30 Day Blog
34 posts
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megasip · 6 years ago
Well today is officially the last day of the blogs!! i’m so excited to not have to think about this every night again but it was a good place to vent when needed. And i have another vent about my same roommate.
Last night, she came in the room at midnight and turned on my desk lamp, again. While three of her roommates were in bed trying to sleep, again. Why do you think it’s okay to come in and turn a light on when before we are all laying in the dark. I just don’t understand what makes her think it’s okay to just do that when it’s late and people are obviously trying to sleep.
What makes it even more annoying is there is absolutely no reason she needs it on. She doesn’t use it to look for something, she just turns it on and stands scrolling on her phone by it. She did that for about 5 minutes and the second she went into the bathroom i turned off the lamp in hopes of her not turning it back on. She didn’t, but did use her flashlight on the brightest setting and flashed it in my face a few times. I really just hate when people don’t realize what it means to share a room.
Also tonight i’m unplugging my lamp so it can’t happen again, hope she notices :)
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megasip · 6 years ago
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collection of me and all the amazing people i’ve hung out with the past week
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megasip · 6 years ago
One of my roommates has really been on my nerves today. She distrusted my sleep twice and i’m really annoyed with how it happened. I just get annoyed when people wake me up in general.
Last night, she comes in the room at like 1 am. I am laying on my right side, facing towards my desk, asleep. She then decides to still go ahead and turn on my desk lamp as three of her roommates are asleep. Everyone else would be using and flashlight and trying to be as quiet as possible but nope it was like she was alone in here. I’m literally trying to sleep, facing towards you, and you’re just gonna turn the lamp on?! Ugh and it was even more annoying cuz she would go between the bathroom, bedroom, and closet and leave the damn lamp on. No respect.
Then i was taking a nap later, because my sleep got disrupted the night before, and she comes in. I have my headphones in and a show playing, i’m facing towards the wall asleep. Out of nowhere she yells “OH MY GOD IRINA I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE YOU’RE RIGHT THERE”. I was so fucking annoyed. I heard her, but didn’t answer. she proceeded to ask “are you okay?” LIKE LEAVE ME ALONE IM SLEEPING OBVIOUSLY. If i’m laying there, not moving, not saying anything to you, probably means i’m asleep. So like why was necessary for her to scream that, idk. But i’m pissed off about it.
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megasip · 6 years ago
I am dreading waking up tomorrow to my long ass day. I truly hate tuesdays and on top of that I feel like i’m getting sick. So can’t wait to be up at 6:30 and be in st. paul from 8:30-4:15.
Honestly having two campuses is a curse. It is the biggest pain in the ass to have to rely on the shitty bus system. It’s the most annoying when you stand there and wait for one to come for like 15 minutes and then three of them show up at the same time. Like wtf.
I guess driving is an option but also not really cuz you’ll get a ticket for being parked for more than an hour. Or is it two hours i’m not really sure. I wish I had a car on campus, my life would be made so much easier. But the highways freak me out cuz they’re too twisty and split off in too many different ways all at the same time.
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megasip · 6 years ago
I’ve been watching a lot of youtube lately and there’s a challenge going around called the bratz challenge. Basically a person chooses one of the Bratz girl’s whos look they want to recreate/ who looks closely to themselves. Every person does it a different way and some of the end results are absolutely terrifying. But why is this a thing right now and who created it?
It’s been around for several weeks and everyone has been jumping on the bandwagon. Bratz have been around since I was still playing with barbies and it’s so random to see them be a trend all the sudden. I’m very curious as to who started it and why everyone became so obsessed with it.
I wonder if this is gonna make Bratz sales go up just because of this internet challenge. But do kids even play with dolls anymore? I’m pretty sure they only care about technology nowadays which is so crazy. And i feel like it’s only gonna get worse in the future and my kids will want iphones at like 4 years old.
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megasip · 6 years ago
Sleep talking is such a weird thing. Like how come a sentence or so just happen to come out of a persons mouth while they’re asleep. I’m pretty positive that I’ve never done it, but my roommate last semester did and one did it last night.
I would always wake up to talking last semester and I would get so confused. I was always wondering if my roommate was actually awake and on the phone or something or asleep and sleep talking. I remember one night hearing her have a full conversation. She must’ve been throwing something in her dream because she was asking “Okay are you gonna catch it? Okay, ready? Got it? okay cool cool”. It was funny but also kinda freaky.
Then one of my roommates last night slept talked and said “how do i get it to be between the blue light abs regular”. I thought she was doing something on the whole so i asked “what blue light?” and got no response, twice. When i asked about it this morning she felt weirded out because she has never sleep talked before but has no recollection of saying that.
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megasip · 6 years ago
I spent most of my day today doing homework. A friend and I had intended to go to Penny’s coffee but parking downtown is always a pain. Like why isn’t there more public parking lots?
