mcbucks · 5 years
the boy looked like he could’ve guest starred with him in some cheesy teen movie, the two of them the heartthrobs in the classic love triangle every girl seemed to dream of. part of him was surprised he didn’t recognize him, thinking a face like that should be plastered all over. no homo though,,,unless. “man, i don’t fuckin know. i never even thought of school or college, all my schooling was just random tutors teaching me geometry between shoots. does that even count as school?” it was clear they never cared too much about his education, his acting always first priority for all the adults in his life, his education was only happening because it was forced. “i don’t even know what you’re talking about, but fair enough.”
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given his general attitude, it wasn’t hard to believe that louie had trouble connecting. first meetings were always rough, he came off as a dickhead most of the time, or was just too tired to deal with them, or used them to make a quick buck. this was different, this was clicking immediately, falling into step like they’d known each other for years “probably not. school’s pointless anyway.” if louie was being honest, he’d say he picked up on things quite easily, that he was something of a math whiz, especially when it came to money. he kept that in though. bragging only worked when it was cool shit “good, so you haven’t met em. you lucked up with me.” he shrugged “i’m a, uh, triplet. my brother’s have rhyming names with me, whole cheesy thing.”
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mcbucks · 5 years
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TASK #1: the “about” 
llewelyn rebel ducker
louie duck
ACCENT: once upon a time, louie was audibly from california. nowadays, it’s a bit harder to tell, after all the traveling they had done. VERBAL TICKS: his voice lacks the character found in his brothers’, that’s for sure. usually, louie will react in a monotone, perpetually uninterested unless speaking to someone he’s pursuing romantically LANGUAGE: louie’s only language is english, and he’s not very good at it ARTICULATION: louie’s especially articulate when it suits him. he can see things from many angles, and is able to communicate plans and schemes well, but can’t voice his feelings properly EDUCATION: he doesn’t communicate in many words, or even have the range in his vocabulary to do so. louie likes to keep it simple, and it helps in his lack of education LAUGHTER: he laughs often, mostly to himself and inaudible a lot of the time GRUMP: he can frequently be seen grumbling to himself after not getting his way BREATHING: as often as louie cries, he can most of the time be heard with quiet gasps and sniffles
FACE: he doesn’t wear his emotions on his face.. well, until he does. excitement and anger and anything with intense bursts of energy don’t quite make it to louie’s face, but it’s easy to tell when he’s about to crumble and tears are about to fall HANDS: louie uses his hands sparingly. his love language is in gentle touches and hand holding. that being said, he refrains from it as much as possible, and his hands are often shoved into the pockets of his sweatshirt LEGS/FEET: he’s generally inactive, often found with his legs propped up on a table somewhere EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: he’s good at keeping emotions in check, unless he’s sad. sadness overwhelms louie, and he can be found sobbing when things go south. it’s in small instances too, like when he feels like his brothers are mad at him (which happens often. evil little shit). HABITS: he can make any place his bed. literally, any place POSTURE: louie has the poorest posture. nasty hunched hoe
DIET: he eats bags of chips and cans of coke 80% of the time, sometimes he’ll go crazy and eat some ramen SLEEP: louie sleeps like the dead. he can fall asleep anywhere, no waiting involved. his dreams can be rough, they’re always incredibly realistic and almost indistinguishable from real life. except, sometimes he’s a cat in his dreams. those are the ones he’s always dying to go back into. oh, to be a cat and be waited on hand and foot MEDICINAL DRUGS: from what he’s been told, louie should be on antidepressants. he’s just forgetful NARCOTICS: he smokes weed fairly often, and sometimes he’ll juul with max and mickey. just to fit in.
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: he’s an introvert in spirit. talking tires him, it really does, and he doesn’t enjoy being around others. he’s an extrovert for the sake of image, though. OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: louie’s a pessimist, because he doesn’t have any reason not to be. he can’t understand how anyone could look forward to what was going to happen next, or assume the best. the worst always happened SEXUALITY: he’s bisexual. louie has never said it to anyone, he feels ashamed by it. INSECURITIES: he tends to hide his body inside a sweater, not so much ashamed of his habits but insecure about giving anyone the opportunity to fully scrutinize him. louie is as lazy as they come, but sometimes he’ll drag himself out of bed to go with mickey to the gym and flex. because, damn it, sometimes those lays originals really make him hate himself.
