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mayapraharaj · 7 years ago
International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2017
The United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is annually observed on December 3 to focus on issues that affect people with disabilities worldwide. The aim of the day is to encourage a better understanding of people affected by a disability together with helping to make people more aware of the rights, dignity and welfare of disabled people, as well as raise awareness about the benefits of integrating disabled persons into every aspect of life.The theme for this year’s IDPD is ‘Transformation towards Sustainable and Resilient Society for all.’ This theme focuses on the enabling conditions for the transformative changes envisaged in the 2030 development agenda for Sustainable Development.
The Odisha Government has enacted Persons with Disabilities (Equal opportunities, Protection of right and full participation) Odisha Rules, 2003.  As per the rules, the buildings, places and transportation systems for public use will be made barrier free. Disabled persons encounter many obstacles that prevent them from moving about freely and safely. Therefore, while designing the building environment, adequate space should be allocated for persons using mobility devices, like wheelchairs, crutches and walkers, as well as those walking with the assistance of other persons.Smart Cities Mission is the greatest opportunity to ensure inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities in all new developments that will now take place in India. However, the Smart Cities Mission had until now been called non-inclusive for the disabilities. The Smart City Mission in India is to improve the quality of life in 100 fast growing urban centers, including Bhubaneswar.
The aim is to increase all citizens quality of life and to improve the efficiency and quality of the services provided by city planning authorities. Smart cities can be a place where the disabled feel free to move in public places.  Besides, the Smart City should provide more inclusive environment for the disabled people to participate in the smart environment.  For example, a wheelchair user going to the shopping, public places, railway stations and airports should be able to identify the ideal route to the particular area. The open spaces can be designed in such a manner that they can be used by everyone. This approach to the Smart City planning process will benefit the disabled persons. But in Bhubaneswar, a majority of the public places are not barrier free. Lack of disabled friendly toilets in public places is a big barrier for the disabled. However, there are proposals to provide barrier -free access in Government buildings in the city. These include the Jaydev Bhavan, Hare Krishna Mahatab State Library, the Heads of Departments Building, State Museum, Secretariat, Capital Hospital, Commissionerate Police, Rabindra Mandap, Rajdhani College, BJB Autonomous College and the Rajiv Bhawan. The Indira Gandhi Park and the Biju Patnaik Park are also included in the list. Besides, a set of design guidelines should be prepared in the Smart City planning process.
All public buildings, public places and all connecting routes should be designed to allow barrier-free access and mobility for the disabled. It is highly recommended to implement the policies that will help the persons with disability to move and work in a safe environment. In the Smart City planning process, the barrier- free city map can be prepared and made available in the internet and people with disabilities can use it to create their own barrier-free route for reaching their desired destination quickly and safely without anybody’s help.
At least 2-5 per cent of the residential buildings in the city should be made accessible to persons with disabilities by providing, disabled-friendly lifts, toilets as well as signage. In order to meet the need of the particularly disabled people in housing, the house should be as barrier-free as possible. Before building any apartment house for the handicapped, it is advisable to note street conditions and access to transportation. Besides, small-scale modifications within the housing complexes like provision of ramps for wheel chair may be required to get in and out of their homes. For the convenience of wheelchair-bound persons, the authority should provide lifts and widen the doorway for them as far as practicable.
The Government of India has taken the responsibility of providing the optimal environment to ensure full participation of the persons with disabilities.In this context, the Government has introduced a number of programmes, schemes and facilities for the welfare of the disabled. Urban local bodies, development authorities and other State departments are responsible for creating barrier-free built environment in towns and cities. Amendment of building by-laws is the most important step towards creation of barrier-free built environment in different cities and the guidelines for barrier-free environment may be referred from the Bureau of Indian Standards, the Ministry of Urban Development guidelines etc. The barrier-free design guidelines will help considerably towards greater independence of not only wheelchair users, but also hopefully, the elderly, the visually or hearing impaired, children, and indeed, a broad spectrum of the community.
Persons with disability are an integral part of the society. But their physical disability distinguishes them from the rest of the society. There is a need to work together with people, technical personnel and Government organisations to promote barrier-free smart development that will make the city comfortable for everyone to live and work. Builders and developers should implement disabled-friendly guidelines within and outside buildings to make them exclusively, barrier free. Many people are still unaware of the rights of the disabled people. To ensure the overall implementation of these acts, the disabled persons need to be more active and demand for proper implementation of the disabilities Act.The persons with disabilities need special care in the society. With required assistance they can contribute to the wellbeing of a nation in several ways.
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mayapraharaj · 7 years ago
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2017
To raise awareness and trigger action to end violence against women, the UN observes the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on November 25.  The theme for this year is ‘Leave no one behind: End violence against women and girls.’
The fear of violence in public spaces affects the everyday lives of women as it restricts their movement and freedom to exert their right as citizens of the city - freedom to move, study, work, and leisure. Women, particularly those living in low income settlements, feel unsafe in their settlements after dark.  There is no Indian city which provides 100 per cent safe spaces for women in their own neighbourhood and public places.
A total of 34,651 rape cases were reported in India in 2015. As many as 2,251 rape cases were reported in Odisha and Odisha was fifth among the 36 States and Union Territories in the country in terms of the number of rape cases registered in 2015.  Apart from rape, Odisha in 2015 also registered 6,499 cases of assault on women with intent of outraging modesty, 356 dowry death cases, 886 sexual harassment cases, 2,587 cases of kidnapping and abduction of women and 225 cases of stalking as per the National Crime Records Bureau(NCRB) report.However, the State witnessed a fall in rape cases in 2016 with 2,144 cases. The women and girls in Bhubaneswar are not safe in different public and work places. This has come several times in newspaper headlines and media. In Bhubaneswar Urban Police District, there were 72 rape cases reported in 2014 against 51 in 2013, 56 in 2012 and 35 in 2011.
The number of rape cases in the State capital has also increased in 2015 as compared to 2014. 87 rape cases were registered in Bhubaneswar in 2015 as compared to 72 in 2014. These are the examples of lack of safety initiatives for women and girls in the community. Besides, gender-based violence is present at various levels, beginning with discrimination in education, employment and wages.The State Capital Bhubaneswar leads in the Smart city race. A city cannot be smart and sustainable, if women and girls are not safe and lives in fear of violence.
International cities either have implemented or are experimenting with smart technologies in the areas of intelligent transport management systems and public safety. In February 2015, Bhubaneswar has taken the initiative to install closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras at different locations of the city. It is the first of its kind initiative in Odisha and is being utilized as a tool to control crime and enhance traffic movement in Bhubaneswar. But despite the fact women still don’t feel safe as these have been implemented partially in some places, the Smart City Bhubaneswar should be inclusive and equitable. It is important for the policymakers to adopt a gender-inclusive urban plan. Smart City will generate options for all residents to pursue their livelihoods and interests meaningfully. This refers to a city’s ability to create employment opportunities, social sustainability, environmental sustainability, safety and security.
Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread violations of human rights. Over the past decade, many States have introduced laws addressing various forms of violence against women. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 provides protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and for prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment. The principle of gender equality is enshrined in the Indian Constitution in its Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles.There are also several sections of the Indian Penal Code that deal with sexual harassment. In spite of legal measures, violence against women has not yet completely eliminated.
Planning and designing safe public spaces for women and girls means creating public spaces with urban design features that enhance women’s safety. Urban design is not only about making places look good and aesthetically pleasing, it is also about functionality of the space.Therefore while designing safe public spaces for women, planners, architects and urban designers place special focus on lighting, landscaping, visibility, motorized traffic, pedestrian traffic, urban furniture, signage, proximity to other public spaces, and proximity to emergency services and access to public transportation. If public spaces are dark, abandoned, unclean, or lacking certain elements like emergency phone booths etc., the spaces are potentially unsafe for everybody. Therefore, there is an increased chance that women and girls will not use spaces where they feel fear or experience violence.
Local authorities and city management have a crucial role to play in the prevention of violence against women, both in public and private spaces. A safe city for women and girls is a city where women and girls can enjoy public spaces and public life without fear of being assaulted. Safer Cities Programmes can be organized in different cities which will contribute to a better understanding of gender-based violence on the city level and the development of adequate tools to prevent it. City planning affects the sustainability, accessibility, usability, design and quality of places. Gender-sensitive city planning and design can help to make cities safer for women. These types of planning take into account the practical and strategic needs of women and girls and include women in design, implementation and evaluation of planning projects. Architects, urban designers and planners can take up responsibilities and play a key role in improving the situation of women by designing safe neighbourhood and safe public spaces for women and girls.
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mayapraharaj · 7 years ago
World Toilet Day 2017
The World Toilet Day is celebrated on November 19. At the global level, the central role of access to water and sanitation for sustainable development is now fully confirmed with the formal adoption of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by the UN General Assembly. By 2030, the SDGs aim to reach everyone with sanitation, and halve the proportion of untreated wastewater and increase recycling and safe reuse. The theme for 2017 is “wastewater”.
