mcytblrescape · 3 days
Interest Check!
If you are interested in this event, please fill out this form so we can get a rough estimate of how many participants to expect!
(And if you would like to learn more, please check out our pinned!)
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mcytblrescape · 4 days
Hey, everyone! Thanks for coming to see what we are about! We just want to let you know that interest checks will drop sometime in the next few days, and our Discord (which you can technically join now, just with extremely limited access) will be fully running tomorrow!
We hope to see you all there!
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mcytblrescape · 4 days
Welcome to the Escape Room!
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Hello, and welcome to the MCYTblr Escape Room Event, run by @edgarallanpoestan and @patorucho! This is an event where you follow clues and fulfill prompts with a team, in order to escape and complete the challenge.
Interested? Our current stage of running/creation is below, as well as more information about the event itself!
AO3 Collection
Our current stage of running/creation: Right now we are in preliminary stages. Sending out interest checks, nailing down our schedule, etc.
Our next stage of running/creation: Depending on interest, we will either begin mod applications, or begin sign-ups. This is solely based on how many people sign up, and how much help we need on the back end!
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-> As per Tumblr and Discord Terms of Service, all participants must be 13 or older at the time of sign-ups, no exceptions
-> You must join our Discord. If that is an issue, contact a mod, and we will try to figure out a workaround, but you must be present in the server in some way
-> Show all other participants respect and consideration. You will be on different teams, but you are not against each other. Help out your fellow escapees, and be kind to everyone!
-> Work with your teammates, make sure to contribute! We understand if something comes up, real life should always be your first priority. When possible, please at least give a heads-up to your team
-> Absolutely no AI generated content
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What is the Escape Room Event? How does it work?
-> All teams are given a clue to start out. These clues will lead the team to a prompt. If you get stuck don't worry! Teams will be allowed to vote on hints. There are 5 rooms to solve, and for each room "escaped", your team is given the aforementioned prompt to create for. These can be created a few different ways: every person in the team takes a prompt to fulfill (or, each person creates one or two full pieces, depending on team size, throughout the course of the event); all team members work together to fulfill every prompt (or, each person contributes to each prompt! A webweave made with multiple people looking for content, while others are writing drabbles or doodling something to include, multiple artists working on the same art piece, one fic broken up into multiple parts for each writer, the ideas are endless); or any other combination your team would like to try, as long as everyone is participating! There is no penalty to not finishing all the rooms, this is all for fun!
How do I participate?
-> Fill out our sign-up form, and join our Discord, which is linked above the cut! This is where we will be sending most of our announcements and information, so this is required to participate. You are free to join using a throwaway or sock account, and you do not need to talk -- this is for ease of access on our end, especially if we need to reach out to anyone for any reason.
How do I join a team?
-> Teams will be randomly selected! If there is anyone you specifically do not want to be teamed with, please let a mod know privately
Is AO3 posting required?
-> You are not required to post onto AO3, but we will have a collection available for anyone who would like to!
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