Mayimba Music
569 posts
Mayimba is a record label & music-publishing house. We offer our music library for sampling, tv, film and advertising. Here you can find everything that inspires our daily work!
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mayimbamusic-blog · 9 years ago
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mayimbamusic-blog · 9 years ago
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mayimbamusic-blog · 10 years ago
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#regram @zoiladarton: Today CEO Marti Cuevas joined First Lady of NYC @chirlane for a workshop with some of the ladies from the #NYCSchools LYFE Program. LYFE supports student parents’ transition into parenthood by providing high-quality childcare, supportive counseling, academic guidance and advocacy services. Today was proof that you can do anything you visualize and that our wounds only make us stronger. Thank you for having the Mayimba Family today!
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mayimbamusic-blog · 10 years ago
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Do your thing. It's Saturday 😏
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mayimbamusic-blog · 10 years ago
Our new obsession @lisennymusic #Repost from @lisennymusic with @repostapp --- Me and my backup-singers had to redo this video for technical purposes 😁 rules are rules cant break them 😜 @romeosantos @johnnymarines #WinRomeoSantosJacket Better now? 😊👀🎼🎤🎹🎧
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mayimbamusic-blog · 10 years ago
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We are blessed enough to do community work as often as we can & love bringing brilliant people like @therealelijas to talk to our youth. Thank you for joining us at George Washington High School this week! #Repost from @therealelijas with @repostapp --- Today I had the pleasure to speak about my journey as an artist at George Washington HS to a group of beautiful young ladies! So grateful to attend one of the many @mayimbamusic / #NYCSchools girls workshops! Nothing makes me more inspired and happy than to be around ambitious minds. Thank you for the memories & may we all continue to achieve our dreams with positivity, perseverance and love. ❤️ #NYC #womenmakinghistory #IAmAMayimba #washingtonheights #georgewashingtonhighschool #elijas #makeadifference #inspire #love #latinas #dominican (at George Washington High School)
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mayimbamusic-blog · 10 years ago
Loca con su tiguere by @eddyklaacademia + @silviomora1 was filmed in Cuba in April. Cuba is Eddy K's home town. Go to YouTube to get to full experience. #Repost from @silviomora1 with @repostapp --- By @eddyklaacademia "Ya está disponible en mi canal de YouTube el video del tema #locaconsutiguere, grabado en Cuba ft con mi pana @silviomora1 cortesía de @mayimbamusic.Espero lo disfruten y se suscriban a mi canal,bendiciones familia #LaAcademia" via @PhotoRepost_app (at
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mayimbamusic-blog · 10 years ago
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Vibes 🔮
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mayimbamusic-blog · 10 years ago
Electro queen @trueffieliu went acoustic last night + performed her exclusive new track #Getaway during her private press event at @steibersnyc #veryrare #Repost from @penelopemeatloaf with @repostapp --- Watching my girl @trueffieliu do an unplugged performance. I'll be listing the limited edition pins I made for her- I only have 5 to sell on my etsy. (at Stieber's Sweet Shoppe NYC)
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mayimbamusic-blog · 10 years ago
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Another one for the books! Congratulations @eddyklaacademia & @silviomora1 on #LocaConSuTiguere #8 on @billboard #Tropical charts ✊
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mayimbamusic-blog · 10 years ago
Dem boys in DR! @silviomora1 @eddyklaacademia #Repost from @friaspromotion with @repostapp --- Eddy K ft Silvio Mora #locaconsutiguere en @quenoche con Ramón Pastrano... juntos #promo @eddyklaacademia & @silviomora1 #eddyk #silviomora #friaspromotion #música #dance #musicaurbana #reegaeton #rap #merengue #merenhouse @mayimbamusic @lokeramusic @jodiendoelart @dj.wfrias
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mayimbamusic-blog · 10 years ago
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Last night was for the ladies! Thank you to all the brilliant woman that came out to celebrate our #IAmAMayimba campaign and @hellobeautiful's beautiful new look and #25WomenToKnow list! This is just the beginning of something big 👏👑🌟 (at Cantina Rooftop)
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mayimbamusic-blog · 10 years ago
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B.B. King died in his sleep at 89 years old last night. Thank you for the thrills and special moments with Lucille. #LegendsNeverDie #BBKing via @thisisfusion
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mayimbamusic-blog · 10 years ago
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Crown Heights Sabor (at Crown Heights)
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mayimbamusic-blog · 10 years ago
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Exclusive behind the scenes videos from the producers behind @renzoworld's forthcoming EP #ENAMORADO coming soon. Find out how hip-hop producer @woodroskillson created the 808 heavy track #NoEresParaEl (at Mayimba Music HQ)
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mayimbamusic-blog · 10 years ago
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#TBT our #IAmAMayimba campaign where we honored 35 incredible trailblazing women. Are you fierce, fearless and inclusive? THAT is a Mayimba! Tag your fellow Mayimba's in the comments 💁 #GirlPower
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mayimbamusic-blog · 10 years ago
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After hour meetings ain't a thing when you're working with such brilliant women @artinmotionshow @malucamala Planning for @batey106project 2015 trip to La Romana 🙏 (at Mayimba Music HQ)
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