mcrgiela · 4 hours
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12:30 𝑝.𝑚. 𝑃𝑆𝑇 09.21.24
𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 stood near the balcony of her West Hollywood home, the sun beaming in the distance as she dialed her father’s number. It was his birthday, and as the line rang, her heart beat a little faster. When he answered, his voice steady but warmer than usual, she took a breath. “Happy birthday, Dad,” she said, her tone soft but purposeful. After the two exchanged  pleasantries, she got to the point, her words carefully measured. “In addition to the watch I got you, I have an even better birthday present for you. I’ve thought about your offer and I’ll spend more time at Ferrero, but only as a consultant, and on my own terms.” 
There was a brief pause, and she could almost hear the gears turning in his mind. “I’ve negotiated some conditions that will benefit my businesses. I want flexibility to continue growing Skye Brew and Onda without interference. You won’t be pulling this stunt again so I hope you got everything out of it. This isn’t me giving in. It’s a partnership.” She paused, letting that sink in before revealing her final surprise. “I’ll be at headquarters next week for that meeting. We can go over everything then.” His silence was palpable, but she could sense a shift, the realization that she wasn’t backing down, just redefining her role in his world. After a few minutes, he simply said, “Grazie. I love you, and I’ll see you there.” 𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 smiled, hoping that for the first time, they were finally speaking as equals. “I love you too, dad. Ciao.” 
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mcrgiela · 15 days
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𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 sat at the kitchen counter of her sun-drenched West Hollywood home, the hum of the city a distant backdrop to the turmoil brewing in her mind. Her phone rested on the marble surface, the screen still glowing from the email she’d just read. Her hands trembled slightly as she picked it up again, scrolling through the legal letter detailing a shocking accusation—misuse of the Nutella formulation in her newest venture, Skye Brew. The words blurred together, a mix of disbelief and confusion clouding her thoughts. How could this be happening? We’re family, she thought. There must be some mistake.
𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 had spent months crafting Skye Brew, a brand of ready-to-drink coffee beverages. One particular line was the Ferrero Brew with chocolate-hazelnut flavors meant to echo the sweetness of her family’s famous Nutella spread. Her father had always supported her in the abstract but never fully understood her desire to branch out on her own, to carve out a path away from the shadow of her last name. She pressed his contact in her phone, her heart pounding in her chest as the phone rang once, twice, and then connected.
“Buon giorno Skye,” her father’s deep voice greeted her, not warm but not cold either. Always measured. Always composed.
“Dad,” she began, trying to keep her voice steady, “I just got a letter from Ferrero’s legal team. They’re saying Skye Brew is infringing on the Nutella formula. I don’t understand—this has never been an issue before. We’re family, so I’m confused.”
There was a long pause on the other end, the kind of silence that seemed to stretch time, each second pressing down on her. “I’m aware of the letter,” her father said finally, his voice clipped. “And I approved it.”
Her stomach dropped and her manicured brows furrowed as she looked at her father through her phone’s screen. “You approved it? Why? This is just—”
“Skye,” he interrupted, his tone hardening. “This isn’t just about a recipe formulation. It’s about respect for the family’s business and its legacy.”
𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 blinked, stunned into silence. She’d always known there was tension between her desire to strike out on her own and her father’s expectation that she would eventually fall in line with his company. But this? This felt like a betrayal. 
“I’m not trying to undermine Ferrero,” she said, her voice quieter now. “Skye Brew is different, an extension of the cafe. It’s my project, my identity outside of the family name. I thought you respected that, or at least understood that.”
Her father sighed, a sound that carried the weight of years of unspoken disappointment. “You’re almost 30 years old. You’ve been running around, chasing this idea of independence, but don’t have the slightest clue of what you’re doing. You’re dabbling in tequila and then there’s this reality TV nonsense. I’m not even gonna mention your personal life. Do you think any of it reflects well on the Ferrero name? Do you think it’s what your grandfather would’ve wanted?”