FAMILY: he has a conflicting relationship with his family. while he loves his brothers, and looks up to them for being so good, he holds some ill feelings toward them. being the youngest generally meant louie was to be protected, coddled even, and part of him blames that for making him the monster he is.  FRIENDSHIPS: he didn’t always have a lot of friends. most of louie’s expressions of love and affection are in a platonic sense now. friendship is helping him learn how to be a person BEST FRIEND: mickey and max are his best friends, no question. in an ideal world, his brothers would be the answer to this question, but his envy keeps him from saying so. LOVE: louie falls in love more often than he’d ever admit to anyone. he likes being doted on, complimented, feeling understood. he wasn’t committed to much else, he had no idea why his heart chose to latch onto the people it did.
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mcbucks · 5 years
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mcbucks · 5 years
💘 lou and mabel
frankly, he hated the way mabel made him feel, because she made him care. he was so used to not giving a shit, to letting everything crash and burn around him because he was too lazy and too defeated to allow anything else effect him. he’d make that mistake in his childhood, and grew up jaded for it, he wouldn’t let himself be tricked into loving again. but then she smiled up at him, and he was reminded of the dork with braces that pacifica showed him on her phone. his heart grew a few sizes then. and it continued to grow the longer he was with her, the more he felt they couldn’t have been more different and he loved her all the more for it. good for her, she deserved to see rainbows as a sign of good luck and get excited when pretty people smile at her. she deserved a lot more than the shit he allowed her to go through, that was for sure. maybe louie was a coward, and maybe he was too lazy, but he couldn’t bring himself to stay the word stop to pacifica. of all the people he’d fucked over, that was his worst crime of all.
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mcbucks · 5 years
💘 from max n vixie uwu
vibe check !
when louie was in middle school, he asked his teacher “do triplets have the same fingerprint?”. he didn’t get an answer, chalking it up to the fact that she had already knew his plans. of course she did. in the case that he did something really bad on one of his schemes, he’d at least want to be able to pin it on dewey. oddly enough, he never bothered to look it up, hadn’t even thought about it until one night with vixie. he allowed his hands to roam over her as they talked, using the contact as a distraction, an excuse not to meet her eyes. that would make it too real. the shit they shared was real enough, the hot tears falling onto his cheeks were real enough, he didn’t need them to be, too. fingertips lightly tracing her collarbones, a thought had suddenly come to mind. he didn’t want their prints, he didn’t want any trace of them on her. it was a gross thought, at least to louie, that he could want someone to himself. he’d always been stingy, but never like this. it had never physically pained him to think of losing what was his. and the most fucked up part was, she wasn’t even his.
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mcbucks · 5 years
💘 mickey and meg
it was all fun and games, until it wasn’t. louie had denied it for a while, blamed the hitches in his breath and the shaking of his hands on his upbringing. he wasn’t used to companionship from other people, he loved being complimented, that was all. he didn’t have any good love stories in his lifetime. whoever his dad was, it wasn’t even a question whether he’d stick around, and uncle donald had been so sadly single thanks to them. he killed romance every chance he got, squashed his feelings down like he did to empty coke cans before throwing them at huey. with mickey, it was different. he couldn’t stop himself once he started, words being ripped out off him and limbs aching with the need to touch his friend in any way possible. it started small, pats on the back and light punches, until he just wanted to be held. fuck, please hold me.
he was a fuck up, clearly. in a family of people who value adventure and the power of friendship or whatever the fuck it was, he was the worst seed. louie’s schemes were simultaneously the only thing he was good at and the thing keeping him from connecting. he could sense the distaste and unease coming from his brothers. they wouldn’t say it, they didn’t have to, they thought he was a bad person. sue him for clinging onto the one person who didn’t. meg was unlike anyone he’d ever met, she didn’t hold him to stupid morals and judge him, she helped, they were the same. at least, that’s what he told himself to feel less alone. he’d thought about only himself for so long, that it was odd to have someone else fill your thoughts and senses. but, she did, from several feet away with a wad of cash in her hands. the more time they spent together, more they worked together, the more he found himself enamored with everything about her. he’d picked up on her vocal quirks, learned when she was lying, when she’d had enough, and he listened. he’d never done that before.
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mcbucks · 5 years
sir, im gonna have to stop u and ask to see ur licence to vibe, plz step to the side
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“ur vibes are DISGUSTING !!!!!!”
