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meetyourdreamland · 7 months ago
Part 2 Simultaneous Interpreting
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meetyourdreamland · 7 months ago
Part 1 Consecutive Interpreting
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meetyourdreamland · 1 year ago
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Source :
Fluffy Nutella Dorayaki / Yummy Japanese Pancake Sandwich
Dorayaki Nutella yang Lembut / Sandwich Pancake Jepang yang Lezat
3 units large Eggs 1/4 cup Sugar 2 tablespoons Condensed Milk 2 tablespoons Cooking Oil 1/2 cup Water (Please adjust) 2 cups Cornflour 1 teaspoon Baking Powder Vanilla essence
For fillings Options: Nutella / Red bean / Cream
Bahan-bahan: 3 butir Telur ukuran besar 1/4 cangkir Gula 2 sendok makan Susu Kental Manis 2 sendok makan Minyak Masak 1/2 cangkir Air (Silakan disesuaikan) 2 cangkir Tepung Jagung 1 sendok teh Baking Powder Essence Vanilla
Untuk Isian: Pilihan: Nutella / Kacang Merah / Krim
Explanation: This translation uses the literal technique because the equivalent words in source language can be found in target language.
Cooking Instructions:
Step 1 In a large bowl, combine the eggs and sugar, and beat the mixture until fluffy using a mixer.
Petunjuk memasak: 
Langkah 1 Dalam mangkuk besar, campur telur dan gula, kocok campuran hingga mengembang menggunakan mixer.
Translation Techniques: Linguistic Amplifications Explanation: To illustrate in more detail, the word "fluffy" in English was enriched to "mengembang" to provide a clearer picture of the desired result.
Step 2 Add in condensed milk and cooking oil. Mix well. Add in vanilla essence.
Langkah 2 Tambahkan susu kental manis dan minyak goreng. Aduk rata. Tambahkan vanilla essence. 
Translation Technique: Borrowing Explanation: The word "vanilla essence" does not have an exact equivalent in Indonesian, therefore, the original word is retained to maintain the same meaning and concept.
Step 3 Sift flour and baking powder together in a bowl. Add in flour and water alternately. Adjust the batter. Not too thick and not too watery.
Langkah 3 Ayak tepung jagung dan baking powder bersama dalam mangkuk. Tambahkan tepung dan air secara bergantian. Sesuaikan adonan. Jangan terlalu kental dan tidak terlalu encer.
Translation Technique: Borrowing  Explanation: The word "baking powder" does not have an exact equivalent in Indonesian, therefore, the original word is retained to maintain the same meaning and concept.
Step 4 Heat up a non-stick frying pan over a medium-low heat and dab an oil using a towel. Pour the batter using a ladle or a measuring cup.
Langkah 4 Panaskan wajan anti lengket dengan api sedang rendah dan olesi minyak menggunakan kain. Tuangkan adonan menggunakan sendok sayur atau takir.
Translation technique: Adaptation Explanation: The word "ladle" was adapted to "sendok sayur" to describe a utensil perhaps more commonly used in Indonesian kitchens.
Step 5 When you see the surface of the batter starting to bubble, flip over and cook the other side. Transfer to a plate and cover up with a damp towel to prevent from drying. You do not need to oil the pan again. Continue making pancakes (you can make about 12 pancakes).
Langkah 5 Ketika permukaan adonan mulai berbuih, balik dan masak sisi lainnya. Pindahkan ke piring dan tutupi dengan handuk basah agar tidak mengering. Tidak perlu mengolesi wajan lagi. Lanjutkan membuat pancake (Anda dapat membuat sekitar 12 pancake).
Translation technique: Elision Explanation: In the sentence "You do not need to oil the pan again" the word "You" is removed to simplify the sentence.
Step 6 Make sandwich with Nutella paste. Put more Nutella paste in the center so the shape of dorayaki will be curved (middle part should be thicker). Wrap dorayaki with plastic wrap until ready to serve. Enjoy! 
Langkah 6 Buat sandwich dengan pasta Nutella. Letakkan lebih banyak pasta Nutella di tengah sehingga bentuk dorayaki melengkung (bagian tengah harus lebih tebal). Bungkus dorayaki dengan plastik hingga siap disajikan. Selamat menikmati!
Translation technique: Borrowing  Explanation: The word "nutella" and "dorayaki" does not have an exact equivalent in Indonesian, therefore, the original word is retained to maintain the same meaning and concept.
A Million Dreams Song by Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams, and Ziv Zaifman
I close my eyes and I can see The world that's waiting up for me That I call my own Through the dark, through the door Through where no one's been before But it feels like home
Aku pejamkan mata dan terlihatlah Dunia yang menantiku Yang kusebut sebagai milikku Melalui kegelapan, melalui pintu Melalui tempat yang tak pernah diinjak siapapun Namun rasanya seperti rumah
Translation technique: Linguistic amplification, adaptation Explanation: This translation uses linguistic amplification techniques in the sentence "through where no one's been before" which means "melewati tempat yang tidak diketahui sebelumnya." However, I interpret it to mean "melalui tempat yang tak pernah diinjak siapapun" The phrase "tak pernah diinjak" means that no one has ever been there. So, the message of the song's meaning is conveyed, I also use adaptation techniques by matching the language culture to the target language.
They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy They can say, they can say I've lost my mind I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy We can live in a world that we design
Mereka bisa bilang, mereka bisa bilang semua terdengar gila Mereka bisa bilang, mereka bisa bilang aku sudah kehilangan akal Aku tidak peduli, jadi panggillah aku gila Kita bisa hidup di dunia yang kita rancang
Translation technique: Literal, compensation, adaptation Explanation: This translation uses the literal technique because the equivalent words in source language can be found in target language. The sentence "I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy" is interpreted using a compensation technique that removes repeated parts so the reader better understands the meaning. Then, for the word "design" we use adaptation techniques by equating existing language culture so that it is not interpreted as "desain" which means nature borrowing techniques but becomes "rancang".
