Class and Inequality?
Personally I feel like as of now I wouldn’t be able to live on $2 a day bc the lifestyle that I’m already used to. I think if I didn’t have the option and was living that way from day one then I would make it work bc I have no choice. I don’t think I would be able to just adjust to it not even for a day. But like those mentioned in the chapter I would eventually just have to deal with it.
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This article basically state that Marx theory is bad and dehumanises the way people are viewed. Karl Marx saw didn’t see people as individuals but instead as groups of people. Categorising according to class and economics in 2 groups the Proletarian vs the Bourgeoisie. Of the two groups you have and oppressor and those being oppressed. It’s wrongful because the category that you are placed on begins to define you as a person whether it’s accurate or not
The writer argues that Max Weber theory is still being applied today. The fact that he view society as an economic situation where it’s split between owners and workers. Max however viewed status based on religions, family, and education. Both concepts together determines ones power over others. Also Weber believes these factors contributes to people social class relationships.
This story mainly talks about John who has to overcome feeling like and outcast. Due to Bourdieu concept of people not being equally respected because of their class. Class though is determined by materialistic items and sometimes race. As I asked I’m going to keep this summary focused on social class. Peoples educational achievements are also based on cultural and educational purposes. Class and social status depends on property and economic values.
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mehjaiye · 3 years ago
Kinship mapping
This weeks fieldwork assignment was a bit difficult for me simply because my family has a few gaps in it. There aren’t any marriages except when my moms mother who is my grandmother married a Jamaican guy but I don’t know much about that. During this assignment I discovered that I have no parallel cousins because both of my parents siblings are opposite sex. Now to explain what’s going on in my kinship map. We have me the ego of course then my 4 sisters and 1 brother who are all younger than me on my mom side. For my dad side I only have one younger brother. Going back to my mom side she has 2 brothers from the same mother which are my uncles. On my mom side both of my uncles have kids but they have multiple baby moms. I was unsure how to show it but both uncles are no longer In relationships with any of the moms of their kids so I just figured keep it simple leave them out. Additionally it was confusing me as I tried to include them. Going back to my dad side where things are much simpler he only has one sister who is my aunt she has 2 kids, my cross cousins on my dad side. My 2 cousins on this side also has different dads but my aunt is no longer with either of the dads. My dad and his sister have the same mom but not same fathers. Drawing this out in the map I discovered that marriage is not a trend at all in my family maybe because everyone is still kind of young. Siblings in my family rarely share 2 of the same parents. I decided to put my grandmothers at the top on each side because my map seemed to be missing Some relationships but this is it just my small tight knit family. Long lasting relationships are not common with my family which is the on valid reason I think it’s so all over the place.
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mehjaiye · 3 years ago
Cartoon Commercials and the Construction of Gender
For this assignment I watched a 10 minute Nickelodeon commercial compilation. In the 10 minutes I watched a total of 13 commercials. 2 were aimed at boys 6 were aimed at girls and the other 7 were non gendered. When attracting girls they used specific colors in the girl targeted commercials mainly pink, purple and bright colors were used. For the female ones they used girls in the commercials and had the main voice as a fr mine one. Where as the boy commercials used darker colors like grey,black, and brown the commercials had more masculine voices with base in the voice. In the non gendered commercials neutral colors were used and both genders were incorporated in acting. The commercials put in the viewers mind what are the norms for their genders such as playing with dolls are for girls and bright colors are what she be normal for girls. The commercials teach the boys that they should associate with fake colors monster trucks,planes and more violent toys. After reading the others post it is clear that we actively create gender roles by associating specific colors and voices with the commercials and activities in general. Things we believe our boys should take place in we make the face of it a male and use techniques that are intense/aggressive.
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mehjaiye · 3 years ago
Relationship of ethnicity to the nation
This weeks fieldwork allowed me to learn some new information about my family. The farthest I can go back in my family on both sides are both of my grandmothers. My family has lived in this country for their entire life on both my mom ands dad sides. My grandmother did live in Jamaica for a few years where she was once married to a Jamaican guy I don't know much about their relationship because I wasn't born yet; however, she told me that she kept part of his name so she has a Jamaican last name. My grandmother says that her change from Jamaica back to here was a little different even thought she was born and raised in Baltimore, she had adapted to a different way of living while spending time away. My dad side is the opposite they all have been here since forever but my ancestors on that side are Indian i’m actually mixed with Indian. My great great grandma was a lighter skin tone than the rest of. His side of the family are also muslim which explains my last name being hyphenated with “-Bey” however me and my immediate family on his side don't practice the religion. In conclusion from the little information I was able to get from my family  this week I would say that they adapted to an American identity and in a way forget about their original ethnicity.