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mcbucks · 5 years
bro, asking for a bro, would u sword fight with a bro ,,,,,, no homo ,,,,,,, unless
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mcbucks · 5 years
on the surface michael had plenty of friends, the paparazzi always catching shots of him surrounded by people, his instagram filled with all his wacky adventures with friends. none of them were really real though, only very few actually liked him for him and spent time with him because of that, but most did it for the clout. the worst part was that mickey didn’t even realize this, he really thought everyone just liked him, that they really were his friends. he had no clue he was being used. “well what can i say man, i was born with it.” he shrugged, never one to deny a compliment like that. “not really sure to be honest. i know everyone says an education is important but like, i’m doing fine, but my dad wanted me to come so i guess i had to. what’s your name, bro?”
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if anyone was going to be lou’s first friend, why not an entire celebrity? from what he knew, his family did have some ties to the disney family, so maybe they would’ve met anyway. sounded like fate, if lou believed in that kind of shit “shit, me too, man. my uncle made me go. you probably could’ve gotten into a fancier school or some shit though, right?” louie had never gone to school with other people, having always been homeschooled, so it was a shock to find that he was forced to go to college. he wanted to protest, there was nothing he was even passionate about that school could provide, but he ended up majoring in business anyway “i’m louie. with an L. not to be confused with anyone else running around here with another stupid name.”
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mcbucks · 5 years
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vixie was a flirt. she always had been. even as a child, she had enough charm to get out of doing just about anything she had gotten herself into. it’s something she learned from her political figure father. it got her what she wanted, and gave her quite the ego boost. she tapped her fingers on the chest of the pretty boy. “maybe you just haven’t been looking hard enough,” she raised her brows, as her smile twisted into a smirk, “i’ve got one but maybe i like you calling me pretty girl instead,”
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“i haven’‘t been known to work hard for much.” he reasoned softly, brow raised in response to the touch. it was true, he’d never gone out of his way to connect with anyone, not even hookups. but shit, if there was people like her just waiting to be found... “maybe i’ll start now, though.” it felt good to be on his own around here, make waves by himself. not that louie thought things would be different if his brothers were here right now. he’d still win “oh, are you under the impression that i’d ever stop? it’s still fitting. you can call me lou.”
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mcbucks · 5 years
most people here were far from the league of people michael usually hung around with back home. he was used to being surrounded by like minded individuals, and by that fellow hollywood kids that really only cared about themselves and what the other could do for their image. everyone here was so normal, no one to really get him like he was used to. then he stumbled upon this specimen of a man, and it was like platonic love at first sight. “yo, bro, like no homo but you’re not wrong.” michael was confident in his masculinity and was able to give other men compliments, he was woke like that. “thanks man, really sweet.”
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while his family was well known as a whole, louie wouldn’t consider himself famous, or even popular. he’d long accepted that he wouldn’t have many friends in his lifetime, and had been pretty satisfied with only having his brothers around, but.. sometimes the universe had other plans. sometimes, it dropped a million bucks onto your lap in the form of a teen heartthrob. he’d never been a film guy, but michael fucking mouse was a legend living. that all considered, louie was positively beaming “you got the whole hollywood thing going for you. i can see the appeal.” he shrugged, hands shoved into the pocket of his sweatshirt “and i thought it was just a rumor. what’s mickey mouse doing in this ghost town?”
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mcbucks · 5 years
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oswald actually found himself liking the small town. it felt much more his speed than the great big cities he had spent most of his time in. it was quiet, and easy to get to things he needed. not to mention how beautiful he thought the town was. he found that most people actually left him alone. he didn’t deal with the constant stopping and asking for pictures he used to deal with. everything was calming here. so when a stranger was admiring himself, he felt like he was back in la, but not in a way he didn’t mind. it amused him, “oh me? nah, you’re the pretty boy here,” he tossed the complement back, not fully sure how else to respond.
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sometimes, louie looked at people and saw moneybags. big deals, or maybe just opportunities waiting to happen. a lot of the time, it was people like oswald, whose worth was known to the world but not quite to himself. he was the perfect underdog type, playing second fiddle to arguably one of the most brilliant men in hollywood and an all around loved brother. the insecurity was a given. and boy, did it make for good business. arm thrown over oswald’s shoulder suddenly, louie got far too comfortable with the guy he hadn’t spoken to before “we’ve got to work on that confidence, bud. is that how you always respond to compliments?”