'Cause every night I lie in bed The brightest colours fill my head A million dreams are keeping me awake I think of what the world could be A vision of the one I see A million dreams is all it's gonna take Oh, a million dreams for the world we're gonna make
Karena setiap malam aku berbaring di tempat tidur Warna yang paling terang memenuhi kepalaku Sejuta mimpi membuatku terjaga Aku memikirkan bisa jadi seperti apa dunia itu  Sebuah visi yang aku lihat Sejuta mimpi itulah yang dibutuhkan Oh, sejuta mimpi untuk dunia yang akan kita ciptakan 
Translation technique: Transposition, elision, and adaptation. Explanation: This translation uses the transposition technique in the sentence "I think of what the world could be" because it changes the grammatical structure from the source language to the target language. If interpreted word for word, it could be "Aku memikirkan apa yang dunia ini bisa menjadi" but the meaning sounds lacking. So I changed it to "aku memikirkan bisa jadi seperti apa dunia itu". The sentence "A vision of the one I see" uses the elision technique because it reduces the word "of the one" so that if it is translated "sebuah visi yang aku lihat" the meaning is still conveyed in the target language. Then, in the sentence "A million dreams is all it's gonna take" I use the adaptation technique because we want to convey the message from the source language well. If translated word for word "sejuta mimpi adalah semua yang dibutuhkan" but the meaning conveyed is somewhat lacking so I chose to translate it as "sejuta mimpi itulah yang dibutuhkan".
There's a house we can build Every room inside is filled With things from far away The special things I compile Each one there to make you smile On a rainy day
Ada sebuah rumah yang bisa kita bangun Setiap ruangan di dalamnya terpenuhi Dengan benda-benda dari tempat yang jauh Hal-hal istimewa yang aku kumpulkan  Semuanya untuk membuatmu tersenyum Di hari yang hujan
Translation technique: Literal and adaptation Explanation: This translation uses the literal technique because the equivalent words in source language can be found in target language. The sentence "Each one There to make you smile" uses an adaptation technique so that the true meaning of the lyrics of this song can be conveyed well so that it is translated as "semuanya untuk membuatmu tersenyum". The words "each one there" here are translated as "semuanya" to convey that everything he does is just to make you smile.
However big, however small Let me be part of it all Share your dreams with me You may be right, you may be wrong But say that you'll bring me along To the world you see To the world I close my eyes to see I close my eyes to see For the world we're gonna make
Namun besar atau sekecil apapun Biarkan aku jadi bagian dari semua ini Bagilah mimpimu bersamaku Kau mungkin benar, kau mungkin salah Tapi katakan bahwa kamu akan membawaku Ke dunia yang kamu lihat Ke dunia dimana aku menutup mataku untuk melihatnya Aku menutup mataku untuk melihatnya Untuk dunia yang akan kita ciptakan
Translation technique: Literal and transposition Explanation: This translation uses the literal technique because the equivalent words in source language can be found in target language. This translation uses the transposition technique in the sentence "You may be right, you may be wrong" because it changes the grammatical structure from the source language to the target language so that it is translated as "Kau mungkin benar, kau mungkin salah" not translated as "Mungkin kamu benar, mungkin kamu salah".
Title: A dog’s life
Judul: Hidup Seorang Anjing 
Hi. I’m Dino, the family dog. I help keep people safe, especially on the roads. Take a look at my diary to see what I did last week. 
Hai, aku Dino, anjing keluarga. Aku membantu menjaga keamanan, terutama di jalan. Lihatlah diariku untuk melihat apa yang aku lakukan minggu lalu.
Explanation: This translation uses the literal technique because the equivalent words in source language can be found in target language.
Sunday, some children really don’t think. Our neighbour’s boy ran in front of a car to get his ball. The car almost hit him. I saved him though. Remember, always look and listen. 
Minggu, beberapa anak benar-benar tidak berpikir. Anak laki-laki tetangga kami berlari ke depan mobil untuk mengambil bolanya. Mobil itu hampir menabraknya. Tetapi, Aku menyelamatkannya. Ingat, selalu perhatikan dan dengarkan sekitar.
Translation technique: Literal and adaptation Explanation: This translation uses the literal technique because the equivalent words in source language can be found in target language. This translation also uses the adaptation technique "always look and listen" to be changed or adjusted to "selalu perhatikan dan dengarkan sekitar" so that it is more suitable to the target reader and can be understood better from the source language to the target language.
Monday, walking on the street at night can be very dangerous, especially if you wear dark clothes. Car drivers can’t see you very well, just like these two I had to take home. Luckily I never go out without my reflective jacket and collar. Remember, BE SEEN! 
Senin, berjalan di jalan pada malam hari bisa sangat berbahaya, terutama jika kamu mengenakan pakaian gelap. Pengemudi mobil tidak bisa melihatmu dengan baik, seperti dua orang yang harus kubawa pulang. Untungnya, aku tidak pernah keluar tanpa jaket yang mencolok dan kalung anjing. Ingat, JADI TERLIHAT!
Translation technique: Literal, adaptation, and linguistic amplification Explanation: This translation uses the literal technique because the equivalent words in source language can be found in target language. The words “reflective jackets and collars” here are objects worn by dogs. "Reflective jackets" are usually designed like vest jackets with a bright dominant color. Meanwhile, for the word "collar" here I use linguistic amplification techniques by adding “kalung anjing" as additional information so that readers know that this text is written from the perspective of a dog.
Tuesday, people can get very angry when driving, usually for silly reasons. One driver started shouting at Mum today when she stopped to let some children cross the road. I soon made him stop. 
Selasa, orang bisa menjadi sangat marah saat berkendara, biasanya karena alasan konyol. Hari ini seorang pengemudi mulai berteriak pada Ibu ketika dia berhenti untuk membiarkan beberapa anak menyeberang jalan. Aku segera membuatnya berhenti. 
Translation technique: Literal and transposition  Explanation: This translation uses the literal technique because the equivalent words in source language can be found in target language. This translation uses the transposition technique for the sentence "One driver started shouting at Mum today when she stopped to let some children cross the road" due to a shift in the grammatical structure form from the source language to the target language.
Wednesday, one thing makes me really mad. Grrrrrr. People walking on a dangerous road when they can walk on the safe pavement. I saw two girls doing that today but I soon made them change their minds. 
Rabu, ada satu hal membuatku benar-benar marah. Grrrrrr. Orang berjalan di jalan berbahaya ketika mereka bisa berjalan di trotoar yang aman. Aku melihat dua gadis melakukan itu hari ini, tapi aku segera membuat mereka mengubah pikiran.
Translation technique: Literal  Explanation: This translation uses the literal technique because the equivalent words in source language can be found in target language.
Thursday, seat belts can save your life! I make sure everyone in our car wears their seat belt. If they forget, I soon remind them. Even I’ve got one. 
Kamis, sabuk pengaman bisa menyelamatkan hidupmu! Aku memastikan semua orang di mobil kami memakai sabuk pengaman. Jika mereka lupa, aku segera mengingatkan mereka. Bahkan aku pun punya satu.
Translation technique: Literal  Explanation: This translation uses the literal technique because the equivalent words in source language can be found in target language.
Friday, I like Fridays. The roads are quieter. But you still have to be careful. I caught Dad talking on his mobile phone while driving. I soon stopped him though. Don’t worry, he got his phone back. 
