You can call me Pippa or Pip | she/they pronouns pls | 16 !! |
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the fact the new series of hypothetical isn’t allowed to talk about the pandemic just in case people forget it happened is genuinely the funniest thing i’ve ever heard
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Disney’s ‘experiment.’
Please don’t pay the extra 30 dollars to watch Raya and the Last Dragon on top of the subscription fee you are already paying. Do not normalize this. There is no reason you should pay that much to watch a movie in your own home, a few months earlier than everyone else. If you buy into this, they will keep doing it. They are calling it an experiment for a reason.
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Marks and Rec: Misc #2271
(Dialogue from twitter; deleted tweet by doggeaux.)
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Thinking of all the times the sides have like, thrown shit at each other meanwhile Roman and Virgil have touched Twice and once was to hold hands and the other time was the most tender goddamn shoulder grab I've ever seen and I think that's so ephemeral
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Ssssssssssssssssnake man
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no bc I was gonna leave this blog bc i hadn't felt any joy for tss in ages and I thought I was done with it but THEN suddenly I remember prinxiety exists and my brain shuts down. why am I like this. brain if you're gonna let me keep my hyperfixations pls let me know so I don't find out a week after setting up a new blog 😭
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“I don’t do math because I’m gay” “the gays can’t do math” “If I explain math on tumblr I’ll lose my gay card” all of you apologize to Alan Turing right now
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if you don’t already have tinnitus, i really feel that you should actively be taking every possible precaution to not develop it. so here’s a couple of tips from someone who developed this awful (and, at the time of writing, incurable!) condition in his early teens:
always listen to music/audio at a reasonable volume. additionally, use over-ear headphones instead of earbuds whenever possible, preferably noise-cancelling ones as you won’t have to turn up the volume to drown out ambient sounds.
use earplugs when going to concerts/other loud places (cons, sport events, etc). if you’re worried about audio quality or not being able to hear people in a conversation, don’t be! many modern earplugs simply attenuate incoming sound without muffling it or otherwise deteriorating the sound (this is absolutely not an ad but Flare Audio’s Isolate is one example of earplugs that work like this). use of earplugs can in many cases result in an even better experience, as your ears will only perceive really loud audio as straight-up distortion anyway, a problem that earplugs fix quite effectively.
it’s also important to note that if anyone gives you shit for wearing earplugs, they are not your friend and you should absolutely not listen to anything they have to say (if you’re the kind of person who does this then please drop your address in my DMs so i can personally come punch you in the face, thanks!)
if you work in or otherwise frequent a noisy environment, try to find the time to give your ears some rest. just sitting/meditating in a quiet space on a somewhat regular basis is enough, and also has the added benefit of decreasing stress and anxiety, two other factors that can potentially lead to/worsen tinnitus.
this is all important because once you have tinnitus, it will not go away. while there are treatments that can help mitigate the symptoms or help you cope with them, there is no cure for tinnitus, and there is no guarantee that there ever will be.
i feel like i don’t need to put into words how detrimental it is to your overall quality of life to have a constant tone/noise playing in your ears, never being able to hear pure silence ever again.
if you’re curious about what it’s like for me specifically, go to this website, set the waveform to “sine”, put in 6800 hertz, drag the volume slider almost all the way to the left, then click play. this is approximately what i hear in my left ear constantly, even when there’s other sounds in the background. any everyday sounds in the same frequency range that i happen to hear also amplify this tone, so simply drowning it out is not an option.
please take care of your ears.
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Part 13 of my bakery “enemies” au!
“WhY COulDNT YoU HaVe BecOME a ChEEse Maker InstEAD!?!?”
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#SCREAMINGVJVJ I LOVE THEM#"hes a freak' mari sweetie i hate to break it to u but you just did the exact same thing
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i think the hardest part about this job is not being able to say What The Fuck
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Apartment hunting has shown me that so many kids my age and younger openly broadcast that they are running away from abusive homes and that they are LGBT. I sympathize completely, but you do not under any circumstances need to be on a roommate finder website telling strangers on the internet that you are part of a vulnerable minority with no one back home who cares what happens to you... just say you are moving out, end of. Once you get to trust someone you live with then you can share the backstory. Internet safety is something that still matters.
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actors in medieval clothing doing modern things:

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