here’s the truth about textbooks
i keep seeing posts out there saying that you need to read the textbook to succeed in class. NO. you do not need to read the textbook. at least not for many, if not most, of your classes. first of all, it’s impractical. profs can assign up to 2-3 a week, and if you’re taking around 4-5 classes, that’s a WHOLE LOT of reading. if you have time to do so, go ahead, but a lot of students don’t have that much time on their hands. so i’m suggesting that you DON’T need to read every single chapter your prof assigns. what you DO need to do is to get smarter at selecting what and when to read, as well as scanning the text effectively.
when TO read the textbook
when your profs tell you that they will not be teaching from the textbook but that the exams will cover material and/or questions from the textbook
when the material is difficult, tricky, or lengthy and you need clarification, further explanation, or examples
when you miss a class
when you HAVE TIME to prepare for lectures in advance
when you feel that you actually learn and retain information better by reading the textbook
when NOT to read the textbook
when your profs teach from the textbook pretty much line by line
when your profs tell you that they will not be assessing you based on information from the text, but from their lectures
a strong implication of this is if your profs require lecture attendance
when you feel that reading the textbook does not help you learn or retain information
when you are constantly confused by the textbook (esp when it comes to calculation-based stem classes like math or cs)
when you have absolutely no time whatsoever to read pages after pages of bad academic puns
what you can do INSTEAD of reading the textbook
look at the course syllabus/schedule to see what you will learn in lecture. have an idea of what material you’ll be covering, then do the following steps.
check the course website/resources and ask yourself: what do you have to work with? are there lecture slides? lecture notes from previous semesters? online links or readings?
if one of the above exists, read the lecture slides/notes. they are usually much less text-intensive and get straight to the point. you can zip through them pretty quickly. you will at least have a basic understanding of the material that will be introduced in class.
google terms and concepts that you don’t understand from just reading the lecture slides. again, the idea is to get you to have a basic understanding of the material and not become an expert. this will help you avoid getting lost during the lecture.
if you’re still a little confused, read selected sections from the textbook that deal with the topic you need more help with. please don’t read the entire thing.
if there are no lecture slides or external resources to help you out, scan the textbook effectively.
how to SCAN textbooks effectively
read the chapter title and section headings
read the highlighted, bolded, or italicized terms and concepts, as well as their respective definitions in the content itself, the margins, and/or the index at the back
google the terms and concepts if you’re still confused
examine any charts, graphs, or flowcharts
examples and example questions can be helpful, so pay attention to those
at the end of each chapter there should be a brief summary or main idea section. read those and do the practical problems if possible.
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31/04/2018 - Neurology exam in 5 days 🧠 Crystals for good concentration and memory are much needed 🔮
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#organic chemistry#radicals#sn2#e2#cl#Chemistry#orgo#ochem#good notes#notability#notes#goodnotes#goodnotes4
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Reviewing my old notes from Biochem, how lovely I forgot most of it. 😭
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How to study when you are tired
Get up: make the firm decision that you are going to study and move towards you desk.
Get tea: or coffee. The preference of beverage is up to you. You just need to believe that it will help, even if its only for a little bit.
Set goals: if you are very exhausted setting mini goals like studying for an hour will be much more motivating.
Get going: once you hit your stride, you will start to feel less exhausted. The key is too push through and put tiredness at the back of your head.
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Eight Ways to Remember Anything by Alex Lickerman M.D.
Reference: Research-based strategies to boost your memory and keep it strong via psychology today
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6 Things I Learned From Studying For Exams in College
If you skip a topic or don’t study it thoroughly enough because you think it won’t be on the exam, it will be. Study that in particular so you won’t be surprised when it shows up as the first question. Unless your professor explicitly states that it won’t be on the exam, don’t skip any topics.
Put aside the content you’re comfortable and familiar with and start studying the things you don’t know. It’s hard and time consuming but that’s where the actual learning happens.
Start studying at least 4 days in advance. I always regret not starting earlier when I’m at the library 24 hours before the exam and not even close to being done. When I’m having trouble focusing, I’ll sit there and imagine myself an hour before the exam scrambling to finish up a topic, wishing that I had these extra few minutes, hours, or days that I have now. Take advantage of the time you have right now.
