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Once you engage in a particular endeavor, then fear's power begins to fade. Never become static or remain where you are. Always move forward. Be bold! #mcintyrekingcompany #jointhemaul #moveforward
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We need to take Emerson's words to heart and get out of our own way sometimes. Often we are our own WORSE critic and are unfair to ourselves. Love yourself. Respect yourself and your work. And be patient. #jointhemaul #letsgo #emerson
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Everyone seems to be in a hurry. This is especially true for those who are just starting in business or who aspire to start in business. Comment like, "I'll be a millionaire by 30," ran amuck. News flash...it isn't easy!!! Don't worry about an arbitrary number (money amount or age when you can "retire"), but rather focus on diligently working towards your big picture goals. Don't be lazy! Work hard every day! But realize that it will take time for your success to manifest itself. #jointhemaul #mcintyrekingcompany #patienceisavirtue
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If you listen and dictate your life choices by the opinion of others, then I promise you that you will never reach YOUR goals. Others, even those who love us, may not see (metaphorically) the vision that we see and aspire to. It could be as Da Vinci tells us here. We are awakened in ourselves and realize that others around us are still asleep. Get up, and follow your dreams. #mcintyrekingcompany #jointhemaul #investinyourself
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15,000 have joined the maul! Thanks for following us! Be bold. Be different. Let's crush this week! #bebold #jointhemaul #letsgo
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Sound advice from Thomas Jefferson. What are you passionate about? What drives you to get out of bed in the morning? Once you know this, then begin taking action! Life is short. Be bold! #mcintyrekingcompany #jointhemaul #livelifetothefullest Photo belongs to its respectful owner(s).
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Watch and listen closely, people will show you who they really are. #mcintyrekingcompany #jointhemaul #trustnoone
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We can gain a good insight from the words of the French philosopher Rene Descartes. If we jump heedlessly into difficult endeavors without the proper perspective, then we will become overwhelmed and may even give up our struggle. But if we break down these seemingly insurmountable obstacles into smaller, more manageable tasks, then we will increase our chances of accomplishing our goals. When you break down your larger goals into smaller goals, then they will LEAD you to your larger goals. Life is short. Be bold! #mcintyrekingcompany #jointhemaul #goalsetting
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Often we do not accomplish what we truly want because we set our goals too low. We often hear that we need to be “realistic” and “take it slow.” Now, that is good advice for any new venture in my opinion, but it CAN become terrible advice IF it is used to set goals that simply will not help us reach what we desire. This is where the words of the American essayist, lecturer, and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson (May 25, 1803 – April 27, 1882) can help us. He said that to hit a specific goal or goals, then we should set our goals or AIM above that goal. This is why I like setting “unrealistic goals,” because, even if I do not meet these goals within my written timeframe, I still end up where I wanted to be. Small mindedness will KILL your soul and spirit. Trust me, I know from experience. Let’s follow Emerson’s advice and aim above the mark. Life is short. Be bold! #bebold #mcintyrekingcompany #jointhemaul #aim Photo belongs to its respectful owner(s).
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I am afraid that society as a whole has done a great job in domesticating the vast majority of the general population today. How many goals and dreams have been sacrificed on the alter of “security”, so to speak? News flash. We will all die. And when we die, your goals and dreams that you gave up on can no longer be reached or accomplished. Let’s take the wise advice from Henry David Thoreau’s words above and GO towards our dreams and to LIVE life on OUR terms. Life is too short to leave your dreams on the table. Be bold! #bebold #jointhemaul #dreamsdocometrue
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We can never underestimate the power that our thoughts have over our lives. The formula is very simple and, when one thinks about it, logical. If you think certain thoughts, positive or negative, then they will lead to certain “routine actions” or activities that will in turn shape the reality of our lives. This is the exact wisdom that we find in the words of the Stoic Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (26 April 121 – 17 March 180 CE). His words state that whatever our thoughts are, they will shape the very nature of our soul or spirit. Quite literally, we become what we THINK! Thus we have to guard ourselves against thoughts that are negative or that bring harm to ourselves or others. Life is too short to be miserable or to make others miserable. Let’s focus on becoming everything that we are capable of and also encouraging others to do the same. Be bold! #mcintyrekingcompany #jointhemaul #thoughtoftheday
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Life is short and time is fleeting. Death is a mere transition, but be afraid of a life not lived to the fullest. #jointhemaul #mcintyrekingcompany #livelifetothefullest
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We are constantly surrounded by noise today and, rarely, the skill and benefit of learning HOW to listen is seldom found. The ability truly LISTEN to others and discern the presuppositions and assumptions that they carry will bring a great advantage to you and your future. This is precisely what the words from the Greek biographer and essayist Plutarch (c. AD 46 – AD 120) teach us above. If we LEARN how to listen to others then will be able to discern the wisdom found in their words. In addition, we will also become able to discern what NOT to think or do from those who, according to Plutarch, “speak badly.” When you harness skill such as the true ability to listen, then everyone you meet and encounter becomes a valuable lesson. Be bold! #mcintyrekingcompany #jointhemaul #listening
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If you give hope to those who follow and look up to you, then you will be able to set the world on fire. 🔥 #mcintyrekingcompany #jointhemaul #leaders Photo belongs to its respectful owner(s).
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Many focus way too much on money. What if I told you that being an entrepreneur, business owner, and investor was more about changing lives than just MERELY making money. There is nothing wrong with making money (I mean that is what business is about!), but we need to have a proper perspective. . . . Tag a friend and tell us what you think below 👇 Photo belongs to its respectful owner(s). #jointhemaul #letsgo #purposedriven
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Conformity to society’s idea of “normal” will always be the easiest route in life. It will even feel “natural” at some point. The irony is that this “normal,” while mascaraing as freedom, can actually be a prison. This prison is not a physical place, but it is a mental prison. You will cease to think for yourself, and simply accept the predetermined options that society and the media gives you. This is not freedom, but it is serfdom. The words of the American poet Robert Frost (March 26, 1874 – January 29, 1963) above help us break free from this mental prison. True freedom lies in one’s choice to make bold, albeit calculated, moves in life and accept the risks. Refuse to be timid. Embrace true freedom and be bold! #mcintyrekingcompany #jointhemaul #poets
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Plutarch gives us a fine price of wisdom here. If you want to learn and advance in your given craft, then you have to shut up and listen to the masters when they speak. Then, you apply what they said. Be bold! #mcintyrekingcompany #jointhemaul #silent
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