meadowxluna · 2 years
Who: @pwstarters​​ / Open! Where: Honey Comb Beach  When: Saturday afternoon
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Meadow was determined to soak up the last of the summer before it turned into fall. Which is why she was at the beach this afternoon. Apparently a lot of others had the same idea though, because the beach was extremely crowded today. Finding an open spot for her to throw her towel down took a few minutes. When she finally spotted an area on the sand large enough for it, she quickly staked her claim. Then she turned to the person nearest to her and said "I guess everyone else is trying to squeeze as much out of the remaining summer as possible, too."
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meadowxluna · 2 years
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“He might be.” Perhaps it was why he came in here because he wanted to get out of the house and be around people and only had enough money to pay for his meal. Guilt began to eat away at her as she looked over at the older man. “Do you think that’s why he comes in here? He doesn’t really talk when you go to serve him, you know.” Writing down the mention of butter on the side, she looked back up. “I appreciate that but I think it’s just working with the public and being in the service industry. These things should be expected, I guess.”
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"I mean, I don't know him well enough to judge" she said with a shrug. "But its possible. My parents own a restaurant and even the quiet regulars seemed to come in just to be around other people." It was one reason she'd always done her best to be kind to the regulars, even the ones didn't tip well. As long as they were polite, at least. Then she nodded. "Working with people can be hard." It made her happy she now had a job where she could be left alone with her thoughts most of the day. Even when the dreaded writer's block struck.
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meadowxluna · 2 years
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Esmeray smiled softly as she looked at the women “Right?” I mean who ever thought that was a good idea?” She asked “Not only was it incredibly irresponsible it was borderline animal abuse” She said shaking her head “And everyone was super cool and chill about it.” She said shaking her head. “I guess because they didn’t view fish as much of a life form as say a puppy.” She sighed. “Really messed up.” She spoke ending her rant for the moment. “Or maybe it’s the sunflower butter coming into play.” She teased softly. She had thought that she recognized the women when she had walked up to the booth but hadn’t been sure until she had looked up to speak to her. She wouldn’t be hurt if the women didn’t recognize her, usually Esmeray wouldn’t recognize a face either but working at the diner had caused her to be a little more observant to the people that she meant… you needed to when customers walked in informing you that they wanted their regular. 
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She nodded in agreement. "Fortunately I haven't seen one of those booths in a long time. Hopefully its a trend that stays in the past." She certainly didn't want her nephew growing up to think that was an acceptable way to treat a living creature. As the other woman mentioned sunflower butter, it clicked in Meadow's head where she recognized the brunette from. "Oh, I thought you looked familiar!" she said, a grin coming to her face now. "Thanks for the recommendation, by the way. That sunflower butter was delicious." It still hadn't surpassed peanut butter as her favorite, but she suspected that was largely because of the nostalgia factor.
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meadowxluna · 2 years
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Carmen looked over at the male and was secretly thankful that he had sat in another section than her own. “I know. I feel bad because I don’t know if maybe he doesn’t have the money which is fair but I wish he would just… say that or I don’t know.” Carmen was just stressed due to her own debt and needing the money. But if he couldn’t tip, she didn’t know why he continued to come out for food because she took the time to serve him and still was nice whenever he came in despite not giving her anything in return. “I’m going to have to warn the other waitress.” It was only something nice to do and she would have appreciated it in return. “Okay, do you want some butter on the side for your pancakes or just some syrup?” She asked as she wrote everything down. “I might circle back when I bring your food because I do have a break coming up.”
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"Maybe he's lonely" said Meadow. Which sucked for the waitstaff, but made sense if he came in all the time. She'd seen her fair share of those kinds of people during her days as a server. Then, as the brunette's question, she said "Butter on the side please." Meadow believed that pancakes weren't really pancakes unless they were smothered in butter. Nodding, she said "Feel free. I probably can't offer any real solutions to this problem, but I can always lend an ear, at least."
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meadowxluna · 2 years
“Me with Oliver and Company and Fox & the Hound. I remember being told I couldn’t watch them anymore because they kept making me cry,” she chuckled. While she loved the movies, she couldn’t handle Tod not knowing what he did wrong and being left to fend for himself or Oliver being left on his own after his siblings were picked, save for him. “I don’t know what it is about Jeff Goldblum that makes him totally irresistible, but he is. He has that unexplainable energy.” 