Changing up my location helps a lot when I’m studying. If I study in the same corner at the library, eventually my brain will start associating that spot with everything I do in that chair, including wasting time. For me, new location + new material = focus. A few location ideas: a quiet corner in the library, a noisy floor in the library, at your desk at home, a room with a view of the outdoors from high up, a bench/table outside, a cafe or brunch place.
Stay on top of studying and homework from day 1, not after syllabus week and not a month into the semester. When you submit a homework assignment, make it a point to 100% understand everything you just handed in. Homework is assigned for a reason; they’re meant as practice exercises for the material you learned and exams often mimic them. Once you hand in homework, you should know and understand the material. This saves you time when it’s finals week and you have old and new material to study.
Well before the exam, make a list of topics you don’t understand and get your questions answered. There have been so many times where I didn’t fully understand something and thought, “It’s okay, they’re probably not going to ask that,” and it shows up on the exam. When you get your question answered, branch out and ask things like, “What if it weren’t this particular situation/these particular numbers but a different one instead. How would you work through it this time?” (physics/math) or “What caused that/what came after that as a result?” (history). Try to understand all possible scenarios if you can.
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26 activities to help your mind, body and soul. some important facts to remember about self care:
self care makes you more energetic and mentally present.
you technically don’t have to do anything and it can still be an act of self care. self care is about genuine fun and relaxation.
self care can help you build self esteem.
self care does not mean you are choosing between yourself and others. it does not make you selfish.
self care is important to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself and others.
self care is essential.
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Relearning glycolysis through the electron transport chain for my Biochemistry II exam on Wednesday. Good thing I love this stuff! http://ift.tt/2F1LMHG
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In my pharmacology class we’re learning about drugs and their interations with receptors in the body. It’s honestly really fascinating, especially because my professor said the exam material is only on the slides, and not even what he says. That means I can just sit back and listen (I’m still of course taking notes haha)
ig: rayraystudies
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My notes from last semester are all in this little passport sized notebook.
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an anatomy book from the 1960′s my mom used during nursing school. i love the hand drawings and labels.
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revision methods that actually work // studygram: alimastudies
1. Memory mind map
Personally, this is the most effective one for me. All you need is a blank piece of paper. Pick a sub-topic that you are doing e.g in biology a topic could be immune system and the sub-topic could be antibodies and antigens. If you want you can create some questions for each sub-topic and on your blank piece of paper, using questions as a guide, write everything you know about that sub-topic without your notes. After get your notes out and check and correct with a different colour pen. Watch this video to get a better understanding
2. Flashcards
I recommend you use written flashcards, unless you have vocab or definitions in which case digital ones like quizlet is fine. You should have questions on one side and your answers on another - i’ve heard people say the answer shouldn’t be long but i find that the more detailed it is the higher marks you score in the exam - of course summarise don’t just copy from a textbook or there is no point in doing this. When you test yourself try to do something else other than reading, for example write the answer down and then check and correct.
3. Spaced intervals
No point cramming for an exam. Yes it might have got you an A* in GCSE or other lower level exams but it’s certainly not going to get you an A* for a-levels or other higher exams. Space your learning out and if you can try and revise everyday, even if somedays are just for half an hour, DO IT! It will help you in the long term. Don’t revise one subject/unit for a whole day, space it out. For example don’t revise like this: AABBCC, revise like this instead: ABCBCA or something along those lines.
4. Mind maps
My favourite revision source!!! For some reason in an exam ( i only use mind maps for essay based subjects) i can remember where i put each point on my mind map which helps me write my essays and retrieve my information more in the long term! Don’t make it boring by trying to be ‘minimal’ - ADD COLOUR !!! But to stay within limits, too many colours can make it look overwhelming and confusing !
5. Teaching someone else
Either teach your younger siblings or pretend you are teaching to an imaginary class - while it may seem crazy it works, trust me. Use a whiteboard to help you illustrate your ideas! This method will help you identify any gaps in your knowledge and you’ll truly see if you know something well enough to explain it. If you cannot explain it to a six year old then you truly have not got the grasp of it, as Albert Einstein says!