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mehjaiye · 3 years ago
Race & Racism
Police Brutality- the song bigger picture by Lil Baby is an example of this  concept because in the song he is venting about the unfair treatment blacks are receiving from police. Whites and blacks are both committing crimes but we only see the blacks being treated cruel. In the song Lil Bay says “They killing us for no reason, Been going on for too long to get even, Throw us in cages like dogs and hyenas.” which indicates that African Americans have been dealing with the inhumane treatment from cops for a few years and its too late to get even. we are at the point where change is needed because our system is corrupted.
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colorism- For a few years now society has shaped us to believe lighter woman are prettier and receive some sort of superior level of respect. The media constantly help influence the idea that darker women are unattractive social media apps such as Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter bash dark skinned females causing them to have to defend themselves more. Colorism is a real issue because it discriminate against dark tone black females but the the criticism comes from women of the same racial group.
Micro Agressions - Rather we notice it or not we experience this key concept daily. We are used to or accept the small indirect shots of racism because it has become a norm. The little things people say and do towards certain races may not seem like a big deal in the moment but if you think back to a time someone has said something you'll realize they really was being stereotypical. Micro aggressions are now so easy to throw at one another that we don't even catch them however they are unacceptable.
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Politics- Our Government are the main influencers of the way we see the world. Politicians play a big roll in what its citizens accept as wrong and right. Society is corrupt and base its view of each race on what the the government put out. If the media suggest that one race and superior than the other we will eventually get use to it and turn the wrong doing into a social norm. Our country was built on racism in east times slavery was legal the people who have control over our states once allowed racism as a legal act of violence.
white supremacy - The idea that people of white race hold a powerful social class than other races especially blacks. Whites are more privalledge in situations half the time people are more lenient towards them. Not only are blacks given more harsh treatment but so are Indians, Asians and other people that classify under different races. paragraph 2 explains this issue well int the following article.
Racialization- categorizing people placing them into groups they never identified as. an examples is saying all black men are good at basketball most people think our black men are always great in football or basketball when some of them may never even tried the sport. Nobody ever expect a black man to be good at soccer or lacrosse because they like to make these racial assumptions.
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mehjaiye · 3 years ago
Language and Gender in a classroom!
This fieldwork assignment will focus on my nutrition class. In the class it’s a total of 40 students, However the class is a flex class where student have the option to attend virtual or in person. Of the 40 students 27 are female and 13 are male. The professor is a woman. The class is usually quiet even when asked questions no one responds unless the teacher confront us for not speaking. Typically a girl will then say something on this day the females spoke more than the boys. I calculated that the girls spoke a total of 8 times all together and the men spoke 3 times.
Only 1 comment was made by a female on the zoom chat it was short she said “yes we can hear”. While the responses in person were also short they didn’t exceed 2minutes. The 1 male who did respond he spoke for a good 2 minutes. Which makes the average for both male and female responses 2minutes max.
I notice that there was a difference in speaking based on gender. For the females they spoke loud and clear looking at the professor and some used their hands while speaking, where as the guys voices were low and deep. They hardly made eye contact and typically spoke with their eyes down making contact once or twice while speaking.
On the virtual part of the class nobody had their cameras on. Each class no comments ever come from the online students. I was unable to obtain information about gender and language for the virtual view point because they were not active.
Our professor is a woman she usually encourages everyone to speak up in class. She always breaks the ice by asking if we ate breakfast and require a response from all the in person students. When she ask questions and don’t get a response she tend to get loud telling us that we must speak to do well in the class. I believe not only her gender play a role in influencing the class but also her age. The professor is older so usually we have more respect for women for one but surely older women. I feel as though if she was younger or a male the class would be more hesitant to speak back.
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mehjaiye · 3 years ago
When To Say When by Drake
“Word to Sandra Graham, no one love you like your mother can” this line highlights gender because it infers that the best love comes from your mother. which in a way discredit Fatherly love.
