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Pencil holder
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Ever since cheap queen dropped my feed almost entirely consists of king princess posts and like... not mad about it.
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fucking bonkers in yonkers
honestly imagine being mary shelley. its the fucking early 1800s. we’re barely out of the era when people thought women reading novels would lead to like debauchery and premarital sex. the weather is just fucking bonkers in yonkers. everybodys clothes looked like they oughta weigh two hundred pounds. everyones goth but goth isnt a thing yet so they dont even know it. your kids are dying. your husbands dead. your friends are all probably doing coke. your doctor is also both doing and maybe prescribing coke. no electricity. people are out there just staring into the void and having clandestine affairs in graveyards or some shit just because theres nothing else to do. and whats that? youve just written frankenstein. girl what the fuck even–
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Been so in my feels lately
it’s so not sexy of my emotions to do this to me. Not here for it. -3/10
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Sometimes you just gotta scream into the void, y’know?
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Worm on a string and lesbianism babey… that’s what it’s all about
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*Unfinished* 15 minute figure drawing
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If you’re not a lesbian, you need to stay out of lesbian flag discourse. You are not helping. You are impeding our ability to have this conversation, you are inserting yourself into an intracommunity issue that has nothing to do with you, and what you are actually doing is hurting lesbians.  
That means:
Stop going after creators for not including a specific flag. You’re not being a good ally to lesbians. You are being used as grunts by one specific group of lesbians to push their personal favorite flag design, and you are speaking over the lesbians who disagree for sometimes very legitimate reasons.
Stop tagging blogs that only exist to harass creators over not including a specific flag. Stop enabling blogs that are trying to strong-arm creators into using the flag they personally want and let us just have this conversation amongst ourselves. Our flag should be determined through discussion about what is the most inclusive and representative of all of us, not which “side” can harass the most people into doing what they want. This isn’t a debate that should be won by force.
Stop reblogging any posts that act like this issue has been settled. There is no official flag. There is no universally agreed on flag. There is one flag that won a poll conducted on tumblr, and a lot of lesbians still have issues with that flag. It’s not your place to butt in and tell those lesbians that they’re wrong about a flag that is supposed to represent them.
Stop reblogging posts acting like objections to flags are actually lesbophobic attacks by non-lesbians. The criticism is coming from lesbians who don’t feel represented by or are uncomfortable with the various flag options. It is coming from LESBIANS. Who want to feel represented by OUR OWN FLAG. When you reblog those posts, you are invalidating the identities of lesbians for daring to voice their discomfort with a popular flag design.
Stop reblogging posts about how the LGBTQ+ community is holding the lesbian flag to a higher standard. Again, criticism of the various flags is coming from within the lesbian community. I really don’t care if lesbians are holding our own flag to a higher standard than some other group did, if that’s even true. As a lesbian who does not feel included by some of the more popular designs, you are not being my ally by telling me, “Well, x community was allowed to exclude you from their flag, so lesbians should be allowed to too.”
Stop, for the love of god, telling lesbians what flags they can use. Yes, even if they’re a creator. Yes, even if it’s only the rainbow flag. A lesbian using the rainbow flag to represent her lesbian identity isn’t lesbophobic. A non-lesbian coming in and telling a lesbian she can’t use the flag she’s been using to represent her lesbian identity and she has to pick from a list of flags they approve of is lesbophobic.
The only exception is if you’re part of a marginalized group that was targeted by the creator of the flag that’s being used and you’re talking specifically about how that affects you. If you’re a bi woman, you’re in your lane talking about how you feel seeing people use a flag that was created by a biphobe. You’re out of your lane accusing a lesbian creator of excluding lesbians because she’s using the rainbow flag for them or because she’s not using your lesbian friend’s favorite flag.  
In conclusion, just stay the fuck out of it. I appreciate that you think you’re boosting lesbian voices, but what you’re really doing is helping one group of lesbians silence a different group of lesbians. Just let us figure it out ourselves.
Non-lesbians are encouraged to reblog this because I’m tired of seeing you all over my dash acting like my insistence that my community’s flag should represent me is lesbophobic and then patting yourselves on the back for being my “ally.”
mod k
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Lockers are sophomore sized
#highschool #whatarewedoing #sophomore #artschool #candidmoments #itfitswesits
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The deer’s name is Leon
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