Today a customer came into the shop, insisting they needed to buy a book. Muriel wasn’t sure that was right, the Supreme Archangel seemed to keep it as more of a book storeroom instead of a book shop. The grumpy demon shrugged and said it didn’t matter anymore, although Muriel wasn't entirely sure he wasn't thinking about something else.
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Today Muriel went to the park and watched the crowds of people. They saw a small child teetering at the edge of the pond, and they couldn't help but use a small miracle to keep him from falling in, before his mum was able to lift him to safety. 
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Today Muriel sat in the chair in front of the desk for a change, and realised that oddly, the fabric was worn and the padding was flattened down on the left arm, almost as if someone rested there regularly.
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Today for movie night Muriel asked to watch another one with singing and dancing. Afterwards Maggie said that feeding the pigeons isn’t really a good idea anymore, but they could probably find somewhere to fly a kite, and that it sounded like a fun day out, maybe with a picnic.
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Today Muriel went to the coffeeshop and heard that Mutt had taken his spouse out for their birthday. Muriel thought for a minute, and then gave them a small blessing - the train would arrive on time, their shoelaces would never come untied, and they would always remember where they left their keys.
@meanwhile-at-the-coffeeshop @meanwhile-at-crowleys-flat
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Today Muriel found a whole shelf of books about a place where the earth was flat and floated through space on a giant turtle, and they spent a pleasant afternoon dreaming of how much easier keeping the bookshop organized would be if they had a box with thousands of feet that followed them around.
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Today Maggie came over in a panic because someone had broken into her record shop! Luckily, the broken door was easy to fix, and after Muriel had helped her take inventory, it looked like she actually had more records than she had before. 
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Today the grumpy demon came to the bookstore and brought over some fire extinguishers. At first Muriel wasn’t sure there was space to put them with all the others, but then they found that a couple had expired, so they both went up to the roof and practiced using them, which was surprisingly fun. He even cleaned everything up afterwards with a miracle when Muriel said they didn't have any extra.
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Today Muriel was organizing the poetry section, and realised that every single book by an author that started with the letter A was shelved next to a book by an author that started with the letter C; when they looked at the rest of the shelves they discovered it was the same throughout the whole bookshop.
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Today Muriel went up to heaven to give an update from earth. They thought they were supposed to see the Metatron, but the Supreme Archangel was hovering by the lift, and he said he could take their report. After Muriel was done, he asked if there had been signs of evil around the bookshop, and Muriel said no, it had been very quiet. He seemed to want to ask something more - but he stopped, shook his head, and just said thank you as he turned away. 
As Muriel was going back down to earth they wondered if they should have said that the grumpy demon had come to the bookshop - after all, even though he didn’t seem evil and had been very helpful to Muriel, he was a demon.
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Today Muriel took a book to the coffee shop over the road - Nina insisted that they try looking at something new, and made them a chai tea latte. Muriel wondered if it tasted as good as it smelled, and surprisingly, the idea of finding out didn't seem as repugnant as it once had.
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Today Muriel went for a walk, and came across several coins on the ground. They tried to pick one up, but found it was stuck. Muriel often wondered at some of the things that humans did - maybe it was normal to glue coins down outside carpet stores?
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Today Muriel found a book on how to fold paper airplanes, and spent the afternoon launching different ones off the top of the stairs. They decided to stop when one hit the white marble bust in the eye.
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Today was the monthly get together of the Whickber Street Shopkeepers and Street Traders Association. Everyone agreed that Muriel wouldn't need to host anytime soon; the last time at the bookshop was fun but a little odd, even if no one could really remember the details.
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Today Mr. Brown kept knocking on the bookshop doors, and insisted on speaking to Mr. Fell. Muriel wasn't sure what to do, but luckily the grumpy demon scowled and glared and made him leave - but not before Mr. Brown demanded that Muriel come to the Whickber Street Shopkeepers and Street Traders Association meeting tomorrow.
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Today Muriel finished their first knitted scarf; remarkably, they ended up having just enough yarn to finish the last row and weave in the end, without any extra left over.
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Today Muriel found a sketchbook in the back room, tucked in the edge of an armchair. When they flipped through it, they found sketches of various humans, some angels, and one demon, repeatedly.
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