mcnahq-blog · 7 years
quick follow-up: a couple of Twitter accounts translated the conference and they’re insinuating that he’ll recover but there’s still a few things that are troubling with his condition which is kind of a given, cue my sigh of relief
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mcnahq-blog · 7 years
i’m so upset that i missed out on honesty hour?? but i've been keeping up on t.o.p's condition for most of the day ( btw it's almost 4:30am here, staying up to read whatever statement is put out in ten minutes )
and.. idk man, it hasn't left me in a good mood, so sorry for the absence and lack of response with ims!! i'll get on it tomorrow
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mcnahq-blog · 7 years
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“ i LOVE buzzfeed unsolved ! at least their uploading schedule’s more constant than last season, i hated waiting for almost a month on new episodes. ”
“I think I’ve watched every Buzzfeed Unsolved episode. Now I have to wait till Friday for a new one. That makes me sad.”
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mcnahq-blog · 7 years
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“ can’t say that i have. i’ve come across a few conspiracy tweets though... but i didn’t go beyond a few words — i’m not really looking to have an existential crisis over myself like that any time soon. ”
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“have you ever watched conspiracy theory videos about yourself? i started questioning who i was after watching one about myself. like, maybe i did kill my twin? i don’t even know anymore.”
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mcnahq-blog · 7 years
hey guys, sorry i vanished last night !! had to go somewhere last minute and passed out almost as soon as i got back. i'll be on my laptop shortly, i just have to do a couple of things before i forget!
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mcnahq-blog · 7 years
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mcnahq-blog · 7 years
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that little smile 😊😊😊
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mcnahq-blog · 7 years
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so i’m quickly gonna make up some possible plots before i answer everyone since it might be easier for the lot of us ??
i’m gonna divide it into a couple of sections for my own sanity, so first things first, closer connections ?? which she would have v few of currently due to her bg but it can still work out somehow:
collaborators turned best pals ?? : don’t necessarily have to be best pals, but they’re p close for people who worked together once. they would’ve been mona’s introduction to the western music industry, prob a duet in english that her fanbase pushed for since she admired the musician for a while, and they may have been one of the voices in her ear that helped her reach the conclusion of giving up kpop and starting a new project. they might know a bit about her relationship with her former management agency and she trusts them to keep private things.. well, private
new best friend : ahh yeah, so this girl ?? super friendly, a gem, it wouldn’t be too hard for her to start an acquaintanceship with most people. but this person is her salvation in hollywood, having met at a release party or even the gym since she’s been on a health kick; they quickly befriended one another and soon mona was attached to them. maybe they chill in a jacuzzi tub half naked with some rosé and french fries on their days off, maybe they pull all-nighters to help one another with the song they’re writing/lines they’re rehearsing/etc, a shoulder to cry on if they’re rly stressed out. any or all of these would be cute af tbh
pen/online pal : .. hear me out. it would be super weird for two people who started talking to each other when they were young to both be established celebs but let’s just delude ourselves for a bit lmao. so this might have occurred during her trainee days, maybe it was the idea of her company or her school if it was writing to someone, or it just happened when she started using tumblr or whatever teenagers used in 2009, idk but suddenly she got a pal and just rly took to them bc she felt so isolated and alone in seoul and needed a real friend. she kept in touch as often as she could, which became more difficult after DefY debuted but she still put in the effort to keep that person around. if they lost touch or not, knew who they were, etc can be figured out between us so yeah
the older sibling she never had: ok, so despite being in a music group that undoubtedly is family to her, she is indebted to this person after prob pouring her heart out while drunk at 4am and them ( prob taking pity on her, lbr ) kinda just looking after her ?? they now know some of her biggest secrets and insecurities and they’re not gonna use them against her like she always fears people will. like idk man, she just rly needs someone to protect her and tell her everything will be okay and cuddle her while they watch some rly bad, borderline hilarious horror movies
now for everything else lmao:
bad influences: like i said !! in her intro, give them to me p l s. they encourage her to pick up where she left off during her trainee days, getting drunk often and dabbling in pot every now and again. idk, it rly just speaks for itself
good influence.. but it’s her this time ?? : like i said, she’s a rly genuine person when it comes to helping others out, or just in general. so she’d probably be ready to drop everything and be there for someone, encourage better lifestyle choices ( .. even though she’s not helping herself much lmao ) etc. she prioritizes others above herself after all, so it’s not unlikely for her to do this
enemies/frenemies: speaks for itself, but this is someone she considers toxic in her life, negative and the like — depending on the muse ofc. however, with frenemies, i’d see it as more of her just not being comfortable in their presence for the most part as opposed to the last sentence ?? something about their demeanour rubs her the wrong way, and perhaps it’s reciprocal ?? bc lbr, most wouldn’t consider many people in hollywood be as polite as they tend to appear, so idk 
pr stunt in the making ?? : she doesn’t want a fake relationship. period. she’s been in one before that not only took its toll on her due to the other person being kinda insufferable, but also bc of how much hate it garnered. she’s holding out on this arrangement bc like fucking hell is she going to be targeted and belittled again, but her agency refuses to let it die, they’re just not being excessive in force on the matter. irdk but we can figure it out as we go
fuck buddies: .. this doesn’t need explaining lmao
how can neighbours be this awkward ?? : so something derived off of one of the walls are paper thin things where “ you just heard the brutal break up of me and my ex, and now you’re trying to comfort me through the walls and it’s kinda awkward but it’s also helping so? ” or “ i hear you having obnoxious parties every night, and i would be mad but at the end of it all i can hear you crying yourself to sleep and i’m actually kind of worried about this lifestyle you’re living? ” just a basis, basically it isn’t too pre-established so if we’re rly struggling we can do that ??