Odisha is among the lowest-performing State in terms of latrine coverage. In 2011, 85 per cent of rural households defecated in the open and latrine coverage increased marginally by seven percentage points between 2001 and 2011, reaching 22 per cent. Those that own a latrine often do not use it regularly. The Government of Odisha has introduced a new Urban Sanitation Policy 2017. This policy defines a clear vision and goal to make all cities and towns in the State totally clean, sanitised and safe managed by ULBs with active citizen and stakeholder participation.There is no sewerage system in most of the towns in Odisha at present. Most of the households discharge the sewage into natural drains and waterways causing serious public health and environmental hazards to the people.
Sanitation in India is a State subject. State-level steering committees and urban departments play the role of guidance and support to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) which are responsible for final implementation of sanitation at the local level. Bhubaneswar's growth is faster than the State's urban growth rate. Along with Bhubaneswar's urban growth, there is a simultaneous growth and expansion of the slum population and its slum areas. While 18 per cent households have individual latrines, only two per cent households have access to community toilets. There are 91 community toilets available in 31 slums. Water supply to toilets, both household and public, remains a major problem. Waste disposal for these toilets remains a concern.Only 20 per cent of slums are within 50 metres of an existing sewerage network, while 71 per cent are beyond 100 meters. Therefore connecting the toilets to sewerage network is very difficult.
Bhubaneswar has 124 public toilets across the city. Till 2016, the number of public toilets in the city was 65 but due to the civic body’s toilet building initiatives, the number nearly doubled in a year. Besides, modern public toilets, proposed under the Ama Sauchalaya scheme, are taken up by Sulabh International.
Even as Bhubaneswar was ranked the top Smart City, the city had obtained less mark in the service category, such as provision of public and community toilets. The city scored to 24th rank in cleanliness among the 73 cities rated under Swachh Sarvekshan (cleanliness survey) conducted by the Center and this year it scored 94 rank.The rate of open defecation in slum areas continues to be high and the civic body has committed to spend more on information, education and communication (IEC) to educate people about the importance of using toilets. Besides, the Swachh Bharat Mission cell of Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation is working towards making Odisha capital an open defecation-free (ODF) city by 2019.
Though the number of toilets has increased significantly, the municipal corporation has faced repeated complaints from citizens regarding lack of water supply in some toilets. Despite the doubling of numbers in public toilets, many areas continue to see people defecating in the open. The city has failed to maintain proper sanitation systems and provide enough public toilets for its ever-growing population.Majority of the existing systems for sewage collection and treatment are not functioning well. It is obvious that the existing sewerage system needs major augmentation to almost full extent to ensure full coverage of the population and future wastewater generation.
Wastewater is discharged through outfalls into the Gangua nala and finally to Daya river. Only part of the generated sewage flows through closed conduits, and a major quantity flows through the open drains (10). The drain No.1 opens into the Kuakhai river and the remaining 9 open drains (Nos.2-10) to Gangua.  Most of the city roads have open drains. However, their functioning is hindered by blockages due to solid wastes dumped in drains. Narrow drains, drains with improper slopes or non-existence of drains in some areas have caused flooding and water logging, thus increasing the risk of diseases like malaria etc. Existing drains are also used to carry effluents from latrine pits as well as from septic tanks. In a few pockets, a raw sewage was also being discharged in the drains from the latrine pits. Connections from houses to drains are also not properly done in many places causing spilling of such wastewater on roads or nearby areas.
Qualities of life largely depend on safe drinking water and proper sanitation. Therefore in addition to the construction of   toilets, the sanitation system should cover the removal, transport and safe treatment or disposal of excreta. Discharging untreated sewage into any drains other than an underground sewerage system, or into open land, is an offence and invites prosecution under the laws of all Pollution Control Boards in the country. The disposal of sewage should be done in a safe and sustainable way to achieve improved sanitation for all. Besides, sewage must be treated properly and then re-used/re-cycled for various uses that do not need potable water quality.
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mayapraharaj · 7 years ago
World Town Planning Day 2017
The World Town Planning Day (WTPD) is held on November 8 in 30 countries, including India, to recognise and promote the role of planning in creating livable communities and sustainable urbanization. An international organisation for the WTPD was founded in 1949 by late Prof Carlos Maria della Paolera of the University of Buenos Aires.
Bhubaneswar as the capital city has attracted migrants from both rural and urban areas for better opportunity for business and employment.
There is not enough provision for the housing and other infrastructural facility for the migrant people in the city. They suffer from poor living and working conditions, social isolation, poor access to basic amenities, while most of them settled down in slum pockets.
As per 1941 Census, only three percent of the total population in Odisha lived in cities and towns as against 13.86 per cent for India.
In 2011 census, the proportion of population living in the urban areas of the State stood at 16.68 per cent as compared to 31.16 per cent for the country. Odisha ranks 31st in the list of most urbanized States of the country, while in terms of actual urban population, the State ranks 11th in the list of States with the largest urban population.
The National Commission on Urbanization (NCU) has, in its policy proposal of 1988, stressed the need for (1) evolution of a spatial pattern of economic development and hierarchies of human settlements, (2) optimum distribution of population between rural and urban settlements, and among towns and cities of various sizes, (3) distribution of economic activities in small and medium-sized growth centres and provision of minimum levels of services in urban and rural areas.
The other major development programmes include (i) Urban Basic Services for the Poor (UBSP) programme, (ii) Environmental Improvement of Urban Slums (EIUS) programme, (iii) Integrated Development of Small and Medium Towns (IDSMT) (iv) various housing and infrastructure financing schemes of Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO), (v) Mega Cities Project, and (vi) Integrated Urban Poverty Eradication Programme (IUPEP). In India, the Government is embarking on phase 2 of a major national initiative to improve urban living conditions.
It seeks to consolidate the impacts of the national urban flagship programme – JNNURM targeting urban poverty, infrastructure, and local government policies, and Rajiv Awas Yojana(RAY) for the urban poor.  The RAY aims at supporting States to provide security of tenure to slum dwellers, and finance city-wide slum free strategies.
India has formulated a number of urban policies in the last decade but despite these initiatives, there are still examples of slum housing in the country.
Odisha is one of the pioneering States in implementing various urban reforms in the country.
The Directorate of Town Planning is the nodal agency for all urban planning related activities in the State. The State Government has initiated the preparation of master plans / CDPs for the various development areas in urban Odisha. During 2015-16,
Comprehensive Development Plans (CDP) using GIS technologies have been taken up for the development areas under nine Development Authorities and consultants have been engaged.
Among the nine development authorities, the BDA, the CDA, the BeDA and the KNDA have completed the preparation of CDPs and have secured approval of the Government (HUD department). For the remaining five development authorities, the draft CDP has been prepared. A draft GIS based master plan for Jharsuguda Regional Improvement Trust (JRIT) has already been completed.
Preparation of GIS based master plan for the next 11 towns are being undertaken. Master plans for five towns i.e. Bhadrak, Baleswar, Baripada, Keonjhar and Barbil are under progress by the identified consultants.
For the remaining six towns, consultants have been selected.  The digital data base for further twenty towns is being prepared by the ORSAC.
As per the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act, the State Government has already devolved 18 functions enumerated in the 12th schedule of the Constitution to the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs). Out of the 18 functions, 12 functions were already being exercised by the ULBs even before the initiation of the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act.
After introduction of the JNNURM, as part of its commitment, the State Government in principles has already transferred six functions, i. e. urban planning including town planning, land use and construction of building, urban forestry, water supply, fire service and safeguarding the interest of the weaker section of the society including the handicapped and mentally retarded.
Many communities are successfully using planning approaches that aim to use existing resources more effectively and minimize the impact of development on the environment.
There is a need to work on several areas to manage the problems of urbanization, including inclusive cities, urban governance, funding, planning and capacity building.
Sustainable future cities should be places where all residents through inclusive and equitable opportunities feel satisfied with their level of well-being.
To achieve this it is crucial to integrate the three dimensions of sustainability such as, social development, economic development and environmental management –based on the foundation of urban governance.
The economic system should facilitate the creation of decent jobs. Social system should provide services that fulfill basic human needs such as access to safe water supply and sanitation, health and education. In addition, the social system should ensure peoples prosperity and security, and should also offer ample opportunities for every citizen to participate in society.
The environmental management system should provide clean air and water to all. It should also provide sufficient amenities and leisure opportunities so that people can enjoy a good quality of life.
To achieve sustainable urban development, the Development Plans/Master Plans as well as Zonal Plans and Local Area Plans should be made and updated regularly. Master plan for the towns is essential for the preparation and monitoring the land use control.
Comprehensive Development Plan is also required for town planning and to provide basic infrastructure to people. The role of the town planner is to create appropriate and sustainable living environments.
Regional planning and growth management planning are planning approaches that help communities to accommodate future growth while using their resources effectively.
To manage the transformation of Odisha’s cities and towns and effectively manage new growth, it requires well-organized planning procedure and effective legislation. Besides good planning and design decisions require appropriate infrastructure technology and the institutional capacity to enforce decisions.
