mattchosbae · 4 years
Moonlit Throne | Masterlist
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“do you… trust me?” it’s a low whisper, soft lips pressed against the stuttering pulse in your throat. but you think, or maybe you hope, the implications are trying to delve much deeper into your heart. regardless, your answer has never wavered. 
pairing: joseon king!yoongi x reader genre: smut, angst, fluff parts posted: 3/~24 words: 3.6k/? contains: drabble series, historical au, royal au, the very definition of “it’s complicated”, inspired by daechwita. a/n: i will aspire to remain as respectful and accurate to historical details & events as possible; a few liberties may be taken to create a more cohesive story. please pay attention to the dates, but read in the order that the drabbles are listed, not in chronological!
add yourself to the tag list here!
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february 1869 {m} - your king takes care of you & his business, no matter who is watching.
april 1869 {m} - the night brings with it the moon, rippling waters, and truths silenced with his mouth hot on your skin.
november 1857 - you meet for the first time as children, caught in the crossfire of hatred.
march 1858 - coming soon!
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mattchosbae · 4 years
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A squeesh
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mattchosbae · 5 years
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mattchosbae · 5 years
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rapline as sunflowers 🌻
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mattchosbae · 5 years
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i won’t be getting over this any time soon tbh
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mattchosbae · 5 years
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☾ like or reblog if you use ☾ do not repost ▌│█║▌║▌║ @elitekhh ║▌║▌║█│▌
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mattchosbae · 5 years
1+1=2 Pink Lines
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Pairing: park jimin x female reader
Summary: jimin’s caught up in a whirlwind of emotions while trying to make good on a drunken promise to a friend.
Genre: angst. smut. fluff. non-traditional sperm donor au.
A/N: the POV shifts depending on the chapter though most will be from jimin’s. these are in chronological order. for all those of you who liked piece by piece, this will be written in a similar style/format.
Status: in progress
an insight: 1+1=2 Pink Lines
#1. pour decisions
#2. carried away
#3. hesitate
#4. all good things
#5. fool proof
#6. close call
#7. wrong kind of surprise party
#8. hands on you
#9. god is a woman
#10. give an inch
#11. take a mile
#12. pipe dreams
#13. now
#14. your name here
#15. homecoming 
*chapters will be linked above as they are posted. number of chapters may change as the story continues. this is just a guesstimate for now.*
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mattchosbae · 5 years
the way he moves.
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mattchosbae · 5 years
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homme fatal  ♡
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mattchosbae · 5 years
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mattchosbae · 5 years
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·Love Yourself in Europe· Yoongi & Hoseok [©guwoljk]
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mattchosbae · 5 years
2.1 out of 5.0 — masterlist.
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↳ Black Mirror Nosedive AU | Smut/Angst
You were a 4.9 and he was a 2.1, and that fact alone should have made you realize that the two of you were never meant to be. But as the saying goes, “the heart wants what it wants”.
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EPISODE 1 - Living like Angels and Devils
↳ read here!
EPISODE 2 - Shampain
↳ currently writing!
EPISODE 3 - Guilty Party
↳ finished planning!
EPISODE 4 - Slow Dancing in the Dark
↳ finished planning!
EPISODE 5 (finale) - Clarity
↳ finished planning!
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mattchosbae · 5 years
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that stare.
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mattchosbae · 5 years
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come get your smooches!!
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mattchosbae · 5 years
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mattchosbae · 5 years
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mattchosbae · 5 years
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[meltin’ fancam] yes i am literally melting
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