mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
Do you do mbti scenarios?
Yup I sure do! Sorry I’ve been on a hiatus, but I hope I’ll have time during the holidays to conjure up some more ;) Thanks for stopping by!
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
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Stephen Colbert and Stephen King concoct a scary story
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
Notice how all of these operate from our inferior functions...it’s so true though XD
MBTI Under Stress!
INTJ/INFJ: *buys expensive shit* I don’t like cheap stuff! I’m a man of QUALITY! Money is no object for me!!! *throws money at ppl face* INFP/ISFP: *moves & reorganizes furniture* *cleans house* *orders people around* *put things in order* I am such an ORGANIZED PERSON, I have TOTAL CONTROL over PHYSICAL REALITY!!! INTP/ISTP: *injects emotion* GOD! I need human interaction. I will literally accept every invitation to hangout with ppl. I’m FUN & INTERESTING right?! They’re gonna like me right? Right? RIGHT??? ISTJ/ISFJ: *maximum paranoid mode: ON* Idk why people doesn’t realize that earth is a totally dangerous place to live on. We could literally die every time we step out of the house. There are Tsunamis & Tornadoes & Volcanoes everywhere! Tbh, this might just be my last day on earth. ENTP/ENFP: *turns into an introvert* Ugh, my life is such a mess! I should get my shit together. I should probably take care of my body too, I’ve been feeling unfit lately. Maybe I should try that weird diet and go to the gym. ENFJ/ESFJ: Need. More. BOOKS. I WILL READ EVERYTHING and get to the bottom of this shit!!! I WILL SOLVE THIS!!! ENTJ/ESTJ: I’ve done EVERYTHING in my power and you people are taking me for granted! You guys are just using me! I have feeling too, you know!? *cries* DON’T TOUCH ME!!! ESTP/ESFP: If my prediction is correct, my future will be shit. I don’t see this shit coming and I’m not prepared. There are like 99 shits that could go wrong and there’s nothing I can do. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
Last 2015 post?
So I’m in Prague now – new life, new everything (at least for 10 months), so I don’t know how active I’ll be on here but if anyone is in the area please hit me up!  
If this happens to be my last post of the year, I want it to be...something
It’s been about one year since I got into the MBTI, and when I first started I had many preconceptions of what a feeler, thinker, etc. was.  Initially, I tested for INFP (sounds like a medical affliction lol), but that was because I’d been influenced by my environment/ situation at the time; I basically had to play the role of spiritual healer so I answered according to the group’s values.  
However, when I read over all the profiles and did more research I found myself relating mostly to the INTP, especially in the relationship issues department or “how to human” section.  I’ve done many different personality tests in the past but none of them resonated with me as the MBTI has.  I think this is because there is such a big INTP community online that I feel I have people to relate to (unless you are all robots – I knew it was too good to be true!). I don’t know if I can speak for all INTPs but I’ve always had issues making deep/lasting connections with people (that are not my brother) and if I do make them I have trouble keeping in touch and then I’m back to square one – alone and adrift in the social sphere.  Sure, I have good friends but (consistent) emotional connection remains quite elusive to me, unless something big like moving away for 10 months happens and I have to bid my farewells.  With my brother it’s different because he’s family, he’s within proximity, and I practically molded or influenced most of his thinking… he’s like the monster to my Frankenstein mwha!
Maybe it has something to do with my upbringing; my parents had to work to keep us afloat, so most of my “parenting” came from watching animated shows with lessons which I would jot down in my gel pen notepad.  So for me, emotional/personal connections were mostly made with TV characters: they became my friends, my companions (as sad as that sounds, it was fulfilling for me as a kid…but not so much now).  TV characters were also easy to deconstruct thus understand, because everything was laid out on view; I could dissect their problems, confront issues with them behind the screen and not get messy with real emotions…in real life…not so much…maybe that’s why when shit goes down with others I think it’ll all be resolved in a kind of virtual reality in which I never actually have to insert myself. Haha perhaps that is why INTPs are said to be intelligent but stupid in “real life” XD
It was also natural for me to mimic others so I expected others to do the same but the favour was never returned, so I just felt increasingly let down and began discarding people when they failed to meet my ridiculous expectations.  It also didn’t help that I had severe eczema (skin condition), because that made me feel like an alien; even though I was never bullied for it, sympathy (although with good intentions) worked in a similar fashion in that it alienated me from everyone else.  Perhaps keeping people at a distance was my defence against being hurt, being human, unlike the fabricated TV characters that I’ve aligned myself with for so long and seemed to resolve everything within one or a few episodes.  
