18 posts
An aspiring astronaut who draws, writes, and does lots of worldbuilding.
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maxlab770 · 3 months ago
So I remade the comic I put together a few days ago.
I knew I could do better, so I did.
WITHIN LIGHTS AMONGST THE VEIL: Investigations. “Cycles.”
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maxlab770 · 4 months ago
the two guys from my last post (and some context)
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Serris is a Folktran Interstellar Pararescuetran (F.I.P.T.) auxiliary member. He keeps information up to date and works in reporting.
Ohata is a private investigator. He used to be on a combative F.I.P.T. team. He wants to figure out what happened to the Cycles.
This is what Harch Point is.
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maxlab770 · 4 months ago
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maxlab770 · 5 months ago
The Queen of Venus spots Venus
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maxlab770 · 6 months ago
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there’s not much context I’m just bored
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maxlab770 · 6 months ago
How To Identify Your Xenobathosapiens! (during a time of crisis)
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can’t stop making…
This would be the fifth world I start building… I need to start writing…
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maxlab770 · 6 months ago
instead of working on the shard I ended up doing other shenanigans
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maxlab770 · 6 months ago
"just write the story you want to read!" they said. well, guess what, now i have 14 unfinished drafts because apparently, i want to read 14 different stories at once.
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maxlab770 · 6 months ago
so it turns out I have terrible commitment problems
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maxlab770 · 8 months ago
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maxlab770 · 8 months ago
Delay for the first shard.
I’m back from being sort of super busy. Something happened in the middle of these three weeks that absolutely sapped my motivation, so progress has been nonexistent. I’ll try to finish that first shard before the next school year starts, and then I’ll go from there, trying to ride that wave of accomplishment I may or may not feel.
anyways. In the mean time, here’s some neat artwork I made for the space thing I posted about before. I decided to name *that* universe, “Within Lights Amongst the Veil”, assuming that name isn’t already taken.
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this event happens late in the timeline of the world, hence why it says “Part Eleven”.
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maxlab770 · 9 months ago
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here’s some more artwork for my story.
I had really good progress on working on this but I’ve slowed down. I was planning to release the first “Shard” this week, but I am completely busy these next two weeks so I’ll have to finish it sometime in July.
I’ve also figured out a name for the universe this is in, if I wanted to make more stories in it. It’s called: “When We Lost Luna”. In an alternate reality where the Apollo missions made it to the 90’s and technology was developing at incredibly speeds, a war broke out between two corporations helping out with space travel. During this war, the Moon was launched into an extremely high orbit around the Earth, raising tides extremely high. This is what prompted the lack of will and hope, along with the development crazy inhumane and artificial technology.
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maxlab770 · 9 months ago
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Art for the cyberpunk-themed story in writing. I will release it in “Shards”, basically chapters. The story follows a mercenary by the alias of “Azure”, as she struggles with multiple conflicting views and values she has. Eventually she gets a hold of a gig that changes the course of her life, and the underground world of South Kōtō, all the while helping her understand herself better.
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maxlab770 · 9 months ago
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something for a little cyberpunk-themed story I’m writing.
Yes. It is just a weird map of the Koto ward in Tokyo.
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maxlab770 · 9 months ago
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For the better half of a minute, Ezra held tightly.
Ezra’s body heat comforted Esther against the cool air of the night. “I’m sorry,” Esther whispered. “Shh, it’s fine. You’re okay,” Ezra hushed. “I could care less about what just happened, so long as you’re fine.”
Esther caught herself before she apologized again, her tears beginning to dissipate; both absorbing as much as they could from the embrace. A silence followed, only being interrupted by an occasional sniffle.
After the short pause, Esther whispered again, her voice wavering. “Why do you burden yourself by dealing with me?” She looked up, meeting Ezra’s gaze.
Ezra swallowed down before placing her hand behind Esther’s head, burying it back into her chest. “Hush. Ask me that later, I don’t want you to get upset again.”