“Look, we can argue back and forth, but who's the richer man? Isn't that what matters in this world that we livin' in?” Society has shaped us to believe that people are more powerful or higher in authority when they have wealth. The media is mainly influenced by the richer person rather than the person who know more but have less.
“Got us in the crib, talkin' 'bout what niggas coulda been, shoulda been” Dialect is shown here because words that not everyone are used to hearing are used. Further Not everyone knows that “crib” is another word for your house, because even though the word is English its understood that way for people who use “hood” or “ghetto” dialect.
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mehjaiye · 3 years ago
Mapping a block
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In this week fieldwork assignment I was able to visit a part of town where I made majority of my childhood memories. The name of the block is Jefferson street located in east Baltimore. I was drawn to it because I haven’t been around the area in a while and I used to live near there when I was young. I wanted to see what the neighborhood was like after a few years and this assignment gave me the perfect opportunity. While sitting recording my notes I notice that kids aren’t outside anymore like they used to be. The block is now maintained by grown African American men and a few Mexican families. Majority of the houses that’s used to be there are now abandoned. People of lower class walk by often they don’t have on nice clothes as if they been walking all day. The very few children I did see weren’t being supervised they were just out on the front porch doing whatever. During my observations I also noticed that the police circulate the block often; this could be because it black males are grouped together hanging out all day. The police may suspect some type illegal activities going on, but while I was there for the almost 2hours I didn’t notice and wrong doings. When going to the block I expected plenty of children to be out waking to the corner store or riding bikes up and down the street. Back when I used to live near there that’s the things we did as kids for fun. The abandoned homes leaves me to believe that people relocated because the area is becoming a bad location. The main way I see that the area has been impacted by COVID-19 is that people don’t hang out that much usually people are gathered on every corner. COVID-19 made people yield crowding in large groups, so people probably got used to the restrictions and just may have decide not to come out anymore. I spent about 1hour and 30 minutes watching the area and taking notes on what I noticed and overall I can say the block/neighborhood is nothing like it was a few years ago. This area has change for the worse in my opinion.
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Side note: this is what the police in the area do. They are on every other corner. I forgot to mention above that the crime rate has went up in this area which could be a factor that brings the police to the area.
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mehjaiye · 3 years ago
culture of consumerism
During the process of listing the things I own I realized that I spend too much money on products that I want. Although I have everything I need such as clothes, shoes, food, school supplies, toiletries, and hygiene products all those items added together don't come close to the amount of money I spend on things I want because of the media and people I be around. My major take from this assignment is that I should spend less money on wants and things I see that are popular and save some of that money for more necessary items.
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My chain was a graduation and birthday gift its also my least needed item. The chain alone may also be the most expensive item on my list. I asked for it because a lot people that are influencers have stylish jewelry.
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My phone is my most needed item because its my way of getting in contact with people. The phone allows me to stay in touch with all my friends and family. I can do work from my phone if anything was to happen to my other devices.
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mehjaiye · 3 years ago
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Thursday Class work
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mehjaiye · 3 years ago
fieldwork assignment 1
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1. Measuring cups were discovered back in 1896 introduced In a cook book. Frannie Farmer was uncharge of the Boston cooking school where she published the cook book.
2. The measuring cups were manufactured and made in the USA. the cups are made using a special American made material called Tritan.
3. The kitchen tool has become extremely important over years because it helps with recipes when cooking. Measuring cups make preparing meals that you aren't familiar with taste better; furthermore they are helpful for assuring the ingredients you use are accurate. 
4. Frannie Farmer was a teacher and author she helped make the scientific approach to cooking popular. She was born in Boston and planned on attending college but failed to after having a stroke at 16 which left her paralyzed.
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mehjaiye · 3 years ago
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this is an example of time space compression because people can use google to find things quicker. The research that usually would take us long is now instant.
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flexible accumulation companies have many streams of income. the business are making money but in many different ways to help them make top dollar.
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example of increasing migration its self explanatory that its movement between people.
An example of uneven devolopment would be top companies such as apple selling new phones that people will want but the phones are expensive so as people buy the new product apple get richer but the customers are losing money.
adapting to natural world getting used to the way the world is progressing and chasnging.
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