6. past papers
Honestly, this should be the last thing for your revision, unless you have not left enough time to revise all the content and you are running out of time then past papers should be the first thing you do. Do these properly, don’t do it just to see what gaps you have in your knowledge- genuinely do it as if it is a real exam. This will help you see how well you can apply the content you have memorised for an exam. It will also get you familiar with the mark scheme which will help you get as close as full marks !!!
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2018 Student Guide
With the start of 2018 well underway, I wanted to make a masterpost full of links on how to adjust your perspective with studying. Perhaps you want to become a better student overall, improve your focus or get into your dream college, there is always something we want to do better! Hopefully these tips will make 2018 your best academic year yet!
2018 student planner
planner brand recommendations
planner vs bullet journal: pros and cons
how to set up a bullet journal
setting up a digital bullet journal
bullet journal spread ideas
bullet journal decoration hacks
bullet journal brand recommendations
whats in my bag
my favourite stationery
back to school basic supplies
how to improve your handwriting
handwriting font suggestions
balancing study and work
desk/workspace essentials
student finance tips
2018 monthly planner printables
productivity and time management applications
how to remove distractions
types of procrastination and how to deal with them
google chrome new tab options for improved productivity
10 small ways to improve your productivity
applications to block websites
no distraction writing applications
100 days of productivity challenge
how to focus in class
how to stick to a schedule
how to stay alert
how to build self-discipline
how to organise for exams
my after school routine
how to reduce perfectionist ideas
what to do when you’ve tried everything
how to gain back motivation
motivational monday printables
how to stop avoiding studying
what to do when you feel exhausted before studying
how I stay motivated
tips on maintaining motivation
how to start a studyblr
how to utilise your studyblr for motivation
how to set up a studygram
dealing with competitive people
how to bounce back from ‘failure’
how to learn from a lower than expected grade
how to structure a weekly review
how to deal with a difficult class
things to do during holidays/study vacations
applications for students
how to take effective class or lecture notes
how to take notes from a textbook
how to prepare for exams
my note-taking method
my notebook system
how to write faster
how to study more effectively
how to summarise information
how I organise my binders
good habits to implement
how to study (my method)
how to revise from notes
how to organise a colour code
how to memorise information effectively
how to memorise quotes
how to use flashcards
how I reduce waffle and narration in essays
tips for essay writing
how to find out where you’re going wrong
how I prepare to study
different ways to study
how to study during the semester
how to annotate a book/novel/etc
how to get ahead in school
how to break up a large textbook
studying as a visual learner
how to practice and present a speech
mindmapping apps and extensions
how to deal with online classes
how to study a language
how to study maths
how to improve group assessments/projects
Self Care
how to improve your sleep schedule
how to wake up earlier
how to study when sick
over-coming self doubt
dealing with stress
how to balance studying and anxiety
how to balance studying and depression
apps that help with depression
ways to reward your productivity
my favourite tv shows
my favourite podcasts
ways to use empty notebooks
how to be more sociable
tips for getting a job
advice for the first day
things (personal, academic, etc) to do every week
2018 monthly planner printables
2018 student printables (includes 2018 overview + calendar, daily + weekly + monthly planner, 30 habit tracker, class overview and timed worklog)
weekly study schedule
weekly planner
weekend planner
daily planner
assessment planner
subject to do list planner
study session planner
exam revision printable pack (includes revision checklist, formulas + definitions sheet, essay + project planner, weekly schedule)
note-taking printables (includes dotted, grid, lined, cornell method)
organic chemistry printable
literary techniques and devices sheet
100 days of productivity tracker printable
ultimate student organiser pack
study and revision pack
2018 student planner
2018 weekly planner
pomodoro tracker
grade and assessment planner pack
essay guide and planner pack
productivity planner
student reading journal printable
student finance planner
goal and habit planner
customisable weekly study planner
Other posts | Printables | Instagram | Youtube | Pinterest | Etsy Shop
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Connective tissue revision! Thought it was a lot at first but I know it all now! The power of flashcards ;)
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Tumblr Resources to Get You Through the School Year!