Jumat, aku suka Jumat. Jalanan lebih sepi. Tapi kamu masih harus berhati-hati. Aku menangkap Ayah sedang berbicara di ponselnya saat mengemudi. Aku segera menghentikannya. Jangan khawatir, dia mendapatkan ponselnya kembali.
Translation technique: Literal  Explanation: This translation uses the literal technique because the equivalent words in source language can be found in target language.
Saturday, today Mum took me for a walk. One car was parked in a very dangerous place. It was right on the corner of the street. Don’t worry though. I left him a message!
Sabtu, hari ini Ibu membawaku jalan-jalan. Satu mobil diparkir di tempat yang sangat berbahaya, tepat di sudut jalan. Tapi jangan khawatir. Aku meninggalkan pesan untuknya!
Translation technique: Literal and compensation Explanation: This translation uses the literal technique because the equivalent words in source language can be found in target language. This translation uses a refinement technique on the sentence "It was right on the corner of the street" which is combined with the previous sentence "One car was parked in a very dangerous place" so that it is translated into just one sentence “Satu mobil diparkir di tempat yang sangat berbahaya, tepat di sudut jalan” to make it easier to understand and read in the target language.
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meetyourdreamland · 2 years ago
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TEXT 3 - Procedure Text 
Nasi Goreng (Indonesian Fried Rice) by Pat Tanumihardja
Nasi goreng, Indonesia's version of fried rice, gets a sweet-savory profile from kecap manis and a big hit of umami from shrimp paste.
Why this recipe works:
1. Using either freshly cooked or day-old rice results in fried rice that separates nicely into individual grains, without clumping up.
2. Indonesian shrimp paste adds a potent dose of umami.
3. The sweetness of kecap manis balances out the dish's many salty and savory elements.
Nasi goreng is essentially Indonesia's take on fried rice. In addition to kecap manis, the country's ubiquitous sweet soy sauce, terasi (Indonesian shrimp paste) is what sets nasi goreng apart from other fried-rice variations you'll see in other countries.
Terasi is an umami bomb that pervades both your kitchen and your senses. If you can't find it easily, feel free to substitute another Southeast Asian shrimp paste, or omit it—you’ll be making what my mom calls nasi goreng cina, or Chinese fried rice, which is the version she made for us when I was growing up.
For the Spice Paste:
2 small shallots (2 ounces; 55g), roughly chopped
3 medium cloves garlic
1 large fresh green chile, such as Fresno or Holland, stemmed and seeded, or 1 teaspoon sambal oelek, such as Huy Fong (see note)
1/2 teaspoon terasi (Indonesian shrimp paste), optional (see note)
For the Nasi Goreng:
4 cups cold cooked jasmine rice (21 ounces; 600g) or other medium- to long-grain rice (see note)
2 tablespoons (30ml) neutral oil, such as canola or sunflower oil
2 tablespoons (30ml) kecap manis (see note), plus more for drizzling
2 teaspoons (10ml) soy sauce
Kosher salt
Ground white pepper
To Serve:
2 large fried eggs, cooked sunny-side up or over easy
Sliced cucumbers (optional)
Sliced tomatoes (optional)
Fried shallots (optional)
1. For the Spice Paste: Add half the shallots to a mortar and grind with pestle until a coarse purée forms. Add remaining shallots, followed by garlic, chile, and terasi (if using), grinding with pestle until each ingredient is mostly incorporated before adding the next. The final paste should resemble thick oatmeal in texture. Alternatively, combine all spice paste ingredients in a small food processor and process until they form a paste.
2. For the Nasi Goreng: If using day-old rice, transfer rice to a bowl and break rice up with your hands into individual grains.
3. Heat oil in a large wok or skillet over high heat until shimmering. Add spice paste and cook, stirring constantly and scraping bottom of wok or pan to prevent paste from burning, until a pungent smell permeates your kitchen and paste turns a few shades darker, 2 to 3 minutes. Reduce heat to medium at any time if paste appears to be browning too quickly.
4. Add rice to wok and stir to coat with spice paste. Add kecap manis and soy sauce. Stir and cook until rice is evenly colored and hot throughout. Season with salt and white pepper.
5. Divide rice between two plates and top each plate of rice with a fried egg. Garnish with cucumber and tomato slices and shower with fried shallots, if you like. Serve immediately with kecap manis alongside for drizzling.
Special Equipment
Mortar and pestle, large wok or skillet
Terasi is an Indonesian shrimp paste that can be found in well-stocked Asian markets or online. We recommend purchasing handy single-serving packets. If you can't find terasi, you may substitute belacan (Malaysian or Singaporean shrimp paste) or Thai shrimp paste, or simply omit it altogether.
Sambal oelek is an Indonesian chile paste, traditionally made with nothing more than hot red chiles and salt. You can find it at Asian markets or in the "international" aisle of some supermarkets.
Kecap manis is Indonesian sweet soy sauce, typically made by combining soy sauce with palm sugar. We recommend Cap Bango kecap manis, but you may also find ABC and Conimex brands available online or in Asian markets. For more information, read our kecap manis explainer.
For best results, use rice that has been refrigerated for at least 12 hours and up to 3 days. If using freshly cooked rice, spread rice on a tray and allow to cool for 5 minutes before using.
Indonesia translation:
Nasi Goreng (Nasi Goreng Indonesia) oleh Pat Tanumihardja
Nasi goreng, versi Indonesia dari nasi goreng, memiliki rasa manis dan gurih dari kecap manis dan rasa umami yang kuat dari terasi.
Mengapa resep ini berhasil:
1. Menggunakan nasi yang baru dimasak atau nasi yang sudah dingin akan membuat nasi goreng terpisah dengan sempurna dan tidak lengket.
2. Terasi Indonesia menambahkan dosis umami yang kuat.
3. Manisnya kecap manis seimbang dengan rasa asin dan gurih dari bahan lainnya.
Kata Nasi goreng pada dasarnya adalah versi Indonesia dari nasi goreng. Selain kecap manis, saus kedelai manis yang umum di negara ini, terasi (pasta udang Indonesia) adalah yang membuat nasi goreng berbeda dengan variasi nasi goreng yang Anda lihat di negara lain.
Terasi adalah bom umami yang menyebar di dapur dan indra Anda. Jika Anda tidak dapat menemukannya dengan mudah, bebas untuk menggantinya dengan pasta udang Asia Tenggara lainnya atau tidak digunakan sama sekali - Anda akan membuat apa yang ibu saya sebut nasi goreng cina, atau nasi goreng Tionghoa, yang merupakan versi yang dibuatnya untuk kami ketika saya masih kecil.