I talk in the past tense but it still holds true now. That’s why I envy my INFP brother, as introverted as he can be, making friends on a deep emotional level just comes naturally to him as it is to stay true to himself. And that my friends, is the big difference between leading Fi and inferior Fe!
I’ve read many INTPs’ confessions and this stood out to me the most:
“I began to linger again on my skewed relationships with others, and ultimately, disappointments and frustrations. The more people I met that I did not jive with, the more confounded I became. I was very good at molding myself to them, but they were abysmal at the reverse, if they tried at all.” -Jason Evans
Finally, I found people out there with the same struggles as I! And I think that’s where the power of the MBTI really lies, aside from its compelling theory.  For INTPs (with inferior Fe) a common fear and experience is to be alienated and to forever be alone; as much as I dream of being a hermit I know that deep down I crave recognition and acceptance from others – damnit! So to find others like me, despite having never met, was a big revelation for me. I hope what I’ve written here will help other INTPs (or anyone) come to terms with their issues and for once not feel so alone.
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
I am SO watching this! 
MBTI types as “What we do in the shadows” movie’s gifs.
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*You HAVE to watch this movie, if you haven’t jet*
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
The Day has Come
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(ok it was last week but…)
I can finally say that I have a Satanic Cult Following mwhahaha
And of course, a shout out to all my fellow hell raisers out there!
Thanks for making my life a living hell with your annoying anonymous asks, smart ass comments, and cringe-worthy compliments.  I equally loathe you all.
And to those that I haven’t got back to yet, Satan is busy frying people in Hell so you’ll have to wait your turn.
Bless you all! 
Satanic cults operate in secrecy...in case you were wondering about the membership white-out ;)
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
INTP + ENFP Friendship
So a few weeks back one of you asked me about this and I’ve failed to make good on my promise to post last week...I blame 3 days of power/wi-fi outage, planning for my 10-month trip to Prague, and that damn P preference XP
But here it is, finally:
INTP: Ti-Ne-Si-Fe
ENFP: Ne-Fi-Te-Si
Complete wackos…I mean that in the best possible way (mostly).
When you meet an INTP with an ENFP you are probably going to see a side that you never thought existed in the INTP. Why? Because the INTP (with leading Ti) is usually reserved and detached, maybe just not all there since their minds are probably off wandering into esoteric space or something.  When the ENFP (with leading Ne) enters the picture, it is likely that the INTP’s Ne will become activated (whether they like it or not), because how can one resist an ENFP’s charm, am I right? ;P
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A likely scenario would involve the INTP or ENFP making some obscure reference or useless piece of trivia (i.e. movie trivia) then building on that; it’s like watching a random game show powered by Ne.  It’s even funnier when outsiders look on and wonder wtf is going on?!
Another positive aspect of hanging out with an ENFP is their emotional acceptance, one of the biggest hurdles for an INTP’s development.  With their secondary Fi, the ENFP can help the INTP confront their own feelings while lending a patient ear to their friend.  ENFPs (at least in my experience) are always fun to hang out with (if they are not too late, but who am I to judge); it’s easy to share secrets with them; and is it just me or do they love to hug (a lot)? They also seem to have this magical confidence to them…I just wish it rubbed off on me haha!
Thus far, it seems like the poor ENFP gets the short end of the stick.  To be honest, I feel that way in most of my friendships, as if I’m not offering enough emotional support because that’s not my strong suit.  INTPs aren’t naturally attuned to their own or others’ emotional states, and can even be oblivious to a fault.  This makes me wonder what can I even bring to any relationship…I asked my INFP brother about this and he thinks although it is true that I am lacking in the “human relations” department, I make it up with my deep analysis on things and weird but thought-provoking insights (his words not mine).  It’s also fun to do the “Ne dance” together ;)
When I think about it, maybe I’m helping my friends/family in an indirect way; by turning their thoughts towards things that are very outside of the box perhaps I’m shedding light on bigger issues and allowing them time away from their own troubles, maybe even providing some useful advice. At least that’s what I’m hoping for :P  
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
Introverts vs Extroverts
Note: This post is based in 100% pure science and should be taken incredibly seriously.