Hi guys!! Thank you all so much for your support!!! Happy 250 (EDIT: I SPENT A DAY ON THIS AND NOW IM PAST 300) and hope you all have a great start to the month! The community is more welcoming with all of you - I haven’t faced negativity from anyone at all. None of these are my posts - but they’ve helped me out a lot. With that said - let’s get started:
For bujos/planners:
This is one of my side blogs, and has tons of inspiration for weekly and monthly spreads, as well as a few aesthetic ideas and how to start one. I update this constantly.
How to start a studyblr - Studyblrs with creative fields
Lighting (for photos)
Study spreads
Planning your month
Printables (the same as some used down there but in a different category):
Weekly printable
To - do printable
Cornell Notes printable
Back to school printables
Daily Planner @theorganisedstudent
Weekly Planner II @theorganisedstudent
Essay Planner @theorganisedstudent
Assignment Planner @theorganisedstudent
Assignment Tracker
Novel Notes
Plot Diagrams
Correction Sheets
Grid & lined paper
Weekly schedule for studying
Printables masterpost
Exam printable & how to use it
2018 Calender set (by my QUEEN @emmastudies)
For students:
Exams & Studying:
Exam revision guide
How to beat different types of procrastination
How to deal with a crappy teacher (this has to do with studying ig)
Study tips!! (its a masterpost)
Exam Printable & How to Use it
Exam & Homework tips
Coping with hell i mean exams i mean hell
A cool studying outline to try
This is my favorite thing and it’s when to use certain remembering techniques
Correction Sheets
Memorization tips for different learners
Weekly study schedule
More sites to use in normal studying routines
How to study smarter and not harder
Study smarter II
Exam printable & how to use it
Self discipline
Study methods
Hoe tips for school and studying
Studying masterpoint
Tips and tricks to studying
Study tip - so easy
How to stay organized to study
Note - Taking:
Lecture notes
How i set up flash cards (these are nice to study from but be determined to finish setting them up)
Nifty highlighting idea (this post is so old)
Highlighting idea that i actually use
How to take Cornell Notes
Cornell style notes printable (gridded)
Notebook paper (grid & lined)
Tips for pretty notes!!
How to take notes
Notes for different classes
Life, man & general school stuff:
Back - to -school guide
Things I learned as a college freshman
Textbooks are expensive so here’s some free ones…
Tips for working students that sound extra but may work for u ily don’t overwork urselves
Masterpost for motivation and stuff
Get ur life together again bc haha i stay organized for like a day anyway
School supplies that u should have just to stay minimal
Grad school tips
Organization masterpost
Productive afterschool routine
30 websites to kill boredom
Back to school masterpost
Get confident in presentations
Overcome procrastination
Succeeding in school masterpost
For bad days
For bad days II
A GOOD MASTERPOST for getting ur life together
General school tips
Free online courses
Sites to learns stuff
More learning stuff sites
Dealing with a trashy class
Study resources masterpost
Summer Productivity
Summer life tips
Honest guide to college
University tips
What to do on Sundays
Back to school masterpost
Useful things for going back to school
How to clean your house
Cute self care tips!
More self care tips
Plant care tips!
A handy list of words to fit into ur essays
How to write an article like a journalist
Words to replace over-used words
ESSAY STRUCTURE IDEA this is in bold so u losers don’t miss this bc it’s not just for English u nerds
Get gucci while reading and be an active reader
Get gud reading them academic articles amigo
Words to replace “the author or whatever shows…” bc that is baby writing and i accidentally used that on an essay and i failed so
Novel notes
Plot Diagrams
Reading Lists
Literary techniques (what themes, personifications, metaphors are etc)
Discussing in English
How to top a literature class
Literature class masterpost
Strong/weak verbs
More essay tips!!
MLA format - a how to
How to avoid essay cliches
Chemistry (I’m taking chem so i have a few resources aha)
Da terms on exam papers
Chemistry resources masterpost
Cute periodic tables
Study chapters
History/Social Studies
How to write a history paper
AP world history powerpoints masterpost
General tips
Understanding math masterpost
Test Prep
ACT tips!
100 words for the SATs (start studying early!!)
Thank you so much for the support! I couldn’t have done it without all of you. A simple reblog or like will help others see these tips, and will be very appreciated. I hope these links work - feel free to message me with questions and other links!! A possible part 2 might come out at the end of august, and one for languages!!!
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