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matthewburnside · 3 years ago
“Fable” Prose Poem, Nurture Literary Journal. Forthcoming. 
“A Tooth is a Tree” Poem, The Meadow. “Perpetuum’s Sonata” Fiction. Cream City Review. “No Exit: A Gallery of Existential Horrors” Nonfiction, Post Road. “Here is a Little Book to Comfort You During These Unusually Dark Times” Chapbook, Poems, Selcouth Station Press. “Transmigration of the Soul: a Cheat Sheet” Story, Phantom Drift Limited. “Hungers | Hunches| Hunts | Haunts” + “True Story” Stories, The Pinch.
“An Advent Calendar to Assay the Dolorously Heartsick” Hybrid, Meow Meow Pow Pow. “Technologies of Sorrow” Poem, The Shore. “Attention All Poets!!!” + “Can You Just Be Serious Already, Please?” Prose Poems, Sledgehammer. 3 “The Artist of the Ugly” Story, Contrary. “Not a Prose Poem” Prose Poem, Unbroken Journal. “Ramshackle Heavens” Prose Poem, Ice Floe Press: Pandemic Anthology. “Reliquaries of the Loveless” Story, Hominum. “Ghost Story” Story, Hobart After Dark. “Encore” Story, BULL. “Infinity Paradise Oblivion Cubicle” Story, Trampset “Digital Dreaming in Analog” Story, Heavy Feather Review. “Starskins” Story, Hobart. “Caustics: A Love Story” Story, Always Crashing. 
“Three Prayers” Poems, Rejection Letters “I cut my hand on a flower sharp with absurdity” Prose Poem, Giallo Lit “¤ Clockwork Melancholies ¤” Flash Fairy Tale, GASHER Journal “Young Escher Reconsiders the Human Heart as a Series of Tessellations Unspooling Toward Eternity” + “All of Tomorrow’s Rust is Electric,” Prose Poems, No Contact “∂ Tetherlings ∂”, “₾ Pilgrimage ₾,” Flash Fairy Tales, Lammergeier “Postlunar Lovesong” Poem, Pithead Chapel “The Prognosticators” Short Story, Okay Donkey “Meditations on an Echo in a Cave – Part I: A Brief History of the Coffee / Tea Break in Nintendo’s Mother Series, Writing as Getting Lost, Bombs, Wolves, Wax Jesus, & The Art of Pretending to Pray” Nonfiction, Grimoire “Wiki of Infinite Sorrows” Novel, KERNPUNKT. Forthcoming “13 objects of obscure power” Digital Chapbook (poetry, hybrid) – [] “Dear Wolfmother – Part 3, Serialized Digital Novel, Heavy Feather Review. Forthcoming 
“Secondhand Heavens,” Story, Cartridge Lit “Moments After My Wife Informs Me from the Passenger Seat That Lightning is Merely a Bundle of Negatively Charged Ions but What We Famously Know as Lightning Is Actually Just the Positive Flash of Afterlight Crawling Its Way Wounded Back Up the Sky,” Prose Poem, The Hunger “Story of a Dollhouse,” Poem, 8 Poems “There,” Poem, The Stay Project “Dear Wolfmother - PARTS I&II: Allegro/Summer”+”Adagio/Autumn” Serialized Digital Novel, Heavy Feather Review “Interview with Josh Denslow,” Interview, Lit Reactor “Parting Letter,” Nonfiction, Brevity blog 
“Rules to Win the Game,” Novel, Spuyten Duyvil “Meditations of the Nameless Infinite,” Poetry Collection, Robocup Press. 
