Aca, vokalis dari Straight Answer dan owner Here To Stay store, terkena pendarahan otak dan masih dalam kondisi serius di rumah sakit. Untuk membantu meringankan biaya operasi dan pengobatan, Seringai akan mendonasikan seluruh profit dari 100 pcs tshirt show-only ini [yang biasanya tidak bebas mereka jual, hanya di show-show Seringai] via penjualan online atau via pembelian langsung di Lawless Jakarta. Harga tshirt adalah Rp.150.000 [belum termasuk ongkos kirim]. Size: S - XXL. Donasi akan kami serahkan langsung kepada istri Aca, Irda. Mari bantu Aca dan keluarganya, serta mendoakan dia cepat pulih kembali. Aamiin! Pemesanan/pembelian online: Nama tshirt: SERINGAI 'Okami No Hosoku' SMS: 088210062199 e-mail: [email protected] Alamat toko: Lawless Jakarta Jl.Kemang Selatan VIII/67K Jakarta 12730 – View on Path.
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"the time in the morning when the sun appears or full daylight arrives" Canonet QL17 GIII : Kodak
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"Sooner or later, it always come around to where you started again" -Stephen King Nikon FM2N : Kodak
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"The day is done and everyone's gone now" Canonet QL17 GIII : Kodak
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lei·sure /ˈlēZHər,ˈleZHər/ Canonet QL17 GIII : Kodak (at PINE HILL Cibodas)
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My kind of Sunday morning with @provokemagazine team. Thank you @eigeradventure for having us 🙌 #enjoylifewithoutaroof #eigermusiccamp #eigeradventure (at Pine Forest Camp, Maribaya,Cibodas,Bandung, Jawa Barat.)
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'Burn Girl Prom Queen' -Mogwai Canonet QL17 GIII : Superia (exp)
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My recently band (Primata) just released debut E.P Here's the Bundle Package Released by Guts Division. Avani T-shirt + EP Cassette: IDR 180K (exclude shipping). Tshirt only: IDR 150K Cassette only: IDR 50K Available size: S / M / L / XL Order: Text / Whatasapp: +62812 8380 7276. Line ID - gutsdivision Artwork by Dannus Darmawan
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dark /därk/ (the absence of light in a place) Prima 35 : Neopan 400 (exp)
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lust /ləst/ Nikon FM2N + Nikon Speedlight SB-20 : Agfa Vista 400
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"Dolphinarium" Nikon FM2N : Kodak (at Dolphins Taman Safari)
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