Untuk Bumbu Halus:
2 bawang merah kecil (55g), cincang kasar
3 siung bawang putih ukuran sedang
1 cabai hijau segar besar, seperti Fresno atau Holland, buang biji dan batang, atau 1 sendok teh sambal oelek, seperti Huy Fong (lihat catatan)
1/2 sendok teh terasi (pasta udang Indonesia), opsional (lihat catatan)
Untuk Nasi Goreng:
4 cangkir nasi putih dingin (600g) atau jenis nasi medium- hingga nasi lama (lihat catatan)
2 sendok makan (30ml) minyak netral, seperti minyak kanola atau bunga matahari
2 sendok makan (30ml) kecap manis (lihat catatan), tambahkan sedikit lagi untuk dioleskan di atas nasi
2 sendok teh (10ml) kecap asin
Garam kosher
Merica putih bubuk
Untuk Disajikan:
2 telur goreng, masak telur mata sapi atau telur dadar
Irisan mentimun (opsional)
Irisan tomat (opsional)
Bawang merah goreng (opsional)
1. Untuk Bumbu Halus: Tambahkan setengah bagian bawang merah ke cobek dan giling dengan ulekan hingga membentuk pasta kasar. Tambahkan bawang merah yang tersisa, diikuti dengan bawang putih, cabai hijau segar dan terasi (jika digunakan), giling dengan ulekan hingga setiap bahan tercampur rata sebelum menambahkan bahan berikutnya. Akhirnya, bumbu halus harus menyerupai oatmeal tebal dari segi tekstur. Sebagai alternatif, gabungkan semua bahan bumbu halus dalam food processor kecil dan proses hingga membentuk pasta.
2. Untuk Nasi Goreng: Jika menggunakan nasi yang sudah dingin, tuang nasi ke dalam mangkuk dan remukkan nasi dengan tangan hingga terpisah menjadi butiran-butiran yang lebih kecil.
3. Panaskan minyak dalam wajan besar atau penggorengan di atas api besar hingga berkilau. Tambahkan bumbu halus dan masak sambil terus diaduk hingga dasar wajan atau panci untuk mencegah bumbu halus terbakar, hingga bau yang kuat menyebar di dapur Anda dan bumbu halus berubah beberapa tingkat menjadi lebih gelap, selama 2 hingga 3 menit. Kurangi panas ke sedang pada saat bumbu halus tampak terlalu cepat menjadi kecoklatan.
4. Tambahkan nasi ke dalam wajan dan aduk hingga nasi terbalut bumbu halus. Tambahkan kecap manis dan kecap asin. Aduk dan masak hingga nasi berwarna merata dan panas. Bumbui dengan garam dan merica putih.
5. Bagi nasi goreng di antara dua piring dan letakkan telur goreng di atas setiap piring nasi. Hias dengan irisan mentimun dan tomat serta taburi dengan bawang goreng, jika suka. Sajikan segera dengan kecap manis di samping untuk dituangkan.
Perlengkapan Khusus
Cobek dan ulekan, wajan besar atau penggorengan
Terasi adalah pasta udang khas Indonesia yang dapat ditemukan di pasar Asia yang lengkap atau online. Kami merekomendasikan membeli kemasan single-serving yang praktis. Jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan terasi, Anda dapat menggantinya dengan belacan (pasta udang Malaysia atau Singapura) atau pasta udang Thailand, atau cukup tidak menggunakan terasi sama sekali.
Sambal oelek adalah pasta cabai Indonesia yang dibuat secara tradisional dengan hanya menggunakan cabai merah pedas dan garam. Anda dapat menemukannya di pasar Asia atau di bagian "internasional" beberapa supermarket.
Kecap manis adalah saus kedelai manis khas Indonesia, biasanya dibuat dengan menggabungkan kecap asin dengan gula kelapa. Kami merekomendasikan merek Cap Bango kecap manis, tetapi Anda juga dapat menemukan merek ABC dan Conimex yang tersedia secara online atau di pasar Asia. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, baca penjelasan kecap manis kami.
Untuk hasil terbaik, gunakan nasi yang telah direfrigerasi selama minimal 12 jam dan maksimal 3 hari. Jika menggunakan nasi yang baru dimasak, sebarkan nasi di atas nampan dan biarkan dingin selama 5 menit sebelum digunakan.
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meetyourdreamland · 2 years ago
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Bloody Mary
excerpted from Spooky Pennsylvania
retold by S.E. Schlosser
She lived deep in the forest in a tiny cottage and sold herbal remedies for a living. Folks living in the town nearby called her Bloody Mary, and said she was a witch. None dared cross the old crone for fear that their cows would go dry, their food-stores rot away before winter, their children take sick of fever, or any number of terrible things that an angry witch could do to her neighbors.
Then the little girls in the village began to disappear, one by one. No one could find out where they had gone. Grief-stricken families searched the woods, the local buildings, and all the houses and barns, but there was no sign of the missing girls. A few brave souls even went to Bloody Mary's home in the woods to see if the witch had taken the girls, but she denied any knowledge of the disappearances. Still, it was noted that her haggard appearance had changed. She looked younger, more attractive. The neighbors were suspicious, but they could find no proof that the witch had taken their young ones.
Then came the night when the daughter of the miller rose from her bed and walked outside, following an enchanted sound no one else could hear. The miller's wife had a toothache and was sitting up in the kitchen treating the tooth with an herbal remedy when her daughter left the house. She screamed for her husband and followed the girl out of the door. The miller came running in his nightshirt. Together, they tried to restrain the girl, but she kept breaking away from them and heading out of town.
The desperate cries of the miller and his wife woke the neighbors. They came to assist the frantic couple. Suddenly, a sharp-eyed farmer gave a shout and pointed towards a strange light at the edge of the woods. A few townsmen followed him out into the field and saw Bloody Mary standing beside a large oak tree, holding a magic wand that was pointed towards the miller's house. She was glowing with an unearthly light as she set her evil spell upon the miller's daughter.
The townsmen grabbed their guns and their pitchforks and ran toward the witch. When she heard the commotion, Bloody Mary broke off her spell and fled back into the woods. The far-sighted farmer had loaded his gun with silver bullets in case the witch ever came after his daughter. Now he took aim and shot at her. The bullet hit Bloody Mary in the hip and she fell to the ground. The angry townsmen leapt upon her and carried her back into the field, where they built a huge bonfire and burned her at the stake.
As she burned, Bloody Mary screamed a curse at the villagers. If anyone mentioned her name aloud before a mirror, she would send her spirit to revenge herself upon them for her terrible death. When she was dead, the villagers went to the house in the wood and found the unmarked graves of the little girls the evil witch had murdered. She had used their blood to make her young again.