Putting in the order was quick and easy, fortunately. Rikki added extra white sauce to their order, along with sushi. At the very least, the leftovers were a perfect lunch for the next day. The restaurant a few blocks away was, by far, her favorite. She hadn’t been able to handle it while pregnant, but now she ate it every chance she had. 
“It’ll be ready in about forty-five minutes,” she announced, leaning back on the couch.
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"I just pretend those movies don't exist" she admitted with a shrug. Meadow couldn't stand any movies about animals in distress. If a movie trailer heavily featured a cat or dog in the advertisements, she always Googled the plot first. She'd rather have the plot spoiled for her than sit through something that she knew would make her sob uncontrollably. Then she nodded. "Especially in that role. A chaos-loving genius who dresses in all black is just incredibly cool."
As her sister hung up the phone, Meadow said "Okay, that sounds good. It'll give us time to get to the action-packed parts of the film before the food arrives." And at least get one more glass of wine in each of them, probably. "The scene with the raptors in the kitchen still makes me nervous every time I watch it." Even knowing exactly what happened.
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meadowxluna · 2 years
Port Whitley’s End of Summer Carnival
Open @pwstarters​ (Capping at 4 replies)
Port Whitley’s End of Summer Carnival had always been a staple in Esmeray’s life. Aydin would take her every year growing up even if they had to jump the fencing at the back to make it in. It had become such a staple in their lives that Esmeray had even found herself flying in from New York while away at school to attend at least one day with him. This would be her first year attending without her brother… however that wouldn’t stop her from enjoying in all of the traditions that they usually enjoyed together. 
Currently she found herself stood at the ring toss game, it had always bee Aydin’s favorite. She had always found the game near impossible, Aydin being the only person that she had ever actually seen win the damn thing. She watched as countless people threw rings, failing to toss them onto the necks of the bottles until one finally landed. She looked up across the game to the person who had managed to win.
“You know you’re the only person that I’ve ever seen actually win at this game.” She said with a light laugh “My brother managed to back when we were kids, won me a little goldfish, you know when people thought that keeping fish in little baggies out in the blazing sun all day was acceptable.” She chuckled shaking her head “It’s no wonder it died three days later… well it was either that or the fact that we put him in a drinking glass because we were kids and didn’t own a fish tank.” She spoke, rambling at this point.
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Meadow was determined to win at least one game today. Her name as an aunt was at stake, since she felt it was her duty to win a prize for her nephew Aston. And while the ring toss had never been a game she was particularly good at, she figured she would give it a try anyway. To her amazement, she actually won. As she waited for the person running the game to give her the prize she wanted, she turned her attention to the person who spoke to her. She looked familiar, but Meadow couldn't recall exactly where she'd met her before. Smiling, she said "I remember seeing those goldfish all the time when I went to the carnival as a kid." Looking back, the fact that live animals were being offered as prizes for children's games was incredibly stupid, for a variety of reasons. Wincing, she said "Oh yeah, that would do it." Drinking water was almost certainly not safe for goldfish. "Honestly, I'm surprised I managed to win." Maybe all those years of playing skeeball as a kid had finally paid off.
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meadowxluna · 2 years
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Esmeray had lucked out on the lactose-intolerance front, which was a good thing because she wasn’t sure if she would be able to cut dairy from her everyday diet. She knew that she wouldn’t want to and contemplated if the discomfort would be worth the joy of eating the things that she loved. “It’s my favorite type of jam.” Esmeray admitted when Meadow informed her that it sounded like a good choice. “Makes an amazing pie as well.” She hummed in thought. It had been a while since she had a good slice of rhubarb pie… Aydin used to make one for her birthday every year since she had never really been a huge cake fan. She smiled when Meadow informed her that she would be taking her suggestion for a spiced up version of peanut butter and jelly sandwich “I’ll count that as a win!”
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"I love trying other people's favorite foods" Meadow admitted. "Its a great way to find new things I might like." Meadow liked to think she had a pretty adventurous palate. She set the jar of sunflower butter in her cart, hoping she enjoyed it. Then she laughed. "You should definitely take that as a win" she teased. "Who knows? It might replace peanut butter as my new favorite." Although she doubted it. Meadow had a strong love for peanut butter.
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meadowxluna · 2 years
“She’s a 10 but she hates Thin Mints…” Aiden joked. She caught the bartender’s attention and held up her empty bottle. At the very, very least, she could likely get away with one more before pounding a ton of water and making her way home. “Even frozen Thin Mints?”