Skye’s heart twisted at the mention of her grandfather. He had been the one person who had encouraged her creativity, who had believed in her ability to innovate, even if it wasn’t within the confines of the Ferrero empire. “This is me, Dad, and I’m making money on my own,” she said, her voice firm despite the knot in her throat. “I don’t want to spend my life under the Ferrero umbrella and you don’t do this to Lala or Gia. I want to build something of my own. Something that makes ME proud.”
There was another long pause before her father spoke again, and when he did, his words were colder than she expected. “Here’s the deal. I’ll consider fixing this issue—calling off the legal team, smoothing things over—but only if you start spending more time at Ferrero. You need to be part of the company, understand what’s at stake for the family. And reality TV? That ends. Immediately.”
“Are you serious?” she asked, incredulous. “You want me to take time away from my business because you don’t like my choices? Wanting me to private label Nutella is craaazy. I’m sorry, but it is. This isn’t just about business for me. This is my life.”
“And Ferrero is your family,” he snapped, his voice cutting through the distance between them. “La famiglia prima di tutto. Sempre. You need to decide what matters more. If you want my help, you’ll come back to the fold. Otherwise, this issue will become much more than a letter.”
The words hung in the air, heavy and final. Skye’s mind raced, torn between the life she wanted and the legacy she couldn’t seem to escape. Could she really appease her father? Or was this the price she had to pay to keep her business—and her freedom?
“I need time to think,” she finally said, her voice tight with emotion as warm tears pricked her green orbs.
“Don’t take too long,” her father replied coldly. “You know where to find me when you’re ready to make the right decision.”
The line went dead, leaving 𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 alone in silence, the weight of her father’s ultimatum pressing down on her.
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mcrgiela · 18 days
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Nutella heiress Skye Ferrero grabbed lunch with friend and model, Montero Esposito, just a few days after she hosted a party for the launch of her brand, Onda’s, new reposado tequila. The star-studded event included performances by Emerie Sinclair, Saweetie, and Axel Jameson. 
As the 29-year-old strutted to the entrance of Soho House NYC, she wore a multi-color t-shirt with black biker shorts and black sneakers featuring a pair of Chanel sunglasses. Esposito also sported a casual look. The two seemed to be in good spirits as they turned heads when entering the exclusive, members-only establishment.
The pair laughed and chatted as they enjoyed the ultra-private members-only club, where they were spotted dining al fresco, enjoying cocktails and what looked like an indulgent spread of fresh seafood.
Insiders say the lunch wasn't just casual. Rumor has it that the serial entrepreneur, who’s already made a splash with her tequila brand Onda, may be in talks to collaborate with Montero on a secret project. Both Skye and Montero are keeping mum, but the buzz is building.
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mcrgiela · 1 month
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𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 moved gracefully through the bustling factory, her green eyes marveling at the fact this was where her newest venture was born. The factory was a high-tech marvel of gleaming steel and glass, buzzing with activity. She could hear the soft click of her prada loafers against the polished concrete and she found herself holding a breath, anxious to see how production was going. 
Beside her, her Chief Brand Officer, Emma, absorbed every detail with a blend of interest and professionalism. The factory manager, Mr. Thomas, a seasoned guide with a deep knowledge of the brewing process, led them through each stage with an enthusiastic tone.
“This is where it all starts,” he said, gesturing to a row of enormous hoppers filled with freshly roasted coffee beans. “Each batch starts with the best beans we can source. They’re weighed and then ground to our specs.”
𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 leaned in, her eyes tracing the path of the beans as they moved into a sleek, stainless steel grinder. “So, this ensures the right consistency?” she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity as her orbs observed the process carefully. Entering the ready-to-drink market was something she was extremely nervous about but from how well the product performed in the cafe, she figured it was worth the risk.  