From that day to this, anyone foolish enough to chant Bloody Mary's name three times before a darkened mirror will summon the vengeful spirit of the witch. It is said that she will tear their bodies to pieces and rip their souls from their mutilated bodies. The souls of these unfortunate ones will burn in torment as Bloody Mary once was burned, and they will be trapped forever in the mirror.
Indonesia translation:
Dia tinggal di dalam hutan di sebuah pondok kecil dan menjual ramuan herbal untuk mencari nafkah. Orang-orang yang tinggal di kota terdekat memanggilnya Bloody Mary, dan mengatakan bahwa dia seorang penyihir. Tidak seorang pun berani menyeberangi nenek tua itu karena takut bahwa sapi mereka akan kering, persediaan makanan mereka akan busuk sebelum musim dingin tiba, anak-anak mereka sakit demam, atau segala macam hal buruk yang bisa dilakukan oleh penyihir marah kepada tetangga mereka.
Kemudian, anak-anak perempuan di desa mulai menghilang, satu per satu. Tidak ada yang bisa mencari tahu ke mana mereka pergi. Keluarga yang berkabung mencari di hutan, bangunan lokal, dan semua rumah dan kandang, tetapi tidak ada tanda-tanda gadis-gadis yang hilang tersebut. Beberapa orang yang berani bahkan pergi ke rumah Bloody Mary di hutan untuk melihat apakah penyihir itu telah mengambil gadis-gadis itu, tetapi dia membantah mengetahui tentang kepergian mereka. Namun, dicatat bahwa penampilannya yang tua telah berubah. Dia terlihat lebih muda, lebih menarik. Meskipun begitu, tetangga curiga, tetapi mereka tidak bisa menemukan bukti bahwa penyihir telah mengambil anak-anak mereka.
Kemudian datang malam ketika putri dari tukang giling bangun dari tempat tidurnya dan berjalan keluar, mengikuti suara yang menyihir yang tidak bisa didengar oleh orang lain. Istri si tukang giling yang sakit gigi dan duduk di dapur sedang mengobati gigi dengan ramuan herbal ketika putrinya meninggalkan rumah. Dia berteriak pada suaminya dan mengikuti gadis itu keluar dari pintu. Sang tukang giling datang berlari mengenakan piyama. Bersama-sama, mereka mencoba menahan gadis itu, tetapi dia terus membebaskan diri dan pergi keluar dari kota.
Teriakan putus asa dari sang tukang giling dan istrinya membangunkan tetangga. Mereka datang untuk membantu pasangan yang panik. Tiba-tiba, seorang petani yang cerdik berteriak dan menunjuk ke arah cahaya aneh di tepi hutan. Beberapa penduduk desa mengikutinya keluar ke ladang dan melihat Bloody Mary berdiri di samping pohon ek besar, memegang tongkat ajaib yang ditujukan ke arah rumah tukang giling. Dia bersinar dengan cahaya gaib saat dia melemparkan mantra jahatnya pada putri tukang giling.
Para lelaki desa mengambil senapan dan garpu mereka dan berlari menuju penyihir. Ketika ia mendengar keributan, Bloody Mary memutuskan mantra nya dan melarikan diri kembali ke dalam hutan. Petani yang melihat dari jauh telah memuat senapannya dengan peluru perak untuk menghadapi penyihir jika ia mencoba menyerang putrinya. Sekarang, ia mengarahkan senapannya dan menembak ke arah Bloody Mary. Peluru itu mengenai pinggul Bloody Mary dan ia jatuh ke tanah. Para lelaki desa marah lalu menangkapnya dan membawanya kembali ke lapangan, di mana mereka membangun api unggun besar dan membakarnya di tiang gantungan.
Ketika ia dibakar, Bloody Mary berteriak sebuah kutukan pada penduduk desa. Jika ada orang yang menyebut namanya di depan cermin, ia akan mengirimkan rohnya untuk membalas dendam atas kematian mengerikan yang menimpanya. Setelah ia meninggal, para penduduk desa pergi ke rumah di dalam hutan dan menemukan kuburan tanpa nama dari gadis-gadis kecil yang dibunuh oleh penyihir jahat itu. Dia telah menggunakan darah mereka untuk membuat dirinya muda kembali.
Sejak hari itu, siapa pun yang cukup bodoh untuk menyebut nama Bloody Mary tiga kali di depan cermin yang gelap akan memanggil roh dendam penyihir itu. Katanya, ia akan merobek tubuh mereka menjadi potongan-potongan dan mencabut jiwa mereka dari tubuh mereka yang terpotong-potong. Jiwa-jiwa mereka akan terbakar dalam siksaan seperti Bloody Mary yang pernah dibakar, dan mereka akan terjebak selamanya di dalam cermin.
0 notes
meetyourdreamland · 2 years ago
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Hi! I'm Melenia. In this project I'll translate 3 texts of English to Bahasa Indonesia to fulfill my assignment.
"Greet Tomorrow" by Alffy Rev
(feat. Afifah, Mr.HeadBox)
The sun is rising
Take a look at it rays and
Can you see it's shining bright, the light is warm you up right through your skin
Can you stop complaining
You don't need to crying
You are not the only one who face the life with your scream
It doesn't matter when you're lost in cold day
You will find the way to make it your way
Even if the skies get dark and grey it won't get it our way
It doesn't matter when they talking all day
They ain't even better than us, so stay
We can fight together, don't give up we'll make it someday
Wake up, no more
Tears drop on the floor
Get rid of sorrow, we'll go
Run the world and greet tomorrow
Wake up, no more
Tears drop on the floor
Get rid of sorrow, we'll go
Run the world and greet tomorrow
Run the world and greet tomorrow
We can climb the mountain
Break the walls that blocking
We can clear the air and we will come into one's own as all we want
Can you stop complaining
You don't need to crying
You are not the only one who face the life with your scream
It doesn't matter when you're lost in cold day
You will find the way to make it your way
Even if the skies get dark and grey it won't get it our way
It doesn't matter when they talking all day
They ain't even better than us, so stay
We can fight together, don't give up we'll make it someday
Wake up, no more
Tears drop on the floor
Get rid of sorrow, we'll go
Run the world and greet tomorrow
Wake up, no more
Tears drop on the floor
Get rid of sorrow, we'll go
Run the world and greet tomorrow
Life is about dreaming, living without a dream is a mistake
It's not easy to reach a star far from the eye
But reality keeps us away from our expectations
Success is a choice, everyone has equal opportunity
But the problem is what is your choice?
Go ask yourself!