“A Topography for Cataclysmic Dreamers,” Mixed Media Collaboration, 7X7 “The Architecture of Emotion,” Interview with A.A. Balaskovits, Cartridge Lit “Band-Aids are Some Bull,” Poem, Lit.Cat “Brief Index of All My Past Lives Leading Up to You,” Poem, Maudlin House “Postludes: An Interview with Matthew Burnside,” Interview with Koh Xin Tian, Ploughshares blog “On Postludes,” Interview with Lauren Prastien, Michigan Quarterly Review “An Interview with Matthew Burnside,” Interview with Patrick Font, Arcadia 4 “An(other) Interview…,” Interview with Sarena Ulibarri. Spec Fiction blog 
“The World is Flat” Poem, JMWW, Exquisite Duet “Spies” Story, Day One “Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost” Poem, Cartridge Lit “Totidem Verbis” Digital Poem, Permafrost 
“In Search Of: A Sandbox Novel” Interactive Novel-in-Progress, Best American Experimental Writing  “Six Books to Light the Way Through the Darkest Night(s) of Your Soul” Blog post, Ploughshares “Reading as Intoxicant, Part II: Ten Books That Are Basically Drugs” Blog post, Ploughshares. “Reading as Intoxicant, Part I: Neurochemical Qualities of the Modern Manic Page Peeler” Blog post, Ploughshares “Carefully Curated Catastrophes” Blog post, PANK “In Search Of: A New Media Crash Course” Blog post. PANK “My Literary Zombie Apocalypse Dream Team” Blog post, Ploughshares. “Interactivity and the Game-ification of Books” Blog post, Ploughshares. “Stories You Can Touch” Blog post, Ploughshares “Bestiary” Fiction, Los Angeles Review “Postludes” Fiction, Gingerbread House “The Devil (and God) in the Details” Nonfiction, Passages North Blog “Rules to Win the Game” Fiction, MARY: A Journal of New Writing [reprint] “Five Literary Games” Blog post, Ploughshares “The Virtue of Stillness” Blog post, Ploughshares “An Incredibly Brief Introduction to New Media Lit” Blog Post, Ploughshares “Is Anyone Reading Your Blog Posts?: Building a Literary Community in the Age of Facebook” Blog post, Ploughshares 
“On Bitterness” Nonfiction, Passages North Blog. July 25 “I’m Sorry Princess But Your Plumber Is In Another Castle,” Nonfiction, Entropy. July 13. “As We Speak Pink is Pissing in the Mouth of Tyranny,” Poetry, Black Heart Magazine. June “I am a Quantum Wizard,” Poetry. Literary Orphans “Twelve Classic Poems Rewritten By Twelve Classic Video Games,” Poetry, Cartridge Lit. "Directing James Franco," Nonfiction, DIAGRAM. Issue 14.2. “The Root to Heel is Peeved with Ghoul Intestines," Poetry, The Electric Encyclopedia of Experimental Literature/The NewerYork “Anti-Midnight in the Kingdom of Yes” + “Consequence of Splitting the Atom,” Poetry, OmniVerse [reprint]. ZombieVerse: Resurrection Issue 
“Oblivion’s Fugue,” Fiction, Revolution House [reprint]. Volume 3.3. December “Questionable Lessons on the Craft of Writing Deciphered from Some Shitty Translations of My ‘What Would I Say’ Results,” Nonfiction, Sundog Lit Blog “Novel Excerpt from In Search Of” + “Interview with Matthew Burnside,” Fiction, Interview, Squalorly “My Kingdom for a Placebo,” Fiction, Schlock Magazine “Mow a Field of Flux” + “Iguana Ambulance,” Poetry, The Electric Encyclopedia of Experimental Literature/ The NewerYork “Preludes,” Fiction, Prick of the Spindle. Vol. 7.2 “The Zombie Apocalypse Will Be Televised?” + “Anatomy of a Clockwork Cock” + “Four 5 Ways to Drown a Cloud,” Poetry, Literary Orphans "In Japan There Are Crows as Big as Bicycles: An American’s Brief but Indispensable Guide to the World at Large," Nonfiction, The Molotov Cocktail “J Franco Uploads a Video of Himself Singing Ke$ha to YouTube,” Nonfiction, Defenestration. April 17 “Index of Humilities: a Self-Study (of Sorts),” Nonfiction, Sundog Lit Blog. March 11 "Careening Down the Highway in a Stolen Bumper Car, Slappy Sullivan Has His Last Laugh" + "The Puppy Apocalypse Will Not Be Televised" + "At the Sour Patch Kids' Birthday Party," Fiction, Black Heart Magazine. February 19 "note found on vanity mirror one hour after your melting away," Poetry, Interrobang Magazine "For Kevin," Fiction, Apt "For Mom," Fiction, Necessary Fiction "For Dad," Fiction, Monkeybicycle "On the Benefits of a Lego Heart, Which Unlike Human Hearts Can Be Rebuilt Again and Again Knowing the Resilience of Their Delicate Construction Even as They're Being Smashed Against Something like a House or Tree Trunk or Even Your Daddy's Old Pickup Truck With the Missing Left Rearview Mirror and Faulty Cab Lights," Fiction, Hobart. January 30 "Horoscapes," Poetry, Menacing Hedge 