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mayapraharaj · 7 years ago
World Cities Day
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mayapraharaj · 7 years ago
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2017
The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17 presents an opportunity to acknowledge the effort and struggle of people living in poverty, a chance for them to make their concerns heard and a moment to recognize that poor people are the first ones to fight against poverty. The 2017 theme is Answering the call of October 17 to end poverty: A path toward peaceful and inclusive societies.
According to the Census of India, 2011, Odisha has a population of about 42 million, with 83.31 per cent living in rural and 16.69 per cent living in urban areas. Odisha stands second among the 14 States in the country with highest incidence of poverty after Bihar. While Bihar topped the list with registering highest 33.34 per cent of poor people, Odisha followed with 32.59 per cent by 2011-12. The incidence of poverty had been 54.40 per cent and 57.20 per cent in Bihar and Odisha, respectively, in 2004-05. However, Odisha has expressed satisfaction that it has recorded the highest reduction in poverty among all major States between 2004-05 and 20-11-12  and the Odisha Economic Survey (OES) -2013-14 , prepared by the Planning and Coordination Department, described the achievement  as impressive.
The State has an agriculture-based economy which is in transition towards an industry and service-based economy. The workers’ participation ratio in Odisha at 41.8 per cent was slightly higher than 39.8 per cent at the national level in 2011. The share of marginal workers in the total workforce increased substantially from 33 per cent in 2001 to 39 per cent in 2011, while the share of main workers declined from 67 per cent in 2001 to 61 percent in 2011.
 The share of total workers in the agricultural sector, i.e., both cultivators and agricultural workers declined from 64.7 per cent in 2001 to 61.8 per cent in 2011. This indicates that, although the majority of population in the State still depends on agriculture directly or indirectly, the State economy has been diversifying and there is a shift moving away from the agricultural sector to non-farm sectors. As per the Planning Commission of India, the KBK districts are the most backward regions of Odisha. Though these areas are said to be mineral rich regions but unfortunately people struggle to fulfil the basic necessities of life. There are more than 87 per cent of its people of KBK districts live below the poverty line. They suffer from varied socio-economic problems like, poverty, malnutrition and starvation.
Odisha witnesses wide regional, social and general disparities in development. The issues of poverty and inequality across the State are results of imbalanced development. All regions have not shared the gains of development in an equitable manner. With a view to addressing the problem of regional disparities and expediting development of interior tribal dominated districts, the Government has implemented a series of development programmes.  The poverty alleviation programmes in India can be categorized based on whether it is targeted for rural areas or urban areas. Most of the programmes are designed to target rural poverty as prevalence of poverty is high in rural areas.
Also targeting poverty is challenging in rural areas due to various geographic and infrastructure limitations. During the Sixth and Seventh Five Year Plans, programmes like Integrated Rural Development Programme, Jawahar Rozgar Yojana, Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme etc. have started with a view to eliminate poverty in the rural sector. These development initiatives aim at faster development of the backward regions of the State. Poverty can be eliminated by providing more employment opportunities so that people may be able to meet their basic needs. For this purpose, labour intensive rather than capital intensive techniques can help to solve the problem to a greater extent.
Rural and urban poverty should not be seen as separate entities but an integrated one to be tackled through urban development strategy. Rural development has assumed global attention especially among the developing nations. It has great significance for a country like India where 65 per cent of the people live in rural areas. Rural development in India is one of the most important factors for economic growth.
Agriculture contributes nearly one-fifth of the gross domestic product. To increase the growth of agriculture, the Government has planned several programmes. Agriculture, handicrafts, fisheries, poultry and dairy are the primary contributors to the rural economy.
Despite introduction of several anti poverty programmes to achieve inclusive growth, there is no evidence of higher rate of decline in poverty. There is a need to review and re-examine issues relating to poverty and it is the primary responsibility of the Governments to take up appropriate programmes and policies in the context of liberal economic reforms in order to reduce the poverty and achieve the inclusive growth in Odisha.
Economic growth in India has to be inclusive in order to make it sustainable. Urban planners and economic development planners may derive smarter policies to increase opportunities for economic growth and development. The master plan should be prepared for the Smart Village keeping in view various resources available in the village. This would include economic development, infrastructural development and other aspects of human development i.e., education, health, drinking water supply etc.
The Institute of Town Planners, India, in the year 1995 conducted a study to detail out urban development plans formulation and implementation (UDPFI) guidelines. The UDPFI guidelines suggest various institutional support mechanisms that would help in achieving rural urban integration. Adequate infrastructure such as transportation, communication, energy and basic services is the backbone of the urban-rural development linkage approach. The initiation in Odisha must begin right from the backward regions like KBK areas. Development policies that facilitate these rural-urban linkages can promote income generation activities.
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mayapraharaj · 7 years ago
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2017
The International Day for Disaster Reduction was started in 1989, after a call by the United Nations General Assembly for a day to promote a global culture of risk-awareness and disaster reduction. Held on every October 13, the day celebrates how people and communities around the world are reducing their exposure to disasters and raising awareness about the importance of reining in the risks that they face.
“Home Safe Home” is the slogan for International Day for Disaster Reduction in 2017. Odisha has been reeling under contrasting extreme weather conditions. The Odisha Super Cyclone of 1999 killed 8,913 people and caused huge damage to the infrastructure of the State. In that cyclone, 14 districts got affected. More than 10 million people were affected by the cyclone.  Approximately 2, 75,000 homes were destroyed, and 18, 43,047 hectares of cropped area was heavily damaged. This has disturbed the eco-system leading to increasing frequency and increasing scale of floods and droughts. Besides, the impact of cyclone Phailin that struck Odisha on October12, 2013 was felt across 17 districts of the State. The 1999 Super Cyclone affected places like Bhubaneswar and Nayagarh, which were never traditionally cyclone-prone.
In terms of cyclone occurrence, six districts (Baleswar, Bhadrak, Ganjam, Kendrapara, Jagatsinghpur and Puri) stretching over a 480 km coastline have been categorized as a high risk zone according to the Vulnerability Atlas of India. Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC) reports that the total area (i.e. 100 per cent) of Baleswar and Kendrapada districts is prone to wind velocity (50 and 55 m/s) due to the cyclonic storms, and 46.3 per cent area in Baleswar and 35.5 per cent in Kendrapada are flood-prone.
Vulnerability of the population living along the coastline is further exacerbated by the lack of safe shelter, effective early warning systems and insufficient community awareness on how to prepare for disasters. About 70 per cent of the total cultivated areas in the State are prone to drought. These areas lack not only irrigation facilities but also receive scanty rainfall. In some areas, rainfall, though plenty, is erratic. In the year 1998 the State of Odisha faced an unprecedented heat wave situation, as a result of which 2,042 persons lost their lives.
Bhubaneswar city is highly vulnerable to urban flooding, moderate earthquake and cyclone hazards. Bhubaneswar has been selected as one of the eight cities in India for implementing the Climate Risk Management Project on a pilot basis under the framework of the Urban Disaster Risk Reduction project of GOI-UNDP. The ongoing Government of India (GOI)-UNDP Disaster Risk Reduction Programme aims to strengthen the capacities of Government, communities and institutional structures by undertaking DRR activities at various levels and develop preparedness for recovery.
Hazard mapping and analysis helps in identifying areas that are prone to various hazards – both in terms of intensity and in terms of probability. This also facilitates the city in taking appropriate site-specific short, medium, and long-term mitigation measures, which include both structural and non-structural measures. It would also help the city administration to mainstream Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities in the city development process.
The India Disaster Response Network is a nation-wide electronic inventory of specialist and essential resources for disaster response. Internet based tools are also gaining popularity in disaster risk management efforts. The primary focus is to enable the decision makers to get details of readily available and updated information about equipment and human resources required to combat any emergency situation.
Preparatory work (data collection, research and analysis of available documentation), formulation of the risk-sensitive land use plan, advocacy campaigns,  drafting of zoning ordinance,  formulating and implementing building codes for a particular region based on the region’s vulnerability are determined at the local level where the disaster has the greatest impact. After collection of data and information, data processing and analysis is required.
Within this process planners can work with communities and technical staff to identify risks in the planning area, and evaluate the severity of these.  Risk management can take place within the plan formulation phase of the planning process. Based on the risk assessment and evaluation, specific risk management measures can be identified and incorporated in the plan. These measures can include land use zoning based on flood maps or other risks, provisions based on expected rainfall or storm activity and designation of protected areas such as wetlands and mangroves which can greatly reduces floods and storm surges. In this way, the stages of the disaster risk management process are systematically included in the land use planning development.
Mainstreaming disaster risk management into development planning can lower the impact of disasters on property and lives. A land-use  planning (LUP) is an essential planning tool for successful and systematic DRR. There is a need to regulate the location of land uses and activities for DRR. Land use plans provide policy makers and planners with a tool whereby both exposure and vulnerability of assets and communities can be reduced.
