maxibones94 · 7 years
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Lemme share this to you. I happen to stumble upon a friend’s work about love. So here it goes:
This Crazy little thing called L.O.V.E.! What exactly is L.O.V.E? They say love can move mountains. Well love can do more than that! It can do impossible things, it can do miracles! If only you believe in it! Love can heal even the biggest deepest ugliest hopeless scars you have been keeping in your vulnerable heart. I see how love teaches the weak to be brave, the unworthy to be worthy, the unlovable to be lovable, the cold-hearted to be warmhearted, the bitter to be grateful, the hopeless to be hopeful, the selfish to be unselfish, the impatient to be patient, the proud to be humble, the bad to be good and the doubtful to be faithful. Love is the reason why we give to the strangers. It is the reason why reconciliation happens. It is the reason why we forgive despite of the agonizing pain that we've suffered. It is the reason why we always give another countless chances to the people who hurt us. It is the reason why we choose to give huge warm smiles and hugs to the cold-hearted ones. It is the reason why we befriend our enemies. It is the reason why we understand stubborn people. It is the reason why we still hold on things, despite of all the circumstances, despite how impossible and hopeless it seems to be. It is the reason why we hold on to someone and never give up on him/her no matter how difficult it is and how seemingly distant he/she is from us. It is the reason why we still wait patiently regardless of our hopelessness and doubtfulness. It is the reason why we dream big and do everything we could just to achieve these dreams inside our hearts. It is the reason why we strive so hard in life eventhough the road leads us to nowhere. It is the reason why we still believe on the unbelievable things to happen. It is the reason why we become so happy and energetic even after a very long exhausted work. It is the reason why we smile even when we're in pain. It is the reason why we take risks despite of all the circumstances along our way. It is the reason why we become brave despite of our raging fears. You see, love is not just a feeling! It is even far beyond the concept of romance! It is more than what we feel because love is a C.H.O.I.C.E! Stay in L.O.V.E. Babies! :-* NEVER GIVE UP ON LOVE! :3 LOVE IS A BEAUTIFUL THING! :-*
All credits goes to the owner and writer (B.G. Masaya)
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maxibones94 · 7 years
One Day
One Day She Said... "Putting up walls is the only way I know how to protect what's going on inside this mess I call "my castle". I'm tired of always being the crazy one in relationships. For once it would be nice to have someone ride for me like I ride for them. For once it would be nice to have someone in my life who is more focused on what they can give rather than what they can take. I've given too many wrong men the best parts of me. So if I'm not emotionally available the way you would like me to be, there are many reasons why. I need security. Not in the form of some big mansion. I need someone who can build a safe haven tailored for all of my fears, thoughts, doubts, concerns and anything else that may scare me. I need someone I can emotionally run to and feel completely safe with. So if you can't provide me with that, you will just end up abusing my time and my heart." - IG@woodtheinspiration
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maxibones94 · 7 years
Despite Differences
Despite our differences you still loved me,
Despite differences you remained true to me,
Despite our differences you hold me so close,
Despite differences you made me whole again.
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maxibones94 · 7 years
Lenten Season Tradition
We all have different traditions: from our own Filipino tradition to family tradition and even within ourselves we all tend to have a certain tradition we kept practicing to be passed on to our next generation (aside from having family traditions).
Three years ago today, during Lenten Season,  we have that certain tradition that we kept practicing until now. Before the Holy Week starts (I guess it starts with Thursday and ends on Sunday), our family would be assigned to the 13th station of the cross. My mom and I would go out on the eve of Thursday to prepare a not-so-big altar for the framed part of the Station of the Cross. We would bring white curtains hanged in a portable, thin, aluminum rod, two big pots of plants (borrowed from my evil Aunt), a big cross which can be easily carried everywhere with one’s bare hands, and most especially the frame. Mom would be the one to design and arrange while I’ll be her overseer, which is what I really love to do (just so you know I’m not good with all the arrangement thingy). After then, we will go home tired and contented.
My mom is an active member of the church she is in (we are in actually). She would wake up early for the Via Cruxis or the The Stations of the Cross. Feeling tired from the preparation night (seeesh...not a heavy task at all), she would wake me up to join her in the small parade with the oldies (I don’t know what to call it tho). From then on, this has become our tradition in which we offer to God.