For a moment, a wave of warmth fell over Esther. For a moment, she was tranquil. Her body relaxed, and she felt herself flutter. There was some new feeling that was calm, warming, about Ezra’s presence. Her touch was comforting, bringing forth an aura of safety and security with it. It took a moment for her to realize, but when she did, she pressed herself closer to Ezra. Esther didn’t say anything; now wasn’t the time, and she didn’t know when it would be, but that didn’t matter. She felt comfortable, now, in Ezra’s arms, and that’s all that mattered, now.
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maxlab770 · 9 months ago
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Decay Mission Group-One pt 2. The Crew. Completely consisting of Folktran for their species’ natural agility, adaptability, and endurance against the decay. All of them military academy alumni, all of them fully willing to fly into uncertainty.
Greskin keeps to himself most of the time. Usually during waiting periods he finds himself sitting in whatever designated storage area is available. He wanted to be the commander for the mission, but unfortunately he was instead selected for supervision and control of the weaponry brought aboard. The need for the weapons was found in the distress signal, which told of various schematics for explosive devices. Greskin was one of the many that fought on the front lines of Inclindvoid during The Great Contestion. His philosophies are very straightforward, brief, and brutal—but, as a result, efficient.
Claud is the commander for the mission. He has a charming spirit that raises morale, something especially needed for this mission. The entire crew looks up to him due to his quick thinking and intelligence. Claud, like Greskin, fought on Insclindvoid, but instead as a combative pilot. It was for that reason he was also selected as the co-pilot. Claud is either in the front, leading, or coordinating with Strycharz.
Kurt is the mission pilot. He is responsible for flying the tug, “The Ghost Light”, and the operational shuttle, “Hospice”. He is also the mission engineer, and knows nearly every aspect about the ships. Kurt is another one who would rather keep to himself, which is generally an issue on long duration missions, and especially on a mission such as this where full cooperation between everyone is needed. This, combined with a history of mental health issues, meant it was a hard choice to select him for the mission. Kurt was selected because he proved he was passionate and very adamant on participating in this mission, caring deeply about the gravity and results of it—more so than others. The entire project team respects him for it.
Esther, the field scientist/data recorder, and the youngest on the crew. Esther is the daughter of the late Admiral Finheir, who gave his life during the second half of The Great Contestion. Because of this, she is held in high respect by the rest of the crew. Esther was incredibly social during her time in the Military Academies and met Schrarrer there. It was Esther that convinced the selection committee to allow Schrarrer onto the team. Despite all seeming well, there are concerns for her stability and composure under pressure. Some project members claiming she is emotionally unfit for the mission, especially due to the semi-recent death of her father, and the fact that among her personal cargo were some Human children’s toys—one in particular being a groan tube. However, those who know her, the crew, and the optimists, have full confidence with her place in the mission. Not only is she the field scientist, but due to her efficiency with arithmetic, also the risk manager. She coordinates with Strycharz and Claud to ensure everything isn’t too risky to jeopardizing the mission or anyone’s lives.
Strycharz is the mission overseer. She’s Claud’s right hand Folktran. She makes sure everything is going to accordance with the plan. She was selected this for her incredible attention to detail and organization, along with her ability to see and understand different perspectives. Besides being the overseer, she is also the field medic, or med-tech. She took field treatment during her time at the military academies, and so she can treat lacerations to gunshot wounds incredibly fast, all without the proper equipment. Though she never was directly in combat, her time on warships gave her plenty of experience and time to practice her skills. Through her various commanders she was appointed First Mate multiple times, even though she is not of rank for the duty position.
Schrarrer almost wasn’t picked. She seemed very passionate on going on this mission, and someone with her skill set on and respect for communications, relations, and ethics would be greatly appreciated. However, she had a bit of poor past. During her time in the military academies, she was cited for recreational beverage intoxication, unhealthy alien habits (human-style nicotine ingestion), and misconduct multiple times. The selection committee was reasonably concerned, even though she pleaded she had changed since then, they were still on the fence. If it wasn’t for Schrarrer’s relationship with Esther, and her willingness to persuade the committee, she may have never made the team.
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maxlab770 · 9 months ago
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Part of my little space world. The Decay is a weird phenomenon that sits just below (towards the galactic center) the Sagittarius arm. It ages stars, strips planets of atmosphere, and causes cancerous growth on ANY living matter.
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