For the current land use planning practice in Odisha, a systematic, purposeful incorporation of DRR into land use planning is required. Such effort will allow planners to identify hazards and areas of high risk, and to identify and implement measures to reduce that risk. Besides the elements required for land use planning must be given importance. These include regulation of population densities and locations, location of buildings at risk and preparation of hazard maps.
Municipalities and development authorities need to ensure good coordination of activities between all key agencies involved in development projects and plan implementation. More importantly, building codes, zoning measures and urban planning techniques, for example, are difficult to enforce when people occupy land illegally. Therefore, illegal encroachment of land should be restricted.
The hazard maps are overlain on the boundary map of the planning unit to determine what areas are affected. Maps for each administrative unit at appropriate scales shall include topographic or base maps, boundary maps, hazard maps and land use classification maps etc. The building codes of the city need to be reviewed in light of the hazards in the region. There should be a mechanism in the city to monitor the adherence to building codes and land use norms to reduce the impact of natural disasters.
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mayapraharaj · 7 years ago
International Day of the Girl Child 2017
The International Day of the Girl Child is celebrated annually on October 11 to recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.  The day focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfillment of their human rights.
There are nearly 600 million girls aged 10 to 19 in the world today, each with limitless individual potential, however they are disappearing from public awareness and the international development agenda. Females constitute about 50 per cent of country’s human resource, but lack of education snatches their chance to be a part of the progress and development of India. Due to this, there is considerable gap between male and female literacy rates in India. The literacy rate grew to 74.04 per cent in 2011 from 12 per cent at the end of British rule in 1947.Although this was greater than six fold improvement, the level is well below the world average literacy rate of 84 per cent.
There is a wide gender disparity in the literacy rate in India and the effective literacy rates (age 7 and above) in 2011 were 82.14 per cent for men and 65.46 per cent for women. Kerala has the highest female literacy rate (92 per cent as per 2011 census) whereas Rajasthan (52.7 per cent). Odisha has the female literacy rate of 64.4 per cent whereas the male literacy rate is 82.4 per cent.
Poverty, illiteracy, lack of education etc. are also mainly responsible for these girl children to resort to child labour or early marriage. The girl children in rural areas and slums are not getting opportunities provided by the Government and are deprived of basic child rights in many ways.  In spite of efforts by State, national and international agencies, private and corporate bodies, the condition of the girl child has not improved much in the State.
According to the NSSO, 2009-10 survey, the total child labour in India between age group 5 and 14 was 49,83,871, where percentage of males is 61.36 and percentage of females is 38.64. In Odisha the total number of child labourers are 13,45, 63, constituting 2.70 per cent of the total, where 67.56 per cent are males and 32.44 per cent are females. The absolute number of child labourers according to Census 1991 was 4, 52,394, which constituted 4.01 per cent of total child labour in the country, the absolute number of child labour in Odisha declined to 2,15,222 in 1997 and it further decreased to 3,77,594 in 2001 census.
 In 2006, the absolute number of child labour in the State increased to 4,86,461 and in 2009-10, it decreased to 1,34,563 and finally in 2011 it increased to 1,69,995.According to a survey report of the Directorate of Labour and Employment, Odisha, 90 per cent of child labour in the State comes from the rural areas. Besides in cities and towns, growth of urban slums propels the child labour force.The Government had initiated the National Child Labour Project (NCLP) Scheme in 1988. Child labour and its problems are closely related to the extreme poverty.The rise in the number of child marriages in the recent past has raised serious concern over children’s rights.
The 2011 census reveals that in Odisha 11 per cent girls in the age-group of 15 to 18 years are married. 5 per cent girls in the age-group of 15 are married whereas 10 per cent girls in the age group of 17 and 21 per cent girls in the age-group of 18 are married. As per the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)’s data released in 2013, Ganjam district has highest number of child marriages in Odisha with 63 per cent of girls getting married before 18 years. 
Poor educational opportunities for girls, especially in rural areas, also increase girls’ vulnerability to child marriage. Besides, child marriages have been a regular practice among tribal communities in Odisha for generations. Education of girls is important. The Beti Padhao, Beti Bachao Scheme is an ambitious scheme of the Government of India which is intended to generate massive awareness, improvement of quality of welfare services for females and helping them (girls and women) access these services better.
Though the Government is putting efforts to make primary education free but still parents are not ready to send their girls to school. This is connected with the accessibility to schools. In most of the rural areas, lack of easy accessibility to school is another reason for low female literacy rate. Parents do not prefer to send girls to schools if these are located at a far distance from their village or home. Even if schools are there then lack of adequate school facilities becomes a hurdle. Some of the schools are really in pathetic conditions and do not have even basic facilities.
There is an urgent need to change the mindset of the people in the society that girls are in no way less than boys.When given the right chances to nurture their talent and skills, they have it in them to excel in different spheres of life. Education should be accessible to people of all economic backgrounds.Besides, there is a need to create an environment with proper facilities where girls can learn effectively. More and more girl children need to be sent to school for education.
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mayapraharaj · 7 years ago
World Architecture Day 2017
World Architecture Day (October 2) was established in 2005 by the International Union of Architects (UIA) to show appreciation for the works architects do and to celebrate some of the great global architectural works. The theme for this year was ‘Acting against climate change.’
Currently, cities suffer from severe environmental problems ranging from pollution, congestion, excessive waste, etc. Paying attention to the environmental impacts of growth is critical for provision of adequate housing, energy, water, sanitation and mobility needs in a manner that does not cause major depletion of natural resources or endangers future generations.
Climate change is one of the biggest global crises of the 21st century. Scientific consensus shows that increasing atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide contributes significantly to rising sea levels, extreme weather events and degradation of natural resources. The increase in carbon dioxide concentration, which is gathered in the atmosphere due to burning of fossil fuel and industrial activities, has been impacting the global warming to a big extent. These trends threaten human health, food supply, natural ecosystems and global economies.
Odisha is experiencing distinctive changes in the climatic pattern. Atmospheric temperature is rising in the State making the summer seasons unbearable. The environment of the city of Bhubaneswar has been degraded due to high population growth and different manmade activities. The effects of climate change have been observed since last few years in the city. The temperature in summer is ranging in most of the days around 40 degree Celsius, which is not only affecting the health and comfort of the people but also demands more energy. A number of buildings are designed in the city without considering climatic conditions of the area. These buildings need air-conditioning to keep them cool and lead to more energy use.
The Government of India has prepared a National Action Plan for Climate Change. The mitigation measures would primarily include energy efficiency in buildings, improved urban land use planning and shift to public transport and management of water, waste water and solid wastes. Besides, the action plan would also facilitate adaptation to vulnerabilities arising out of climate change. Odisha is a leader in formulating a State Climate Change Action Plan identifying urban planning, water resources and disasters, etc.
Architects play a vital role in combating climate change. They are largely responsible for the passive energy use systems of a building—the orientation, fenestration, envelope, and massing of the buildings. They can reduce such operational and embodied carbon production with passive design techniques and energy efficiency measures which increase human health and productivity. Architects also integrate renewable energy sources into buildings, making them more sustainable, resilient and economical.
Numerous agencies in India along with Government are trying to make cities more climate-responsive. The setting up of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) provides a legal framework for energy efficiency initiatives in the country. The Energy Conservation Act, 2001 defines the powers of the State Government to facilitate and enforce efficient use of energy and its conservation. The State Governments have to designate State Designated Agencies in consultation with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency to coordinate, regulate and enforce the provisions of the Act in the State. The BEE launched the ECBC (Energy Conservation Building Code) in 2007.  The purpose of this code is to provide minimum requirements for the energy-efficient design and construction of buildings. The process of development of the ECBC involved extensive data collection and analysis regarding building types, building materials and equipment. Further, the code takes into consideration the climatic conditions of the area. The ECBC provides design norms for building envelope, including thermal performance requirements for walls, roofs, and windows; lighting system, including day lighting, and lamps and luminaire performance requirements; HVAC system, including energy performance of chillers and air distribution systems; electrical system; and water heating and pumping systems, including requirements for solar hot-water systems.
There are five distinct climatic zones in India and the ECBC takes into account these climatic zones in case of Building Envelop Design. ECBC is currently voluntary, but it is proposed that it will be made mandatory for all new building that have a connected load of 100 kW or higher or a contract demand of 120 kVA or higher. The code is also applicable to all buildings with an air conditioned floor area of 1,000 square meter or more. The Government of Odisha had mandated the Odisha Energy Conservation Building Code (OECBC) in 2011. Under the OECBC, all buildings except manufacturing industries having connected load of minimum 100 kW or transformer capacity of 120 kVA require to comply with the code. The code is also applicable to constructions having minimum 500 square meter air-conditioned area. ECBC 2017 sets parameters for builders, designers and architects to integrate renewable energy sources and energy efficient appliances in building design.
Architects should keep climatic conditions in mind and design building that will cut down energy consumption. Energy-efficient buildings are only effective when the occupants of the buildings are comfortable. If they are not comfortable, then they will take alternative means of cooling a room such as air conditioners which will increase the energy load and affect the environment of the city.
