mccoytomedbay · 9 years
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“We lost them!”
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
USS Enterprise NCC - 1701 | Decks
1: Bridge.
2: Physics lab, biology lab, security holding area.
3: Science labs, RCS thrusters.
4: Science labs, subspace telescope, shield generators.
5: Captain's quarters, senior officers' quarters.
6: Impulse engines, RCS thrusters, crew quarters, briefing room, crew lounges, transporter rooms, computer core.
7: Impulse engines, crew lounges, computer core, sickbay, main engineering.
8: Computer core contingency, auxiliary control, cargo bays.
9: Science labs, cargo bays.
10: Saucer section maintenance, photon torpedo magazine.
11: Saucer sensor dome, phaser emitters, phaser systems, photon torpedo launcher, engineering support.
12: Crew quarters.
13: Deflector systems, sensor systems.
14: Power systems, utilities distribution.
15: Engineering support, power systems.
16: Science labs, secondary engineering, secondary sickbay, dilithium control, warp nacelle access, shuttlebay support.
17: Shuttlebay launch control, observation gallery, shuttle launch control.
18: Botanical section, botany labs, cargo section.
19: Secondary hull bridge, backup computers, shuttlebay,
20: Recreation room, shuttlecraft hanger.
21: Recreation areas, shuttlecraft support.
22: Cargo bays.
23: Cargo bays.
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes
And so I thought I’d let you know That these things take forever I especially am slow But I realize that I need you  And I wondered if I could come home
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
Reblog if you are willing to do toxic ships
Not every love is sweet and kind Sometimes, love is dangerous Poisonous, addictive, obsessive Leaving emotional, mental and physical scars Don’t want to walk away, refuse to let go To need, no matter how much it hurts To know the same pain is returned Because some don’t want just the sweet They crave the bitter too
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
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Comic dust in NGC 1316
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
I have survived. I am here. Confused, screwed up, but here.
Laurie Halse Anderson, Speak
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
I’m really afraid to feel happy because it never lasts.
Andy Warhol (via andywarhol-art)
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
How do you ever know for certain that you are doing the right thing?
Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
Compassion hurts. When you feel connected to everything, you also feel responsible for everything. And you cannot turn away. Your destiny is bound with the destinies of others. You must either learn to carry the Universe or be crushed by it. You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors.
Andrew Boyd (via purplebuddhaproject)
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
                                                                                            I                                                                                            WILL
                                                                                            SO                                                                                             YOU                                                                                              WON’T.
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
Don’t be, don’t be afraid Our mistakes they were bound to be made But I promise you I’ll keep you safe
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
What we do in life echoes in eternity.
Gladiator (2000), Dir. Ridley Scott
(via ellasin)
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
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You coming with me or not?
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
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And I Loved Him
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
you want to go back to where you felt safe to hear your brother’s laughter, see your mother’s face your childhood home is just powder-white bones and you’ll never find your way back
that’s okay // the hush sound
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
Send the mun questions about their writing process.
♪ - How do you decide on your muse’s dialogue?  ♕ - What are 5 writing tips you’d give to beginners?  ✏ - Why did you choose your muse?  ☆ - How did you go about getting a grip on your muse’s character?  ♎ - What is one thing you love about your writing?  ✾ - What do you look for in other people’s writing?  ✕ - What would set you entirely off roleplaying with someone?  ✄ - Three phrases you use too much in your writing?  ★ - Wild card: whatever else you want to ask. 
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mccoytomedbay · 9 years
just because this is an rp blog, doesn't mean i won't answer questions like an ask blog. my askbox is always open to any questions you might have for my muse.
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