“Exactly,” Mr. Thomas replied. “As you know, the grind size affects the flavor extraction. We aim for a perfect balance.” The group then moved to the brewing area, where towering vats of water awaited the freshly ground coffee. The aroma of rich, earthy coffee filled the air and the serial entrepreneur smiled warmly. 
“Here’s where the magic happens,” Mr. Thomas explained. “The grounds are steeped in hot water at precise temperatures. This is crucial for achieving the full, robust flavor profile, especially for those flavored ones.”
The heiress observed the brew’s transformation with interest, her full lips turning into a smile. “And after brewing?” she inquired.
“Afterwards, we chill it immediately,” Mr. Thomas continued, guiding the women over to the cooling tanks. “Fast chilling prevents over-extraction and keeps the coffee smooth and refreshing.”
The tour led them next to the bottling line, a hive of activity where the chilled coffee flowed into pale pink cans with meticulous efficiency. “This is the final stage,” The older male said, indicating the automated machinery. “The coffee goes into the can and is labeled. Each one is tested for quality to ensure it meets our standards. As you see we have different lanes based on the flavors you’ve selected for the various cans. It keeps the process streamlined.”
𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 picked up a freshly brewed sample of the vanilla cold brew with collagen, admiring the sleek design of the label. She took a careful sip, savoring the balanced flavor. “Oh shit,” she said with a satisfied nod. “The taste is exactly what I wanted.”
Emma turned to Mr. Thomas. “We should explore ways to enhance the sustainability of the process,” she suggested thoughtfully. “Without compromising the process in a large way, but just looking ahead. Oh, and Skye? We should be heading to the fall menu tasting.” 
“Absolutely,” Mr. Thomas agreed. “We’re always looking for improvements.” As the tour concluded, the women thanked the older male then exchanged a look of shared accomplishment. 𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 quietly squealed while walking out alongside Emma. “I’m so excited it’s all coming together.” 
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mcrgiela · 2 months
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After returning home from vacation, 𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 needed to see her mom for a much needed catch up. Dressed in a light pink cardigan with denim jeans and a pink pair of Ganni shoes, the heiress arrived at their family home in the Hamptons. The summer afternoon was breezy which Skye took as a good omen. 
She sat across from her mother, Nicole, at the quaint outdoor patio nestled within their family's expansive estate. The table was adorned with bowls of vibrant, freshly picked fruits and two crisp salads. Nicole, with her trademark grace and warmth, poured them glasses of chilled watermelon basil lemonade as they settled into the comfort of cushioned chairs.
𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 absently stirred her drink, her gaze wandering to the tranquil garden beyond where she could see the blooming hydrangeas. Her brow furrowed slightly as she voiced her concerns about the looming milestone of turning 30 in November, the weight of expectations and uncertainties pressing on her shoulders. "I just can't shake this feeling, Mom," 𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 confessed, her fingers idly tapping on the table. "Turning 30 feels like such a milestone, and lately, I've been questioning everything."
Nicole listened intently, her expression a blend of empathy and maternal wisdom. “I remember feeling the same way when I turned 30. It's natural to reassess where you are and where you want to go next."
𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 nodded, her expression a show of vulnerability. "I know, but sometimes it feels like I should have it all figured out by now – career, relationships, the whole package. I feel like I’m running out of time.”
Nicole reached across the table, gently squeezing Skye's hand. "Life doesn't come with a roadmap, baby. You're doing your best. Plus, you run how many businesses? Give yourself the grace to explore and grow. You have plenty of time. They say 30 is the new 20."
“Ma, no one says that.” 𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 replied with a laugh. They nibbled on the crisp feta, chicken and arugula salad in a balsamic vinaigrette as the conversation ebbed and flowed. The warmth of the sun began to mellow, casting a golden hue over their intimate conversation.
"I just want to make the most of my thirties," 𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 admitted softly, her gaze drifting towards the horizon where the sun dipped towards evening. "To feel like I'm really living and that I’m cementing my place in the Ferrero legacy. Lolo has DJ and Gia’s dad’s favorite so she can literally do whatever.” The heiress quipped with a soft laugh before raising the crystal glass to her full lips and taking a sip of lemonade. “Mm. wait, did you make this?” 
