Latest of Me
I used to drive up and down participating in events wearing a silk saree, jewels making myself presentable. Draped in a starched cotton saree wearing just a chain, a bangle ear studs,,I spend time in with my companions – books and laptop. Writing I do, a passion and a practice. with interest. it is for satisfaction, never with a desire to see them in print. I know mine is…

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Rise Of The Morning
Pleasant as ever open the door early in the morn the sun rises in tone over the lawn green I espy a brown and yellow sheen a pair of mynah’s hover so close could be lovers gleefully chirp busily peck tiny worms cling to their beak fly away in a freak seeing me unlock the gate, The pair flocks towards the flower beds roses pink and red jasmine and lilies white oh!…

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Plaster Faces
I come across a new word “Plaster face”. The epithet takes me by. surprise. Visualizing a face plastered for bruises my first take is deemed as prosaic. Going deep, could that be one modified by plastic surgery. considered a medical phenomenon. Still more into, a stone like one, unemotional, nay that is stone faced. Penetrating further, discover the one that hides the…

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Soft is lovable The usage stretches farther a soft spot one says connoting a special place for the loved one. Goes all the more soft corner int he heart directs to an unexplained liking for a person beyond comprehension. A soft person in the making, gentle and genial, a figure distanced from the assertive, unfortunately most look down on the softies. The sweet tone …

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Great and Ordinary
Inspecting my lawn. green, lush it shows up. Laying, cost me a fortune\ tending is costlier. The verdancy exhilarates. a slight variation saddens. Recent, weeds are seen initially in the border. slowly finding way to the middle. Experts want to apply weedicide chemical for immediate. relief I harp on organic, using neem oil and uprooting. A long-drawn procedure warn my…
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Protege of Lord Rama
The three black stripes on her pale brown. peculiar to the Indian one .A peculiarity aroused my curiosity. The distinction goes back to the era of Ramayana. when Lord Rama and his brother Lakshmana were about to cross the Ocean, pause for a few minutes petrified by the vastness. right before, pause. Hanuman offers help, they refuse He nails an idea, by throwing a big…

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Divine Fridays
A ceremonial oil bath is a must for me on Fridays. I diligently go through the bath,, applying oil, washing with Shikakai, Drying my hair with sambrani powder smeared liberally. over the red-hot cinders placed in a brass stand, I leave the hair free, tie a knot at the end. Quickly string jasmine flowers, run them between the strands. To the melody of M.S Subbalakshmi’s…

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An Uncanny Resemblance
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I Deliberate
A feigned world around me siblings, children, relations. speak and do the contrary very hard to believe. I perceive their performance wide mouthed as If the Ten Commandments. is played before me. The words come so sweet, appear genuine, I listen to them as if they are incarnation of Krisna imparting lessons of virtue. So naive and ignorant I am in this world of…
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Latest of Me
I used to drive up and down participating in events wearing a silk saree, jewels making myself presentable. Draped in a starched cotton saree wearing just a chain, a bangle ear studs,,I spend time in with my companions – books and laptop. Writing I do, a passion and a practice. with interest. it is for satisfaction, never with a desire to see them in print. I know mine is…
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A Worldwide Recognition-Nobel Prize
Hard water stains spoil depositing sediments of calcium the bath looks shabby. A relative of mine casts her evil eye on the upkeep of the house. On the face value it was an appreciation. I am not a subscriber of superstition. Few days after, I find my bath tiles turn whit with deposits of calcium Once in a way. hard water stains create an issue. This time it takes my life…

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Time Girdle
Waking a deal assigned to the early hours readying for work gobbling a quick breakfast Stride on toes. Midday, with the sun atop slows down the piquancy pulls down to a dormancy. a hefty lunch invigorates. Legs drag and falter. Dusk enlivens, a regeneration on the move., a closure a desire to be with the family enlivens. Heart races, A run with glee! Sapped of energy it…

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Sweet and Sour
taste so peculiar They mix and match so well As felt the mouth waters eyes shrink when sour turns wide when the sweet drips unassumingly. Half ripe, a little yellowish mostly green the mango round and robust shines with no cosmetics. on. Underneath the wrinkle free skin lies the fleshy pulp. Unable to resist the temptation mercilessly, I cut the fruit into diamonds which…
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Rose Beds
Fiery red and pure white take honourable status in the prime slot. Sweet pink and bright yellow condescend to the dignified position of the next, not anyway less Double coloured ones stand a step back acknowledging their mixed pedigree. Tall creepers express their fecundity in volumes mostly in bunches professing a bow. The rose blossoms deliver an unblemished status,…
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End of 2024
Snowing, I never heard in my region all these years. The hilly areas record minus 4–10 degrees A day before, Ooty, a hill station In South India experienced snow fall. A climate change, I vouch a northward move, I presume. This trend is universal, not confined to my region, South to North and vice versa. Could there be a split? pushing continents apart. an oceanic aggression…
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Hide and seek out theresun comes out staysfor a while, disappears. A light drizzle for minutesdownpour for seconds. dry for hours. it is the rain play. The day passes as suchtottering and tetheringNature holds control Birds foresee disasters, animals react in advance. it is man who stays ignorant. His pursuit for worldly richesdistances him from the environmentstays dumb and deaf, Material…
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Not A Nostradamus
An entry ebullient.The feet that touched the head displaying a serpentine posture, the legs that struck to the cadenceexactly like the trot of the peacock the knees that squat elegantly while dancingunlike the shoddy exercise ones the hip that swirled and whirledlike a windy breeze. not too harsh. Staying stagnant.The nimble feet have turned woodentoggle and struggle to walk, the slender legs…
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