Run the world and greet tomorrow
Run the world and greet tomorrow
Indonesia translation:
Mentari telah terbit
lihatlah sinarnya dan
Dapatkah kamu melihatnya bersinar terang, cahayanya menghangatkanmu menembus kulitmu
Bisakah kamu berhenti mengeluh
Kamu tak perlu menangis
Kamu bukan satu-satunya yang menghadapi hidup dengan keluh kesah
Tidak masalah ketika kamu tersesat dihari yang dingin
Kamu akan menemukan cara untuk mewujudkannya
Bahkan ketika langit menjadi gelap dan abu-abu hal itu tidak akan menghalangi jalan kita
Tidak masalah jika mereka berbicara sepanjang hari
Mereka bahkan tidak lebih baik dari kita, jadi tetaplah bertahan
Kita bisa berjuang bersama, jangan menyerah kita akan mewujudkan nya suatu hari
Bangunlah, jangan lagi
Air mata jatuh ke lantai
Singkirkan kesedihan, kita 'kan melangkah
Jelajahi dunia dan sambut hari esok
Bangunlah, jangan lagi
Air mata jatuh ke lantai
Singkirkan kesedihan, kita 'kan melangkah
Jelajahi dunia dan sambut hari esok
Jelajahi dunia dan sambut hari esok
Kita bisa mendaki gunung
Meruntuhkan dinding yang menghalangi
Kita bisa jernihkan udara dan kita akan datang dalam satu jiwa seperti yang kita inginkan
Bisakah kamu berhenti mengeluh
Kamu tak perlu menangis
Kamu bukan satu-satunya yang menghadapi hidup dengan keluh kesah
Tidak masalah ketika kamu tersesat dihari yang dingin
Kamu akan menemukan cara untuk mewujudkannya
Bahkan ketika langit menjadi gelap dan abu-abu hal itu tidak akan menghalangi jalan kita
Tidak masalah jika mereka berbicara sepanjang hari
Mereka bahkan tidak lebih baik dari kita, jadi tetaplah bertahan
Kita bisa berjuang bersama, jangan menyerah kita akan mewujudkan nya suatu hari
Bangunlah, jangan lagi
Air mata jatuh ke lantai
Singkirkan kesedihan, kita 'kan melangkah
Jelajahi dunia dan sambut hari esok
Bangunlah, jangan lagi
Air mata jatuh ke lantai
Singkirkan kesedihan, kita 'kan melangkah
Jelajahi dunia dan sambut hari esok
Hidup itu tentang mimpi, hidup tanpa sebuah mimpi adalah kesalahan
Bukan hal mudah menggapai bintang yang jauh dari pandangan
Tetapi realita menjauhkan kita dari harapan
Keberhasilan adalah sebuah pilihan, semua orang memiliki kesempatan yang sama
Tapi masalahnya, apa pilihanmu?
Tanyakanlah ke dirimu sendiri!
Jelajahi dunia dan sambut hari esok
Jelajahi dunia dan sambut hari esok
0 notes
meetyourdreamland · 3 years ago
Conditional Sentence
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Hi! it’s me, again! 
We're talking about conditional sentences in English. So let's get started!
Sometimes it feels like English grammar can be pretty loose, yeah there are some rules but sometimes they don't apply. Sometimes there are exceptions. I get it! I've got to teach it! But there are some grammatical structures in English that follow really clear rules and the structure of conditional sentences is nice and clear which makes it easier for you to feel confident about the way that you express your thoughts and your ideas when you speak.
We use conditional sentences to explain what actually happens, and what could happen so a possible and likely outcome in the future. We talk about what we wish would happen so imagining a different outcome for our present situation. And what might have happened so thinking about a different outcome that happened in the past.
Zero Conditional
The zero conditional is called the factual conditional.
If I get sick, I go to the doctor.
And it's one of the easiest to remember because both clauses are in the present simple tense. We have the ‘if' clause with the present simple and then the present simple in the main result clause as well. So if this happens, then this is what happens. We use the zero conditional to talk about habits, facts, and truths.
You can't argue about these things, right? With these things, we're not talking about the possibility. It's fact.
If you put ice in your drink, it melts.
Remember, present simple, present simple.
Form: If + simple present, simple present
Example 1: If it rains, I take an umbrella with me to work.
Example 2: If I wake up early, I always read in bed.
First Conditional
Then we have the first conditional which we used to talk about possible and likely future outcomes.
If I get sick, I will go to the doctor.
So it's possible that in the future I'll get sick and if that occurs, I will probably go to the doctor. So we use ‘if' with the present simple and ‘will' with our verb infinitive.
If it's hot tomorrow, I'll go for a swim at the beach.
And if it is hot, Now am I sure that it will be hot tomorrow? No, but it is summertime here in Indonesia. it's highly likely that I will go for a swim.
Form: If + simple present, will + base verb 
Example 1: If I see you later, I will say hello. 
Example 2: If I don’t see you later, I won’t be able to say hello.
Second Conditional
Now we have the second conditional and we use it when we want to imagine that the present situation is different.
So if I got sick, I would go to the doctor.
This is a hypothetical situation, right? It's not real. Do I look sick? I'm not sick. I'm imagining that the present situation is different for some reason. I'm imagining that I'm sick. Now if that were true, I would go to the doctor. Now am I really going to the doctor? No, because I'm not actually sick. It's an unreal situation.
But to express this in English, we use ‘if' with the past simple and then ‘would' and the verb infinitive in the result clause. So we use the modal verb ‘would' to show that we're imagining the result.
Don't forget that in English, all verbs that follow modal verbs are in the infinitive form.
If I had more money, I would buy a boat.
Now it's really common and natural to use contractions in conditional sentences. I would definitely say when I'm speaking naturally: 
If I had more money, I'd buy a boat.
I'd, he'd, you'd, they'd. This pronunciation is much more common in spoken English.
Okay so now it's your turn to finish this sentence.
Form: If + simple past, modal + base verb 
Example 1: If I had a million dollars, I would buy a large vacation home. 
Example 2: If I were you, I wouldn’t wait to study for the test.
Third Conditional
And the third conditional is the past unreal conditional.
If I had been sick, I would have gone to the doctor.
We use this structure to imagine a different past, different from the one that actually happened, right? We use ‘if' with the past perfect and ‘would have’ with the past participle. Just to be clear, the ‘if' clause did not actually happen but I'm imagining the result if the past was different. So in this situation, was I really sick? I'm not talking about what actually happened, I'm talking about what could have happened in the past but didn't and what I would have done if that had happened.
Can you think of a time when this grammar structure would actually be useful? When you regret something in the past, something that happened in the past and you wished that that result was different.
If we had looked at the weather report, we would have stayed home!