To reduce the impacts on settlements and infrastructure, it is critical to develop appropriate mitigation and adaptation responses. Climate responsive buildings have minimal adverse impacts on the natural environment. These buildings also seek to maximize opportunities for indoor environmental quality and performance, saving money, reducing waste, increasing worker productivity and creating healthier environment for people to live and work.
Reducing the contribution of cities to climate change, or mitigation, requires an adequate understanding of the drivers of urban GHG emissions, while effective adaptation must be based on a good understanding of what makes cities vulnerable or resilient to climate change impacts. If properly designed, constructed and operated, a sustainable city and sustainable building will require less money and fewer resources to operate and will be healthier for its occupants.
Climate is the most important environmental factor and should be considered when designing a building. Architects can choose passive design strategies suited for their building based on the climate type. They can lead the climate change movement by designing climate responsive buildings. Climate design is the part of design that is concerned with the creation of healthy and comfortable indoor environments. Many elementary design decisions made by the architect determine the quality of the indoor climate. Architects can achieve energy efficiency in the building design by studying the climate of the site. Besides, building by-laws of the city need to be revised and updated keeping in view the effects of climate change.
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mayapraharaj · 7 years ago
World Tourism Day 2017
The World Tourism Day is celebrated on September 27. Its purpose is to foster awareness among the international community on importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic value. The event seeks to address the global challenges outlined in the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and highlights the tourism sector’s contribution in reaching these goals.
In this spirit, the World Tourism Day 2017 presents a unique opportunity to raise awareness on the contribution of sustainable tourism to development among public and private sector decision-makers and the international community, while mobilizing all stakeholders to work together in making tourism a catalyst for positive change.
Odisha is endowed with natural attractions such as beaches, lakes, and forests, as well as a rich cultural heritage inclusive of monuments etc. The innumerable temples of Odisha scattered throughout the length and breadth of the State, ranging from the miniature on the Mahendragiri to the gigantic Jagannath, Lingaraj and Sun Temple of the Golden Triangle, appeal to both pilgrims and cultural tourists. There are 79 heritage sites in Odisha protected by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). Bhubaneswar alone accounts for 22 out of these heritage sites.
Odisha has tremendous potential in tourism sector. Puri, the shrine of Lord Jagannath, one of the oldest pilgrimage centers, famous for the Car festival, attracts lakhs of pilgrims round the year. The world famous Sun Temple, a UNESCO heritage sites at Konark, the temple city of Bhubaneswar are widely popular as the golden triangle which draws both domestic and international tourists. Odisha has a long tradition of Buddhism starting from 1st century BC, containing the Buddhist relics, excavated Buddhist Stupas, monasteries and Viharas discovered at Lalitagiri and Ratnagiri.  The Ashokan rock inscriptions of the 3rd Century BC at Dhauli where the historic war of Kalinga was fought is the testimony to the existence of strong Buddhist tradition in Odisha. In addition, as many as 200 Buddhist heritage sites have also been identified in different parts of the State.
Odisha is also known as a Jain pilgrimage destination and there are ruins at the hill tops of Khandagiri and Udayagiri caves in Bhubaneswar.  These are famous all over the world. Odisha has an extensive coastline measuring 480 km, bestowed with rich diversity. The bountiful coastal area encompasses the unique Chilika lagoon, Bhitarkanika one of the richest and diverse mangrove ecosystems endowed with largest rookery of Olive Ridley and largest repository of estuarine crocodile. Besides, the grand scenic beauty of nature, historic monuments, exotic sea beaches, forest, wildlife, waterfalls, beautiful handicrafts, vast water bodies make the State as the supreme tourism destination of the world.
The State has made great strides in various sectors of its economy in tune with the progressive globalization and the changing demands of the tourists to make tourism a sustainable industry in the State. Tourism in Odisha is one of the main contributors to the economy of Odisha (13 per cent of GDP of Odisha). The tourist arrival to the State has increased manifold in last decades. In last six years the tourist arrival to the State has shown an increasing trend which is a result of aggressive campaign undertaken by the State Tourism Department.  This year 39,352 number of foreign tourists visited the State between January and June, an increase by 2,415 compared to the arrival of 36,937 overseas visitors during the corresponding period in 2016.
In Odisha, tourism is an important service sector activity. Tourism is being a labour-intensive activity, it has the capacity to generate employment on a large scale through a mix of activities of hotels, transport, shopping, food, entertainment etc. Thus, this sector has the potential of generating income, reducing poverty, and increasing the living standard of the poor masses. In fact, tourism in Odisha can be viewed as an engine for sustainable growth of the State.
India was ranked 40th among the 136 economies across the world in 2017 Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) released by the World Economic Forum (WEF). In this edition of index, India has jumped 12 places from earlier 52nd position in 2015. As per the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India (GoI) Report, the number of foreign tourist arrival in India during 2015 is 8 million and that of domestic tourist visits to all States / UTs is 1432 million.
The Government has a crucial role to play in the development and management of tourism and in making it more sustainable. Accordingly, the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India has given a major thrust in this direction and is promoting tourism as a means of economic growth and social integration for the country. The Approach Paper to the 12th Five Year Plan, prepared by the Planning Commission, highlights the need to adopt a ‘pro-poor tourism’ approach aimed at increasing the net benefits to the poor from tourism and ensure that tourism growth contributes to poverty reduction.
Tourism activities in Odisha should be properly managed to minimize environmental impact and sustainability principles should be applied to all types of tourism activities and all segments of the tourism industry. Besides, the tourist destinations should be equipped with basic amenities, including toilets, clean drinking water, rest-houses, restaurants, medical facilities and public transport facilities for sustainable development in Odisha.
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mayapraharaj · 7 years ago
Human development in urban areas is making urban flooding worse during rainy season. This is because most of the ground surface in urban areas is covered by impermeable buildings and roads, which rapidly divert rain water to drains and do not allow percolation of the water down through the soil.  Increased runoff reduces groundwater recharge, thus lowering the water table.
A number of drainage systems in many urban areas of Odisha have collapsed resulting in flooding. This can be seen during rainy seasons in major cities like Bhubaneswar, Puri and Cuttack. Lack of environmental considerations in city planning and unauthorized construction has led to blocking of natural drainage system.
In Bhubaneswar, Ekamara Kanan, Jayadev Vihar, Gajapati Nagar, Sainik School, Vani Vihar, west of Mancheshwar, Acharya Vihar, Iskcon Temple area, Aiginia, Jagamara and Pokhariput are the areas through which the natural drains pass. In Bhubaneswar most of the existing drains are in dilapidated condition and not working properly. A number of drainage channels are also encroached by unauthorized construction.
A proper storm water design means a proper knowledge of a collection of data like intensity of rainfall, runoff details and location of the catchment area etc. The peak rate, volume, and timing of runoff are important characteristics in the planning and design of storm water management practice. It appears most of the time that many of the data may not be correct and thus the design of the storm water drains with these data resulted urban flooding.
Urban drainage includes two types of fluids viz. wastewater and storm water. Both storm water as well as waste water needs to be considered for the drainage system planning and design.  Proper disposal of surplus rainwater is essential to avoid water logging problems. It is imperative to plan and design surface water drains appropriately so as to dispose of surplus rain water within minimum time. Storm water drainage network should be designed with proper hierarchy. The drainage and slope map can also help in the planning and design of storm water drainage and urban flood management.
When planning new drainage projects, the conditions of the associated existing drainage system and the proposed measures should be checked for reference. A storm water drainage system should be designed to collect and convey run-off generated within a catchment area during and after rainfall events, for safe discharge into a receiving water source.  The catchment is the area draining surface water to a particular location or outlet point. Catchment is the basis for planning and designing the storm water drainage systems in all cities. The magnitude of peak flows that have to be accommodated will depend primarily on the intensity of rainfall and the size, topography, soil type, configuration and land use of the catchment.
The Government regularly publishes maps and town plans from which information on land use and topography of catchment areas can be extracted.  Accurate contours are also necessary for determining the boundaries of a watershed/catchment and for computing directions of flow. For that, topographical sheets may be collected from Survey of India (SOI) department. These topographical maps are used to prepare slope maps. Slope maps are obtained from the toposheet maps by measuring the distances between the contour lines. Detailed contour maps should be prepared for proper delineation of drainage catchments. Keeping in view the projected rate of urbanization, it is imperative to consider a 50-year planning horizon. Because the development is bound to take place during this period and it will be difficult to upgrade the underground drains once they are laid.
Currently, in Bhubaneswar about 10 drainage channels run west to east for discharge of waste water and storm water. But due to upcoming structures in these areas, the floodwater cannot drain properly and creates water logging.  Another reason is that the entire city has not been covered with storm water drains. During the initial planning of neighbourhoods in Bhubaneswar, the area even for the smallest housing street has been fixed at a minimum of 30 feet. Only about 9 feet out of these 30 feet actually carry traffic. The remainder used for storm water drainage and avenue trees.  These trees and the surrounding green areas help to reduce urban flooding in the city. The overall widths of the land earmarked for roads and streets is not determined by traffic alone, but by the requirements for storm water drainage and services(overhead electric lines, water, etc.)  But in today’s planning, there are narrow roads. These roads do not allow to accommodate storm water drainage and other facilities.  There is also no space for avenue trees. For storm water drainage purpose, 30 feet is commonly accepted as a minimum width of the road.  There is a need to increase road width in different neighbourhoods.
