megathegamer · 7 years
About... 4 months now?
You know, this is what happens. I join a site, often not even knowing why I’m joining it, and I’m active there for about a month or two, and then vanish from it forever, or at least for so long that I’d be better off starting fresh anyway. The only place I managed to stay at any longer was MegaManX9.com, and that was an extremely special site back when it first started, so managing to stay there a year and a half wasn't that hard. I don't know why I do this. It's not like I’ve ever been super active in forums or such, and likely wouldn't enjoy it even if I was. I have enjoyed my time in small communities - again, MMX9 - but I think something about larger communities just doesn't jive with me, for some reason. The issue with that being that communities and forums can start small, but they're going to get big, it's pretty much a fact of life. And if it isn't when I join, once it does, I tend to fall off the wagon. I just don't feel any sense of “community” when something is this large. I’m even considering deleting this Tumblr as I write this, I doubt anyone much knows it's here. And if I ever do get big on Twitch or something, I could just restart it. But there was some good here, for a bit, so I think I’ll leave it up for now. But if anyone does follow me, know that I probably won't be doing anything more here for a long time, if ever. I just can't get into it. Maybe I’ll see y’all elsewhere on this massive glass case called the internet. Do say howdy if so. Otherwise, I think we're done here.
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megathegamer · 8 years
Wow wow wow. I don't know these two personally, but I'm a viewer and "friend of a friend", which I guess is why I'm a day late. Regardless, congratulations, you two! And I realize the internet is all jokes today, but my congrats are very real. You two deserve it.
"One that defines your world, gives you truth and life One that excels, special enough to guide your way through The shadowed world" -Shihoko Hirata, "Shadow World"
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Guess who of your favorite Fire Emblem couples got an S support? @bindieevee and I are engaged! She said yes! 婚約って Man it feels surreal.
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megathegamer · 8 years
...I didn't even know they were remaking Radiant Historia. Well, if you never got the chance to pick this up, no time like the present, I suppose. Maybe we'll get this in NA?
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Colorful cover for Radiant Historia’s 3DS remake ⊟ 
🔥🔥 Atlus will be releasing Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, an enhanced remake of the 2010 game, to Japan on June 29. No U.S. announcement yet!
The Chrono Trigger-esque RPG’s remake will have a “Perfect Edition” bundle that includes a couple OST CDs (one for the original game), an artbook, and a box to hold it all. Preorders will also receive a DLC “Deformed Character Pack” that swaps out convo portraits with stylized character illustrations.
BUY Radiant Historia
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megathegamer · 8 years
Just have to share that there's a blog that posts this every day. Someone is making a heroic effort to perpetuate a stupid meme and I love it.
This is a message from Lord Nergal.
“I await you on the Dread Isle.”
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megathegamer · 8 years
Upcoming Streams
Just a quick post to talk about my streams since it's been a while. There's a variety of reasons that I don't think are necessary to go into (not the least of which is Suikoden 5), but just to sum up: I will be trying to get back to streaming soon, OG2 is not cancelled and will be continuing, and I may have a second game coming down the pipeline to break up the SRPG slog. As for what this other game will be, well... it's from a series I've streamed before, and it'll be a blind playthrough. Let's just leave it at that for now. Sorry about the delays, y'all. We'll be back in business soon.
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megathegamer · 8 years
And whether that difference be one for better or for worse, stick by the road you choose... and if you have followed your heart, you'll never regret it.
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Two roads diverged in a wood, and I–I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
-Robert Frost
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megathegamer · 8 years
Oh hey, it's this here Tumblr thing...
Oh, howdy there! I guess I’m finally doin’ the whole Tumblr thing now. I don't social media much, but I reckon this’ll be a right nice way for folks to keep up with me outside of my streams and the very rare YouTube comment. This’ll be a good place to talk about games and be the silly meme lover I am.
Guess I oughta start with a bit about myself. I’m a gamer, Southerner, Twitch streamer, and music lover, in that order. My favorite game series include Fire Emblem, Mega Man, Super Mario Bros, and Pokémon, among others. I have a special love for SRPGs in particular, and I’ve been into mecha recently. I try to do pretty regular streams on Twitch, which I’ll link to up top once I wrassle with this enough to know what I’m doin’. We usually have a fun, chill little time, so stop by one o’ these days if you’re interested.
On the personal side of things, I’m a pretty chill guy. I try to relax and take in the world as it goes by, and I love to laugh. I do have a stubborn streak at times, though, because I was brought up to always finish what I start. If you're familiar with that there MBTI shorthand, I’m an INFP-A. Lessee, what else... I’m a dude, I like ladies, I’m a night owl, and I probably drink way more cola than I should. I think that about covers it.
Anyway, we’ll see how this whole song and dance works out. Can't hurt, I reckon. Lookin’ forward to havin’ a grand ol’ time here. Here we go!
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