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Meadow laughed at the other person's words. Then she said "well, frozen Thin Mints are okay." She still wouldn't seek them out on purpose, but she would at least eat them if there were no other cookies available. "Personally I'd rather have frozen Peanut Butter Patties." Chocolate and peanut butter was pretty much the perfect combination in Meadow's opinion. As the bartender gave Meadow a refill on her cocktail, she added "People complain about the cost of Girl Scout cookies going up but I would honestly pay a small fortune for a box of them."
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meadowxluna · 2 years
“Oh my God, do not get me started on Encanto or Moana. They were so good the first five times, but after putting it on for him for the twelfth time, I am so sick of those movies. They don’t wanna talk about Bruno? Me either,” Rikki complained, her head tilting back. Now she understood why Daisy eventually hid the VHS tape of Beauty and the Beast. “Jurassic Park always reminds me of that Weird Al song, but yes. Laura Dern and a young Jeff Goldblum? Please.” 
She reached to snag her cellphone from the coffee table to put in an order. “Hibachi sound good?”
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"Moana makes me cry every time I watch it" Meadow admitted. It was bad enough they killed off the grandmother, which left Meadow in tears, but then she sobbed even harder when the grandmother came back as a spirit. "But I feel you on not wanting to talk about Bruno" she added with a grin. "And you're right, I totally forgot young Jeff Goldblum could get it." Heck, even current Jeff Goldblum was easy on the eyes. Then she nodded. "Hibachi sounds great." Meadow was not too picky about food, in part from having parents who were actually in the food industry. Except for foods with cilantro. It could have the smallest amount imaginable in it and she would still swear the dish tasted like soap. She began to queue up the movie on the tv, pausing in on the opening scene so Rikki could hear the person on the other end of the phone.
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meadowxluna · 2 years
open starter for anyone.
location: the pit stop diner. 
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Her head fell back mid sentence when the bell above the door rang and she caught a glimpse of an old man enter. The groan that followed wasn’t due to anything that had been done by the people at the table but her own inner turmoil. When she realized where she was and what she’d been doing, her cheeks flushed red. “Excuse me. I haven’t realized I did that publicly. There’s just a regular who comes in, the old man, and he never tips. He stays for hours and then he pays and leaves.” She huffed. “I felt bad for him but now it’s just… I have rent to pay too, you know.” Her cheeks deepened more, hand dancing in the air. “Not that it’s something you want to hear so what can I get you?”
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During her time in town, Meadow had come to love the Pit Stop diner and considered herself something of a regular. Today she was craving pancakes and bacon in the worst way, so she decided a visit to the diner was a must. But when her server groaned, the brunette's eyebrows shot up so far they were practically in her hairline. Then she relaxed a little as Carmen explained the cause of her groan. "That's a shame. As someone who has done my fair share of waiting tables, I get how annoying that is." Tipping was essential to help waitstaff pay their bills, after all. She made a mental note to tip Carmen extra after her meal was over, to make up for it. Not that she was ever a bad tipper, of course. She'd been raised better than that. "I'll take strawberry chocolate chip pancakes and a side of bacon" she said. Then she added "Although if you need to vent anymore I totally understand." She knew firsthand how frustrating bad tippers could be.
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meadowxluna · 2 years
If there was one person whose existence enriched hers, it was her older sister. Rikki wouldn’t have been able to get through the past two years and the stress of taking care of a newborn if it hadn’t been for Meadow. Now she had even moved to Connecticut. 
“Yes, God, yes. I need something that doesn’t have cartoons or happy music,” she responded as she leaned forward to grab the bottle of wine to pour herself another glass. “I am dying for more food, do you want me to order something else in?”
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Meadow laughed at that. "You mean you don't want to watch Encanto yet again?" she teased. Meadow loved Disney movies, but even she could only stand watching them so many times before she craved something else. "How about Jurassic Park? You know how much I love Laura Dern" she said shamelessly. Then she nodded. "I never turn down the offer of food." Especially if it was food she didn't have to prepare herself. She didn't hate to cook, but she thought food always tasted better when someone else made it.
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meadowxluna · 2 years
“Almond butter is a good option but it is a little on the sweet side.” Esmeray informed her “I would recommend sunflower butter.” She says, walking down the isle a little bit, grabbing the butter she was speaking of off the shelf “You might be tempted to get the store brand because it’s three dollars cheaper but don’t do it it’s a trap!” She informs the stranger “I get the Sunrise brand and trust me it’s worth the splurge.” She chuckles. Esmeray wasn’t usually anyone’s personal shopper but the distraction was welcomed from her own hectic shopping trip this morning. If helping a stranger shake up her lunch was the only distraction that the universe was going to be handing out than she would welcome it with open arms. “If you do take my word for it and don’t decide to put it back on the shelf the moment I walk away I would recommend a good strawberry rhubarb jam to pair with it, the sweet and tart really just elevate the entire sandwich.”
