Poetry's gay
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meatiermeatball ¡ 2 hours ago
Hey did you know there's a tell all book about the behind the scenes of Meta and the author is forbidden from promoting it?
The good news is however that it's already published and can't be stifled and whoever didn't sign the NDA can promote it as much as they want.
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meatiermeatball ¡ 2 hours ago
Liberals love to do the whole crude populist slop about how the specific faces (Elon, Zuckerberg, Bezos) of the corporations are what’s bad about them and obsess with the fact that these individuals have too much power and it’s destroying Our Democracy through corruption. But nowadays the overwhelming norm in corporate structure is very impersonal and diffuse even if the problem of the concentration of capital and political power is still there. That’s because the problem is monopoly capital and monopoly capital is not a corruption of capitalism from lack of regulation like they think but a very natural outgrowth of it
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meatiermeatball ¡ 19 hours ago
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My latest weaving exercise: a shadow weave pattern. Both warp and weft alternate between light and dark. By having, e.g. the light weft cover the dark warp (and then duck behind the light warp), or vice versa, we produce lines of light and dark.
This is probably the trickiest warp I've threaded so far, and accidentally transposed a pair of shafts on one side, which is why the bottom piece has a line near its top edge. I fixed that and decided to weave a variant pattern for the rest of the warp (the top piece).
The lift plan resembles a 4/4 twill interspersed with another 4/4 twill, offset by 4. Almost all of the complexity lies in the threading. The top piece is the same, but has sections where the twill doesn't advance, or advances two steps instead of one.
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meatiermeatball ¡ 20 hours ago
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Tell them the air is halal too
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meatiermeatball ¡ 21 hours ago
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my eye is twitching
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meatiermeatball ¡ 21 hours ago
From the book Organizing Solutions for People with ADHD:
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Putting a coat on the back of a chair by the door is fine, but if you prefer, use coat hooks and a large catch-all basket for dropping keys, hats, gloves.
Small bookcase end-table next to the couch to store craft projects, books, and other things being worked on for easy access.
Add a storage unit near the dining room table to transition between eating and working there.
Daily toiletry items should be stored in a basket that you can move easily
Extra toiletries and medicine cabinet items go in open shelf/basket storage so they can be seen and used easily. If items no longer fit, purge the excess. Don’t obscure the view!
If you disrobe in the bathroom, place a tall hamper in there.
Keep a set of cleaning supplies in each bathroom
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meatiermeatball ¡ 1 day ago
Other people already said it but sending immigrants to El Salvador is not a deportation but a kidnapping. Deportation is sending a person to their country of origin. This is something worse.
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meatiermeatball ¡ 1 day ago
its all 'be gay do crime' until a black person starts making allusions to drugs or sex or god forbid VIOLENCE and then it turns out nobody can handle anything more hardcore than downloading illegal torrents of hamilton
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meatiermeatball ¡ 2 days ago
Someone explain roko's basilisk to me please
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meatiermeatball ¡ 2 days ago
Things you can do as a security guard instead of acting like a dickhead: a vent post disguised as advice
Offer alternatives: IE, “Sorry, nobody’s allowed to hang out over there, but we have seats over here you’re welcome to use”. I recommend getting familiar with local parks, public seating, free food programs, outreach, mobile aid, etc., just in case those are needed.
Be polite: IE, “Excuse me, sir”, “I beg your pardon, miss”. This should go without saying but everyone deserves dignity.
Avoid phrasing requests as orders: IE, “Don’t stand in front of that” VS “Excuse me, could you move a bit to the side?”. This works best with an explanation, like, “There’s a sign behind you”, or, “you might get clipped by someone”. This helps communicate that you are asking for a reason, not just throwing your weight around. If you don’t have a reason, rethink whether or not you need to be doing anything.
Avoid directing blame or fault. Don’t say, “The owner says you gotta go” when you could say, “I’m not supposed to let people be here for X period” or “do X thing”. Again, try to have alternatives ready so people can use other resources or do something else instead of just abruptly changing plans.
Come from a place of compassion whenever you can. People are gonna tell you to get rid of the crazy screaming guy. They say that because they’re frightened and don’t know what to do. Your best approach is, “Hello sir”, followed by, “How are you today?”, “how’s it going?”, “are you doing alright?”, etc., depending on what the person is ACTUALLY doing / saying when you get there. You can offer help from there if needed, or leave them alone if they’re not in danger or a risk to anyone.