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mcbucks · 5 years
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victoria thought this place was pretty lame. everything about it felt so old school. she was surprised they even let women go to school. but never the less she had found ways to have fun in the weird place. sometimes that involved getting her hands on things she shouldn’t. which she had just been doing as she bumped lightly into the curly haired boy. “someone’s got quiet the ego,” her eyed scanning him quickly, “but i think it fits,” 
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if anyone asked louie, he’d say he was quite the player. he played off the role well, sweet talking mostly to further himself in the long run somehow helped a lot with the notion that he was a flirt. but really, he was a sheltered kid, putting on a front and successfully scoring thanks to it “thanks.” his ego was fairly large, having been treated with the most softness growing up, but compliments still managed to awaken the butterflies in his stomach every time “don’t think i’ve seen you around before, pretty girl. got a name?”
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mcbucks · 5 years
meg didn’t care for looks, for herself or for others, it just seemed so menial and pointless. she still put effort into herself, but that was more for herself than for anyone else, and she felt far from cocky because of it. he seemed the complete opposite, and unashamed of it. good for him, she supposed, but if anything it just made him less attractive in her eyes. “god, do you ever get tired just looking at yourself?” she teased, but his next comment made her smile drop. “please tell me that was a joke.”
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“that’s the secret, cap. i’m always tired.” he was completely honest in saying so. louie’s second love, after money of course, was sleep. he wasn’t just physically tired, but mentally drained constantly too, far too simple of a person to deal with the complex thoughts and adventures of those he grew up around “shit, i mean... i didn’t mean you pay for them.” and of course, his foot met his mouth. again and again. the charm really wore off if anyone got to know him for more than a few minutes “it’s fine if you did. not that i think that. but it’d be fine.”
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mcbucks · 5 years
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the pinching of her cheek wasn’t what she was expecting, but really, it was because she was the one usually doing the pinching. mabel laughed, her curls bobbing. “that’s a good one! you mind if i used it?” she was already thinking about changing her instagram handle. “i just got off of work. i was gonna go home, but…” she trailed off, and looked up, her eyes wide. “ wait, how did you know my name?” she paused. there was a realization she never said it. maybe they had mutual friends, who knew? she wasn’t too worried, honestly. “and what’s yours’?”
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childish or not, he was thrilled that she liked his stupid pun “it’s your namesake, do whatever you want with it. your world, babe, i’m just living in it.” he himself was planning on going home. maybe watching some netflix, catching up on some sleep, but.. “we should grab some hot chocolate instead. yeah?” caught. but the joke was so worth it “i know some people who know you. you’re hard to forget.” and pacifica had made fun of her stupid sweaters to him for a good chunk of time last week “louie. my name’s louie.”
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mcbucks · 5 years
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mabel had been a little overwhelmed by the number of sheer cuties who roamed the streets of emporia. she would have kept a tally of the crushes she had already racked up, but it was already too high to count. as she was walking back from work, the tally went up one, as she caught the guy checking himself out in the window. she almost was completely past him when she heard him call her pretty. a grin spread across her face, as she turned on her heel. “oh, gee, thanks,” she said, tilting her head up to look at him. “i think adorable is the best word to describe me, but i’ll take pretty too.”
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louie was more attentive than people gave him credit for. he watched, mostly, especially in places like this where everyone was drop dead gorgeous and reeked of naivety. but, he also listened on occasion, and no one had exactly been quiet about the energetic girl before him. whether it was in awe or pure shit talking (thanks, pacifica, family reunion’s been great), he heard things about mabel pines. now, face to face with the legend herself, he could only feel endeared. still, his condescending attitude stuck with him, not being able to deny himself the hilarity of pinching her cheek “or we could go with adormabel.” god, he fucking sounded like dewey. it was worth it, lou reminded himself, to be a bit cheesy with certain people “it’s fucking boring around here. where you headed?”
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mcbucks · 5 years
meg often went on walks to clear her head, try and forget about everything and just melt into the world around her. she couldn’t stand still, be cooped up in her room with everyone else doing nothing, she had to go out. despite claiming to prefer being alone, and a lot of the time she does, sometimes it gets equally boring being in her own head all the time. she needed some excuse for social interaction while still maintaining that cool i don’t need anyone persona she swore to hold up, and that’s where this perfect idiot came in. “are you seriously just complimenting your reflection?” she questioned, a small smile gracing her face as she held back a laugh.
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if he wasn’t a cocky shit, he’d likely drown in all the ego in his family. not to mention, being the youngest provided louie with a lot of leverage; he didn’t endure much of the pressure huey did or feel ignored like the middle child. he had a pretty good place, he’d say, and if anyone asked louie would probably claim it was because he was clearly the best duck. most clever, most charming, most handsome “the guy deserves it, look at him.” he gestured back toward the window, where he stopped for a moment to flash himself a smile before turning back to her “do you not do that? you should. people pay good money for those lips.”
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