maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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It's hard to tell sometimes, really. One moment they want your help, the other they're hitting you on the head with a cane. 
Who knew old ladies could be so mean
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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So I'm not? Man... And here I'm thinking I was! Darn! Haha. ...Young lady, we're going to be watching Star Wars.
That's it. I'm taking the night off.
Okay, good. I’m not implying anything, I’m just letting you know Johnny Bravo is a womanizer.
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What’s a padawan?
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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Don't worry Amelia, I'll stay out of trouble. Wait ... Are you implying I'm a womanizer, too?  Good, you keep that in mind, young padawan. 
That's it. I'm taking the night off.
Yeah…I’ll keep you safe though, not to worry. Haha yes, I think that was it! Wow, I haven’t seen that show in ages…wasn’t Johnny Bravo like a womanizer too?
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Haha I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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I think she has mentioned you before, but hey, nice to meet you too, Donato. Yeah, that's right. Why? 
That's it. I'm taking the night off.
I know who you are, don’t worry. But I’m Donato, if you didn’t already know. You have a thing with my sister, right? At least that’s what I hear. Anyway, it’s nice to meet you Max.
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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Yeah, it's a lost cause, isn't it? I guess I'll stick with my Johnny Bravo excuse after all... What did he say again? Hey mama?  Don't you worry, they're not getting off unless you ask for it. 
That's it. I'm taking the night off.
My brothers are flawless, no weaknesses there…except hurting the people they care about which obviously you wouldn’t never do haha.
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Haha just keep your pants on.
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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Hey there, I'm Max. 
That's it. I'm taking the night off.
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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You could give me a few tips, you know... Tell me their weaknesses. Are they allergic to kryptonite? Haha.  Pretty close to it, let me tell you.
That's it. I'm taking the night off.
Haha I don’t even know what to say, it may or may not work…but if you’re sure, then I’ll trust you to know how to handle it.
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Oh my goodness…hahaha I’m going to feel like I’m watching porn if you do that.
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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Well, I have a feeling it's not going to end well for me... But hey, Johnny Bravo is my back-up. I hope it brings back childhood memories and I'm spared. Oh, so I can just stand in front of the TV and stand there topless, then. 
That's it. I'm taking the night off.
I feel like seeing that all would be slightly entertaining for me, but Emil and Alek can be really scary when they want to…
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Nope, I’m not picky. I’ll leave the movie choice in your hands.
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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I could always tell them I was impersonating Johnny Bravo... Although I have a feeling Emil would arrest me at whatever chance he gets.  Really? Well, let's go, then. Anything in mind you'd like to watch when we come back?
That's it. I'm taking the night off.
Go right ahead, don’t let Emil or Alek see you though…
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Ooh, sounds like fun. I would love to join you.
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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... That could be arranged, too.  I was thinking of taking a walk, and maybe come back to watch movies. Care to join me? 
That's it. I'm taking the night off.
I thought you said “I’m taking my shirt off…”
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So what are you gunna do?
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
That's it. I'm taking the night off.
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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Why not? 
Never. Eating. Again.
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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Well, I doubt you could, anyway. But hey, you wanna know something? You're still weird. 
Want to try saying that again while I squeeze your throat shut?
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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It should be tons of fun. And we could throw the dead birds around their house, to add to the eerie feeling. 
You know what's delicious?
Then we’d get a lot of tourists, which means a lot of potential victims.
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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Yeah, I'll be happy to. You are very weird.  
You wanna try saying that again?
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maxxie-dawson · 12 years
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Yes, I'm the owner. Wait.. You're the owner of that restaurant, right? Therons?  It was just as busy. I'm glad I could close the bakery early, though. I don't think I would've been able to keep up with all the customers rushing in, and of course, being just as demanding. 
Hi Max! I’m Kim. I think I know who you are, you own the bakery, right?
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It was busy but I can’t complain. How was yours?
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