If I had known you were visiting, I would have made time to see you.
Form: If + past perfect, modal + present perfect 
Example 1: If it had rained last week, the plants would not have died. 
Example 2: If I had finished college, I would have become a doctor.
Okay, now that's enough for this lesson. I have some exercises with the answer key in here. Please, try to read it slowly and do your best to answer it! That's it from me today, Bye for now!
We will do it if he__. (will agree) (agrees)
I will be greatly surprised if it__. (will happen) (happens)
I’ll visit her if she__at home. (will be) (is)
If I__the right answer, I would say it. (know) (knew)
If I__in Canada, I would know English much better. (lived) (live)
If I__1 million dollars, I could buy lots of interesting things. (have) (had)
If she really__it, she would behave differently. (wanted) (want)
If she had passed the exam, her parents__much happier. (would had been) (would have been)
If she__the test, she would have entered that university. (hadn’t failed) (didn’t failed)
If I had known it, my total score__much higher. (would have been) (is)
Answer key:
We will do it if he__. (will agree) (agrees)
I will be greatly surprised if it__. (will happen) (happens)
I’ll visit her if she__at home. (will be) (is)
 If I__the right answer, I would say it. (know) (knew)
If I__in Canada, I would know English much better. (lived) (live)
If I__1 million dollars, I could buy lots of interesting things. (have) (had)
If she really__it, she would behave differently. (wanted) (want)
If she had passed the exam, her parents__much happier. (would had been) (would have been)
If she__the test, she would have entered that university. (hadn’t failed) (didn’t failed)
If I had known it, my total score__much higher. (would have been) (is)
0 notes
meetyourdreamland · 3 years ago
Type of Clauses
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Type of Clauses
Today’s lesson we will look at the three clauses side by side. Let’s begin!
Noun Clause
What is a noun clause?
A noun clause is a dependent clause classed as the same part of speech as a noun. A noun clause begins with a relative pronoun or with a subordinating conjunction. A noun clause takes the place of a noun or pronoun. A great way to check whether a part of speech is functionting as a noun is to replace that part of speech with a pronoun. If you can then your phrase or clause is functioning as a noun. 
Let’s look at this example:
What you baked is delicious!
in this example, ‘what you baked’ is a noun clause. It’s actually the subject of the sentence but if we could replace it with a pronoun.
It is delicious!
The sentence still makes sense this proves that the noun clause. ‘What you baked’ is functioning as a noun.
Whatever you bring to the party is okay with me.
It is okay with me. (The sentence still makes sense)
Adjective Clause
adjective clause also known as an adjectival or relative clause, is a dependent clause that modifies a noun or a pronoun. The adjective clause functions as one part of speech: the adjective. one thing to note about the adjective clause, adjective clauses will always begin
with a relative pronoun or with a relative adverb. These subordinators connect the clause to the noun or the pronoun that it modifies. The adjective, or relative clause, must be placed next to the noun or pronoun it describes.
The dress that she wore to the party is very expensive.
Adjective clause describing the noun “dress”.
We decided not to go to Disney World, where the entrance tickets are very costly, because we could not afford it.
In this example, ‘where the entrance tickets are very costly’ is an adjective clause. decribing Disney World.
Adverb Clause
adverb clause is a dependent, or subordinate, clause that has a relationship with the independent, or main clause. In the same manner adverb clauses add information that elaborates on when, where, why or how by modifying or describing verbs adjectives and other adverbs. In other words an adverb clause functions as a part of speech: the adverb.
You may watch TV after you wash the dishes.
adverb clause answering “when” you may watch TV.
Everywhere I look, I see political signs.
‘Everywhere I look’ is an adverb clause, modify I ng the verb ‘see’. 
Now. it’s your turn to practice and take the quiz!
The author whose autobiography was released last week is coming to our local bookstore.
They sold the house to whoever made the best offer.
I never believed what people said about him.
In case you didn’t hear him, he agreed to meet you for dinner.
The teacher who is very strict kept us after school.
That was the time when we were young and carefree.
Bradley and his sister don't look alike even though they are twins. 
How these toy works make me very curious.
Whereas we dine at home during the week, we eat out on the weekends.
People who are confident and prepared do better in a job interview.
Answer key:
The author whose autobiography was released last week is coming to our local bookstore. (This is an adjective clause modifying the noun, author).
They sold the house to whoever made the best offer. (This is a noun clause, you can substitute the pronoun them for the clause and the sentence makes sense).
I never believed what people said about him. (This is a noun clause, you can substitute it for the clause and the sentence makes sense).
In case you didn’t hear him, he agreed to meet you for dinner. (This is an adverb clause, the dependent clause has a relationship with the main clause and shows condition).
The teacher who is very strict kept us after school. (This is an adjective clause modifying the noun, teacher).
That was the time when we were young and carefree. (This is an adjective clause modifying the noun, time.)
Bradley and his sister don't look alike even though they are twins. (This is an adverb clause, the adverb clause 'dependent' has a relationship with the main clause and shows contrast.)
How these toy works make me very curious. (This is a noun clause, you can substitute it for the clause and the sentence makes sense).
Whereas we dine at home during the week, we eat out on the weekends. (This is an adverb clause, the adverb clause 'dependent' has a relationship with the main clause and shows contrast.)
People who are confident and prepared do better in a job interview. (This is an adjective clause modifying the noun, people.)
0 notes
meetyourdreamland · 3 years ago
Sentence Writing
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Passive Voice and Active Voice
Hi! How are you? I hope you’re fine. Okay, today I’ll explain about Passive and Active Voice. "What's the point of the passive voice?
Is it really that important?"
Understanding the passive voice is important. In this lesson, you'll learn what it looks like, why it's useful and you'll practice using it with me.
The passive voice is used often by native English speakers. It's a mistake to think that it's only used in formal speech. It's also used informally, quite a bit!
So stay with me through this entire lesson, keep focused it's not that long.
So why should you use the passive voice?
Well, there are times when 
you don't want to say who or what did the action
Maybe you're trying to avoid responsibility for something you did or you don't want to get your mate into trouble or maybe 
you don't know who did the action
or because actually,
 the object is the most important or the most interesting part of the sentence.
So that's the thing that the action is happening to not the thing that is doing the action.
You can use the passive to change the focus of your sentence.
So let's go back a moment. To understand the passive voice, I should really first explain the active voice but you already know it, it looks like this.
The children   ate      the cake.
Subject     +   verb   +    object.
Now, most English sentences are more complicated than this but we'll start simply. The subject does the action to the object. Now, imagine that you left for work in the morning
and there was a whole cake on the kitchen table. But by the time you got home, it had completely disappeared. You don't know who ate it, I mean, you could probably guess, but you don't know. Where is this cake?