With the rising population, new developments are bound to come up, but first priority should be given to water discharge system. Ideally, the natural drains should have been widened (similar to road widening for increased traffic) to accommodate the higher flows of storm water. Besides, a master plan for drainage is highly needed for Bhubaneswar. The natural widths of all major drainage channels in the city should be protected, and there should not be any encroachment at least 4 to 5 metre on either side of the channel.
In Bhubaneswar the planning authorities should prepare storm water drainage manual for urban drainage design. The manual should provide policy and design requirements for storm water management throughout the city. Rainfall Intensity - Duration - Frequency (IDF) Relationships for rainfall record should be developed for Bhubaneswar city. Besides, integrated storm water drainage plan should be incorporated with the traffic and transportation planning of the city.
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mayapraharaj · 8 years ago
World Population Day 2017
The World Population Day is observed on July 11 to raise awareness on global population issues. The date of observance was inspired by that of Five Billion Day when the world’s population reached five billion on July 11, 1987. The day is celebrated since 1989, the year of its announcement. The current world population is 7.5 billion as of July 2017. The population explosion is one of the major global concerns and this issue of uncontrolled population growth is giving birth to other major problems. By the year 2025, the world population will increase by at least 50 per cent and these people will need housing and other infrastructural facilities to work and live.
Housing is a fundamental human need and the relationship between population and housing is two-sided. Population change leads to a changing demand for housing. Population growth, particularly a growth in the number of households, leads to a growth in housing demand. With rapid urbanisation, large-scale migration is taking place from rural to urban areas in search of livelihood opportunities, adding to the internal population growth of the cities. Unfortunately, one-fifth of the world's population lives in slums. In the absence of inclusive urban planning, this creates shortage of housing, water, sanitation, health, education, social security and livelihood. The annual percentage of population growth in India was 1.21 per cent in 2011. Thirty-one per cent of India’s population (377 million people) lives in urban areas while 69 per cent (833 million) is rural. The national urban housing shortage in 2012 was 18.78 million houses; 96 per cent was for economically weaker sections (EWS) and low-income groups (LIG). This is projected to increase to 34 million units by 2022.
As per the 2011 Census, Odisha, with 41 million people, is the eleventh-most populous Indian State. Over the last decade, Odisha has witnessed a growth rate of 14.1per cent population rise while the urban population increased at a rate of 27.2 per cent. There are shortages of 4,10,000 dwelling units for EWS/LIG housing in Odisha. Besides, lack of affordable housing leads to slums in many parts of the State. The land everywhere is under pressure due to the population growth and economic development.
In 2007, a housing shortfall of about 1, 50,000 units were estimated in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack region alone by their respective development plans. A recent State wide estimate by the Technical Group on Urban Housing Shortage (2012-17) states that there is a shortfall of about 4, 10,000 housing units in Odisha. It is further estimated that approximately 3,60,000 affordable dwelling units would have to be added in the Bhubaneswar - Cuttack region, exclusively, to accommodate the growth during the next ten years in these areas.
Most of the upcoming developments in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack region are HIG housing with some MIG housing.  The developments within the proximity of the core cities have not shown any progress towards creation of housing stock for low-income groups.       In Odisha percentage of slum population is 23.1. In Bhubaneswar over 30 per cent population live in slums. Increase in land value, cost of construction and lack of affordability for the people are the major reasons for the shortage of housing in Bhubaneswar.
In the last four years, several cases of violations of housing and land rights have been reported across the country. Despite the existence of a rural housing scheme operational since 1985, the national rural housing shortage was 40 million households; 90 per cent for ‘below poverty line’ households. Over 13 per cent (23.7 million) of rural households live in one room with kutcha (mud/temporary) walls and roof. In 2014, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) highlighted irregularities in IAY, including: ineligible persons receiving benefits; failure to allot units in women’s names; delay in completion of houses; poor quality of construction; and, diversion and misappropriation of funds.
The Government of Odisha has taken up “Housing for All” as a top priority mission at the State level. The Government has envisaged establishment of a Mission and earmarking of adequate financial, technical and managerial resources to this effort. Towards creating a comprehensive, holistic policy framework to address all aspects of housing for the urban poor including slum rehabilitation and redevelopment as well as new housing and rental housing, the State Government has introduced the "Policy on Housing for All in Urban Areas, Odisha, 2015" on August 14, 2015. The policy is drafted in lieu of the Central Government scheme of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY).
Besides, the Housing for All schemes would ensure every urban poor to own a house. Odisha has been included in the Housing-for-All scheme under the PMAY. Odisha’s 42cities have been included in the list of over 305 cities and towns across nine States for implementing the scheme. A basic need in cities is shelter. The first step in creating sustainable urban settlements is to recognize that poor people have a right to live in proper shelters. Therefore, urban human settlements require a more inclusive approach to planning and land management to sustain all the people who live in the settlement. The Indian Government has started recognizing informal settlements, regularizing unauthorized constructions and changing planning standards to meet the needs of the poor better. However, the slum problems cannot be solved by focusing on the cities alone.
A comprehensive solution is necessary for development of rural areas with improved infrastructures, education and employment opportunities. Cities without slums should be the objective of all urban planning for social and economic development. There is a need to reserve lands in every urban development project. This would enable continuous supply of serviced land for EWS and LIG housing and solve the housing problems in Odisha.
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mayapraharaj · 8 years ago
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. 2017
On June 26, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) marks the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. The day serves as a reminder of the need to combat the problems illicit drugs pose to society. The day is supported by individuals, communities and various organizations all over the world. The theme for 2017 is Listen First - Listening to children and youth is the first step to help them grow healthy and safe. The campaign targets parents, teachers, policy makers, health workers and prevention workers and highlights how to recognize - and prevent - risky behaviours and drug use.  It is an initiative to increase support for prevention of drug use.
Drug and alcohol abuse is the example of drinking and using drugs (prescription and illicit) that cause harmful effects to a person’s health, livelihood and relationships. Single dosage of either alcohol or drugs doesn’t automatically deem the person an addict. However, continuous usage and drug abuse can lead to chemical dependency and addiction.  Drug abuse has been known to destroy homes, deteriorate relationships, causing fatal accidents, domestic violence and physical abuse. Drug trafficking is a global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws. Illicit drugs weaken economic and social development and contribute to crime, instability, insecurity and the spread of HIV. Illicit drug trafficking takes place in most countries of the world.
In India, the numbers of drug addicts are increasing day by day. According to a UN report, one million heroin addicts are registered in India. Cannabis, heroin, and Indian-produced pharmaceutical drugs are the most frequently abused drugs in India. Pressure of studies, personal and family problems leads to drug abuse among youngsters who fail to cope up with the ever-growing family and personal problems. The friend’s circle in which a young individual stays also influences his/her activities. Even for simple petty issues,  which can be solved otherwise will result in drug abuse because one is so used to it that without consumption of the same, one just cannot think of anything. These short term effects may hinder the user to perceive the long term consequences.
India compromises more than 20 per cent population in adolescent age group. Of various substance abuse, alcohol is most dangerous and quite fashionable among middle and late adolescent age group. Use of alcohol is associated with major morbidity and mortality. This burden is shared by family and society.The family is often viewed as the basic source of strength and support for its individual members. Rapid social, economic and technological change may, under certain circumstances, weaken the sense of family and reduce the sense of belonging to other people, groups and places.
Stability of relationships, environment and expectations are a powerful force in helping people manage their lives, especially important for children and young adults. The present economic and technological changes present a challenge to the stability and influence of the family. Families can have a powerful influence on shaping the attitudes, values and behaviour of children. Drug misuse gives unpredictable sensations, which has different social, economic, and psychological perspectives. The deterioration of the old joint family framework, perceived absence of parental love and care in current families, decay of old religious and cultural values and so forth prompt an increase in the quantity of drug addicts who take drugs to escape the hardships of their life.
Drugs are placed under national and international control to prevent the negative health and social consequences of substance abuse. Today there is more awareness of the problems of illicit drugs and drug trafficking than ever before. A National Master Plan for substance abuse was evolved in 1994 which focuses on the establishment of treatment and rehabilitation centres, training of primary care and other personnel in substance abuse. This plan also ensured collaboration with non-Governmental organisations to carry out education and awareness building programmes. In accordance with its mandate for coordinating the alcohol and drug demand reduction strategy of the Government of India, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, has been implementing a wide range of community-based programmes, through the voluntary sector, for the prevention of alcoholism and drug abuse and the treatment and rehabilitation of the addict.
