maxinewood · 10 years
Max furrowed her brow slightly in amusement before pulling her hood over her head, completing the look with the mask, wondering if he would recognize her then.
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S––..so you’re a.. a red.. thing..?
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maxinewood · 10 years
Max stood in the corner, her red jumpsuit practically sticking to her skin as she surveyed her surroundings carefully, arms folded casually over her chest. She wasn't wearing her mask, but she didn't think that the mask would be the deal-breaker for whether or not people recognized who she was dressed as. You either knew Deadpool or you didn't.
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maxinewood · 10 years
Max needed a distraction. That's honestly all it was. She didn't think about Lorcan, she didn't think about what she felt for him, she didn't think about anything else--she needed a distraction, and she knew that Alihan would provide one. Max tugged at his clothes, wanting to make this as fast and dirty as possible.
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Alihan needed new bloody roommates. One of them had a cat that had taken a liking to him, and taken a liking to waking him up, claws in his chest. Needing to get away from that, he made his way down to the common room, only in his pants. What felt like the instant he got down the stairs, Max was on him, out of nowhere. Still half asleep, he reacted on pure instinct, his hands gripping her waist as he kissed her back, trying to matching the intensity.
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maxinewood · 10 years
She didn't say anything else to him, just dropped the parchment and watched it burn.
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Right—I know… I just… I’m just saying…
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maxinewood · 10 years
Max was staring out at the courtyard for a moment before she realized who was there, and snorted, coughing out the smoke she had inhaled. She started laughing silently, pointing out towards the bench in the courtyard that had made her choke on her cigarette.
Sitting on the bench were the two underclassmen, making out like it was their last day on earth. And rather poorly, if she was going to be honest--it looked more like they were actually eating each other's faces.
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First thing's first, though..
When the fag finally lights, Louis clicks the old, beat up lighter and stuffs it in his pocket. A subject of ridicule between his friends and family, but nothing tasted better than a muggle-lit smoke. Maybe it was just Lou, but he’d gotten good at differentiating between tastes. Or maybe it was just his leap to defense talking.
There was only one downfall of sitting with Max: The silence left too much emptiness for his thoughts to fill. And those thoughts were the exact things he was trying to avoid right now, if not forever.
But Max wasn’t a talker, and neither was he. So in silence they sat, with one probably wanting it to be filled more than the other.
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maxinewood · 10 years
She raised an eyebrow at him, wondering where the hell he got off, telling her what to do.
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You can’t do that in the corridor, Max—you know this.
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maxinewood · 10 years
Max wasn't in the mood for talking. When she was up late in the common room, clothed in nothing but her pajamas, and saw Alihan coming down, she wasted no time. She pulled him close and kissed him fiercely, not wanting to give him a chance to say a word.
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maxinewood · 10 years
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It was a special pleasure to burn. Particularly when she was burning letters in Portugese from her mother.
There they were, in her hand, a stack of parchment, completely ablaze.
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maxinewood · 10 years
Max punched him lightly before taking a cigarette out of the carton, holding it up for him to light between her lips. She leaned back as she took a drag, feeling her lungs get heavy and saturated with smoke before exhaling slowly, letting it come out of her mouth and nose. She sat quietly, resting against him. 
Her time with Louis was always time well-spent in a blissful silence, never awkward, never difficult to deal with. It was always just...there. Simply there.
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First thing's first, though..
With her head against his arm and his head against the wall, Lou could already feel the tension and worry that came from his change begin to ebb away. A few moments with Max did wonders for the mind, really.
She should definitely work at a spa.
Stuffing a hand in his pocket, he rummages around for moment, two moments, three, before extracting a pack of smokes and popping the top off, offering it towards her.
…Left th’good stuff in th’dorm. Punish m’later, yeah?
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maxinewood · 10 years
Max leaned over so that her head was resting on his shoulder--well, his upper arm, really, seeing as he was quite a bit taller than her--and sighed softly. She would like some quiet time with a good friend. Louis wasn't someone she felt obligated to say everything to, someone that she needed to impress or divulge all her secrets to. No, they were simple, and she was thankful.
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First thing's first, though..
Following suit, Lou flops to the ground with a sigh, his arms stretched out above him. For everything in the world, he was looking forward to a quieter evening with Max— Nothing too emotionally ripping, nothing too sticky and dangerous.
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maxinewood · 10 years
Max shrugged, reaching up and touching his soft, shorn locks once more. She liked it, she supposed. It made him look a little more...professional, she supposed. More grown-up. She sank so that she was sitting on the floor, crossing her ankles in front of her.
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First thing's first, though..
Letting himself wink back, he turns to lean back against the wall with her, an exhale escaping his throat almost without his knowledge. It’d been a long, long fuckin’ night, and Louis had done more than enough emotional digging to last him a lifetime.
..I always hated red.
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maxinewood · 10 years
Max just winked at him, reaching forward and squeezing his hand once before bringing it back, a silent approval. She didn't need to say anything more. She figured that he would be all right--it still was a bit alarming, though. Cutting your hair yourself? Seems like an awfully psychological thing to do.
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First thing's first, though..
A hand raises to run through the freshly shorn locks, prompting the grin to widen across his face.
Oi, what’s that supposed t’mean, then?
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maxinewood · 10 years
Max snorted softly, rolling her eyes before leaning back against the wall, arms folded and her eyebrow raised in a question. She tilted her head, still surveying the very different-looking Louis Weasley who was standing in front of her. She chuckled again. 
About fuckin' time.
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First thing's first, though..
Ducking his head to give her more room to move, Lou can’t help the smile that pulls across his lips at the tap against his nose. Well, that was someone who wasn’t going to change after a stupid haircut, at least.
..Did it m’self and everythin’. Rough is th’new sexy, yeah?
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maxinewood · 10 years
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[ Max tilted her head slightly, reaching her hand up to touch his new, short hair, and the corner of her lip curved up ever-so-slightly. She ran her fingers through it before bringing her hand around and tapping him affectionately on the nose. ]
First thing's first, though..
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..Am I still hot or what?
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maxinewood · 10 years
[ Max usually liked Cat but right now, she was in no mood for the petulant redhead. She simply shook her head,closing her eyes and leaning back in the hopes that when her eyes opened, Cat would be gone. ]
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Merlin, what is with all the dark brooding types and telling me to piss off all the time? You don’t bloody well own the area.
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maxinewood · 10 years
Yes, but I still need to be extra kind to him to make up.
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I’m sure you’ve been forgiven.
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maxinewood · 10 years
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I really should. I feel like I might have been a bit unfair to him when I went to the infirmary to see him.
…Fair enough.
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He’s doing much better, doesn’t sound like a frog anymore and he’s got his strength back. I think he’s glad to be out of the wing to be honest. You should find him, I’m sure he’d love to see you.
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