So excited to see the City of Lover concert! Plus, it comes out on my 24th birthday! So happy since I’ll likely be spending my birthday shut away inside ☹️
@taylorswift @taylornation
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So Taylor uses a witch hat animoji and y’all forget everything that happened with Ticketmaster and how this entire era has been built for rich fans and a big fuck you to anyone who can’t drop hundreds of dollars for a concert or merch?
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us: taylor can you address the issues with ticketmaster please?
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This is so cute ☺️
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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ this is me throwing glitter at you, inviting you to loser fest
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The longer @taylorswift and/or @taylornation takes to speak up about this entire LoverFest situation, the more disappointed in them I become...
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Wow they really did ignore the Ticketmaster fiasco and y'all really let them get away with it....
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I'm just really sad that so many dedicated @taylorswift fans couldn't get tickets during the verified pre-sale because Ticketmaster is greedy as fuck and had to inflate the prices of hundreds of tix and disguise them as "platinum"
It's truly sickening
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It has to be a glitch right? Like it’s all just a mistake... it has to be. Cause I simply can’t wrap my head around the fact that they are really selling concert tickets that can go up to thousands of dollars are you kidding me
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Ummmm really glad FANS had access to a pre-sale... Oh wait there are thousands of scalper tickets and "platinum tickets" at disgusting prices while many of us are left empty handed after waiting for hours in the queue
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I’m really sad because Lover Fest could have been this amazing thing but now it’s just gonna be the haves partying and the havenots on the outside looking in. I cannot justify paying the cost of my rent in tickets. Not when I have student loan payments, credit card payments, lights to keep on. I’m just sad y’all.
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What sucks is that I KNOW Taylor has been seeing posts about how many people have been fucked over by this Lover fest thing and she STILL hasn’t said a damn word about it and neither has Taylor Nation. Again, is this all Taylor’s fault? Of course it’s not. But considering it is in fact HER festival, she should absolutely be taking responsibility and speaking out about these issues or at the very very least giving us more information about the actual festival itself because we have been given 0 information. But yeah, tiny desk concert right? Step up guys @taylorswift @taylornation
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I’ve seen more anger in the swiftie community surrounding Lover fest than pretty much anything ever
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Why aren't more people talking about how fucked up all lover fest is. Like Ticketmaster screwed everyone over at every opportunity, we were given no information about what this even is, some international fans were given like 3 days notice before their tickets went on sale and others had to sign up for a shady ass bank just to get a chance at presale, we have yet to know where the other "to be announced" dates are, and there has been nothing but silence to be addressed about any of these problems. As fans we all deserve better, most of us have dedicated years of our lives and a fair amount of money to Taylor and we have all been treated like garbage THAT IS NOT OKAY. Anyway this whole thing is fucked up and that isn't even mentioning Amazon or the city of lover concert which could have whole essays written about there problems.
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what i didn’t understand back then and what i still don’t understand now is why verified fan boosts were almost always involving money & having to buy things. don’t they know that some of us save for months and months just for the TICKET. the majority of people don’t just have money to drop at any given moment where a $60 hoodie might boost ur place in a queue by a few places to buy a $300 concert ticket. it stinks of classism and privilege and it’s not fair
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There is such a huge income gap in this fandom and it’s not fair. So many people have met Taylor because of money. They can get pit at shows and go to jingle ball and lover fest and make themselves known. They can buy merch and post cute pictures online. Maybe it’s just me, but it seems only these people get attention. I’ve been a swiftie since fearless, but couldn’t afford a concert til reputation tour. I couldn’t even DREAM of paying $250 for nosebleed seats (let alone $2000 for floor) at lover fest. It’s not fair and I’m tired. Something needs to be done. Tickets and merchandise do not need to be as expensive as they are and that’s the hard truth.
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