Lil' Nugget and Long Horse ask blog
72 posts
here you can talk to two of the friendliest of Trevor Hendersons creations Lil' Nugget and Long Horse icon and header are both by @crazycatscarmen i just colored them the muns main is @sansmeanswithout things that arent asks are usually tagged tag nugs of info or random dreams
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meatydreams · 3 years ago
New Years is the celebration of something new and putting the past behind us despite the fact we'll never be able to wash away the sins of the past
"I think maybe therapy could help with the sins of the past"
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meatydreams · 3 years ago
Happy new years!
"what is new years? I'm afraid I'm unaware of most human culture things"
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meatydreams · 3 years ago
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meatydreams · 3 years ago
👬? Have anyone you're close to?
"I'm close to Lil Nugget"
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meatydreams · 3 years ago
👺 Who of the monsters do you despise the most?
"I'm not sure I've been out of the loop recently but I'm not a big fan of Cartoon Cat"
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meatydreams · 3 years ago
Okay! ✨Oc Ask Game!✨
Pick an emoji and a character you're curious about, and said character shalt answer whatever question you ask!
📏How tall are you?
🛌what's your sleep schedule like?
😟what's your worst fear?
👬who's your best friend?
👺who's your worst enemy?
🗡️what weapon do you use?
🔪 would you/have you ever killed anyone?
✏️What are your hobbies?
🏳️‍🌈Are you LGBTQ+?
🥣what's your favorite food?
💆‍♀️How do you relax?
🙂where do your morals lie?
💕how affectionate are you?
📖do you read, or are you illiterate?
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦do you have any family? What's your relationship with your family members?
👓how responsible are you?
🥰do you think you're attractive?
🏘️where's your happy place?
🙌do you stim?
😭are you a crybaby?
😍are you a romantic?
🤕do you get injured often?
🆚are you competitive?
🤩who do you look up to?
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meatydreams · 3 years ago
TERFs can fuck off
This post is out of character, but the sentiment is shared by the character.
If you are a TERF, or you are sympathetic to TERFs, then please unfollow me. Better yet, block me.
I care more about my friends who are trans, and trans people in general, than I care about not offending your shitty white supremacist gender essentialist bullshit.
Go lick the tires of your car.
The same goes for regular transphobes, too.
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meatydreams · 4 years ago
What do you think of this
Lil Nugget: well my voice is a bit more high pitched due to my small size but it's neat to bad I can't talk
Long Horse: I actually can't talk normally due to being just bones and hair I can however talk in dreams but my voice depends on who I'm talking to since the dreams I enter are still part of that persona imagination
From the Mun those are real neato that person is really good at editing and sound design I always love looking at what people make though personally that is not what my interpretations of the characters sound like so please respect my headcanon and I'll respect yours
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meatydreams · 4 years ago
To the muns, have y'all grown tired of this blog?
Nope I just caught up with many other things such as school, anxiety about the pandemic, writing my first planned out chapter story, and attempting to find a job over summer then my phone broke so yup
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meatydreams · 4 years ago
How's everyone
Lil Nugget:
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meatydreams · 4 years ago
How y'all doin?
Long Horse: just woke up but we're
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meatydreams · 4 years ago
Y'all good?
From Mun: Yeah I'm good I'll address why I've stopped posting for so long when answering a different question
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meatydreams · 4 years ago
"Long Horse, could I pet you? I'm curious as to what you feel like; do you have fur? Or is it just skin?" -💜
"sorry to disappoint but I'm just smooth bones with a mane"
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meatydreams · 4 years ago
So this guy made voices of creatures that he believed would like and I wanted to know what you thought of them
you talking about darkbox right?
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meatydreams · 4 years ago
So long horse how did you get here and how long have you been in existence
"well to be frank I don't know I have at least been in existence since cinnamon was discovered"
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meatydreams · 4 years ago
Lil nugget what's the most interesting thing you found out about humans
"that nuggets are apparently a food"
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meatydreams · 4 years ago
Wow, Nugget your dancing skills are really good! *Gives some biscuits* that's a treat for being really cute and talented!
"thank you!"
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