medblrgirl · 2 years
Forget what you know about life. Life is about taking little snacks up to ur room and eating them on ur little bed
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medblrgirl · 2 years
How an Atrial Septal Defect closure device actually works
Source: georgedrln 
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medblrgirl · 2 years
This is a Macrophage Repairing a Broken Blood Vessel
Macrophages can grab the broken ends of a blood vessel and stick them back together Macrophage (green) migrates to the lesion, extends protrusions (arrowhead), adheres to and pulls the ends of the blood vessel (orange) together.
Source: From Laurel Coons. The original paper.
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medblrgirl · 2 years
What it looks like when neurons make connections and communicate with each other
Credit: slava__bobrov 
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medblrgirl · 2 years
i highly recommend for women and girls to be intellectually curious and difficult to shame
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medblrgirl · 2 years
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Just in case some of you don't know about the websites where you can get your textbooks for free
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medblrgirl · 2 years
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just remembered this poem and SCRAMBLED to find it. one of my faves ever
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medblrgirl · 2 years
you can’t control whether you’re the smartest person in the room, but you can be the one that cares the most. engagement, grit, and drive is what it comes down to in the end. so go ahead, prove them wrong.
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medblrgirl · 2 years
what you don't get is science exists because people can love. medicine exists because people love each other enough to want each other to live long healthy lives. astronomy exists because someone loved the stars and the planets enough to track them through their ever changing position in the darkest night. science exists because humans are curious little creatures and we want to know the world around us and understand it like it does us. we know stars and planets worlds away, we've sent cameras worlds away, all because we love the universe, and we also put love in those satellites!! we sent the sound of a 100 languages, lovely messages, the sound of rain and a laugh, all out there just in case there's someone in the universe looking for us like we do them, and so that they know that they were never alone, and we sent them the most simple loving things we could find.
science exists because people can love
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medblrgirl · 2 years
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medblrgirl · 2 years
People will be understandably concerned about climate change but the minute someone complains about the impact climate change is having on their life they're mocked and told "you think that's hot?"
Multiple countries in Europe are experiencing wildfires right now and multiple firefighters have died, it's hotter in London than it is in the Sahara, rivers are drying up and crops are failing.
Why does this always turn into a massive dick-measuring contest about who can handle the heat better? Every country has an infrastructure based on its usual climate. People live in houses designed for their usual weather, People in usually temperate climates don't have air conditioning and if everyone suddenly installed it, it'd put unbelievable pressure on the power grid. And with the rising cost of energy and inflation, do you think most people can afford it anyway? That's even if it was suddenly widely available (which it isn't in many places)
The weather is killing crops and drying up water sources. If you think the rising cost of food due to energy costs is bad, just wait until the crop yields are substantially lower this year.
So be thoughtful. Climate change will impact us all.
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medblrgirl · 2 years
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medblrgirl · 2 years
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All of those would be cheaper than imprisoning people, so if you’re against it, it can’t be because of money.
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medblrgirl · 2 years
Absolutely amazing 🏳️‍🌈🫶🌈
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medblrgirl · 2 years
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medblrgirl · 2 years
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Undergrad complete!!!!
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medblrgirl · 2 years
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Hearts of Absent Women
Like many Korean families, artist Ema Shin’s relatives maintain a genealogy book called a jokbo, which illustrates their family tree. Shin’s ancestral record spans 32 generations, yet only male members of the family are represented. Born and raised in Japan, and currently based in Melbourne, Australia, the artist describes in a recent statement that “in the society that I was born and raised in, there was a prejudice between men and women, and their roles were predetermined. I always felt uncomfortable with this inequality.” In her series Hearts of Absent Women, she celebrates and recognizes women whose achievements remain obscured by history.
Heart-shaped forms made from fabric are elaborately embellished with colorful threads and beads in an homage to the organ’s connection with emotion and vitality. They are nearly life-size, and the range of woven and stitched textures are captivatingly tactile. Both anatomical and fanciful, the arteries, veins, and ventricles become distinctive expressions in needlework that reflect strength, resilience, and individuality. Since becoming a mother herself, Shin has been particularly interested in honoring women’s lives and bodies, recognizing the anonymous contributions of those in her family and around the world and acknowledging their stories for the future.
Follow Ema Shin here. Support the artist here. Photography by Matthew Stanton. Source: Colossal.
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