The cake was eaten by somebody.
So the solution is to use the passive voice because we don't know who ate the cake.
Now, sometimes we're just more interested in the object of the sentence rather than the subject. English speakers frequently use the passive voice. But this lesson isn't about English speakers, it's about the passive voice. It's the most important thing. So we can change it to say the passive voice is frequently used by English speakers. Now you'll often read passive sentences in newspapers when the journalist can't say who did something.
Maybe because they don't know who did it. It's also used in scientific reports and legal documents because the information has to be objective so often there is no subject.
Now some other really common passive expressions that you already know.
(to) be born.
We don't say "My mother bore me on June 23rd, 1989."
I was born on June 23rd, 1989.
When your friend tells you about his new colleague, he won't say "People call him Tony"
he'll say "He is called Tony"
'The Stand' was written by Stephen King.
The movie Deadpool was directed by Tim Miller.
The national anthem was sung by Fergie.
In all of these really common examples,
you can see the structure of the passive voice. The “be” verb is followed by the past participle. I thought we only use the past participle verb in the perfect tenses?
Yeah, we do use it in the perfect tenses and in the passive voice. If you see the be verb followed by the past participle form, you know that this is a passive sentence.
So let's go back to the first example to explain the form of a passive sentence.
If our active sentence is "The children ate the cake" (A)
the passive sentence is "The cake was eaten by the children" (P)
The object of the active sentence becomes the subject in the passive sentence. To make the object of the active sentence become the subject, we actually need to change a few things in our sentence.
So are you ready to learn how to do that? Here's our active sentence, to make a passive sentence, we need to use the passive tense and there are six steps to turning an active sentence into a passive sentence. Now you might want to take a notepad out so that you can write them down as we go.
Step one, identify the subject, the verb, and the object of the active sentence.
Step two, move the object to become the new subject of our sentence.
Step three, check the active sentence. What is the verb tense in the active sentence?
This is really important because the passive voice exists across different tenses so you must check what tense the active sentence is in to make your passive sentence correct.
It's in the past simple, "The children ate the cake".
Step four, conjugate the verb ‘be’ so that it's in the same tense as the main verb in the active sentence. We need to change our ‘be’ verb to the past simple, so it becomes was or were depending on the new subject and our new subject is the cake. So we can choose was, "The cake was
Step five, add the past participle of the main verb after ‘be’. So looking back at the active sentence, the main verb is eat, though it's in past simple form but can you think of the past participle of eat? Eaten, right? “The cake was eaten”
Now the last step, step six, you need to decide what to do with the subject of your active sentence.
“The children.”
In the passive voice, you don't have to include the thing that is doing the action. You can completely remove that former subject from your sentence and that's helpful if you don't know who ate the cake or you don't want to say who it was or you don't care - maybe it's not important. But you can add it to the end of your sentence with the word ‘by’.
“The cake was eaten by the children.”
Let's look at some more examples together.
The house was built in 1893.
The car will be sold by the weekend.
The washing had been left out in the rain.
Many people's lives were saved.
Can you see the passive form here? The ‘be’ verb is always there but it tells us the tense. It helps to describe when something happened and it also conjugates with the subject.
People's lives were saved. The house was built. And the be verb is always followed ‘by’ the past participle. We can also explain who or what did the action by adding ‘by’.
The house was built by her grandfather.
This car will be sold by the salesman by the weekend.
The washing had been left out in the rain by her husband.
Many people's lives were saved by the volunteers.
Okay, let's try a new sentence together. I want you to do this one with me, please. Can you remember the six steps? 
“Someone has stolen my neighbour's car.”
This is an active sentence. Now can you remember step number one? It's easy! Identify the subject, verb, and object. Step two, make the object the subject.
“My neighbour’s car
Step three, tell me what tense is used in the original active sentence. The present perfect tense. Step four, you need to conjugate the be verb so that it's in the same tense.
“The neighbor's car has been...”
We're using has because the subject is now the car. Step five, add the main verb in past participle form.
“The neighbor's car has been stolen.”
It's the same verb as the original sentence, which was also the past participle. Step six, decide do you need to include the thing that did the action? Is it really that important?
Maybe not because we don't really know anything about who did it,
it's just someone. I'd probably just leave it as my neighbor's car has been stolen.
But if we knew a little bit more about who or what did it, we could definitely include it.
“My neighbor's car has been stolen by someone.”
So the passive form always includes the ‘be’ verb with the past participle and if you need to include any information about what or who did the action use ‘by’.
Okay, I've got three more examples for you to practise with.
We made lots of money in 2002.
Lots of money was made (by us) in 2002.
I will clean the house on Monday.
The house will be cleaned (by me) on Monday.
He built the house for his parents.
The house was built (by him) for his parents.
The formula note:
Active Voice : Subject + Verb (according to the tenses) + Object
Passive Voice : Subject + be + past participle + (by does)
Simple Present : A : S + V1 P : S + am/is/are + v3
Present Continuous : A : S + am/is/are P : S + am/is/are + being+V3
Present Perfect : A : S + have/has + V3   P : S + have/has + been+ V3
Present Perfect Continuous : A : S + have/has + been + V-ing P : S + have/has + been + being + V3
Future ( will ) : A : S + will/shall + V1 P : S + will be + V3
Future ( going to ) A : S + am/is/are + going to + V1 P : S + am/is/are + going to be + V3
Simple Past : A : S + V2 P : S + were/was + V3
Past Continuous : A : S + was/were + V-ing P : S + were/was + being + V3
Past Perfect : A : S + had + V3   P : S + had been + V3
Future in the past ( would ) : A : S + would + V1 P : S + would + be + V3
Modal Verbs ( present ) : A : S + modal verb + V1   P : S + modal verb + be + v3
Modal Verb ( present perfect ) : A : S + modal verb + have + V3  P : S + modal verb + have + been + V3
Okay, now that's enough for this lesson. I have some exercises with the answer key in here. Please, try to read it slowly and do your best to answer it! That's it from me today, Bye for now!
It___in China. (Makes) (Is Made)
It___in Italy. (is produced) (produces)
English__all over the world. (speaks) (is spoken)
The costs___. (was reduced) (were reduced)
This subject__when I was at university. (was taught) (were taught)
Too little money___. (Were received) (was received)
The date__by the committee. (confirmed) (was confirmed)
The solution__. (will find) (will be found)
Serious measures__. (will be taken) (will take)
The work__. (will do) (will be done)
Answer key: 1. is made 2. is produced 3. is spoken 4. were reduced 5. was taught 6. was received 7. was confirmed 8. will be found 9. will be taken 10. will be done
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