that’s all that came to mind for now, but yeah.. don’t rly know what else to say lol
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mcnahq-blog · 7 years
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( .. the cutest bean ever omg )
hey guys, i’m jules — a suffering uni student from the weirdest fucking tz — and i’m so excited to be a part of this rp !! i like watching crack vids of bts ( mY BOYS !!!! hmu if you’re kpop trash too so we can sob over wdta pt. 2 ), finding new memes to torture my friends two provinces away with, making my eardrums bleed bc i’m listening to some surfer rock on max volume, and bingewatching the canadian comedy masterpiece known as letterkenny for the umpteenth time. anyways, this is my precious honey girl mona who’s rly just trying to live peacefully ( for a young celeb in hollywood at least ) despite the intensity of her life lmao. here’s some basic — & extensive, sorry lmao — info about her ( TW: abuse kinda ?? , brief hints of depression, insomnia & starvation ) :
Keep reading
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mcnahq-blog · 7 years
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( .. the cutest bean ever omg )
hey guys, i’m jules — a suffering uni student from the weirdest fucking tz — and i’m so excited to be a part of this rp !! i like watching crack vids of bts ( mY BOYS !!!! hmu if you’re kpop trash too so we can sob over wdta pt. 2 ), finding new memes to torture my friends two provinces away with, making my eardrums bleed bc i’m listening to some surfer rock on max volume, and bingewatching the canadian comedy masterpiece known as letterkenny for the umpteenth time. anyways, this is my precious honey girl mona who’s rly just trying to live peacefully ( for a young celeb in hollywood at least ) despite the intensity of her life. here’s some basic — & extensive, sorry lmao — info about her ( TW: abuse kinda ?? , brief hints of depression, insomnia & starvation ) :
( JEON SOMIN & CISFEMALE )— here we have everything you want to know about ( MONA GATLIN/KIM MONA ), the ( MUSICIAN ) that has been stealing everyone’s hearts for ( FIVE YEARS ) years now. her rep keeps pushing for the ( STEADFAST & GREGARIOUS ) persona, but a close source to her says she’s actually ( SYBARITIC & RETICENT ). i read she ( ABANDONED HER CAREER IN KPOP AFTER LONGTIME ABUSE FROM HER MANAGEMENT, CAUSING HER GROUP TO DISBAND ) but whatever it is that you want to believe, one thing is for sure, the ( TWENTY TWO ) year old has the world in her hands. — (( jules && gmt-2:30 && she/her ))
so here’s a brief bio for now
born on april 6, 1995 in incheon, south korea
she was given up by her mother just minutes after her birth, not even given a name as she was separated from her, but knows that her surname was kim
she ended up being adopted within a few days, as her parents had been waiting a while to adopt from this particular agency
was named mona haneul gatlin, after her adoptive grandmother.. well, 2/3 of the name anyway
grew up just outside of seattle, washington with her two dads, an editor at a publishing firm and a cop respectively, and was showered with affection
a ball of sunshine growing up, i mean she was polite and thoughtful af, would give a classmate the cupcake her papa snuck into her lunchbox if they didn’t have enough for lunch
p smart all things considered, but especially loved english and languages while physics could fucking choke ( well.. it could once she was in higher grades anyway )
she always loved to sing, knew that she was good too. especially when her dad gave her a couple of songbird-based nicknames that still make her beam when he calls her that
her dads were aware of the american auditions for korean entertainment companies and since mona grew up learning korean from her auntie — who was her papa’s boss in reality — they figured she would be capable of at least auditioning ( i’m.. so bad at explaining things, i’m sorry lol )
so at thirteen, she went to an audition in san francisco and got in the good graces of a company, so much so that by fourteen, she had moved to seoul and began training
it was.. intense to say the least, especially when she was still p young and had just moved to a different continent
some training exercises felt more like punishments than actual lessons or help, but she shrugged it off as she was determined to make it big, for her parents if not herself
attended an international school alongside several other trainees/idols and honestly felt a bit off about the huge changes in her life, causing her to have some issues with making new friends outside of those she had already made within the agency, which had already been few and far between if she were being honest with herself
at one point, she indulged in underaged drinking alongside a few other trainees because everything became so hard to deal with and it was a means to unwind in some way
but when more positive attention and energy was directed towards her, she stopped for the sake of her future now that it seemed brighter
finally was chosen for a co-ed group at sixteen with her being the maknae and debuted at seventeen
went by kim mona bc she was p much told to hide her english name since it would likely cause some backlash, if not for the fact that she was the daughter of two men so that had to be hidden too
