Today Supreme Archangel Aziraphale 'accidentally' turned off the lighting throughout most of Heaven's offices, and found that he found it a little easier to breathe in the dark.
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Today Aziraphale got a very unwelcome visit from Death, who demanded to know why Adam's canine companion was suddenly and inexplicably exempt from expiry.
Despite sweating a bit, Aziraphale managed to convinced Death he had nothing to do with it. When Death left, Aziraphale smiled at what Adam had chosen to do with his birthday wish.
Human incarnate, indeed.
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Today Supreme Archangel Aziraphale slipped away for a stroll in St James' Park.
He fed the ducks, had an ice cream, and sat on a bench until the sun went down.
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Today, Supreme Archangel Aziraphale weighed up how much trouble he could possibly get into if he were to tempt some of the other Archangels into sharing a nice bottle of wine at their next meeting.
At the very least, it might make the meeting (and the Archangels) slightly more palatable.
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meanwhile-in-heaven · 10 days
Whilst the scholar in me cringes at the utterly abysmal spelling in this post, this is, in fact, a comprehensive review of the meanwhile... accounts. And no, they're not all run by the same person. We're a team, a group, a... where have I heard that before?
I know not to expect an answer (at least publicly)... but how many of these blogs are there? I'm presuming they're all run by the same person, but the meanwhile-in... notifications get me through my day at this point and I keep finding more! I'm aware of this, the bookshop, cottage, crowleys flat, and supreme archangel in heaven, am I missing any?
@meanwhile-in-hell is an indeependent and EVIL entitee run by DEMONS
unlyke the traytor blog @meanwhile-at-crowleys-flat
absolootlee unlyke archwankwings blog @meanwhile-in-heaven
entyrelee unlyke the book angle embassy blog @meanwhile-at-the-bookshop
defuhnutlee unlyke the coffee hyooman blog @meanwhile-at-the-coffeeshop
and is in a compleetlee alternuhtiv universe from @meanwhile-at-the-cottage
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meanwhile-in-heaven · 10 days
Today, Supreme Archangel Aziraphale managed to intercept Muriel on their way to speak with the Metatron.
Aziraphale was hoping to hear some word of Crowley. After not seeing him on the anniversary of Armageddidn't, he was starting to worry. What if the demon had been hurt? Discorporated? Would anyone even tell him? (Yes, he thought dimly, probably Uriel, and probably smirking whilst doing so).
Sadly, Muriel's report was woefully lacking in detail. Eventually, he desperately asked if there had been any kind of evil in the bookshop that he should know about - but Muriel shook their head and said no.
Shoulders sagging, Aziraphale thanked them and went about his day, wondering where on earth Crowley had got to. Perhaps Paris.
They'd always loved Paris.
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meanwhile-in-heaven · 13 days
Today, Supreme Archangel Aziraphale wished he had a bed, so that he could struggle to get out of it.
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meanwhile-in-heaven · 14 days
Today, Aziraphale listened to the Velvet Underground album he had purchased yesterday, curious about the music Crowley had been so defensive about. If nothing else, he thought, it would make a welcome change from blasted celestial harmonies.
He had been expecting loud.
He had been expecting brash.
He had been expecting something vaguely... wicked.
He had not been expecting Pale Blue Eyes.
Nobody saw the Supreme Archangel for the rest of the day. He didn't turn up to any of his appointments, and anyone who went to find him discovered his office door magically sealed, and a strange, inhuman wailing sound coming from within.
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meanwhile-in-heaven · 16 days
Today, Supreme Archangel Aziraphale paid Maggie a visit during opening hours, to see how she was getting on.
After some polite chit chat and dodging some rather awkward questions, he spotted a Velvet Underground record and was reminded of a brief snipe Crowley had made at him in the Bentley once.
On impulse, he bought it.
Hiding it beneath his overcoat and pressing it to his chest, Aziraphale walked slowly back to the lift to Heaven, wondering what this not-bebop would sound like.
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meanwhile-in-heaven · 18 days
Today, whilst Sandalphon droned on about the correct way to smite someone, Aziraphale found himself craving a glass (or five) of a nice vintage Châteauneuf-du-Pape.
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meanwhile-in-heaven · 19 days
Today, Supreme Archangel Aziraphale came across his old bow tie whilst searching for a file. He smiled sadly and put it in his pocket.
For the rest of the day, every time Sandalphon smirked at him, or he received one of Michael's exasperated eye-rolls, he put his hand in his pocket and surreptitiously touched the tartan silk, winding it so tightly around his fingers that, had he had circulation, it would have cut it off completely.
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meanwhile-in-heaven · 21 days
Today, Aziraphale began to worry that he might have overdone it on the miracle he cast to reunite estranged loved ones when he heard that the popular bebop group Oasis were reuniting after fifteen years of a rivalry so vicious that even he had heard of it.
... and still no word from Crowley.
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meanwhile-in-heaven · 22 days
Today, Supreme Archangel Aziraphale couldn't stop fidgeting. Somehow, despite the pale grey raiment befitting his position being entirely made of miracles, it itched against his skin and the crisp white collar seemed far too tight around his neck.
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meanwhile-in-heaven · 23 days
Today, Supreme Archangel Aziraphale felt delighted to hear that his dear friend Oscar's most famous and celebrated work was going to be adapted for the small screen, on the Netflix. This delight was almost immediately curtailed by a seething, white hot rage when he heard that Basil was intended to be portrayed as Dorian's sibling.
Amidst an increasingly furious rant about the erasure of subtext at several wide-eyed scriveners, Aziraphale thought to himself that, despite his fury, it was somehow nice to know he was still capable of feeling something - anything - this strongly.
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meanwhile-in-heaven · 24 days
Today, Supreme Archangel Aziraphale took a wrong turn and ended up in the Arrivals department, where human souls who live a good and honest life are met with divine love and granted the key to the kingdom of Heaven.
Strangely, it was empty.
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meanwhile-in-heaven · 26 days
Today Supreme Archangel Aziraphale summoned up every last bit of courage and bravery he had, and took the Heavenly lift down to Earth. Today marked the five year anniversary of the No-pocalypse, and Aziraphale wondered (hoped) that perhaps Crowley might thinking of him, too.
He first went by the bookshop, only to find it closed, empty, and in darkness, Muriel nowhere to be found. He then went to Crowley's flat in Mayfair and dithered for several minutes, mumbling to himself, before finally rapping on the door.
There was no answer.
He waited for over an hour, feeling increasingly stupid, then slowly returned to the lift with a sinking feeling in his stomach. As he ascended to Heaven, Aziraphale mused that if Crowley wanted to speak to him, he'd probably have known about it by now.
The lift doors slid open and he blinked wetly in the face of blinding white lights, cold and sterile.
Well, he thought. That's that then.
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meanwhile-in-heaven · 27 days
Today, Supreme Archangel Aziraphale was meant to take down notes during a Very Important Meeting about the Cleaning Roster.
What he actually ended up with was a page full of sketches of wide, snakelike eyes peeking over dark lenses, none of them capturing anything close to the beauty of the source material.
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