INTP: strange nerdy shit that makes no sense
INFP: i just wish everyone could be nicer to each other
ENFP: i just wish everyone could be nicer to OH LOOK A BUTTERFLY
ISTP: fuck everything
ESTP: fuck everything ; )
ISFP: life is so beautiful…especially flowers and kindness
ESFP: life is so beautiful…especially dat ass
INTJ: i’m going to take over the world and nobody will know it was me
ENTJ: i’m going to take over the world and everybody will know it was me
INFJ: everything is so unfair…
ENFJ: everything is so unfair but HAVE A HUG THAT WILL MAKE IT ALL BETTER
ISTJ: must…follow…rules…
ESTJ: must…enforce…rules…
ISFJ: look i baked you some cookies
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
Could you do an intp and enfp friendship please? (If you haven't already)
Aite! After I complete my teaching practicum tomorrow XD I’m teaching MBTI btw wish me luck! 
Expect your response probably sometime next week (if my P doesn’t rebel against me haha) 
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
This is genius!
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Inside Banksy’s Alternative and Grim Version of Disneyland
Welcome to Dismaland, where life isn’t always a fairy tale! Located at the seaside resort of Weston super Mare in the UK, Dismaland is a sinister, dystopian and less glamorous version of Disneyland. As his most ambitious project, Banksy is clearly portraying his authentic views of the famous institution and the “evil” it posses. It is anti-capitalist, dull and clinical modification. 
Inside the 2.5 acre site, you will find a grim fairytale castle, a boat pond full of asylum seekers, and other satirical oddities, such as an anarchist training boot camp. 
Among its 18 attractions is the Grim Reaper, the sight of Cinderella falling from her pumpkin carriage, and a woman who is morbidly attacked by seagulls.
The exhibition includes pieces from over 50 artists from 17 different countries, which include artists such  Damien Hirst, Jenny Holzer and Jimmy Cauty. 
You can see Dismaland’s in all its grim glory this weekend, starting on August 22, 2015. 
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
Oh shit! It’s the warm fuzzies theory replaced by cinnamon rolls!
MBTI Intuitive Introverts as Cinnamon Rolls.
Looks like it could kill you; is actually a cinnamon roll: INFJ
Looks like a cinnamon roll; is actually a cinnamon roll: INFP   Looks like a cinnamon roll; could actually kill you: INTP 
Looks like it could kill you; could actually kill you: INTJ
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
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something’s off here
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
Understanding the Roles: ANIMA (inferior function)
The collecting place of our sense of “otherness”, including life, libido and and instinctual energies. The word means “soul”. Shaped largely by the parent of the opposite sex, projected onto those we fall in love with, and encases the inferior function.
We likely feel inferior in both the internal or external orientation, and the functional perspective associated with the inferior.
Possible drawbacks from the emotionally freighted sense of connecting with life:
ISxJ’s might feel inferior in new possibilities. INxJ’s might feel inferior with current tangible experience. IxTP’s might feel inferior in humane (personal) matters (including one’s standing in social groups). IxFP’s might feel inferior in technical (impersonal) matters, such as regarding logical organization. ESxP’s might feel inferior (spaced out) by conceptual frameworks such as archetypes and symbolism. ENxP’s might feel inferior when it comes to a storehouse of tangible acts, such as learned order ExTJ’s might feel inferior on a humane level, including personal integrity. ExFJ’s might feel inferior on a technical level, such as regarding logical understanding.
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
What is this sorcery???!
im laughing so hard because no matter what song you listen to 
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spiderman dances to the beat
no matter what song ive been testing it and lauing my ass off for an hour
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
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mbti-on-steroids · 9 years
MBTI and Stupid People
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