mavis-the · 4 years
“A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”
— Roald Dahl
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mavis-the · 5 years
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mavis-the · 5 years
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mavis-the · 5 years
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mavis-the · 5 years
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mavis-the · 5 years
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via vsco.co
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mavis-the · 5 years
Really struggling to stay happy, you know? Living with full time depression takes it toll even on the easiest and most joyful days.
Hey asshole
You see the sun is shining
But you are not smiling
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mavis-the · 5 years
me: *says some shit*
someone: do you care to elaborate on that?
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mavis-the · 5 years
7 things to remind yourself of every day …
1. I am unique
2. I am worthwhile
3. I am worthy
4. I can change
5. I can make it
6. I can succeed
7. I can be happy and have a great life.
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mavis-the · 5 years
A good friend made this for me
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mavis-the · 5 years
5 ways to beat loneliness
1. First, don’t isolate yourself – When you’re feeling lonely it is hard to go out and be with others who seem to be OK, and don’t really notice how lonely you feel. But putting up a wall and withdrawing from your friends will only intensify that sense of loneliness, and will further undermine your self-esteem.
2. Second, keep yourself busy – Do things that you normally enjoy with others. For example, listening to a band or maybe going to watch a game … or you could always try something that’s new, but interests you! That would allow you to connect in a non-threatening way … as it takes the focus off talking, and off you.
3. Third, be kind to yourself - It’s likely that you regularly beat yourself up, criticise yourself and are unrealistic in the kinds of expectations that you have for yourself. So what, if it goes wrong? You can always try again – just learn what you can from the experience. And notice your successes and the times when it goes well. It’s likely that this happens a lot more than you think!
. Fourth, recognise that we ALL battle loneliness at times. It’s something we’ve all known and can understand. it’s absolutely normal to feel the way you do.
5. Fifth, talk to someone you like and trust – It can really help to talk about your feelings with a family member, or a friend or counsellor. It relieves some of the deep painful sense of isolation – and help to get your life back in perspective again.
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mavis-the · 5 years
“Always trust your first gut instincts. If you genuinely feel in your heart and soul that something is wrong, it usually is.”
— Lessons Learned in Life
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mavis-the · 5 years
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Kanto Starter Pokemon Stickers made by Isabel Baele
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mavis-the · 5 years
“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”
— Nelson Mandela
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mavis-the · 5 years
“Being told you’re appreciated is the simplest thing, and yet it’s one of the most uplifting, incredible things you can hear.”
— Unknown
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mavis-the · 5 years
I am thoroughly impressed by this. Cat Parkour
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mavis-the · 5 years
“One of the cruelest things you can do to another person is pretend you care about them more than you really do.”
— Douglas Coupland
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