Remember you’re not a cop. This can mean whatever you need it to mean. For me personally, that means that with incredibly rare exception (like trying to sell to kids, contaminating other’s food or drink) I won’t report you for drugs. If I find you doing drugs on my site I’ll tell you a different place where you can do them instead and ask you to do them there. I have interrupted drug deals to ask the client and the salesman to both kindly move 15 feet to the left, I’m not kidding, I do not care.
Know who you can throw under the bus. Sometimes you gotta enforce rules and be the bad guy and if that’s the fault of some dipshit in a suit 200 miles away, you can say that. Sorry man, I can’t let you park your car on the lawn. I know you’re not hurting anyone and frankly I think lawn culture is stupid but there’s other parking stalls and if my boss sees you I’ll get a write-up for not doing my job. Shit sucks sometimes but if it wasn’t me telling you it’d be the new guy, and between you and me he’s an idiot and he’ll probably just report you to bylaw.
Don’t just act like you’re their friend, genuinely try to be a good friend. If you know that someone is doing something that will only result in a bystander phoning police, don’t let them go down like that. Let them know, “hey man, you seem like you’re having a shit time and I get it, I’ll do what I can, but we gotta have this conversation somewhere else ‘cause we’re freaking out the old ladies.”
Swallow your tongue. You can’t fix the world. People are gonna bitch at you about communists and 5G and gangster rap ruining the neighbourhood, that’s just part of the deal. Nod along, remain neutral, shut down any hate speech, redirect if you can, and keep a limit in mind where you’ll have to shut things down.
Accept that sometimes there are no solutions. Yes, that angry guy who blasts music will be back tomorrow. That homeless woman who asks you to help her find her dog that she hasn’t had in 30 years will ask again, and yes, you’re still going to take a description and promise to keep an eye out. That kid who smokes crack behind the building has been clean for a few weeks and still stops by to say hi, and you hope he’ll get his life together and be happy, but he also might relapse and OD before he hits 25. Sometimes you just have to do the best you can, even if nothing is guaranteed.
Be kind to teenagers. Being a kid is hard, and everyone’s on their ass all the damn time for everything.
Remember that the vast majority of bad people aren’t bad, just unhappy. The guy who keeps showing up drunk and puking on the carpet is unhappy. The lady who bitches about the service every single time and keeps coming back anyway is unhappy. The guy who leaves trash everywhere is probably unhappy. If they were happy, maybe they’d do better, but they’re not, and that’s kinda sad. You don’t have to let them get away with their shit, but they probably aren’t actually a worthless human being either.
It doesn’t matter if 12 is true or not. You need to believe it or you will become a harsh and bitter person. Look for evidence that people are not terrible and invent it if you have to
Don’t let yourself become a bastard
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meatiermeatball ¡ 2 days ago
we have all noticed that "self-care" basically ended up as a replacement word for "pampering" in a marketing lexicon and not as an active set of behaviours intended to allow the body and brain to adequately rest and revive in the face of the ceaseless crushing grind of capitalism yes
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meatiermeatball ¡ 2 days ago
going back in time to introduce dante alighieri to anti-carceral theory, resulting in vast changes to the divine comedy and deeply altering the course of history forever.
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meatiermeatball ¡ 2 days ago
Probably not weird that an "we MUST create the AI god so that the AI god won't punish us for not creating it" cult is buddy buddy with Christians and opportunistic rich people who want to burn the world down for their own version of the rapture (and profit in the meantime). I just wish they weren't in the FUCKING WHITE HOUSE ACTUALLY DOING IT
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meatiermeatball ¡ 2 days ago
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meatiermeatball ¡ 2 days ago
You ever think about the MOVE bombing and then think about the fact that so few US Americans even know that the MOVE bombing like. Happened.
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meatiermeatball ¡ 2 days ago
hey wait! i know you! we used to be chained next to each other in the cave! wow, so good to see you, how are ya? man. remember how we used to talk about the shadows on the wall together. gosh that was a long time ago. but hey. sure is one heck of a sun out here, right? it's good to see you.
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meatiermeatball ¡ 3 days ago
“During World War One, 10% of all casualties were civilians. During World War Two, the number of civilian deaths rose to 50%. During the Vietnam War, 70% of all casualties were civilians. In the war in Iraq, civilians account for up to 90% of all deaths.”
— The War You Don’t See by John Pilger.  (via pourlapaix)
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