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maxibones94 · 7 years
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Most of us dont ask for too much. We just want someone we can laugh with together and enjoy the rest of our days with. We are tired of giving our all to people who arent ready to put the same kind of effort in. We are tired of standing in our truth with people who cant be honest with us. For once in our life, can we meet someone else traveling on the same wavelength as us? Where are the people that value strong bonds and deep conversatios? Lets travel the world and see things we never saw. Lets go out and make a whole bunch of great memories that we forget to take pictures of. Some of us still believe that our romantic love story does exist. We just want the same love that we give other people, to be returned back to us as well. - IG@woodtheinspiration
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maxibones94 · 7 years
Becoming Best Friends
Becoming best friends leads to a deeper love. Becoming best friends is the best thing you can do for any relationship that you truly care about. See, Love doesn't reach its maximum potential when it's rushed. And when you are going through the friendship process, This is where you develop a deeper bond with each other. You build on communication. You build on trust. You build on differences. You build on similarities. You build on sharing mistakes you both have made in the past. You build and keep building towards the future. Having someone in your corner like that is priceless. Those are the type of bonds that a healthy relationship should have. Those are the type of bonds that you truly cherish and appreciate when you are at your worse. Those are the type of bonds that are worth waiting for. - IG:@woodtheinspiration
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maxibones94 · 7 years
Blessed With Looks
We are all blessed with looks, only that special person can make you really feel enchanting.
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maxibones94 · 7 years
Avoiding You
People starts avoiding you, not because you did something wrong, but because you no longer are part of their interest.
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maxibones94 · 7 years
I'm trying to speak what's long been in my mind. Shuttered dreams and broken heart has tormented me apart, devastated my system, ridiculed my existence, questioned my love and faith... but... none would have wanted to listen. So every voice that I have deep within was jailed by anxiety, frustrations, disappointments, anger and depression. Stuck it somewhere deep down into loneliness, where life is forever hidden in despair.
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maxibones94 · 7 years
The Kind
We all live unique in this world. Personalities differ, body structure differ (some have inverted triangle, guitar shaped curves, pear-shaped body, muscular or athletic and many more), way of life differ, skills and talents differ (although there are lots who has the same talent as you but your own way of showing it differs from one person to another), opinions differ, way of learning differs... but one thing is for sure, we are all humans.
I am not intrigued with our differences. I accept for  who you are, only that sometimes, it will take me sometime to really understand but the good thing is I won’t judge you.
Now, I will tell you about me. I am the kind of person that needs to be told ahead of time that the event has been cancelled; the kind of person that needs to be reminded for I tend to be forgetful; the kind of person who feels so insecure and needs to be assured that I am unique; the kind of person that loves way beyond the physical features I see; and the kind of person who loves to be of help to people who needs help. I know some might say that these kind of qualities are not good and not normal but who cares? This is me.
As I said, we are all have differences. And mine is never exceptional.
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maxibones94 · 7 years
A Good Thing to Realize
As a boyfriend, you're supposed to tell these other girls who try to flirt with you "Sorry, I got a girlfriend. Stop talking to me like that". As a boyfriend, you're supposed to let these other girls know when they're crossing the line. As a boyfriend, you're supposed to know to not talk to girls who flirt with you knowing you have a girlfriend already. As a boyfriend, you gotta keep your relationship private but at least not keep your girlfriend a secret so people would know she exists. As a boyfriend, you're supposed to keep yourself out of situations that involves other girls which could ruin your relationship. As a boyfriend, you're supposed to tell these girls to respect your relationship when they try to be home wreckers. As a boyfriend, you're supposed to be showing your girl off so these other girls can see that you're proud to have her and you're happy to be with her. -Unspoken Thoughts
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maxibones94 · 7 years
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Even if how mad you are, you can’t just express your anger. Instead, you try to stay away from people who made you feel that way. It’s useless to express it for misunderstanding will surely to happen again.
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maxibones94 · 7 years
It’s Okay.
You know what? This is life. It is okay to feel bad sometimes. Because life is not at all made up of sugar--it's also made of spice.
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maxibones94 · 11 years
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Yeah, now I'm here, remember my name -- Kel! :)
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maxibones94 · 11 years
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It's February the 2nd. :) <3 <3 <3 
#live #love #laugh
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maxibones94 · 11 years
I'll always believe in the magic of friendship. <3
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maxibones94 · 11 years
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To be in Love is easy, but to stay in love is the hardest task. 
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