I honestly think downtown could benefit from several public parking lots around businesses. Not ones that are reserved or paid for, just a parking lot. Also on weekends it’s like everyone and their mom is our doing something and spots are no where to be found.
We drove around in circles for a good 20 minutes trying to look for a parking spot. The solution we came to was just to go park at Whole Foods and just ended up staying there to work. Is it weird to go there just to do homework? I know my roommate from last year would always go to there with her sorority friends. But when I was talking about it to my future roommates they didn’t think that was a thing.
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megasip · 6 years ago
I have figured out that I indeed sleep badly every Tuesday and Thursday, the days I have to be up early. This leads me to believe that I am subconsciously thinking about having to be up early and think about the time too much while I'm trying to fall back asleep.  It really sucks too because those are the days I need it the most.
I took melatonin before I went to bed but that didn't seem to be a help at all. For some reason, it never does in those situations! Yet when I go to take a nap in the middle of the day I fall asleep no problem and even have a hard time waking up to my alarm. My mind and body annoy me like that.
I truly don’t know how to fix this issue for myself and I’ve tried a lot of things. I don’t know how many times I wrote about this and potentially said the exact same thing but its a reoccurring process with my reoccurring feelings about it and I'm annoyed. I just want it to stop being a thing so I don’t have to keep writing about it.
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megasip · 6 years ago
Success!! I slept amazing last night! I did wake up a few times but was able to fall back asleep. Was i really tired or did the tea really help?
A weird thing about me is i can only fall asleep if i lay on my right side. When i’m laying on my left, it’s like i’ll be laying there so long trying to sleep and the moment i turn over it takes me like 2 minutes. Is there some type of scientific reasoning for this or am i weird? Am i just used to falling asleep on the same side for like over a year?
I don’t think i switched what side i was laying on once last night because i woke up with my right elbow being in a weird tight pain. I usually sleep with one arm tucked under my pillow, behind my head and i think i had it positioned that way for too long while sleeping.
I am feeling quite tired right now and it’s strange because it’s only 9:10. I’m usually wide awake at this time so this is interesting. Did my blog last night jinx me but in a good way?
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megasip · 6 years ago
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Collection #3: My collected cups throughout the week that were either used for energizing me (coffee) or putting me to sleep (sleepytime tea)
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megasip · 6 years ago
I slept really bad again last night for the first time in a while. I feel like this always happens when I have to be up early in the morning for class. It’s really really frustrating because it makes me so tired and unable to focus in class as well as i should.
I wish i would start going to bed earlier but it’s so hard! I feel like i’ve been going to bed around 11/12 and sometimes closer to 1am for probably over a year. I wish i could be ready to get to sleep around 10 so i can get a good nights rest and not have to sleep in late. I wonder if there’s a method that makes it easier to break this habit.
I’m also very curious if there’s some kind of explanation for the sleep-wake cycles i’ve been experiencing. The previous week, I was sleeping amazing so I hope it doesn’t become constant again. I haven’t even been taking naps (except one today) in hopes of being more tired at night. I also wonder if it could be that my mind is thinking too much of having to wake up early the next day and i’m subconsciously stressing myself out.
Anyways, I am drinking my sleepy time tea tonight before bed and, fingers crossed, there will be no issues tonight. I don’t want to be going through this again, it’s honestly one of the most irritating things to me. Just wanna sleep in peace :(
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megasip · 6 years ago
As i am sitting on the couch, I am comsuming a conspiracy theory video. One of the theories is that chuck e. cheese uses left over slices of pizza and puts them together into a new pizza. I AM SO MIND BLOWN.
I will attach an image to this blog but you can clearly see that none of the pieces are the same size. Like there’s no denying it. The cuts on the pizza doesn’t even line up going across. I am very grossed out and disappointed that it’s a thing that has been going on for so long.
The guy filming the video even took it upon himself to go to a chuck e. cheese and see if this was still a thing that was happening. All three pizzas that he ordered ALL HAD DIFFERENT SIZED SLICES. When they questioned the employee about it, she acted very nervously and avoided what was being asked. He said she was giggling and looking around the room as she spoke.
I now want to go back to chuck e. cheese and see if this is a real thing with my own eyes. I mean how cheap do these people have to be to reuse pizza?! Disgusting. Currently making me think of all the chuck e. cheese i’ve ever consumed. But! This is not facts, just a conspiracy 🌝 (Also i know this has nothing to do with anything i’m just very intrigued).
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megasip · 6 years ago
The girls that currently live across from me are extremely loud. At all times of the day when they’re together in one room. One of the has the loudest voice out of anyone i know, which isn’t a bad thing until every conversation sounds like yelling.
