may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
Tuesday?? 3?/1?/23??? WHAT YEAR IS IT?!
1. I don't know, I'm too tired to write positives haha but lots. Cosy blanket, I'm showered, had meds, bed soon. All safe.
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
Night time. DAY TIME!
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
So my phone has this shitty filter that I've just seen you can add to photos and I lowkey love it so enjoy lol.
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
Monday 2/1/23
This morning my partner and I went for a walk/climb. It wasn't a very long one but it sure was windy - and beautiful. We've had the first clear day in what's felt like so long. An interlude!
I've made Jamie Oliver's pasta with aubergine and tomato sauce for late lunch/early dinner. It's nice, I love using fresh herbs and this one has basil. I baked the aubergine slices rather than frying them as I have a real dislike for frying aubergine. It worked really well.
I've managed to get some business-related paperwork done this afternoon - just updating files. But that's an annoying thing ticked off my list. Also did a little bit of very basic design, so that was nice.
Gonna take the tree down soon. I don't feel sad about it. I'm ready to say goodbye to it until next year (well, the decorations at least).
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
Sunday 1/1/23
1. I slept okay! And I think the cat must have got my partner up and not me.
2. I went for a walk. It wasn't a very long or brisk walk - more of an amble, but it actually stopped raining for a bit and the sky was blue!
3. I watched Signs for the first time and it was good. I kiiiinda expected it to be better because of (hype?) but it was good and endearing.
4. Chocolate, and that is all I really have to say about that.
5. I had my first shower of the year! Always a cleansing one.
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
Saturday 31/12/22
1. Slept pretty well last night but also got up when the cat got me up, which was about 7am.
2. Got a trip out to a mall I haven't been to in forever! Saw some awesome Doc Martens lol. Bought some heel grips/protectors for my DMs, though maybe should have got Compeed instead tbh.
3. Got a hedgehog mug as well, and some face mist, chocolates, and Hotel Chocolat perfume reduced from like £32 to £8. The face mist smells really nice and was reduced from £15 to about £4.50 so, y'know.
4. Been trying to buy second hand PIP postage boxes but can't seem to, so am hoping to buy 100% recycled next time, though can't afford it right now as had to replenish a lot of essential oils, butters etc.
5. Erm, PJs!
6. Oh and I had my first ever bubble tea today! I got taro milk tea with tapioca pearls. Unsure whether it actually had any tea in it, but it was nice. Though I was a bit shocked when I checked the calorie content later. I'd have it again but maybe a fruity version. The tapioca pearls were so texturally satisfying once I'd got past the weirdness lol.
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
Friday 30/12/22
1. Late start to the day - yikes! Must have needed it.
2. Went out for a drive and saw some beautiful scenery even if it was very wild.
3. Watched a film (Terminator 2) and laughed solidly when Arnie smiled. I've never seen T1/2 before.
4. I'm (very slowly) familiarising myself with the website builder I'm using. I'll probably work on it through January.
5. Excellent sandwich: Creamy brie, sweet grapes, peppery rocket, crunchy walnuts. Use wholemeal or granary bread.
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
Thursday 29/12/22
1. Had a lie in and when I woke up my partner and cat were also in the bed which is unusual!
2. Had a brisk walk and it helped me feel better, even if that was reasonably short-lived.
3. Read a useful post on Tumblr, forgot to save it but I will try and I will also try to use the advice given as it felt 'just right' in what may help certain things. Some of which I have tried this evening.
4. Currently awaiting an Indian takeaway as partner is coming home from the football and I've been stuck in a state of indecision, but he said he was hungry so that helped. First takeaway in a long while I think (not that I've been eating healthily!) It was bloody expensive ngl so hope it's nice.
5. I also slept badly last night so I'm really optimistic tonight will be restful (plus I had PRN haha).
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
1. I've done lots of creative things. Some drawing, some painting, some clay.
2. It was too rainy to go for a walk so we went for a drive and a coffee and I bought 30 eggs from the farm shop.
3. I forgot if I mentioned that my mum and dad got me an electric OLB (old lady blanket) for Christmas so I tried it out today, but not much as we have a fire today. The blanket is pink!
4. I slept badly last night so I am hoping to sleep well tonight.
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
Various palettes over the years.
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
But first! Christmas watercolour swatch.
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
Wednesday 28/12/22
I didn't do yesterday! Let's see.
1. Did more on my drawing.
2. Had a closer look at some of my hamper gifts from Piemas.
3. Had many a cheese.
4. Watched Terminator.
I'll do today later.
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
Monday 26/12/22
Ah I'm tired. Today was Christmas Day Mark 2. And it was good but I am so, so ready to not be conscious for a while.
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
Sunday 25/12/22
Today has been fun. My partner and I opened our presents from each other. I haven't got my main present yet because I haven't chosen it yet. For 'little' presents I got a Pusheen mug, the cat sushi plushie, some clay modelling tools, some Faber-Castell colouring pencils, and I think something else but I can't remember. A friend got us a bunch of Hotel Chocolat chocolate, another friend got me some really cute art decorations, and I got myself a Stranger Things My Little Pony! Overall, some really lovely gifts. Feeling very lucky indeed.
Went for a walk to the pub with my mum and dad. The walk was good but I'm not a huge fan of the pub. And my body has been bothering me a bit. But came back to mine, I made a buffet, and I showed my mum and dad how to play Crash Team Racing. Then we played Taskmaster (board game version) and that was such a laugh. First time in my life I've smeared my eye with turmeric and jam.
Now my partner is watching His Dark Materials and I've been doing some more of my drawing. Going to wash my hair soon and seriously contemplating an early night.
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
Okay, it's Christmas Eve. Let's do this.
1. I made soup.
2. I've done very little today and I guess it was needed.
3. I got bored enough that I started drawing lol and it really helped.
4. I got a cat teddy from my partner. I've called it Tuna. It's a cat sushi.
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
Saturday 24/12/22
I wanted to show my gingerbread shack! It's not how I originally imagined it to be, ngl. But I do really think it has its charm.
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may-we-be-peaceful · 2 years
Friday 23/12/22
1. Okely dokely, so now I'm off for like 10 days woop.
2. Tree lights on, fire is liiiiit. El gato snoozing and making her usual squeaky noisey from the doughnut.
3. So. Much. Cheese. So much. Maybe 10.
5. Watched Sleepy Hollow also.
No drink. Honest. Not sure why this is happening like this today but we stay curious.
7. I was going to have mulled wine but I didn't yet. I am thirsty though. I may have some water.
8. Eyyy. Probably lots but I've foghorn.
9. Ritter Sport is a nice chocolate. I got a little box of mini ones and I like them much more than Nestlé or even Cadbury these days. For a reasonably priced chocolate it's good.
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