Nodding her head, Nicole pointed towards the garden where she was growing basil. “I bought this really good watermelon and knew the basil in the garden would be good with it. I’ll give you some lemons to take with you too. But, you already are making your mark. Your thirties will bring things you can't even imagine yet. Trust in yourself and just enjoy the journey. You’re gonna look back and think damn I was tripping." Nicole's smile was full of quiet pride as she spoke to her daughter.
As they savored the last bites of salad and shared a quiet moment of contemplation, 𝙎𝙆𝙔𝙀 felt a sense of relief wash over her. The weight of her impending birthday felt lighter. With her mother's unwavering support and wisdom, she knew she could face the upcoming milestone with optimism.
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mcrgiela · 7 months
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In the comfort of her Holmby Hills home, Skye found herself curled up on the couch after her pilates session, with her Macbook on her lap. She navigated to the FaceTime app and listened as the line trilled while she awaited her fate. She hoped only her mom answered, but after news broke of her incident, she knew her father would make time to call her. Her dad, Giovanni, answered the call first followed by her mother, Nicole. It was the call she had been avoiding and she wasn’t sure if she was even ready to face it. “Hey,” Skye greeted her parents with a smile that didn’t quite meet her eyes. “I see only mom made it to fashion week which means... Dad’s working. How’s everything going?” There was a brief moment of silence as her parents exchanged glances on the other end of the screen. 
“Hi, sweetheart. Yes, your dad stayed in Luxembourg for work but I’m enjoying Milan without him. It’s been fun. I can’t wait for you to see the photos.” The older woman greeted Skye. Clearing his throat, Skye’s father began to speak up. The tension between them was palpable with all the words that hadn’t been spoken. 
“Tutto va bene. We wrapped up the financial reports and things look great but I’m not sure you really care. You know… I asked you to join the company and work with me full-time but you said no and that was fine. We celebrated the 60th anniversary of Nutella but you missed that and it was fine. Now you go out and get in a fight, in a strip club of all places, and you think that’ll be fine too?” Gio questioned while furrowing his brows. “Dad-” Skye interjected quickly as she sat up on the couch.
“I’m not done talking, Skye. Your great-grandfather started this company with nothing. When I was a kid, I was shipped to a Belgian boarding school to lay the foundation for me eventually working for the family. When your uncle died, I had to take over all by myself. I wasn’t running around and getting into trouble. Our family’s been notorious for how private we are and yet, you seem to think that putting your entire life on display is amusing. If you have an issue with someone, you handle it quietly. You know that. Furthermore, you need to be more cautious of the company you keep if you feel the need to engage in senseless violence. If you don’t give a damn about this company, at least think about yours. You’re still growing. I know four shops seem like a lot, but you haven’t even scratched the surface yet. You’re operating at the level of a small business.” The male paused, acknowledging the weight his statements may have had on Skye.
Skye’s eyes welled up with warm tears as she listened to her dad. The enigmatic scorpio usually held her composure easily, but whenever her parents were expressing their disapproval of her actions, her nonchalant nature faltered. She blinked the tears away and reached for her bottle of water, taking small sips to calm her down. 
“This is our legacy, Skye - your legacy. It’s important that you contribute to it in a meaningful way. I’m very proud of you and Skye Brew and all of the other business ventures you’ve done. Your personal life just concerns me.” The well meaning patriarch softened his tone, in hopes of not further offending his daughter. “You had this phase a few years ago then things were fine but after the engagement ended, you just don’t seem the same. I have to know you’ll be okay.”