I was laying in bed tonight and all the sudden i hear screaming and yelling and a lot of moving around. All of their voices are being raised over one another and it sounded like something was going on. Came to look across the hall and there’s just three of them doing face masks. HOW CAN YOU BE THAT LOUD WITH ONLY 3 PEOPLE IN THE ROOM!
It drives me crazy when peoples voice volume is 10x what it needs to be. Especially when you’re all within close proximity in a room together and there’s nothing and no one to be yelling over. I know i have a pretty loud voice myself but this is a whole different level. I’m also frustrated because this is a big change from last semester when the girls across the hall were barely ever there and the floor was extremely quiet. It’s nothing personal against the new group, I just get very agitated when someone’s voice is way louder than necessary.
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megasip · 6 years ago
It has now been a week since my break up and i am doing amazing. I’ve had such a fun weekend with friends and it felt so good. I didn’t have to worry about checking my phone non stop or being obligated to make my every move known. I am happy.
My friends have been asking me if i’m okay and honestly, i think i’m not the one to be asking. It sucks that he still wants things to work so bad and continues trying to get in contact with me. I made it so clear that i want to be left alone and that i do not want to continue a relationship. So why keep sending me long messages about how you want it back when i don’t feel the same?
I think it’s a possession problem. He doesn’t want me to be any one else’s but his. He gets jelous of my friends and the amount of time i spend with them. He fights with me every day but when i say i want to break up, he switches up and tries to be all sweet again. Sorry it doesn’t work that way.
You’d think that after a 4, almost 5, year relationship i’d be devastated but i’m not. At all. Am i evil or was it just time for me to let go? I don’t feel as though i made the wrong choice and I think that’s what i need to focus on. I can’t feed into or acknowledge his methods of trying to get me back. I’m done pleasing other people over myself.
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megasip · 6 years ago
I can’t wait to live in an apartment next year. Although living in a sorority house has its perks, there’s just too many girls in one space. I’m also so over the twin sized beds and shared rooms.
With so many girls living in one space, there’s bound to be some budding of heads. It’s really frustrating when girls misinterpret the tone and attitude of something that was said. This causes issues when they tell other people about it but the context is completely wrong.
As for living in the actual house, I want my own kitchen and fridge. Since i live in the annex, any time i want to eat or get something to drink, I have to walk over to our other house. This has been so so unpleasant in the winter. We also aren’t allowed to just use the stove whenever, we must ask for permission. We all share fridges so you can’t have a ton of your own groceries. This sucks on the weekends when the chef isn’t here and everyone has ate the food from the past week.
I want to have a full sized bed that i’m actually able to spread out in and to have my own bathroom and closet. When there’s more than 2 people in a room, it’s hard to keep track of my stuff. It also makes it easier to misplace things and then never see them again. Any time someone showers, the whole bathroom becomes completely steamed up. This makes all the floors, toilets, sinks and mirrors wet. It’s not a pleasant feeling. UGH. Especially difficult when most people on my floor forget to turn on the fan while they shower. But none of these issues will exist when i’m finally the only one using my living space.
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megasip · 6 years ago
I am currently laying in bed, annoyed with a failed night out. Not that i wanted to be out anyways but it’s still frustrating when something goes wrong and ruins the whole night. I’ve also been up since 6:30 so i wish i would’ve just stayed home in the first place :/
Positives of today: I got my nails done after three weeks and i absolutely love them. Class was cancelled so I had a lot more time to do whatever i wanted which was a blessing. It’s also been an extremely fast week for me and it turned into the weekend in a blink of an eye and every week gets closer and closer to break.
I can’t wait to get some sleep, i honestly think it’s one of my most favorite parts of every day. Is that normal? I feel like i need to sleep 9+ hours in order to feel fully satisfied with the rest i got and that’s definitely on the higher end of the spectrum when it comes to people our age, or is it? What are the sleeping standards based off of? I think that as an adult, we require more than 7 hours in order to make up for the long days. I also probably need to train myself to get to bed earlier so i don’t sleep till 11 on the average weekend day.
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megasip · 6 years ago
Today i have decided to set a goal for myself in order to better my health. Every winter, the cold weather tends to make me become very lazy and i go from my bed to class and back to bed. I am making it my goal to squeeze in at least a 20 minute workout into my every day.
Since the weather often makes it hard for me to the gym, I’ve decided that I will workout in my room if i am not going to the rec or a gym at one of the apartment buildings. I know I won’t be able to do a full workout (mostly meaning no free weights or cardio) but it’s better than nothing. I need to be in better shape by the time spring break comes.
I’m counting down the days till i get to be on the warm beaches of puerto rico instead of walking through piles of snow. I am so sick of winter and cannot wait till the day the sun is shinning and keeping me warm instead of my jacket. I am on a whole new level of motivated and productive when it’s warm outside and i just can’t wait to get out of this winter sadness and being stuck inside.
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