"Chronology of a Black Hole,” Poetry, Ilk. Issue 6 "11 More Inflexible Rules for Upstart Writers," Nonfiction, PANK Blog. December 3. "For Heather," Fiction, Bartleby Snopes. Issue 9 "Romance: Beyond Thunderdome," + "Death Metal Music Box," Poetry, Used Gravitrons. Issue 9 "Cosmonauts/nots/knots," Fiction, Ninth Letter. Debut Online Issue. "Primer for Imaginary Theft," Poetry, Unshod Quills. October 10. "Into the Purple," Poetry, Photography, Extracts. October 3 "Only the Gods Know What Steve Buscemi is Capable Of," Fiction, Untoward. Volume 2, Issue 12 "Totems for New Combustible Life," Poetry, OF ZOOS. Issue 1.2 "The Internet Brushes Her Teeth With Candy Skulls," Poetry Collaboration, co-written with Nathan Blake, OF ZOOS. Issue 1.2 "Poem from the Cobbled-Together Statuses of Mom's Facebook Friends," Poetry, Rorschach Occasional "Futures," Fiction, LITnIMAGE "On the Failure of Language to Comfort You Following the Death of Your Pet Rock, Pebble Without a Cause," Poetry, The Northville Review. September 4 "This Poem is a Legitimate Threat," Poetry, Banango Street. Issue 2 "Manifesto in Autopilot," Nonfiction, The Doctor T.J. Eckleburg Review. August 6. "Nineteen Uses for a Room Its Walls Perfumed With Kerosene," Poetry, Radioactive Moat "For Kylie," Fiction, Jersey Devil Press "A Brief/Infinite Summer of Playing House," Poetry, Gargoyle "The City She Sings Noir, Softly First & Then Without Mercy," Poetry, A-Minor. July 30. "Dear Poem," Poetry, The Fiddleback "11 Inflexible Rules for Upstart Writers," Nonfiction, PANK Blog. July 3. "Concerning the Sad Magician," Poetry, Word Riot "Sunken Dreamers' Almanac," Fiction, Pear Noir! Issue 8. "Escapology," Fiction, NAP. 2.10 "Oblivion's Fugue," Fiction, The Stone Hobo "A Good Mandible is Hard to Find," Poetry, Birdfeast. Issue 3. Summer 6 "Karma Sutra” + "Trading Cards for the Legally Paranoid" Poetry, Dirtflask. Issue 3 "Anti-Midnight in the Kingdom of Yes" + "Consequence of Splitting the Atom" Poetry, > kill author. Issue 18 "Ahmed Builds a Miniature Trebuchet Out of Milk Cartons and Popsicle Sticks, Aims it at Nobody," Poetry, elimae "Yul Brynner Doesn't Give a Motherfuck" + "No Orgasm Will Ever Make Me Feel the Way Morgan Freeman's Voice Sounds" + "Trapped in Gary Busey's House, One Text Left" Poetry, Dinosaur Bees. Issue 4 "How to Build a Human Child From Spare Parts," Poetry, Used Furniture Review. February 3. 
"Revival," Fiction, Juked. November 15 "This Poem Will Not Save You," + "Romance like a Pneumatic Hiss" + "Tao of Right Now" Poetry, The Chaffey Review. Issue 7 "Literary Short Story: A Mad Lib," Fiction, PANK. Issue 6 "Robots in Tokyo," Pale Horse Review, Poetry "Emily on Fire, Waltzing, Waiting for the Rain," Poetry, Ginosko, Issue 11. "Rules to Win the Game," Poetry, Zahir "21st Century Postmodern Love Song" + "Scenes From a Fractious Lucid Dream," Poetry, Psychic Meatloaf "Moon on Fire," Fiction, Revolution House. Issue 2. "Biography," Fiction, decomP "Ballad of a Wingless Butterfly, Torn Asunder By Unforeseen Windstorms," Fiction, The Dirty Napkin. Volume 4.4. "Promethean Proclamation," Poetry, Danse Macabre. Poésie D'été: Summer Issue "Procession of the Dogface Lepers," Fiction, Gloom Cupboard. Issue 128. "Pan's Lobotomy," Fiction, State of Imagination "Ballad of a Bumblebee Trapped in Honey," Fiction, Contrary, Summer Issue. "Splinter," Fiction, Short, Fast, and Deadly. Issue 81 "Hey, got a light?" Fiction, Pulp Metal Magazine. May 29 
"Cautionary Notes on a Blood-Splashed Sneaker Sole, Size 6½," Poetry, PANK. November "Headline," Fiction, The Cynic Online Magazine. Volume 12, Issue 9. September "Adrift," Fiction, Barrier Islands Review, Issue 4 "Be a Minecatcher" + "Meditations of the Nameless Infinite" Poetry, Neon Magazine, UK. Issue 23, Spring 
"Dog Death Requiem," Fiction, Concho River Review. Vol. XXIII, Spring
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