“Can I speak now?” Skye inquired, unfazed by his not-so subtle shift. “My personal life is fine. I had this one incident and you’re acting as if I’m gonna go back into my post-grad depression. It was a mistake, but I’m gonna do the show and I’m gonna continue building my empire, dad. I’ll keep consulting for Ferrero, but that’s all I feel comfortable with. I want to expand my portfolio first and I promise starò bene. Everything will be fine. Now I actually have a meeting to get to, so I’ll talk to you both later. Love you both.”
“We love you too. We need to get dinner when I come back to New York, Skye.” Nicole added while waving. “Sounds good, mom.” Skye replied with a smile. Once the family exchanged departures, the heiress sighed deeply before slamming her laptop shut.
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mcrgiela · 7 months
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#𝗘𝗫𝗖𝗟𝗨𝗦𝗜𝗩𝗘: Skye Ferrero got into it in the wee hours of the night, as drinks flew at an Atlanta strip club! Guess everything isn’t always sweet for the chocolatier heiress. Watch it all go down at the 🔗 in our bio.
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mcrgiela · 10 months
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Wake up, babe; a new Erewhon smoothie just dropped. Starting today (October 12), entrepreneur and heiress Skye Ferrero’s Glow Smoothie is available at all Erewhon locations and costs $19. 
The beverage maven, 28, looked incredible for the outing, in a white tank top with a pastel green cardigan wrapped around her shoulders and a pair of 90s style jeans. 
Skye was joined by her business partner Miranda Kerr, who looked chic in a vibrant colored blouse. Kerr started KORA Organics in 2017, and Ferrero came on board in 2019 as a co-founder and partner. 
The Erewhon team and Ferrero wanted to create "the ultimate beauty boost." The debut of this new smoothie coincides with the launch of KORA Organic’s newest product — The Açai Retinol Alternative Moisturizer. The ingredients in this smoothie will give your skin a glow from the inside out. It features a ton of nourishing ingredients inspired by the brand’s natural glowing and age defying range including pure coconut, antioxidant rich açai, organic almond milk, vanilla plant-based collagen boost, blueberries, pitaya powder, and more. 
Not only is the smoothie delicious and chock-full of premium ingredients that will make your skin glow, but all net proceeds will go to Organic Farming Research Foundation in support of educating and empowering sustainable organic harvesting practices. 
“I’m a person who thinks digitally first to get people excited, so I knew I wanted it to look beautiful and have this aesthetic vibe to it,” Ferrero says about her smoothie. “But it had to taste good in addition to being beautiful, so together with the lovely team at Erewhon, we created this drink for the baddies.”
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mcrgiela · 1 year
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Skye Brew Cafe, a New York based coffee roaster and café, will open its new 4,400-square-foot café in a building familiar to West Hollywood residents on September 25. The opening marks the first of several Skye Brew coffee shops in Los Angeles with additional locations slated to open early next year.
“We are extremely excited to bring Skye Brew Cafe to Los Angeles! Locals will love our signature, premium coffee along with our entire cafe menu of deliciously healthy all-day fare, served in a relaxed setting unlike anywhere else,” said Skye Ferrero, founder and CEO of Skye Brew Cafe.
The all-day, health-focused menu includes breakfast dishes such as avocado and feta toast; scrambled egg, kale and mushroom bowl; chili and shallot scrambled eggs with feta and avocado; chimichurri baked eggs; and breakfast burritos. Lunch options include salad bowls and wraps, and sandwiches. 
For the drinks, there are plenty of hot and cold coffee options, tea, and fresh juices. Their signature coffee item is an homage to Ferrero’s great-grandfather, Pietro Ferrero, who founded the company that would eventually create Ferrero Rocher and Nutella. The ‘Pietro Latte’ consists of two shots of rich espresso with their Ferrero Rocher hazelnut syrup and milk of your choice. In addition to this, they have a ‘Dirty Wafer’ which is their take on a signature mocha coffee, and their ‘Skye Brew’ tea, a refreshing butterfly pea tea with coconut cream clouds to give the illusion of the sky. The coffee chain also has a seasonal pumpkin cinnamon sugar latte. 
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