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Meadow smiled. "I love almond butter" she admitted. "Its my second favorite almond product, after almond milk." Like a lot of people, Meadow had developed mild lactose-intolerance, so when it came to milk, she tended to use plant-based choices. "I haven't tried sunflower butter yet, but now I'm curious." Then she laughed. "Okay, that's good to know!" She made a mental note of that advice. "Strawberry rhubarb jam sounds perfect right about now" she added. After all, nothing said summer like strawberries. "You know, I think I'll take your suggestion and try that out." It would shake up her routine of peanut butter and strawberry jam, which was her go-to meal when she needed to have breakfast in a hurry.
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meadowxluna · 2 years
With (by choice) no access to social media, Aiden had taken to reading medical journals and science magazines to pass the time when she was home. It was better than borderline living at the garage or riding her motorcycle to quiet her mind. “I was just gonna bring up those mints. Even the individually-wrapped ones can’t be trusted because think of all the hands that handled each one before someone makes their selection, you know?”
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"Oh, that's a good point" said Meadow, resisting the urge to shudder at the other person's words. "Luckily I hate all things mint, so I never go digging around in those little containers anyway." She dropped her voice slightly, as if she was about to confess a dirty secret. "I don't even like Thin Mints. You'd be surprised how many people seem to think that's my fatal character flaw" she said with a wide grin.
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meadowxluna · 2 years
Text → Rikki
Rikki: Lifetime did it first and they did it better tbh.
Meadow: You're right and you should say it! I'm glad Lifetime is doing some cute films these days. Remember when all they did was the housewife's version of a horror movie?
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meadowxluna · 2 years
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Esmeray nodded quickly, attempting to move the cart over slightly. However with the weight inside of the cart and the fact that it had two wonky front wheels it was a little harder than appeared “You know I’m sick of all of these carts always being messed up.” She spoke out loud. She wasn’t necessarily addressing the women more so speaking her frustration out into the universe as if some little fairy would swoop in and exchange the crappy wheels for better working ones. Finally she managed to get the cart flush against one of the shelves, pushing the hair that had fallen into her face away from her eyes. “What are you looking for?” She asked, figuring that maybe if she could help the women locate the item she was on a hunt for it might redeem her for being so thoughtless in the first place. 
Meadow nodded, understanding where the woman was coming from. "You and me both" she said. "You would think there was some sort of pixie that came into the store overnight and messed up half the wheels on every single cart." Then. at the brunette's question, she remembered she was supposed to be on the hunt for something. Gesturing around and the selection of nut butters, she said "I was looking to try and shake things up with my lunch routine. But I'm not sure if I should just try a different variety of peanut butter or really go wild and try something like almond butter." She gave a wry smile. Here she was talking about food to random strangers in the grocery store. Apparently she had finally hit real adulthood.
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meadowxluna · 2 years
Text → Rikki
Rikki: I'll leave it up to you, I just think queer people deserve the tropes straight people get in novels
Meadow: They do! Even Hallmark has woken up and started to realize this. Although I personally like to think my work avoids some of the cliches frequently found on Hallmark. If I do a cliche, its because its a good one.
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meadowxluna · 2 years
open starter for @pwstarters​
Location: Random bar in Oak Brook
It would likely be cheaper for Aiden to just buy her own beer and drink at home. It would also likely be smarter to do so, lest someone be able to recognize her, but it was human nature to seek contact from others. She needed to feel normal for a little bit. 
“I never really recommend eating from the bar nuts bowls,” she commented when someone took a seat at the stool beside her. “Scientists have found all sorts of bacteria in them. You could get really sick.” 
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Meadow nodded in agreement with the other person. "Oh yeah, that sounds about right" she said. Meadow had spent some years working as a bartender so she knew how gross those could be. "Same with those little mints offered up in restaurants. Unless they're individually wrapped, you should really avoid them." Thankfully the majority of places seemed to have gotten wise to this and had individually wrapped ones for customers these days, if they provided them at all. Personally, Meadow thought mint tasted like toothpaste, so she always avoided it.
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