The treatment services for substance use disorder in India are delivered by Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), private sector and the Government.  There are around 430 drug dependence treatment centres throughout the country, which are being run by NGOs, supported by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India (MSJE). The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOH&FW), Government of India, has also established about 122 drug dependence treatment centres (DACs) in the country. Most of these Government centres are associated with either general hospitals at the district levels or with departments of psychiatry at certain medical colleges. For treatment and rehabilitation, there are 22 de-addiction centres, two Counselling Centres and two de-addiction and counselling centres in Odisha. Several NGOs are also working towards de-addiction.
Drug rehabilitation programmes attempt to teach the patient new methods of interacting in a drug-free environment. The advantage of any treatment offered at drug rehab centres is the complete focus on ensuring that the patient recovers from the addiction. Providing round –the- clock intensive care to the patients, these treatments are ideal for those people who suffer from chances of a relapse. Without treatment and rehabilitation the matter will further put enormous pressure on the individual family and community.  It is vital to provide treatments and develop design guidelines for rehabilitation of the drug addicted people.
In Bhubaneswar, number of childrens are involved in rag picking, shoe shining, working as coolies, working in shops and restaurants, road side vending, cleaning and washing utensils in hotels  for their survival. These children work for long hours in these occupations. When there are no means for living, they sometimes engage in petty theft, drug trafficking or criminal activities. Most of the children start using substance to satisfy their curiosity or to have fun without knowing its future consequences. They mostly use dendrite, tobacco and alcohol.
The drug abuse has become a social problem and it has a negative impact on the society. The most successful approaches in drug use prevention involve the critical role of families, schools, and communities to build on protective factors to ensure safe and healthy childhood and adolescent years. Families, schools and civil societies can do their part to rid their communities of drugs. The media can also raise awareness about the dangers of drugs. This will support communities free of drug-related crime and violence.
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mayapraharaj · 8 years ago
World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 2017
The World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is observed on June 17 to promote public awareness relating to international cooperation to combat desertification and the effects of drought. This year the day emphasizes the important link between land degradation and migration. Among others, environmental degradation, food insecurity and poverty are causes of migration and development challenges.
Land degradation impacts agricultural productivity, bio-diversity, groundwater and overall water availability. All these lead to a decline in the quality of life, eventually affecting the socio-economic status of the region. Land degradation has far-reaching consequences that affect lives and livelihoods of the population, often resulting in forced migration and socio-economic conflicts. The eradication of rural poverty is closely linked to the fight against desertification. The majority of the world’s poorest people live in rural areas of developing countries, where they depend on agriculture and related activities for their survival.  Without access to sustainable land use practices and institutional services, most poor farmers are obliged to cultivate degraded land that is unable to meet their needs.  This constant pressure on the land causes a decline in food production that further aggravates poverty and migration.
Odisha is already witnessing droughts, forced migration and food insecurity among the poor sections. Though 38 per cent of the State’s geographical area is forest, much of these forests are degraded. Some of the chronically drought prone areas in Odisha are Kalahandi, Bolangir and Koraput districts which occurs due to erratic rainfall in the area. The extreme difference in the maximum and minimum temperature, scarcity of rainfall, huge loss of green cover and vegetation are the main reasons behind drought. Many parts Kalahandi,
Bolangir and Koraput districts have developed symptoms of drought and degraded from drought prone to desert prone areas. In Odisha, agriculture sector contributes about 50 per cent of the State domestic product and provides employment to about 75 per cent of the total working force.  The basic problems in these areas include water scarcity which results in low productivity. Poor and unsustainable land management techniques also worsen the situation. Desertification often causes rural lands to become unable to support the same sized populations that previously lived there. This results in mass migrations from rural to urban areas.
Though India does not have a specific policy or legislative framework for combating desertification, land degradation and desertification gets reflected in many of the national acts and policies which have enabling provisions for addressing these problems. These Acts are Indian Forest Act, 1927, Environment (Protection) Act- 1986, National Forest Policy- 1988, National Agricultural Policy- 2000, National Environmental Policy- 2006, National Policy for Farmers- 2007, National Green Tribunal Act- 2010 etc. The National Action Programme to Combat Desertification (NAP-CD) formulated and submitted to United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification(UNCCD) in 2001, identifies the need to address and incorporate natural resource conservation and management, socio-economic issues, strengthening the process of decentralisation of governance and formulation of more community driven projects and programmes,  public participation, strengthening the interface and co-ordination between various stakeholders, and awareness raising for sustainable development.
The Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) is being implemented by the Ministry of Rural Development. It is a comprehensive programme that brings together three different long existing watershed programmes viz. Drought Prone Areas Programme -DPAP (started 1973-74), Desert Development Programme – DDP (started 1977-78) and Integrated Wasteland Development Programme – IWDP (started 1989-90) to be implemented under Common Guidelines on Watershed Development, 2008. The main objectives of the IWMP are to restore the ecological balance by harnessing, conserving and developing degraded natural resources such as soil, vegetative cover and water. The IWMP is a comprehensive programme implemented to develop widespread degraded land across the country by common guidelines. These guidelines broadly indicate a fresh framework for the next generation watershed programmes. States are empowered to sanction and oversee the implementation of watershed projects within their areas of jurisdiction and within the parameters set out in these guidelines.
The National Afforestation Programme (NAP) is implemented by National Afforestation and Eco-Development Board (NAEB), the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests. The NAP aims to support and accelerate the ongoing process of devolving forest protection, management and development functions to decentralized institutions of Joint Forest Management Committee (JFMC) at the village level, and Forest Development Agency (FDA) at the forest division level. The National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA) introduced by the Ministry of Agriculture in 1990-91 is based on the twin concepts of integrated watershed management and sustainable farming systems. This project is aimed at restoring ecological balance in degraded and fragile rainfed eco-systems and promoting diversified farming systems to enhance the income levels of farmers and village communities on a sustainable basis. Rainfed areas constitute about 85 mha, i.e. 60 per cent of the total 142 mha net cultivated area in India. Rainfed agriculture is characterized by low levels of productivity and low input usage.
Therefore, the National Agriculture Policy seeks to promote an integrated and holistic development of rainfed areas through conservation of rain water and augmentation of biomass production.Hence, highest priority is given to the holistic and sustainable development of rainfed areas through a watershed development approach.To give a special thrust to these areas the National Rainfed Area Authority (NRAA) was set up in 2006.
The Integrated Watershed Management Programme may be implemented in drought prone areas to tackle the special problems faced by severe drought conditions. There is need for a better understanding of the scientific basis of droughts: their definition, monitoring, impacts, prediction and to bring this knowledge to sectoral experts involved in various aspects of drought management. Understanding the historical frequency, duration, and spatial extent of drought assists planners in determining the likelihood and potential severity of future droughts.
The characteristics of past droughts provide benchmarks for projecting similar conditions into the future. At the same time, successful experiences in adopting a comprehensive and active approach across various sectors in dealing with droughts should be widely shared, and the capacity to apply such approaches built and developed where needed.
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mayapraharaj · 8 years ago
World Environment Day 2017
The World Environment Day is the United Nations’ principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the environment. Over the years, it has grown to be a broad, global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated by stakeholders in more than 100 countries.
It also serves as the ‘people’s day’ for doing something positive for the environment, galvanising individual actions into a collective power that generates an exponential positive impact on the planet.
‘Connecting People to Nature’, the theme for World Environment Day 2017, implores us to get outdoors and into nature, to appreciate its beauty and its importance, and to take forward the call to protect the earth that we share.
Billions of rural people around the world spend every day connected to nature and appreciate their dependence on nature. They are among the first to suffer when ecosystems are threatened, whether by pollution, climate change or over-exploitation. Besides, for many people, getting back in touch with nature provides a different experience to enjoy natural features like mountains, valleys, forests, deserts, water bodies, landscapes, flora and fauna. However, over one billion people live in the world's biodiversity hotspots, areas high in concentration of unique species that are under serious threat from human activity.
Human population generates more waste and pollution than any other living organism on the earth. More demands for day-to-day basic needs deplete natural resources. Demands for natural resources, effects of globalised trade patterns on rural communities, and unequal spread of technological advancements are putting in danger the future of biodiversity and humankind.
Biodiversity is the foundation of life on earth. It is crucial for the functioning of ecosystems which provide us with products and services without which we cannot live. Oxygen, food, fresh water, fertile soil, medicines, shelter, protection from storms and floods, stable climate and recreation – all have their source in nature and healthy ecosystems. Unsustainable exploitation of biodiversity resources, particularly by developed countries, has serious adverse impacts, both local and global.
Coastal cities which damage their ecosystem can render themselves particularly vulnerable.  Odisha is quite rich in natural resources and has several bio-diversity hot spot areas. It has varied and wide spread forests harboring dry deciduous, moist deciduous forests as well as mangroves with several unique, endemic, rare and endangered floral and faunal species. To maintain the eco-balance and protect the flora and fauna, national parks are earmarked at Similipal and Bhitarakanika. Besides, the State has a number of wildlife sanctuaries.
Mangroves in the densely populated east coast of India have been degraded for decades and are still continuing to be degraded due to loss of biomass, overgrazing, fuel wood extraction and conversions.