but everyone knew her as MONA, since mononyms are p popular among idols and it felt a bit more genuine than going by her initial surname
they had a lot of success, even having a couple of subunits, some collabs individually here and there and co-hosting variety shows, up until january 2016 when she announced her departure from the group and, subsequently, led the group to disband altogether
she decided that the kpop music industry was a bit too much for the girl that wanted a bit of peace for longer than a week at a time, so she moved onto the western music industry and dragged a couple of her group-mates with her, alongside a guy that they’d crossed paths with while searching for new management
kinda earned a substantial following in their new project since they had quite the fanbase with DefY so they saw sudden success
anyways, to the rumour
mona’s former management company endured a lot of speculation regarding abuse of its artists ( if you’re not familiar with it already, look up the abuse/unfair treatment scandals with smtown and exo, and you’ll have the basis of my direction with this )
when she left the group, most netizens assumed that first and foremost, their contracts had expired and they wished to try something new
however once cavalier put out “trainwreck,” which mona co-wrote, many started reading into some aspects of it as her, and her former members’, history of abuse with her ex-management condensed into an almost four minute song
it also didn’t make sense to people as DefY was at its peak, but when a couple of onstage fainting spells and the hospitalization of one or two of her group-mates for “sudden illnesses” were taken into consideration as well, it made it seem all the more plausible and it became a huge scandal in south korea
honestly.. not gonna tell you if it’s true or not for the time being bc it would prob involve a couple of other muns and speculation is always fun lmao
now her personality/other little things
an actual angel™
who makes rly shitty, impulsive decisions that make her question her sanity lol
not annoyingly nice or cute or w/e though ?? like she’s a rather compassionate and enthusiastic person, but she’s p chill for the most part, unlike the slight shift in persona during her idol days where her positivity was more put on
dumb jokes galore
kinda going through her wild phase now, but also went through one during her trainee and debut days that was more so a means to help her deal with how straining almost 120 hours per week of constant activity was on her teenage self
bad influences hmu
endured depression before debuting, just realized i forgot to add that
she won’t tell you much about her past, v vague about her trainee days especially
the kind of girl that wants a simple life.. but will also splurge on some stunning louboutins
if you ever saw her at an awards show, she’s that person that befriends everyone
but she won’t take shit from anyone just because they’re generally in her good graces
pastries are.. everything to her, you’ll win her over for the most part if you pick her up a chocolate filled croissant or something
speaks korean and a bit of japanese and chinese, super basic though
has been an on-and-off sufferer of insomnia for years now, as well as a couple of vitamin deficiencies, migraines and the effects of a poor diet
so now she’s trying to treat her body like a temple.. by eating as much red meat and veggies, and drinking as much water, as possible, god help the girl
curses quite a bit
has a fear of living alone ?? kind of, she’s used to being glued to the side of her dads/group-mates that the idea of living by herself, although prob more fulfilling for her, is a bit terrifying
also has a fear of cicadas and ordering inside of takeout restaurants lmao
but first fear aside, she doesn’t rly have a dependency on people
has a very staunch standing on many things regarding her career now, finally — and properly — putting herself first for once
also has a problem with prioritizing herself in almost anything
i might add more later ?? for now that’s it tbh
so that’s mona !! if you’d like to plot, message me or like this and i’ll come to you. i’ll post a small connections ooc later on ! 
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mcnahq-blog · 7 years
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mcnahq-blog · 7 years
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mcnahq-blog · 7 years
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mcnahq-blog · 7 years
noticing a typo after the message has sent: so maybe they won't see that... maybe they won't say anything... maybe i'm in the clear... maybe the calm won't be ruined by a storm, this time......
the awful receiver of the message, being the menace that they are: replies with nothing but the typo
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mcnahq-blog · 7 years
She did not need much, wanted very little. A kind word, sincerity, fresh air, clean water, a garden, kisses, books to read, sheltering arms, a cozy bed, and to love and be loved in return.
Starra Neely Blade (via wnq-writers)
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mcnahq-blog · 7 years
I’m that kind of person who keeps letters and birthday cards, tickets from trains, parks or museums.
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