This has posed many environmental hazards, especially in the coastal belt. Ultimately it has affected the socio-economic status of populace of Odisha in general and that of coastal terrain in particular.
Approximately 70 to 80 per cent of the State’s population depends on natural resources to survive. This makes Odisha further vulnerable to climate change impacts. Food security is both directly and indirectly inked with climate change.
In many cases, urbanisation is characterized by urban sprawl and haphazard development of periphery of the town which is not only socially divisive but increases energy demand, carbon emissions and puts pressure on ecosystems. Bhubaneswar was a city with pleasant climatic condition throughout the year. Since last decade, this city is experiencing high population growth, urbanisation and distinct weather condition. Earlier, it had a sound coverage of greenery, but now it has decreased substantially, leading to uncomfortable conditions. Small water bodies and wetlands are increasingly being filled up by multistoried buildings.
The effects of climate change have been observed since last few years in Bhubaneswar. Bhubaneswar is currently witnessing several modern buildings and high-rise apartments to accommodate its growing population. The development activities in the city have led to large-scale deforestation, an increasing volume of traffic, pollution and temperature rise. The city’s expansion and lots of concrete structures are also the reason for microclimatic change over the years.  Besides, the  biodiversity rich locations such as green areas and water bodies  are being converted to residential and commercial land use without giving due regard to open space and green corridors.
The Chandaka-Dampada Wildlife Sanctuary was created in 1982 to provide shelter to a population of elephants that was an extension of the Satkosia-Athgarh-Kapilas population. The sanctuary is home to leopards and other wildlife. The sanctuary was once connected to the forests of Athgarh and Kapilas through a narrow corridor on its northern side.
This allowed elephants to cross the Mahanadi river to reach these forests and return the same way. By the passing of time,  the corridor across the Mahanadi had been blocked. Chandaka is now an island within an urban sprawl. The haphazard growth of the real estate industry in Bhubaneswar is the biggest threat to Chandaka and Bharatpur forest.
The entire Bhubaneswar Development Plan Area (BDPA) is gifted with tremendous natural resources in the form of rivers as well as areas with dense vegetation/forest such as Bharatpur forest area and Nandankanan Wildlife Sanctuary. In the CDP, the entire river belt zone has been proposed for recreational land use with green buffers running all along the river embankment, thereby forming a continuous green corridor. Scattered green space within the compactly built up area may act as a continuous patch of green, widening at the edge of the city into the green belt and then into a rural landscape, establishing a coherent relationship between urban and rural areas.
The current decline in biodiversity represents a serious threat to human development. Biological resources constitute a capital asset with great potential for yielding sustainable benefits. Protected areas that are created to preserve biodiversity are in critical condition due to excessive anthropogenic pressure. Urgent and decisive action is needed to conserve and maintain genes, species and ecosystems for sustainable management and use of biological resources.
Many decisions made by city inhabitants directly affect biodiversity in the city and beyond.  Biodiversity issues must be included in cities’ formal work programmes and action plans. Greenways may be designed as a planning strategy for multi purposes including ecological, recreational, cultural or other purposes compatible with the concept of sustainable land use.
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mayapraharaj · 8 years ago
Bhubaneswar Foundation Day 2017
The foundation day of Bhubaneswar is celebrated on April 13. It was on this day in 1948 that India’s first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had laid the foundation-stone for the new city. Bhubaneswar’s transformation from an ancient temple town to a modern city was executed by German architect and planner Dr Otto H Koenigsberger. In the winning city proposal for Smart City, Bhubaneswar got the top place in the central list of first 20 cities.
For the past three decades, Bhubaneswar city has been experiencing high population growth and climate change. The city has now undergone various transformations and constant changes of the land use pattern.
In Bhubaneswar, the fast growing population is creating sprawl effect in the adjacent agricultural and other vacant open spaces. The built up areas in the entire city has increased noticeably and the open land has decreased considerably.
Now-a-days rapid urban sprawl and urban development activities in Bhubaneswar created environmental complications. The Chandaka forest area has been disastrously deforested. Prevailing micro climate deteriorated. Bhubaneswar has become one of the hottest Indian cities in recent times. Extremely high increase in average monthly mean maximum temperature, increase in the number of hot days and rising temperature difference between Bhubaneswar and the nearby cities provide an impression of gradual emergence of the city as an urban heat island. Climate change is expected to lead warmer temperatures, particularly in urban environment due to heat island effect (summer day-time temperatures can reach up to 6°C hotter in Bhubaneswar city than in surrounding rural areas and between 3-4°C warmer at night), resulting in greater variability in local conditions which are likely to increase the frequency, intensity, and duration of such extreme events in unpredictable ways. Heat waves can affect communities by increasing summer-time peak energy demand, air conditioning costs, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Increased daytime temperatures, reduced night time cooling and higher air pollution levels associated with urban heat islands can affect human health.
Built up environment has increased the rainfall run off, leading to water inundation problems in many parts of the city.  A number of temples in old town area of Bhubanewar such as Megheswar Temple, Vaital Temple etc. are under serious threat of water logging problems.
Besides, a number of wards also have water logging problems. The areas such as Acharya Bihar, Jayadev Bihar, Chandrasekharpur, Salia Sahi (slum), GGP Colony, Dumuduma, Satya Nagar, Laxmisagar, Bamikhal, Old Town, Mancheswar, VSS Nagar, Sundarpada, Patia and Raghunathpur are regularly experiencing localized flooding during rainy season.
This is due to the overflowing drainage channels and faulty drainage network in the area. Bhubaneswar city has an undulating ridge and valley topology and is covered by a number of natural drainage channels. Due to rapid growth in infrastructure, encroachment and dumping of debris, the natural carrying capacity of these drains has been reduced considerably. The reduced carrying capacity creates barriers to the natural flow of water during heavy rains. Apart from urban flooding and heat wave, the city lies in seismic zone III, which is a moderate seismic risk zone.
In Bhubaneswar, the Composite Vulnerability Index (CVI) categorizes the city into high, medium, and low vulnerability areas.  Wards with high CVI need priority interventions. Spatial analysis between location of slum pockets and the CVI shows wards with high CVI have more than 50 per cent of the slum pockets. There are 436 slum pockets spread across the city, which have a total population of 80,630. Of the 436 slum pockets, only 116 are notified ones. The slums are small pockets and dispersed across the city.
The impact of disasters will continue to grow as climate change increases the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. Bhubaneswar city has prepared its City Disaster Management Plan (CDMP) for the city and City Development Plan (CDP) developed in the year 2011-12. The CDP is a comprehensive plan with city vision plan for development of all sectors taking into consideration the city’s growth. Therefore, the hazard risk map of the city should be included in CDP.
Taking into consideration the growth in the city, there is a need to remove encroachment of natural drains as this helps in mitigating urban flooding/ water logging problem of the city. Storm water network for the entire city should be prepared and existing storm water drains should be cleaned at regular intervals. There is a need for storm water management by prevention of encroachments, periodic maintenance, and land use regulations. Before any change of land use and infrastructure development, priority must be given to design of storm water drainage. Storm water drainage system must respond to water catchment area, quantum of hard surface, quantum of water quantity and quantum of water discharge and site topography.
To reduce the effect of heat wave the design specifications should take into account guidelines on the design of climate responsive green buildings. Green cover should be further improved in the city. Land use and infrastructure development plans of the city needs to take into the consideration of short and long- term climate change trends.
For earthquake risk mitigation measures all the residential, commercial and industrial buildings should be evaluated for their structural safety in a phased manner and appropriate retrofitting measures should be taken up from building code perspectives. There is a need to review and enforce strict building codes and by laws compliance in design and construction of various types of new buildings and infrastructure.
Hazard mapping can be used for analysis of different areas. This helps in identifying areas that are prone to various hazards - both in terms of intensity and in terms of probability. This also facilitates the city in taking appropriate site-specific short, medium, and long-term mitigation measures, which include both structural and non-structural measures. It would also help the city administration to mainstream DRR activities in the city development process. Bhubaneswar city has been selected as one of the eight cities in India for implementing the Climate Risk Management Project on a pilot basis under the framework of the Urban Disaster Risk Reduction project of Government of India (GOI)-UNDP. The ongoing GOI-UNDP Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) programme aims to strengthen the capacities of Government, communities and institutional structures by undertaking DRR activities at various levels and develop preparedness for recovery.
The building codes of the city need to be reviewed in light of the hazards in the region.  There should be a mechanism in the city to monitor the adherence to building codes and land use norms to improve urban resilience. Some areas can be easily identified but some areas have to be identified by survey and collection of past data. A number of methods can be adopted for dealing with disaster risk prone areas.
It is necessary to specify the land use zoning for various developmental purposes. All areas should be designed as per the relevant Indian Standards and the Building Byelaws. However building codes, zoning measures and urban planning techniques are difficult to enforce when people occupy land illegally. Therefore illegal enchrochment of land should be restricted.
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mayapraharaj · 8 years ago
International Women's Day 2017
The English News Daily "Daily Pioneer" Bhubaneswar Edition 08.03.2017
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